Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 May 1967, p. 3

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EXAMINING SCORECARDS following the annual army ca det inspection and the opening of new rifle range at North North Collegiate Cadet Corps Thursday combined their annual inspection with the opening of an indoor rifle range inspecting officer was Captain Harris Steele commanding oi ticer of the Barrie Squadron Grey and Simooc Foresters Lieutenant Mahcr cadet ltraining officer from London attended the ceremonies About to trophies Won by the tRarmy cadet team and the girls recreation rifle loam were on display St Josephs Separate School last week hcld special assem itily in which they presented nlsgr Cloir of Saint Marys Church with cheque for $1500 toward the building of the new St Marys Church in appreciation for the con stant support Msgr Clair has given to St Josephs School students undertook centennial project to raise money for the ncpIbhureh in initial figure of $10M mentioned by Sister Leo Patrick was first thought too high for the tan students to roach But to averymes joy tnhen the campaign got rolling ham figure was easily surpass Each class in the school took on two projects with the stipu lation that the project must not interfere in any way with school curriculum There was wide variety of projects taken on such as hot dog sales slave days etc but the biggest money raising project turned out to he valkathon initiated by stu dents from the class of Nine in these walkathons students STUDENTS PROIECTS $1500 Raised For New Church Collegiate Thursday are from left Captain Hurru Steele commanding Officer of the Barrie Squadron Grey and Simcoe Foresters Robert Sara Lleut Matter and Capt Steele fired the first shots to open the rifle range Rangmwas constructed by North students principally the occupational classes in gymnas ium No Three Bob Sarjeant chairman of the Barrie District Collegiate Board said the students could feel proud oi the range which was built for 51200 The rifle clubs rai5ed about half the money themselves Cost of range whim was ing students as well as students from other schools and from area merkihtants The agree ment was that each sponsor would pay certain omount of money for each mile the stu deots wallfed Wilfred Egert and Chuck hit Nellis students at the scho0l earned $91 and 575 respective ly to lead the way for others tabulation of total mileage worked out to 2209 miles walk ed by the students Sister Len Patrick principal of the school expressed her de light with the outcome at the project and the participation of students when she sa this certainly is an indication that the youngsters of today are as good as they ever were For about month there was unbe licvable activity around here meeting headed committee of three staff members and one representative from each class Classes pointed out someof the humorous incidents that had oc curred during their project The average amount of $17 per student is strong indication of the fervor with which the stu collected as many sponsors as possible from nonparticipat Steve Gallant chairman of the OPP lilrcrait To jeant chairman of the Colleglt late Board Cadet Major Jim Scch and Lieutenant Mahcr cadet training olticer from London Inspection Is Held Rifle Range Opened proposed to the Collegiate Board was allth at $90000 This woiad have been located below one oi the halls of the sdrool Followingthe inspedion the army cadets and Girls Recrea tiooal itier Team demonstrated the various positions used in small bore rifle competition both in military and civilian matultm After the demonstration ceremonial presentation of tro phlcs was made Presentations irleuded the Province of Ontario diallenge Shield nidoh was two by the cadet rifle team Kiwanis Clubs Meet Tuesday The Kiwanis clubs of Barrie and Kempenfelt Bay will meet jointly next Tuesday 615 at Bayshore Motor Hotel Both clubs normally meet on Mondays at Community House itcmpenfelt for luncheon Barrie or dinner Eut next Monday is Victoria Day Statutory holiday The Lions clubuses Community House on hiesda Speaker for Kiw rs next week will be Walter Humphreys of Barrie specialist in tha exten sion program of the Department of Agriculture He is the recent ly appointed director of Maple Syrup production for Ontario and will speak on that subject Chairman will be Ralph Nick erson of theBarrie clubs Ag riculture and Conservation com mittee DEATHS cnavo on also At the nofvn Victoria Howital name on Prday row re rsat Mary Mc Carthy beloved wife of room Olavdar unit dear brother of wo llam norm mm am noon miss Mn roomy Helen inns to Mrs Maiay my all of Barrie our stolen wu um and amorang ut cout sen one survived by mm ma cmram seem at the senate some Home on More St Barrie mud to St Joan Vhrnwy for Mutual rum an dents attacked this worthwhile project Patrol Highways During Weekend ed into the Barrie districtriri day as provincial police prb first holiday weekend lurk said mandate men will be on duty to control the ex pected flow of holiday traffic sue more sumnrorrsa and few er warnings Supt Clark said ins warm at expect tick cts he warned Police report accidents mounting this year to the area wvmd by the 332 rte detachment hue investigated tbs accidents as compared with 144 last year iury accidents lumped from High way patrol aircraft mow red to clamp down nn speed up motorists during seasons OPP Stpairnndent John And they will continue to is Motorists stopped for mov ln the first quarter the OPP The number of personal in last year during theflrst nuarlt tor to 46 this year Eightyfive people were injured and three killed The as property damage ac cldeou by the end of March cost motorists 391100 some $10 000 more than in the same per iod last year TREE PLANTING COMPLETED AT BARRIES CENTENNIAL EARK CITY News 111E more EXAMINER SATURDAYDMY at 19 MUSICALLY SPEAKING Ballet Concert Exciting Memorable By Mineral LEEPEE The National Ballet ls aper imenting with dances especiolly designed to be performed with Chamber Orchestra The spiral ling high costs of bringing Large company to outoftown places makes this necessity ch centres other than large cities such as Toronto Mont real Vancouver Winnipeg etc have an auditorium that seats more than ism people Thus unless tickets prices are alnmst prohibitive it is economically impossible to engage big pro diam Arenas slniply do not have an atmosphere nor are they designed for show such as hallet So the Canadian company is mavetlig dammit Smitten 0n tario with such program to feel the response of the public Last week in Drillin Ballet Concert came to the Opera House George Crumm was Mu sical Director of the Chamber Orchestra It was un exerting andmemnrahle evening of bat let Titre concerto harooco bat lct written to the Bach Conccrto in minor tor Two Violins was absolutely fascinating The Fu gue malty was absorbing to watch as one set of dnncers mirrored the other Victoria Pol ley and Maria Parisella violin ists played the doubleconcerto in great style This haltebwrli undoubtedly become standard of the company The Rondo Glncoso was danc ed to Rossinis Woodwind Quar tets Nos and It was most charming ballot in utter con trast to the Concerto Barnum To the intellectual Bach music costuming was in classic white with gold and thedancing pre cise and in definite form But to Rossinis music the choreog raphy was mischievous and in free form The costumes might be termed delicious They were of theromaniic period and per oav moirung lawmun St Marys coronary fectly suited to the flirtatious Proficiency law were Cadets and Barrie Sea Cadets fpresented atVthé annual in pectlon of the Navyteogug Sea Badetal ieaeemnm some mumeadet ottba and POM Manslau etty Officers award Front teazuo cadets thorns straws AWARDS cannon intercom thih weekuThe followingiara eight of the 16 awards recipi cots FROM LEFT backrest rABSSwann dancing of Lois Smith and Nadia Potts Martina van Hamel who took the ballet world by storm last summer when she won frrst prize for the best artistic inter retution at the international ilance Competitions at Bulgaria performed Solo This ballet was set to the Adagio from Quartet in for Dboe and strings by Mozart Strauss music was represent ed with One in Five ballet that was pertormed here in Bar rle last fall it was even more vivacious and humorous on see lag it again The large final ballet called Bill was set to Sextuor for Piano and Woodwind Quintet by Poulenc The choreography re semhled the dances of the twen ties and took the Oriliia audi once by storm This hallet too will certainly remain in their standard repertoire The entire program then was departure from what is gen crally upectcdtrom ballet company The dancing was of high order during the engre night The companys top rs Earl Kraut Lois Smith and Law rcnea Adams as well as the others mentioned above were used constantly The entire cast consisted of if members Such program would bring firstrote hallet to smaller centres And today in our electronic age of TV inier ior programshnve no place at all it rnfght be the answer at least for some time to come and until our hallet comedies and orchestras and opera corn panics are much more heavily Aldemrao lent Garner drain man of the Centennial Park Omnittec announced today the park should be handed over to it BartesBonrdatthaendoi RY Aid Garner and representa tives of the City Engineering and Public Woriu Departments have been watdting progma of work on the site All that remains to done is paving of walkways and rod dlog and seeding If there little rain next William Hiddell director of youth services for the St Catharines YMCA will be guest mm at Leaderla recogni tion dinner at the May 25 The dinner isspensored by the Ys Mens Club to give spe ciat recognition to the many vol unteer leaders who make the program possible Mr thdell anative of St Catharines is graduate of Sir George Williams University in Montreal where he majored in psychology and applied social science He now devotes his dfnrts in the development at programs for teenagers Stephen mens phys ical director has announced there will be no more Nix Tcendances usually held lfrl day evenings until the high school examination period is DVEX Plans are now being made for several of these dances throughout the armor Applications for Camp SnoY ha day camp for girls and boys seven to 13 yearsot age subsidized Spring Assembly of Spry Map ter of Hose Croix Scottish Rite will be held at Barrie Masonic Temple next Tuesday and Wed nesday Presiding will he lord on Leighton who was elected Most Wise Sovereign nmnth Balloting oh candidates tor de grees was mrpleted Wednesday this week Program of work calisfor the Grants to open at 745 pint Tuesday followed by 19th Degree by oriliia teams diapter opens Wednesday at 330 pm hollowed by common ication of inth Degree and pre sentation of 15th by Barrie de gree teams Banquet will be held at St Andrewsaurreh hall 65 pm After toasts and entertainment officers members andvcand idates return to the Masonic Tennis for the 18hr degree Knim aim Omix It will the conferred by officers of the Chapter smitsted by East Most Wise Sovereigns and Members of the Supreme Colmdl of soot tish Rite Besides the Most Wise Sov ereign who succeeds Mar cellus of Barrie officers eleded for 156755 are Ray Bishop First General Jamts Wilson Second General Arms 43 ESSA so tHERTZglt aroucu RENTALS Commercial 5nd private rant rates Dally or Weakly gty can 7255474 annals unveiltan are available from the infor iiose Croix Spring iisslemblyp Set For Barrie Ne xt Week sirr Gannon LEIGHNN strong Prelatei Magee Raphael hovering Grand Marshal Donald Mites Registrar Roy Grristie Treasur er Eldon Greer At rnoner ittoyd Ttihord Organ lst Harry Miller Captain oi Guard Marshall Guard Arnold dermis represent ative to Masonic Temple Comp any Harry Mitdlrie Del Cola uditors Allison anion titling Christie Cole trimtces at at economical erroneous Volunteer Workers To Be Honored lit Dinner May 25 week the seeding will be done then Sodding will take place dining the first week in June Trees are in place and con tractors are working on drinka ing fountains andthe floating lumtain Also the lighting and sewage systems have been com pleted flooding the park over to the Parka Board means the site is virtually completed The board will do routine maintemnca on the site just as they do at other park in the city Beds aremdv forshnrbs and motion desk of ttreY Camp will be open tremJuly to 28 Registrations will be accepted tromboth members and non members but nonmember reg lsiration will he acceptcdon tentative basis only until after turrets swrm program for young children Spring Toddlers Swim Program begins May 16 YMCA instructors course will beheld June and 54 it vdil betperr to adults 17 years ofage and over whohave obtain ed their senior lifesaving ward Womens fitness classes on Little work Remains OnCentennial Park the irrigation system is plated The ismkcape ardritoct who designed the park says the grass is an extremely fastgmng variety whidr can he walk upon in three weeks Half thl area will be sodded Legislation For New Mental Health lict introduced TORONTO CF Legisla tion providing for new Mental Health Act which would remove tha idea that mentallyill per sonn should be put away was introduced in the leglslaturo Friday HealthtMlnister Matthew Dy mond said the set provides that adrnlsslon to mental institutions will he madn solely on the bpsls of medical judgment The rights of the Individual are not only preserved but fort tiled he laid Committat hearlngs before magistrate are not retained nor are procedures which allow ad missions to hospital on police judgments alone He told the house that under the act medical certificatu will no longer serve as legal authority to detain patient for Tuesday and Thursday mornings will end or the season May so Mens fitness classes will continue to the end of June snow YOUR MONEY AT HOME North America Investment in our era ensign in rem Mme sacking seem an interested in main time then little rau Care and main crunrnnu Red and IVER tw 360091nd outta with one mam rm soprano is your oneness animated with five ratsed some 30m Chlncbl in Chindhlllu ammst tensed and knowledge when re 52 an Stock II rnuy Gdaranteed rammed to reproduce within GWLEMEN would like Chinchilla obligate ms in any way RAlSlNG CHINCHltlAVSl Becausevchbrchllla furla the softest the world thencmind for good quality pelts is far greater man the simply Macs mum Second income iimniu produc peltssnlidontodaamarkztt he rpm sirn in the monitor or dollaxaxabétrn hon you Llamatam convenience arm Utllndulla Breeder began in Hrs basement or their home or in their run Obilids cleaned of annuals odor reg quiet and ref inpplnu mess And are fond IIILmJil and no you to run raining membrane Iain very little attention Churchill no ptt your two mint per neg mm mm Retunu wun um quality Dalia valued mi 00 to basemmt will only ashraan emu chinchilla rrzhmua glad Chinchilla nineties quality Chinchilln backed by expelV uranium so our muted Rancherl and active in the Canadian Chinchilla Associattmt mild together to woduco new luxurious ftrr for rumr If you are not the coupon today 15 AND camcmam aancrms LTD sexual Dept Mormonism Canadian Chinchilla Breeders Benin Canadians Ranehing understand this does an indeterminate period The act would force doctor to re examine and re admit patient at ireouent intervals Motts gemdlythmmte an Imitnl tr HIWAWHMM mammotrmue gmo or or in your man vedcd wilfeomple columnar in vegetarians miremm is or Canadaa tlrlcst imam rstve rancher luvs Ontario who total of so years croutons rat nus so are the year to have further hrlomratitxr

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