Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 May 1967, p. 6

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MISS SHARON Linda Davis has graduated irom the School at Nursing Womens College liospital Toronto Gradualion exercises were held at Corr ucalion Hall University oi Toronto illiss Davis was pre sented with the Florence llueslis prire tor operating room nursing She is tha daughter oi ir and Mrs Hor ry Davis Itlt hlincsingr LOOKING BACK Editors Note The seventh in series oi articles to be pub lished weekly on the womens pages at this newspaper has broomditch by ltlonty Leiyr ol It Orrilin Ills article de working Ibois oi Olden Days mails the hardstdps laced by pioneer Oarmdians who had to mark th tools with which to build their homes Turning back the pages at time in the city and Simcoe County each week the writers will tell what tile was like in this area century ago The subject of next weeks colunrn will be announced later By MONTY LEIGII When people came to Canada they brought with them the knnwlctlgc at making what they IICEthI in llreir dailywork The pioneers who came to Simcoe County to take up larming found in the wilderness they couldnt go to the hardware store and buy tools Nor had many ol them brought tools with them In order to make their tables stools and chairs and to make their spinning wheels they first had to make the tools HANDMADE SIIINGLES The house and barn were built an ol logs and shingles hmdmade irom cedar In order to plane or smooth the wood they had to make the plane To do this they would take round slick oi wood about one or two Iect long flatten it on one side as best they could chisel squarehols in the centre get piece of liatsteel two inches PRINTED PATTIRN thhe easy shapingr Quiet details Thats how you tell Mellirrlien irorn other designs You can recognize McMuIl en halidze dress by its rouque proportioning that really gives avleancr look to the more nor ple figure Printed Pattern 1A670 has the important square arrrrhoie cool scooped or clas sic round ncclclines The wait seaming front and back is an inspired idea to make you took taller house linen shunning LAURIE IMIIION son Mr and hirs Waller Barron Harrie will receive his ias ter oi Arts degree lrom Unl versily oi Waterloo at the sum mer convocation hlr Barron was awarded an Ontario Tca clling Fellowship and versity oi Waterloo Tcachl Assistantship Parttime teach ing duties will be in Canadian and Ilussian history while he continues studies ior his lllas tcr oi Philosophy degree wide grind it on grindstonc to sharpen it again To get the correct size oi steel they hcntcd the metal and cut it while it was hol Since the treating took the temper irom the steel it had to be heated red hot and then plunged in cold water if cooled too last the metal would be hard and brittle ii notcooicd last enough it would be too salt and wouldnt take an edge it was hard to get the metal just right but this is how they made all cutting tools and chiscls Once made the steel was wedg ed into the hole and the piano was ready ior use Spokeshaves draw knives Jointer and wooden squares were hand made The squares were handmade The loitin like pocket rule brace ior boring holes was made oi wood iiltcd With brass DItNAIE PIECES Anything they madewas ss fancy as possible the spinning wheel had to look nice and WHAT THE ROBERT HAROLD NI DIPF will graduate with hon ors Irorn Waterloo larlheran University olisgs It the Spring convention on May 22 when he will receive an honors Bachelor ol Arts Ds in llistory hir Tordltt plans to return to the University oi Waterloo in September to work towards his hissler oi Arts Degree lie is the son at blr and Airs Harold Iordili ol Kempenlelt Dr Woodworking Tools Were HandCrafted By Pioneers erything lit lust periectiy Ihs spokes ol the wheel were turn ed on latholurncd by hand The rim oi the spinning Wheel was made oi rim ash log oi required length was cut peeled and pounded with maul or heavy mallet The wood would llnaily loosen on the grain oi the years growth and come oil like thin boards It was then bent round the rim oi the wheel This is how the Indians got their rlbbons oi wood to make baskets The rope beds had holes bored in the sides and end posts and lancy pins used to hold the ropes Furniture knobs were turned out ol wood and cupboards were usually fancy FIRST FACTORY The lirst chair and lumlture inciory in this district run by water power was on little riv er known as Sucker Creek It ran into Bass Lake and was owned by Mr John Hangman STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR SUNDAY Fridays planetary lnllucnces allllcliag personal relationships lllt now so Sunday should prove most congenial day Getto gethers with lamily and Iriends should be stimulating and heartwarming Also favored Sports travel and romance It Sunday is your birthday stars influencing the Geminb A670 ms were SHAPING knits lor rurnmerlntoali sea sons Printed Pattern A570 is available In Half Sizes 12 Vi 16 mu 20 22 Size salt scooped neckline requires yards 45inohriabrlcr Send one dollar Ontario residents add cents sales tax for Printed Pattern Am to The Barrie Examiner Pattern Do partrnent so King St WI Tor ontor Please print plaloiy your name address with style num berandriu June Taurus cuspnl tons born at the change at Signs for the next year will be excellent on prae tieally every score To be spe citle The months of June Sep tember December and next March should be outstanding for some pleasing and even an expected recognitionfior past etiorts But youll have to con tlsrue doing your best or course Nothing will be handed to you on the proverbial silver platter Look too for opportunities to advance your llnanclal status between Sept andDec 31 also during the lhreemonth pc riod beginning on the next Feb InDo avoid extravagance and speculation during early August and throughout November and December however Personal relationships will also be governed by good tritiu ences with travel and social in terests promising be highly stimulating between now and Sept also inDceember next January and April Best periods or romance Between now and Aug 15 late October and next April child born on this day will be extremely sensitive artistic ally inclined and endowed with lotto ideals Somewhat mild planetary in fluences should make Monday more or less routine day Dont engage in unlamlliar un dertakings and for the time being put oil the laundrlng ni longrange plans Some surpris ing news in the pm could prove most heartening Il Monday Is your birthday your horoscope indicates that within an months you will eat line fourmonth cycle ior atl vancing your iiuaucinl status This providing oi course that you manage conservatively and it do not go overboard in spend ing It will be especially impor tanltlrat you do not spechlats at all during the lirst hell of August or in November and December Consolidate all men elary gains during January loss and you no look ierward tos line threemonth period for expansion on the iiscll trout beginning on Feb It Best pe riods for lob advancement oi Septembers December xt marehr For the Gemi Taurus cuspai one born at the change of Signs personal relationships will also be governed by genes ous stellar influences during the coming year but do try to avoid lrlotlon in close circles earlyln November and in late January Best periods for sentimental In terests JOSEPH RYIIIER son of Mr and Mrs Gerald Byther oi Eugenia St has received his Bachelor oi Arts defies from Waterloo Lutheran ni vcrrlty The graduate has an copied llion on the stall at Deps mcnt oi Manpower and lrnmlgronn in Toronto Hopes Research Reveals Cause Of Infertility KINGSION Ont CF British scientist working to overcome infertility in women says animals may ultimately provide the necessary hr manes Dr ABarker oi the Uni versity oi Birmingham mans berclsBrttHr toamdoingre search on the problem made the prediction at Queens Unl verslly where he is on six month Commonwealth Re search Scholarship Dr Barker erUmstes that one in Ill hunted couples can not have children because ot the lniertiilty ol one oi the part ners The main cause oi lolcrA llilty in women was shortage oi hormone secreted in the pituitary gland mall gland at the bass of the brain that plays an important part in the growth oi the body The hormone lsFSIIlollicu lsr stimulating hormone and Dr Barker is seekingwlys to lncreasc the eilcctivcness ol the available FSII in Intertilo women So for Dr Barker and his as soclater have succeeded in de veloping sugar known as NANA which when injected doubles the ellectivenesa ol the PSI already present in worm sns body The only retiree of FSH at present is lrom the bodies of dead women Some researchers have been working on the pro ductionoi hyutheticFSIl but it presents problems of its own ths main one being multiple birthsl ing new source oi FSH by ex tracting it from animals and then modifying its molecular structure or human rise but he figures three years work is ahead We PSII from animal fiance will be readily availa Challenge Church Officials For Treatment Of Women TORONTO CP Cecilia Wallace who describes herseli as plain ordinary secrelt tary is willing to challenge the highest olllcinls oi the Roman Catholic Church to gain for women parishioners equal rights with men Miss Wallace is organizer oi the Canadian section of St Joans Intemationsl Alliance Roman Catholic womens group whiarrecently released re port severeiy criticising the chords for its treatment oi women The report was based on the results at questionnaire astr ing members to comment on whether women are sitting on committees ior schools par label and dioceses and whether Roman Catholle women feel they hsvs rent ireedom in choosing state or life In an interview Miss Wallace said she expects more criticism of the report Irons conservative Roman Catholics at the parish level than from thehlerarchy our own She says that since she began er outspoken criticism of church laws church otliciais havent always agreed with her but they dont deny my right to say what think Miss Wallace works at us centre ior ecumenical studla at St Michaels College Univer sityoi Toronto See has made hersell ludent of theological texts her to keep linger on the pulse current trends lor relorm in thedrurch She lounded the Canadian St Joans sst Sop mbar because GARDEN SUPPLIES Boud PIlIiI OGerlrriIrns llsgolriu Blake at Dr Barker says he is develop rcb she says enables Leno JOHN BAXTEII BSe Engineerln graduated lrom Queens verrity Kingston in Applied were and Musk lurgy The graduate is the son ol Lt Col and tin Baxter of Barrie attended Barrie Dlrtrlbt Central Colleg ialc lie is at present with the Dept ol bilnes Energies and Resources in Ottawa Curator SaYsSimcoe County Credited With Many Pirate lion Shannen curator oi Sim cos hunty Museum spoke on Gimme County Our Heritage at till Boroptimlsts dinner meat lag and rented his audience with acts and anecdotes irons the past The history oi our county Mun Bids and Main is studded with ilrsis Fort Ste Marie was the first settlement outside oi Quebec and its doc tor did the lint cancer research on this continent using clay which the Indians brought irom Niagara Ialls This substance is proving very interesting to modern researchers said the speaker Mr Chennen pointed out that the Iroquois were lighting or their own tribal llir when they attacked and destroyed Iort Ste Marie as the Hurons had corrv plats control at the lur trade irons the north northwest and the Mississippi basin to the St Lawrence Only 500 oi the sur vivors who made their way to Christian Island escaped death by starvation new TEE BARBIE EXAMINER SATURDAY MAY 20 1967 Mr and Mrs Andrew Wal ter Van Dyke are shown slgn ing the register chewing their marriage in First Christian Reformed lunch Esme The alteran ceremouywas con dueted by Rev Van Dyk she was appalled at the at feet olsoma theological teach ings oowornen In the church Shesays Roman Catholic women are timid and reluctant to criticize or get involved in controversy Miss Wallace says she lost In terest in the Catholic Wome League because the orgsni tion is interested mainly in so cial action and resists the move meat for equality ior women The CWLs withdrawal oi sup port from the royal commission on the status oi women has dia appolntecl her SOUGHT THE VOTE St Joans Alliance was termed in London as sullrn gette group in 1911 but during the last decade has chilled its emphasis from demands inn state reform to changes within the church Its international membership is about 2000 MISs Wallace says she hopes Canadian membership will re main small lWe want hinIr lng women professional non eonlormlst types She says the alliance criti cism of the chard Is not beret lcnlr lts war tlvlgllnst some canon lawsehumh regulations whlch sherry have grown out of incorrect interpretation at basic church leaching She cites Is auexample thersg ulation that women must wear hats in drurch Miss Wallace ya paper will be stibmlttsd toa isyjcon Japan expects more than 500 000 foreign tourists this year CPnilo Pots Iutlliserl 05min Juan Simcoc County again comes into the news with the while settlers who came to the south em part oi the county about woo During the War lBli nven walked irom Kingston to Toronto to Cooks Bay and crors the ire oi Lake Slmcoe and Kempenlelt Bay to where the old Barrie station stood From there they backed the NlnbMile Port sgc out of the bush hlsny mementos still rennin irom this supply route which was used until the Pcnetang ulshene Road was surveyed and opened in this Up near Perle tang there are the graves at two young men who died from exposure and black ily bites Mild remind us that thinners still grim couolry and travel hazardous Pioneers came and cleared the land raised lsmillesand there are many who still reside on the original homesteads They have lelt quantity at things intcrestiag utilitarian and brow tliultorcmndusotourheri tag and at the tremendous sac rillcs made to start Simcoe County on the road to 1067 We can be thankful that many at those articles are now in the Slmcoe County Museum where they are sale for future genera tions to enioy hlr Chnnnen cemented SHOW INTEREST The children of today are most interested in their history and come by has loads to the mu seum 9000 attended in 1966 and over 3000 returned and brought their lamilies tor more leisurely look Illr Channeo as ROSS CIIANNEN Museum Curator sures us that children are never problem at the museum and that the only breakage they have had was caused by an adult air Channcn was introduced by Mrs Phyllis Gcthons and thanked by Mrs John Steele Former Resident Creates Designs Caravan Exterior The confederation caravan has come and gone and the number was COUPLE sron REGISTER on May The bride is the lormer net Dykstra dsughterpl Illr ond Mrs Gar weds will reside in Willowdale tPhoto by Les Cowper Studio aid Dykstra of Barrie The bridegroom is the son at llir and Mrs John Van Dykc oi Rh Newmarket The newly Itlamrieed lenkih even hamliu Qualile ningirom gress at the Vatican next tall asking that the priesthood be opened to woman as way of ending discrimination 2n Duniop St oi persons to pass through the gates For stnpassnd the higlst hopes oi those who worked be hind the sccnm making proper altons ltrlrtydrrce thousand persons toured the caravan during its stay in Ezrrie and there vvcrc many others who had hoped to see it but didnt In tact sevg at families item the area veiled to oriilla and Midland the canavans next stop alter Barrie The exterior oi the ow lum bo sized tractor trailers oi the Corriedcmtlon Caravan have their own story to tell as the Gr navan takes its story oi Canada lptLi and present across the country The geographic designs were concoived by John Anmd oi the Jamison Government Erdribiti on omrnrdssinner producers oi the caravan lor the centennial xmmlsmoru Mr Arnold now of casual son of hire Dome Arnold oi Cookstotvn and the late Mr Ar nold had color slides the de signs projected on to the trailers so painters could work to the exact outlines Iho oamvatr is in shelburnc today TRADE MCKED IVJNE You plumber was com mon expression oi abuse in Roman times PERFECT DRAPERV DRVcLEANINla WITH Ogédto Draperies look like new tire House of FOLD FINIsHING 7260259 Available FREE to anyone making minimum purchase of our Texaco petroleum produats Jumbo size13 20 54 Full length zipper54 Durnbla double hanger Strong metal top frame Outside screw cap for moth proofing 4k Big capacity15 dresses or1q suits or nvercoats oiisrerl in appreciationof your further purchases Here are live outstanding products ioryourhomoand oardsnoiisradto you at slantinon low prices Ilyou are alrssdy customer simply call us form Order Form if you arent call us anyway Even small purchase qualifies you immediately 27ls as man rowan oruu hauler $1395 may 14 um erecewocoeu satnoser regular r1835 ONLY AND DUNI MISS THESE BIG EAHGAINS ELEGANT cENTENNIALTnAv regular 31295 ONLY 75 oscutnrma SPRINKLER Plus 50 95 sIAnnenI uosEraooursm NLY DISTRIBUTOR rs ANNE euuanun Luamcaura ran BARBIE riaMEFAnMANbruouamv gt swiners to games PETROLEUM LTD ST NTARIO PHONE 7282563 rer tut

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