Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 May 1967, p. 4

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the ffiatrieiixomin ubllahed by Canadian lNallr Publisher McPherson aaruenav mav or Newspaper Limited 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario William Talir General Manager Managing Editor 101 PAGII Its Costly Undertaking To Raise Family in Today US government department recent ly issued set of statistics which proves it costs lot of money to raise child from birth to 10 years of age This of course comes as absolutely no news at all to parents Apparently the department concerned did survey on the costs of childraising in North America including Canada and came up with some surprising figures According to the statisticians it costs about the same to buy new home as it does to bring up child anywhere be tween $12000 to $27000 notes the Sault Daily Star The figure varies de pending on living standard of the fam ily and the section of the country in which it lives Although dealing with Canada and the United States collectively the do artment points out that the cost of hringing up an average Canadian child is only slightly less It includes the cost of housing food clothing education health care transportation and inciden ta The Department of Agriciilure took middlecass income family in the northcentral region as typical and based its totals on this Here they computed that to bring boy up to 18 the cost was $21700 the cost per year increasing from $860 during the first year of life to $1470 for the 17th year an increase of 71 per cent in his first year the boy costs only $160 worth of food Howevergin his 10 years with pizzas hot dogs and the local hop hamburgers with the crowd all thrown in and not forgetting his us ual food at home manages to rack up al most $400 infood Girls are reckoned to be less expen sive during those years since they eat less The sum total for food alone from birth to the end of the 17th year is esti mated at $5440 Clothing for the child under two years takes about $40 year However from two to six this figure more than doubles to around $90 and finally for fictngtoschooi clothes and entering igh school the bill sits at some $240 year The total cost of clothing is placed at hefty $2640 by the time the child is 18 Depending on the re ion of course transportation of the to and from school and other incidental trips sets the parent back further $3849 for Iii years Never ones to leave us with happy note the statisticians warn that in the next 10 years there is every reason 11 believe that these figures will be upped by about 40 per centthe ivritercon gt eludes it ought be added The Gait ite porter that most peop most of the time regard children as jewels of price CROSSCHANNEL TUNNEL was mfitvapmflm1 mom5mg um nmxwnu less value They represent the embodi merit of ongoing life symbol of im mortality However by the time par ents have to cope with teenagers and their problems they may wonder some times if it was all worth the effort and expense DOWN MEMORY liiNE 75 YEARS AGO IN SIMCOE COUNTY uBarrie Northern Advance May 105 1892 Water in Lake Simcoe very low tliisispring Navigation fully estab lished Tug brought tow of logs up Nempenfelt Bay Monday Frost at ni ht and chilly days put check on vege ta le growth Sea Flower lightj steamer went down bay to tWoodlands Tuesday afternoon with arty of dele gates to Grand Council Royal Arcan um meeting in Barrie 3tb Battaz lionSimcoe Foresiersordered to Join camp of instruction at Niagara starting June 14 Dunlop Street should either be blockpaved or asphalted and all vere andahs taken down liny Township farmer caught 13 foxes inhollow log Excavating for new Orillra post office commenced Lacrosse is most op ular game at Allision Bank of ilton plans fine new office building in Alliston on old foundry property Bear seen near Scotch Settlement west of Bradford recently Some fine fish reported caught at Severn Bridge piclc ml 10 pounds and very large mas kinonge New Lowell mill darn swept away last month will be rebuilt by John Crawford Stayner Stephenson pany Allistbrtfishipping ments to Atutralia New Zealand and payingth of Oriliia $130 this year for privilege of being market clerk Total revenue ofSt lliomas Church Shanty Bay was $920 for year George Railres and Samuel Pallr reelected wardens Royal Hotel Everett again en for tra vellers Considerable ding activ ity at Bond Head Joseph Pierson sold farm near Tottenharn for $5100 Reports that organized cook fighting takes lace with no official interference near enetanguishen gttMercer CORP farm imple South Africa George NClarlr Bee ton owner of cow which is 20 years old calvcd recently and gives pail of milk tWice daily David Dougall busy im proving residence at Market Square ADandole baseball club secured ractice grounds finally Steamer Li has new pilot house was fully renovated during winter Scholars at Barries East Ward School did good job Arbour Day planting trees and cleaning up the grounds at Nelson Square Senator Gowan donated $50 to Mechanics In stitute public libnary Town coun cil finally decided to spend some money on badly needed sidewalks OTHER EDITORS VIEWS SPACE AT PREMIUM Central Prem London The world will soon he faced with choice of either citiesvwith trafficfree centres or cities strangled by traffic The number of vehicles per road mile the basre statistic that really mattersAs goingup In the llSto 273 in Italy to 434 in West Germany to 407 in Great Britaian to over 50 And the pro blem of overcrowding is not confined to the roads Its arising in the air too Every large airport is overcrowded and congested lairfields moan crowded skies above them Evensome shipping lanes ports and harbor entrances are becom ing clogged with traffic FOREIGN AFFAIRS society In Théx WOIldHfC st Planning Readers Noticing Squeeze Off Prices PATRICK Nicnoison UlfAWAThe official cost of living index jumped 13 points during March we have to go back more than 10 yearsto the Korean War boom to find such large rise in one month Ali most every ay Canadians learn of another increase in mloca or taxes this fulfils the prediction made in Ottawa Relt port last summer that the Pearson pattern of filoper icent wage boosts would be rc tlected in unusual jumps in coats vvlthin year Readers ofihis column are noticing the squeeze like all other Canadians have re ceived many letters about this Mimi and interesting is let for from Dr EIR Mnclhea of Cornwall hswrites Con gratuiatlons on your efforts to point out the shocking waste in government spending Keep hammering away at the spend flirlfts Do you really think it does any good to write about this to our MPsf Yes Dr MacPhee it does agood Keep hammering away at your MP if you disapprove of soaring government spending end consequently soaring taxes Andyif you write your letter on typewriter slip in carbon copy and send that to Finance Minister Mitchell Sharp MP Remember if you address lelter to any MP at House of Commons Ottawa you do not need to is free WAS DEBAUCH The Company of Young Ca nadians wfll soon have its ex pensive shortcomings aired in Parliament again Some MP is sure to ask ques tions about the $5000 encamp meat in the lifacdonald Hotel in Edmonton after which the CYC its time and the taxpayers money exhaustedhad to be bailed out by the lndlan affairs branch of the federal govern ment Readers will recall recent put on stampi postage liheletrie summer is Hayfield Street rEarrie Ontario ntborizcd as secondclasa oecasleii when tht CYC at tracted attention in Parliament through 53601 hotel bill for itsiongolnsr in Orlliia EXPO LAUGH The best story have hea out of Expo concerns senior Russian government official Ha told his motherlnlaw that he was to he transferred from his Moscow office to the Bus iian Pavilion at Expo for the summer Slie expressed her envy would give half the remaining years of my life torpedo iyat one day at Expo When the offlciel arrived at Montreal he sent his mother ln law two one day tickets Which shows that Canadian mcn enioy no monopoly in their generous kindness to their mothersinlaw ONLY COFFEE Another good Russian Expo atory describes the worldly wise Winnipeg couple who in the pavilion of the Land of then Samovar politely asked in Bus alim Gil proshur To which the response came Please speak English So the visitors asked Have you any tea please No they were told wa only serve coffee here STRONG BEER LS SAFE At Expo on of the most pop ular drinks is beer either Ca nadian beer in the pavilion of the Brewers Association or English beer in the Bulldog Pub or German beer traveller from Quebec City writes to express his regret that he cannot read Ottawa lielt Eon while he is in England ut be sends his this eplaph co led from tombstone at Wnchester Cathedral in memory of Thomas Thet cber Grenadier in the North Regiment of Hants Militia who riled of ii violent fever con tracch by drinking Small Beer when hot the 12th of May 1764 Aged to years in grateful re membrance of whose universal good will towards his com radea this alone is placed here at their expense as small testimony ofgthelr regard Ind UNICEF Here sleepu in peace Hemp shire Grenadier Who caught his death by drinking cold Small Beer Soldiers be wise from his un timely fall And when yare hot drink Small or none at all An honest soldiernever in forgot Whether he die by Musket or by Pot BIBLE rHoucHr who is God like unto thee that pardoneth iniquity and pencils by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage be retained not his anger for our becauae he delighteth in mercy Micah ms Man excuses sin Only God thrwgh lerus Chriu extract them and removes them forever will remember their sins no more LETTERSTTO EDITOR PARKING FINE Dear Sir received summons this morning and feel like crim inal ltrgives onaa slight shock to see police officer in full uniform at the door flashy black and white cruiser in the drive Thiswas only parking meter offense and do not arid the mgtnai one lflhlg at lost the ticket and forgot about it Most businesses at least havathecourteey to send reminderBut do how ever most strenuously oblect to the four fifty now havetopny ey Pinup onann Foreign Affairs Analyst The United States where planning was dirty ivord is now the mostplanned society in the world providing even creating the future for in ad vance so many aspects of fu ture life are coming within the pinlieu of the planners that by comparison marxist methods of ordering human life may soon seem amateurish even liberal Planning for the future ac tually seems inevitable the supersonic plane show why it will be operating in the seven ties having nioldbililona employedipiilli Jatunulated the Wilding of giant airports fed by new prpgrldfliways all this eating upapaoe creating new mobility as well as new jobs posing prohiemsof noise also forcing firnis toutalse into pccount beware of speeds in transport The flaps and government departments bivolved could not safeiy comr nitt themselves to building Ihe gmrsohltfl rans poi ovalvetl whei conditions would be like when it finally came into being an what effect p1oration hardware about what will happen to them the superplane would have on those conditions Dnce govern ment add private enterprise agreed on what the conditions would he and took steps to live by those conditions they took steps in effect to makethose lconditioiu come true regard The aerospace corporations involved ln lhebflfldlng of the supersonic transport and of tho current missiles and space ex when present contractsexpire will they find themsde with out defence contrncls and if so phat do they produce instead of rockets So they aetrtheh future planners to devising models of nudes tlfa futureahd onthebalia of tiiesamodels the giant corpor ith plan theiroperatlons for do to 70yeorsahead fiteywlll not allow their plans to 16 course RCA ipenf promotion to Eakfih uroepédple 9y ed vision Some tittbs planners inevi tably are asking themselves whther all this future planning begin believV or and thisaoysProf Raymond is good They do nothdvoc llllltllld stop they simply ask thatit considarhunian values To this end they are tryingto devise social indicators to balance agelnst economic indi cators For instance the more nuances of freeway can be described by the use of eco nomic indicators on em ployment transportation cost should they not also be de scribed with social indicators on automobile accident increas md intensification of the middle class exodusfrom urban areas in creating gnomes These new planneraof our ao clal future have nopolltical ideology but they do have atti Hnd the attitudes of the hide of the educated techno ghostled tedinocmcy Already rule us Their planning ll ad would mJlPUfl soc iety future by the telecoms We would be made to believe we want what we are given Bower of Harvard future mm is the dofdictatorahlp postage in cash Dally Sundays and Staiutory Holidays excepted subsrription rates daily by barrier the weekly $2340 yearly single copies 10c By maii Barrlc $2340 yearly Onbario $1200 year motor throwoff 15 year Mail out ride Ontario 514 year Out aideOanada British posses sions 515 year USA and croume year National Advertising Of fices iinniversity Avenue Toronto 640 Camcart St Montreal 501 1200 West Pen der St Vancouver EC Member of tacosrinse Dal1y Newspaper Publishers Association Preseand Audit Bureau of Cimrlatlons flie Canadian Press is ex 1diiaiveiv entitled to theuse iepubilcstioo of all news dispatches in this paper cred to it it The Assocated Pmorheutezs and siaotha heal news published therein Wm trial expansion5 OBnhi 291M jOitawa and for payment of th Canadian unlrss wish to take precious time out to appear in court and defend my case Now in court there will be magistrate court court clerk court reporter the prosecuting attorney legal from to say nothing of the met er men soooting arraind town on their little redrmotorcydes all day checking meterennd colleco big pennies And now notice wa even have uniformed met ar mal Surely this is mockery of justice 1f the parking meters on the main streets ran for at least two hours instead of one giving people more time for shopping dental appointments etc their these hidldy personnel and get onwith more serious 35 pects ofthe business of illgtice and the control of real crime Yours Truly ARLENE LONG its Barrie Johnson optimistié Over Talks WilliFIénch PAElS CWPremier Daniel Johnson of Quebec emerged happy but uncommunicallva from dinner given for him Thursday night by French Feb 15 Minista Couve da Mour All Mr Johnson would any war that he was optiniistlc an areaultoftaliiahebashidwltb various French ministers Earlier Mr Johnson said at inlundienngrven inhtshonor by President da Gaulls that never before had Hench gov eramient armressod more under lacceding and friendship to Qua luocfa Quebec with Fralzhes commugrclal and indus ling ustoshowlntbs eyesof our youth and the whole of North America that the con tribution of the French spirit can also be demonstrated by the most prestigious achievements of science and technology Mr Johnson had an earif 40 ninute talk with Genera da Gaulle He said afterwards he had discussed many siibieeis eluding co operation lne nomlc scientific cultrirala educationnlflelda Two agreements batwac mm and Quebec alre owar education and swine Mr Johnson said Quebcc vora any system which no bring Francinepeaking propl around the world closer sorcerer QUEBEC OPINIONS Till Mu of col mu on current Wt Iraelated trill the Holds language press of Canada Mull LI Frauif ill cabinet minister And meni been have received the order to avoid all abatterlu state ment on the Vietnamese mn fllct Mr Walter Gordon prealdeat of the Privy Coun cil superbly ignored it The opposition of the minis fer lo the policy of the UnlLed Sute in Vietnam goes ex tremer far hfr Dlefenbsker new demands the ruignm than of Air Gordon accusing him of encouraging the Com munists of Vietnam There are obviously many reasons for this new attack by minister who has already attracted alttntlon by the in dependence of his views towards Washington It is laid for example that the president of the privy council expressed aloud views which could not be expressed pub llcly by the prime minister himself it is explained also that faced with the interest the ND is arousing among many voters the Liberal part is anxious not to allow ltse to be passed on the left it was noted also that Mr Dnus lcs leader of the NDP dld not neglect during weekend slt lo lilortreol to plead wilh the government to condemn energetically the American brublnn of North Vietnam Finally third hypothesis is that Mr Gordon as he acid himscl feels prompted events and by constant tc7loration of the situation warn Canadians that hu manity is moving towards the abyss in the last 10 days through the voices of highest authorities we have received many warnings of similar nature Guy Cormler May 16 Montreal Le Derolr The ra is government has called the premiers of the provincu to Ottairs for July The main goal of the meet ing is to attempt to reach an agreement in principle on declaration of the rights and freedoms of citizens it is not possible to be op posed to such an initiative On the contrary the lime surely has come for all the govern mans of the country to co ordinate their action in so vital field Theilghis and freedoms of citizen in federal system such as ours cannot be ade quately protected by Ottawa alone or by the provinces alone Some aspects of these rights are under federal iurls diction while others fall un der provincial legislatures Besides our constitution con talnsa certain number of poorly defined zones or zones opento simultaneous ariion by the two levels of govern meat Obviously the July meets ing is aimed only at an agree mull Wrginlslands whereihe badguys nutri lulua 50 MAY II AT 1205 $17 lieu are atrial EJAMESBUBURN merit In principle and not at adoption of detailed declar ation which could be imme diately inserted in our constb tution But even III agree meat in principle would be an extremely encouraging start On Ihe other hand we frankly uii ourselm if it would not be ap roprtatc to beyond the go which has en eel in addition to being country with federal ro llme Canada is also coun try composed of two ethnic maiorlller Why then alongside the protection of the rights oflndlvlduals as such should not consideration be given to those of the two minorities the English ml norily in Quebec and the French minority inthe other nine provnces and at the fed eral level Our present constitution it must be admltted is ex iremely confused on this sub ject The proof is that Quebec has interpreted it in one way and the remainder of tha counlry In another in certain provinces start is being made on recognition of this rights of the Frenchlanguage minority but the process is very slow and especially it is far from being general it is for those reasons that we would wish to see an un equivocal declaration of these rights appear as soon as poslt albleln the constitution Vlnceut Prince fliiey 15 LB Defends Record Of Great Society WASHINGTON MP Presi dent Johnson secs growing sup port for his determination to keep US forces in Vietnam until an honorable settlement is reached The president fold press conference Thursday There is hardly anyone who feels that there ought to be uni lateral withdrawal thinklhnt fewer feel that way today than ycsterdayor the period behind The president also used the occasion to defend the admin istrations record sofar in push lng Great Society legislation through this years Congress to deny reports the war will boost his budget 55000000000 and to voice cautious opllmism about nuclear nonproliferallons talks now under way In Geneva CONSIDERS UN ACTION He held open prospects the United States may ask the United Nations to take up the Vietnam issue but added he did not know when such action could come Johnson declined to speciilsts on whether the war appearcdtn be broadening in scope sun5MonTues mmfllllflml Mm Hinf admirin lillllllllifi INT liiill Dillll Pilillltlllm intuit Deluxe TODAY AT 510 115 one CONTINUOUS 0N siman mom 130 330 530 me 930 MATINEE MONDAY AT PM EVE NDAY MIDNITE ALL SEATS $125 mrunnirvmo iovrn wuo

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