Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Mar 1964, p. 2

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Presidént Molar Hersey was mined president at the mild Rhl Aid Society of Simon County and Barrie on his ae corli term last night Also reelected were Vespre ehve Carmen Downey tint cepresldcnt Ind Jack Mitch in second viceprui den Hugh iohnston was elected secretary treasurer The executive committee oom vriles Major Hersey chairman Mr anaey Mr Johnston grime Stewart Jack Elton Mitchinson lohn Gammel and Sanford Page The members of the new fin committee are Mr Stew chairman Mr Johnston lohn Small Lloyd Pridham and Queries Newton Personnel Mr Gammell chairman Mei Wright Mr Newton Jack Purvis and Mr Small Property Mr Page chair man Lorne Graham James Wright Albert Gilroy and Mr Michinson ublic Relations ltir Fltton Glidirman James Fawcctt Mr Prldharn Rev Hopkins and Mr Downey The nominations were recom fztwnmnw 1W MAJOR aensar mended by committee com prised oi Messera Fawcctt Wright and Hersey in his opening address Mr Hersey welcomed new mem bers Rev Mr Hopkins of Camp horden and Mr Newton oi Bar no lie said special committee shahdis Stirciying Grecit Religions audaism was the subject mauled by the Bahaia of Bar it when they met in Library Hall for the second part at program an The Worlds Great Religions Ron Jacobs of Forest Hill Village Tomato was the speak ori He also narrated color this which dealt with thcthe ology customs and special days oifiJudnism EMPHASIZED FEAST He emphasized the Feast oi the Passover and said it was the festival being observed by Christ and the Apostles at the dime of the Last Supper March 27 marks the beginning oi the sevenday observance Among the audience were Ban rie citizens who had recently returned from lsrnei where they had visitcd the Bahai interna tional Centre world famous for alts gardens and goidendomed shrine oi the Bob one of the To twin founders of the Bahai Faith Mr Jacobs commented that travelogue oflsrncl Curran tiy being shown in town er roneously reierred to the Rec hal Faith as sect oi the Mus ilm religion and said Tide is comparable to saying that Christianity is sect of the Jewish religion Just as Christianity had its special books its special ies son for mankind and mission in religious unfolde so the Bahai faith has its special book Eneclal lessons for mankind elevated through the combined influence and teachings oi Jud aism Christianity and islam and particular mission that of uniting the religious in one common faith Books can now be borrowed from Mrs Eons 55 Drury Lane She holds weekly the sides on theiaith each Satur day evening has 1an VISIT T0 aroim Gould noted mm and guest speaker at lastnghta lib charvv no nhsaen Tliop SpeakérS llwo North Collegiate ents am to represent the city in the zone public speaking contest Friday at Last night at Community ilousc they defeated Barria Central and St Josephs in tha finals of thepreliminary rounds not the contest sponsored by th Lions Club Lois Healand Brent Longtln both 17 were presented with thetrophies and cheques by deuce Brown president oil Bar ne icons Runnersvuplleather McNiven aud llm Flcwelling oi Cenlral and Tom Kathryn Collins ephs also roceivcd cite Chairman for the eveni Gerry Smith Chairman of rte Educatio Committee lie said think the spec un cancér was the su jeci of Brent Longtin and for his im promptuheialkedon the fmhst ingbtming thing1 have ever ach meedt ran ior about to seven minutes and the mptuy for two or three Erldaya cohtesi wiil take 331 Regent ark Public Bania fires were quite outstanding Lois spoke in Dollarai and Sense avthema on howito make mo simplyab invest observcdour attitude toward will eatahiiibed determine rr Wwvmmwflynrh $3 new ottbceodetylomect provindal demands DUTIES lho president outlined the duties at the committeeulle gave special induction to the property and public rdatioul wmmlttees He told the mm commit teo that tho societylltulrtnn oitlee la disease and that the major lash Endith to is new quarters ought did quarter beyond repair its also instructed the public relation committee to sell the servlca which the CA5 provides byhaving members address service clubs Only by selllnI the serviceo we offer can we expect accep tance of the worh we do Mr Hersey said 1n president referred to the executive committee motion requesting payment for non council membersof the CAS for committee meetings Council members get per diem rate for all committee meetings County councillora per diem rate is on per day The board of directorsyappmv ed the lebnlary accounts of 1mm for paymml Many Qagniags For Employment In Barrie ilrea lhere are job opportunities iniarrle aud dlstrict in 11 classifications registered with the Barrie Branch oi the Na tional Employment Service Lawrence local office manager said today the office has jobs for people in the follow in categories MALE Automobile Body Repairman Class Licence General Olf ice Clerks Grade i2 preferred Sales Clerk vShoaYoung man with manage potential Farm Hands general and dairy Automatic Screw Machine oper alor and setup man FEMALE General Oiiice Clerk Grade ll oriz preferred Clerk lyp lat Stenographer Sales Clerks Housekeeper to live in Child Monitor accompanied his address with iilrnthat was shown some time ago on television Examiner Photo marksman DFBARRIE Nvo VKLJI writ4 um hfieIYF fansaw v2 rm 532 mom vhrarouclmon MINISTER Simcoc Countys University Searing Committee yester day met with Education Min lster William Davis to dis Advises Stay In Miss Grace Porteous oi the Baltic Branch at the National Employment service advised pupils to stay in school in her address to the Pinegrove llama and School Association Monday She said occupational trends are changing so rapidly that in order to be the best employ ment service NES must keep growing She noted that NES had 200 olticcs in Canada as well as an oiiioa in the United Kingdom our facilities and trained stall areconstantly endeavour ing in place the right person in the right lob she said We have placement services on many of the university campus es specialplncernent services in all the largerNES otfices and an effective clearanceays tern that operates between all oiiiccs and provinces to find jobs for workers and workers for labs she stressedvthat survey of all Job applicants across Canada ahowfiathesrunemployed worker had much less education than most workers Secondary school graduates are quickly placed in Jobs she said People leaving school after Grades and are not likely to get anything but unskilled jobs at low pay Only 30 per cent at the labs today requira unskilled workers and this percentage in getting smaller she warned ULTIMATE GOAL Employment is the ultimate goal at education she said it you graduate from Grade 13 you gt may choose university and pro silliness Sales lid Club Hell mallard Sell will so these next Wednesdays meet ing at Central Ontario Sales and Ad Giuli at Community House The Midlaad reeve who is spearheading the drive to have RCAF Station Edgar turned over as university site will speak on whatthe university would mean tnvlaarrie 1119 matting starts at 630 rm GUIDETOTUTUiilf cuss the feasibility of mi versity for the county lhe rope is he heard at to lghto meeting at Youths School fessions suchaa doctors ists mgincera achcrs ateiv tects psychologists astronom ers and so on li yaulgraduate from Grade 12 you may continue your train lag in technological institute trade school or apprenticeship or you may seek employment in the business or commercial field Well qualified commorcihi graduates will find there are va cancies for typisia stenograph ers secretaries tellers book keeping machine operators and key punch operators she can tinned Miss Porteous addedthat Grade in student may quality ENTERS ilSll IN Don McKinnon 48 Drury Lane is pictured here with the four bonitoweighing from to to 15 pounds he entered the Couoty Building in Bar rie Shown here are Mayor Cooka oi Bande left Davis Rev leopard Sell liheIaiS iiiééi lit WasagavBeach Annual meeting or Simcne North Liberal Association will bahcid tonightat thebyconia Hotel Wasasa Beach Present will be Keith Davies national organizer for the Lib eral Association inaction oi oi iiceraanda panelediscussion will be held The public is welcome to the meeting whichstarts at eight oclock iortraintng as apprentices eel tilled nursing assistants hairlt dressers or attend trade schools to study drafting diesel mechan ics electronics engineering drawing etc You are about to make big decision she said Let your teachers your par cats and your National Employ ment Service counsellor help you to make wise one norm other in ythc Metropolitan Miami Fishing Tournament while on recent Florida vacation His fishing guidB was Capt Bob Andrews Gordon Smith Rabi Shela grove Sue Mulcahy and Al bet Calvert Examiner Pin to Tranmm TORONTO cmm Ontario governmznt should assunuathe total cost of services to unmar ried mothers had their children says lhomas Abel treasurer TI um newa manner Hence in nu Make Sure Your Food Is Edth Simone County Health Unit uniury services department made we call in February Oi time 57 were routine in rpcctlons and mo arose from complaints made by the public Dr Scott the units chief medical officer reported in his monthly report Dr Scott said that the sanitary serv ices department is concerned with multitude oi problems varying tram the identiticatlu of posts to the many problems oi tainted and spoiled food cwse wnrca Most reliable store operators keep close watch on foods and replace stock alter cer tain period of time Sometime the public purchases these items and finds than edible If this is the case says Dr Scott return the Jim to the store and if you have legiti mate complaint the article will be replaced or mo rdunded If the operator reusea to co operate it would be advisable to contact your local health unit MAKE FIT Dr Scott adds that various departments at health from tho play large part in will that all foods whether process ed in Canada or in other coun triel are lit to 23L Premises whereiood is pm of Metropolitan Torontos chil ceased are inspected and foods drens aid society Costs now are shared by the United Ap peel the province and Metro Bar enilppréntirercipnné are checked for aduitcration preservatives and anything that might deceive the public Opening Volleyball Event Camp Borden Army appren tice defeated the Royal Can adian School ot Signals in volleyball tournament yesterday at the camp The tournament was the first at the threodav 10th annual sports Jamboree for army air prentices from Ontario and Que be army training schools Other winners of yesterdays events were the Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps in an earlier volleyball bout The ROS oi and Royal Canadian Electrical and Mechanical Englaeera won the basketball Todays activities will include fling gymnastics yollayball Lluunwnnmo Attending the iamboreo are 500 of Canadas youngest serv ing soldiers Last year apprentices from the ECEME School in Barrie iicid won tilt aggregate trophy in 1962 it was the RCOC School from tongue Point PQ lbiav trophy was copped by ECASC School for the years 1958 to 1961 inclusive The Canadian Army apprenlt tico soldier sports jamhoree first held in 1955 is designed to bring together maximum number of apprentices in spirit oi friendly competition and companionship for the purpose of developinaia the young rol dier wholesome code of good behavior and sportsmanship restroom t6 the mama

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