rupwmmrm ï¬w oxp an Ignites raw Mmee no rsnr an vwrxya arr Iveparanor Gout aileron Like BuckeiOi Bees By JOSEPH MOWER Dear Dr Maison Following blood test our doctor dill nosed my husbands toe pain II out This has been blow because he recaitr the pain that an uncle oi minshad with gout around 1N7 What causes this discus is it curablei What is the custonr nry treatment My husbands work requires him to do lot ot walking in all kinds oi weather Do you think that another doctor might give limercnt diagnosis or is the blood lest innitm patient with severe gout will put on quite show at the pain he is experiencingand dont hiamehim it can teei like sticking your to into bucket ol bees But at the some time think you are wrong lntryin in get some dilterent than The question isnt how much your uncle hurt in 1911 but how much your husband hurts now and what can be done for him lean see why he is so upset alter having watched relstlva who evidently had an exqui sitely paintlll experience with gout But listing around tor some other diagnosis isnt going to make his own toe better high concentration ot rates salts ot uric acid in character lstlc ot soul The urates torm into small deposits at various loints the big toe being invoc lte site but not the only one We dont know Whntrcauses this it is not curable But the treatment or gout has in proved considerably in recent years Since 1847 An old drug coichicine is still very usetui hut newwnu principally benamid give us other ways to control gout Cor rect combination ot the new hard Wan wonr and all via Pearson availed themselves imamemmlao ottheopportunltytabearlbbz est Tho hl Barrie Central United arch Monsoon Social credit leaderrrpols to gathering at soo Interested men CBMC groups throughout the in intensity The blood teatgveri tied what was obviously your doctors ori nai lurplcion Itc oepi his unent and he will work out program ol medic don which will keep the govt under sstiaiactory control There nlay be some flareups but theywill be subdued Discard the idea that gout is the worn thing that can bap pen it isnt And it il less had these days by in than it was 15 or 50 year we have better drugs ow Dear Dr Moiaerl Do on have any remedy tor trostbi eh local have had this trouble or several years when it gets extra coldMRS Once toes tor ears nose tln erst have been trosthltieo ey are extra sensitive in re peated attacks One at the van odiiaiing drugeprescribed by your physician may give relief You lust have to he ceretul not to exposc yourself to extreme cold It isnt hard to convince men not to so out in cold weather without wearing heavy socks it is not so easy in non vlnce woman Dear Dr hlolner lhnve tihroids in the womb My gyne ooiogist says should not be alarmed as he will check than periodically to v7 are is their growth Are they ever cancer oust Do you teel should consult another doctan is this the usual thing to dotl No it isnt the usual thing to do There are limos when con sultation with another doctor is TELEVISION PROGRAMS Channel Barrie WEDNIIDAY Mam LW Mickey Home Club no Kiddo GM Chlnnll Nine Thanh Eimn nl Their Lives 010 5170111 Walther Nell no But oh Gsonnno 15o Dick Van Dyke 500 Mylavnrila Hulls all NHL Hockey lolo minnt Zone lloo crv News ll 15 Metro Final llss soon Beets ms sullentr 1H Pierre Berton Show ruunsnar manna to Test lertrern an Alien rim National schools can Helene Nursery School Romper ltoorn Pooeyea Percy Nnnndly Report slavi See How has nun aaswnrfl Scarlett mil Take Thirty Friendl Giant Mlsterolen Mr Ptpar Paperu rm llanle and Fury Tombstone forum all Weathlr Evorll Dr Kildue lns arty Show The Serill Parade Naked city cat TV News 28 liewarn 883353381522 unqmnn hh Channel Toronto wnnmsoar Mailers ls aoo Claeo isle Woody Woodpecker Provincial AltairI TV Duh Nawa Weatbrr Sports Candid Camera Phil some show lied ltlvtr Jumbo Perry Mason Festival loso Rutterlten 1100 CDC News 1115 Weather Sports News tun sale hangout WY mag in and ornsng lla CIHOW Friend P0 in Helen app 383s liayttnsa with Uncle Bobble limi iiï¬l ME love lucy December and our not hlii son aw looking At You People momma Mickey lsnuu Club Yogi em came nut Ddanlo spam Weather Nawl Donna nun om aunlu ro nu ra Truth zom one mlr our Sports Hot am reFFPE 83883 ppuyvr 282238 23 833 world have had him as weaker hose ot the village who re membered George Barlow were sorry to hear of his passing in Tomato hospitainlut week intermult waa in Goldwater Cemetery He used to live where leonard Vandemost now lives and moved to Goldwater iew ears no Lot No in are holding etiohlu very who but this tent one at them Fibrolda are not cancerous great many women Ive rm and while it is wise to check them periodically there ls no reason to remove them unless they cause discomfort or trou ble at some sort flIlT 11ornton seller mens hockey team deteated strand Ilth seenotezintheslxthnml otthellnalsGoaleweresoored by Ronald Spencer one atom Elliott two ind Tyre Sdllly three The series noTwh three games es game willbo played Wednesday Man is at lImin Allislon Mr and Mrs WelterAndrews Bradford were married on Mar 12 1931 They celebrated their wedding anniversary Friday March 13 in Newton Robinson United Chur baaetnsntwith their tensity and lriends Tbs hot turkey dinner catered tor by the UCW was attendedhy hlr and Mrs George Holt as was also the euchrnaocial held JULIET JONES Newton Robinson hail late that evenhlg CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY Nomi dealer Neither slda vulnerable new use we Miro IAKQ smos AQTMI VAX aloe ssaa asses em mm so qnooss our 41a The bidding North East South West lH Pass 25 ill 3H Pass Pass Dole Pass til Dble Opening leadlive oi spades It takes certain amount luckto win national cham poinalllp regardless of whether or not you play well and my partner Mrs Dorothy Hayden and had good share oi it when we won the Blue Ribbon Pairs played in Miami Beach last December This was new evern restrie ted to the top 60 iliemasters and limited number ol other players who had done well dur ing the past year in national or regional championships There were as pairs in the contest We were in on this hand where South payed at four hearts doubled Mrs Hayden BECKER West led mods tookiha ace and returned spade which declarer roiled Deciarer led the queen oi hearts which Mrs Hayden took with the king She led another anode which declare rutted thus leduclng Souths trump holding to the HM while West still had the NH When deciarer now played the nine ot hearts Mn Haydenwon theeaceJnLuited 171th adia mend Decinrcr took it and cash ed three lllgh clldos and another diamond but being torced then to play diamond he could not prevent Mrs Hayden 1mm tall in the setting trick with trump Actually declarcr could have made the contract against any line or detense Thusth Mrs Hayden led thetthird round ot spades at trick our and South rolled declarer could have made ten tricks by cashing three dubs and two diamonds and then play ing mm from dummylhla line of iayycould have been instilled assuming that West had started with tour trumps Nor could West detest the con tract by ducidng the nueen of hearts when it via led at trick three Declarer could cash thre clubs and two dialt moods and continue with heart to make the contract It was our good luck that lie clarer did not see the winning line of play Tomorrow slam bidding DliILY csOsSWono A0302 earthen Vessel Pasletralu HIM ILAhua hardenin timer VB 18 Manila hemp Glrla name In Cram Pocket snails 2Him01 dnna genre coin Swell on One thou sand 23 250111 arelunar an answer month spinal 401mm Quixote as Minute DONALD DUCK OMOTIVE mem AUI reopens 4H FolEvary 5ael LES CAhtAplENS lruz swollsrmmalsulmsyfl SOittJlNFOflMitAéDMItNMTE or Anus BLONDIE Early Birds eét FRENCHMOTORSgt 75 BRADFOIiD 5T Your CHRYSLER noose VALIANT AND ooosemucxoralsll the Best minms rrmsmrmmu ar Dealsl JEVWMIME MDH Mm 990943 EEE Weatllar Sparta News NICEOï¬YOU TD MUMLTHE NEXT ASK MEOVER ONEWHOEPILLS ANF FOR LUNEHIJOY WING AIOLUTILY GETS Na DESSERT 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Dont say mm Password an Llnkletler anon Party To Tell no Truth ii iii or Int To sum atom ksmare esssss TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE mull 5e JilliEiASMUCll 113505w VON BARitlE CABLE rv rsluel PAN all unuswwo 14 my Home DEMONSTRATIQN BtiFEAlOI CHANNEL soon so camNELvnuvnsw ammo resume of ynuwtahtoha rnlllr IIIburlhIr you meaty our reluiarlnltIihltnn tea alien Ind 50 01 onnrna dill at ONLY15c raraolrnsn onnmomom