Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 May 1967, p. 7

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snuuuunu now BARRIE WOMEN planning holiday in the sun had an opportunity to view the lat cst in lashions Im lcisurcly vncaiiun preview oi spring and summer iashlons entitled trip to Jamaica with Walkers Young Adults Club icaturcd the lfllust in Cruise and holiday wear ABOVE READY TO join the lively life of sorting are Shirley Booth LEFT and Sue Eant ing Shirley sports the total Terry Towel look in her rasp Kingston Miss Elaine Sponagie daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Mark Spon agle of Barrie and Duncan Hut chison son or Minand Mrs Ro land Hutchison oi Quebec City were married in Morgan Mem orial Chapel Kingston Rev hl Laverty oliicintedat the at ternoon ceremony Given in marriage by her ta her the bride wore floor length gown ol organza fashion on straight lines with trnin extending from the shoulders of the gown Her elbow length veil oi illusion was edged with lace The bride carried bouquet of white rosebuds with daisies and white carnations MAID OF HONOR The bride was attended by her sister Miss Mary Sponagieol Barrie Her blue floor length gown was fashioned on lines similar to thcbrides dress headdress of matching blue pet ais complemented her gown Roderick MacLeod oi Temls homing Que Was groomamun The ushers were John Lake of Toronto brotherinlaw of the bridegroom and Myron Spnnagle oi Brockville the brides broth er ouasrs nacawao Following the ceremony guests wero rccelved at the Sheraton Motor Inn Kingston The brides mother received wearing gown oi antique gold wooljeracy with LEFT TD illGllT are models Judy ThompsonLinda Joli cry and Pat Thompkins Judy wears the Yorkvilla look in valid printed minlteni dress with long sleeves and round ed neckline and matching bloomers Linda is all set or stroll along the beach in vioiet cotton shorts and mat berry red swim suit designed or surf and sun The suit is completely lined and comes with matching beach coat Sues bikini of Marina blue Hurcuisousponnots Rites Of Local Inierest white accessories and coinage of bronze roses The bridegrooms mother as sisced attiredin two pioce costume of brown linen with beige accessories and corsage oi camations Leaving for the wedding trip to Montreal and Expo the bride wore green wool suit with white accessories On return the couple will re side at 22o Albert St Kingston Guests attended from Dalston Toronto Brnckvllie Ottawa Kingston and Earrie and from the State of Vermont ATOMS GIVE POWER The United States had 15 nuclear power stations in opera at the end of last year vov Victorian Order always ready to serve the sick Phone 728595 Member of the nunensued App PEOPLE AND PLACES Phone Eileen Dixon or Andrey Galleon mam Social an llifllzd to com tho Hen udal lilo ct lha city District weddings unismaria bridal showers bridge partial comingclue parties travellers and viailorl aro no Items or lateral to readers or this page Your help in supplying this will In recur Ipllndalel Please phone The Barri Ex amlaar 11H and uh ice Eileen Dixon ac Audrey ConL sea at the Nanas Depart meat BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs Waller Amos oi Stroud celebrated her Nib birthday re ccnliy To mart be locali day her daughters Mrs Garnet McEachem lean Mrs Earl Richardson Joyi Barrio Mrl Douglas Readman Mae Top onto entertainvd iamtiy and friends Mrs Amos the former Alice Gibson is the daughter at the into Mr and Mrs William Gibson and was born at Clare ehing printed sleeveless blouse Pats sleeveless Empire styled eat dress is designedol yel low laco with satinbow trim Periect or that alterich pare ly The show was held to Walk ors Young Adult Shop at the Dunlop Street Store Examlm er Photo with needle point white dots is designed with red flowery trim to match the shoe string cord straps that iasten behind the neck giving the ensemble nautical look Auxiliary Plans Pot Luck Party Plans for pot luck supper party to wmd up the season were discussed at the May meet ing of the Ladies Auxiliary to Barrie Navy League and Sea Cadets The windup supper will be held at the home of lilrs goatan of Sanitord St on June Mrs Lindsay was welcomed as new member to the auxil iary The meeting was held at the home of Mrs Patterson ilomeo Hobby Produolsllld WHOLLvOWNEo CANADIAN co Formerly Arlex Sales of Canada its Toronto warehouse and mommaint mama products lor embroidery painting is now available trough Ils Toronto warebuse and manufacturing incliltles roan roan rites Free gills are yours for holding Cameo Paint Party in your home Your local instructor has Free 86 Lunchclotb undnther gills ior you based on sales Write today for full information use this lorm NAME CAMso HOBBY encoders thilED 8621 DUNDAS ST ronoNro om mant Out The celcbrant re ceived many cards flowers and Ellis TO GRADUATE Earl Wilson Gratrlx aoa oi Mr and Mrs Harold Gratrlx of 0m Station will be among the students to receive degrees mm Bob Jones University oi Green vilia South Carolina Graduation exercises will be held on May Mr Gratrix will receive Bachelor oi Science degree busi ness management Sohod oi Bus lacs Administration member Laolcr Literary Society NOMINATION lira Charl Wilson Owen St has been nominated to the national cxcunivo oi the Guru dian Federation oi University Women as Convener oi Creative Art She will represent the Bar rlo Club at the Triennial General Meeting oi CFUW to ha held in Vancouver 30 GUESTS FROM ALBERTA lllrr Wesla Richmond oi Scdgawick Al rta was guest in the city this week It the homa at Miss Mina Huddleston Maple Ave ENGAGEMENT The Iorthcomlng marriage or Miss Sheila Annette Davies has been announced by her parents Mr and Mrs Henry Davies oi Ottawa bliss Davlnwlll marry ANN LANDERS Males Inflated Dear Ann Lander Iieach sociology in Connecticut col lege made recent travel study around the nation talking to college students on sex Their reports indicate that good looklng male student oi 21 it he has smooth tongue can seduce nine out of 10 of the pretty girls he takes out re gardless oi her age religion social or economic background Are these young boys brag ging or dreamingiNo Name Please Dear No Nnma The percent age sounds wildly inflated to me Moreover suspect males who make such claims are not only bragging and dreaming thcy are also selling The idea that everybody is doing it has great sales appeal The young men hoped to get this notion across to you as well as the girls whosc resistance they are attempting to break down Get itt NEEDS THERAPY Dear Ann Landon was heavy woman when my bus band married me 17 years ago tried every imaginablekind ol diet and did lose weight but always gained it back Five years ago put myseli under adoctors care He iound had thyroid condition and gave me medication and strict diet lost all pounds My husband kept saying Youll gain it ill Dads was proud oi myscil but my weight loss didnt Accom plish what had hoped ior My husband was still more inter ested in watching sports events on TVor going out alone His idea of celebrating our wedding anniversary was to go to sleep early Within one year gained back the to pounds plus another 2o Ive never been so de WEST LAC Lyla Parker Canadian For Ban Uplands June 17 The ceremony will take place at Globe United mulch Ottawa hridegroorrvtobe is the son oi Mr Ind Mrs Herb Parker Barrie OCNVENE RECEPTION Marmara ol the lelrs Aux iliary to Dorrie Sea Cadets and Navy league were in charge oi arrlngemcota or the availing receptlcnwhlch iollowed the an nual impaction held at the Dan rte Armoury on Thursday moor those on thrcoaunlttea non lira darn Medan bin Edna Wu Mrs laid Pita tarpon Mn norm Roberto Mrs Dorothy Tenotc Mn Ed Hm hire Doria Perrier Mrs Monica Buchanan Mrs Campbell ML Margaret Tul utc and bliss Maureen Murray BRIDAL SIIOWEIB Miss Sherry Richardson wu cutemined at miscellaneous shower held at the home oi Mrs Recvie Kempenielt Dr Johostesses were Mrs Gordon Leighton and Mrs William Flt abrumnslhcbridoeinxwaa presented with garderda cor ngc Gilt were arranged in pink and white wishing well Miss Richardson was also guest at honor at miscelan eous shower held at the home or Mrs Gordon Brown Drury Lane Tho bridoelcct was seated under an archway oi pink and white decorations and wore mauve and white comge litany lricnda were present at both oclt cartons CWL DESSERT PARTY Mrs Martin Stone retiring president oi St Marys Catholic Womens League was honored guest at dessert party during the regular meeting on Wednes day scrap book of past events was presented to Mrs Stone by Mrs Leo McCann Msgr Clair gave brief talk on the design ol the new church Plans or the parish picnic and rum mags vale scheduled in June were discussed incoming Pres ldent Mrs Pctrlmobix was chairman oi ha session MANY WORK SATURDAYS The regular working week in Norway is still 45 hours week DiIISES rested dont even iael like uman being let alone woman it werent for our our children ld get divorce see social worker every week Bill be talk me that no progress can be made until my husband comes in or tallm lily husband Musessays Im the one who is nuts dot him runs tell me what to sin SKIRTth THE BAY Chart Course At Expo 67 If Your Schedule Is Tight By EILEEN DIXON Questions lvs baon asked about Expo Includl variety of rubiecta but the most requent an 1what to tee and what to wear Wbat to dapendr upon your own tastes but would think the lInaibla thing to do rmtld be to llat the paviliona you wiah to ace in order and than aka it irom than Barrio roman urn helm returned Imm Ema tells me tirat she found the Iran pavilion both Intersrung and relaxing She pcclally enjoyed the Hospitality corner where visitors exchange their shoes or slippers and rest bdr rcblng set The moon was such popular corner she noted was because coca you got settladyouhatedtogctvpa min On her list on the lntematiorn II Broadcasting building which will ha permanent cdllicc on the site the Eriiiah Pav ilions Ethiopian parties and the French Pavllon FOOD DEHONABLE The iood at the French Pavil ion is excellent according to the Harrie traveliarpwho says she and her party enjoyed the buiv let The cod was excellent and reasonably priced too The and flowers should be beautllul by the end oi May Althoum it rained during her visit to the rite rho raid this didnt dampen the spirits oi the school chldrea who went owing lng along in the rain ringing Canada All at the pavilion and ex handsareirccandsolathc Expo Express which clrrlca vio itorn Irom point to point on the huge site One of Ike low rider which you have to pay tor an minim Maui on be board at any one at many lots on the two islands WISE BUY wise investment in my mind would be the Expo Guide Book which costs just one dollar and can be purchased at several downtown book stores The book contains maps oi the site In structioas on how to get around and short rummarim oi what to at pavilions its one oi the law perbacka on the market that as an index tor the index Two points mentioned beiora which think bear second note are Do take along two pairs oi condortablc walking shoes one pair to reircsh the set you plan to visit Expo soon be sure to take along warm clothes remember the site is sit uated on islands in the middle oi the St Lawrence and at this time at year its cool and breezy The question oi what to wear again depends on your personal prclerencc But would suggest that you choose color that really suits you and material that wont wrinkle beech you will probably wear the same out iit all day ii you wear color that looks well on you it will still be becoming at the end at long weary day plastic raincoat would be easy to pack and takes up very little room in your suitcase The theme of Expo is Man and THE BARIUE EXAMINER SATURDAY IiIItY Stories Dear it youve been seeing social worker every week you dont need me to tell you that your problem originates in your head You are using iood as substitute for companionship and blaming your husband or your obesity You need intensive therapy and hope you get it soon MAIL near Ana Landau know this letter stands onelnarnil lion chance oi getting printed becaus ra many people write about serious problem but lm going to take chance any way work inihc mail department oi largeorganization Every day we receive hundreds oi lat ters to employee The envelopes olien read Mary Smith Macys Department Store New York Mary could be corset buyer cleaning woman or the accre tary to the president it takes ot of time to hunt up Mary Smith and the hundreds oi other cmpioysa whose mail is lnadequately addressed Please tell people to write the ovum virus ransom nouns historians rulers sarisnrn current1 Highway 90 Meat Market 327 Tlifin Sf Barrio is OPEN DAYS WEEK To serve You Monday Tuesday WodnaodayL Thursday rusty Saturday Sunday MEATS GROCERIE5 PRODUCE PICNIC BARBECUESUPPLIES LOTS OF FREE PARKING rasszysa causascer vsrv SPECIAL ATTENTION AT Hillliiilllll so narrow Tiiiln Sh Barrio name oi the department on the envelope and the persons title it he has oneFrurtrated Dear Frns Heres your let ter and based on my own mail which runs about moo letters day your chances for getting letter in print were not one in million but approximately one in 333 since usually print three letters day Great Ontario His World Man the Creator Man in the annually hlan tba Explorer Man the Producer However woman and her have also been paid no dal and hoonebic tribute in in buildingoi the Hospitality Pavil ion at Ewe 61 The vilmn Is denied to we mens ntemu and mivitica it has been designed to serve two iunctions it will serve the general public as comiortabla and convenilni place at which to meet their iriends and relax between tows oi Expo attmc iions as null provide an ass rurhlyuoom tor mugs rhba putole grasps not flat mncuoru fashion shone inn chcons and lectures number oi womens clubs such as Junior League lODE and the Womens institutes of Canada have booked the harem bly room or important meet ings location oi the pavilion is very convenient it is on Mackay Plcr now called Cite du ilovra or Harbour City and immedia tely adjoins the tircci pedestrian route irom the Place dAcccull Expo Rendezvous leading to Hahiint 57 The Barrie Examiner never knowingly publishes bait advertising All ads vertiaernrnta nro Icccpifl or publication on the prcnilan that the product the service or the otter is properly and honestly do scribed and to not word or designed to mislead the readers in any rclt Iplct Advertising accepted for publication must not eon iain Ialsa or museum claim or exaggerated comparative prices and it In reader encounters anything less than ialihiul compliance with condi tlonl as described in any advertisement we would appreciate knowing oi it Just write or call Barrie Examiner or the Chamber oi Commerce oi which thlancwrpaper is an no live member Advertisers who deliber ately violate these aland ardl will not be permitted to use our advertising pager Adventure Vacations Ganlion roenrbusjat historic Dart Henry TheHeritage Highways gt AHetitege Highways Ad venture Vacation transports you in time You Itlth in personyour countrys progress from 18th century United Empire Loyalism to 20tbccnturycosmopoliianism From Ottawa to Old Fort Erie along SLLawrence River and Lake Ontario shares you are gripped by an int est that is lively and cniightc pg You walk the stately domainsoithcnationscapital ace the Seaways mighty structures transportation and powei linger in tradition ni towns ire Brockville Gananoque Niagaraonihes Lake and marvel at the passing parade of giant ocean ireigbierst camp and swim at beautiful watersidcparks or boat cruise among the tree fringed Thousand Islands thrill to thunderous cannon adcsat historic garrisons or to the awesome cataract of turbulent Niagara Falls Heritage Highways Adventure vacation invests your family with new awareness and wcii undcd pride Would you like to have more information Just mail the coupon today Province Ontario Departuum niTondxnl Inhalation lnliunmtlultdion Room No loo Toronto Nanic Adam lei son posse nd minimum bout Heritage Highways Adventure Vintion Prov Ontario 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