Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 May 1967, p. 12

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eBucldingSpring Is Here To Sell Or Rent It Use Want Ad Here PROPERTY FOR SALE MORTGAGES ARRANGED Ripleys BELIEVE 11 or NOT to Trees Ar Check Your Attic Stateroom Garagel Somebody Will Pay For Your Discards Call Want AdVisor 7282414 id Hm EWW REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FORSALE REAL £51415 41 fiANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATSALE mm EMORY MILLER ll PROPERTV F0 ST JOHNS rs wonsuzr with CRAIGHURST Annual CleanUp Night Tuesday May 23 at pm Come and help keep the resting ground beautiful CROWN PIZZA INN Now Open PIZZA OUR SPECIALTY CHARCOAL BROIL jake out orders and delivery service CROWN MOTEL HIGHWAY 11 72085170 CUITAGE WITH VIEW bedroom innilated and pan IrAIDLAIV Illlr Adam KID the Royal Vlflfllll llospl Drill tn hldlt AT l9 lllt Adult KIM 11W en ruinm of ChiLnorem llsmlllnli nm liner of Georg Illd Geogsnel drlr Ian Vllifl din and the III Ah laid Illnoltr brother mi rs bl Lehltwn NEW Vorl main mung lit up SIIChlP Funeral Nonil Jfl Wors ICI 5L Demo Service In the chapel on Iondn my use nnr Interimill lirnnm Cemtlery in flair of Ileana nulan inun nlal donalloni may be nud Clnlidlln Clnrtr Society ux Illlnm ciiiinra Sud II lIlJ him in Torcnio sr nnrrlr Ollurlo on Salulday ANGLICAN CEMETERY SETH OPEN HOUSE bedroom interned cottage at Leonards Beach 10th line of lnnislll Township good locaunn nice grounds garage alimo venlences representative at Keith le Realtor will be there 1mm 24 pm Saturday May 20m See ibls outage Comet Anna Spencer mm Ion disdim LAKEFRONT SIMOOE Brand new bedrooms living room dining main kiloheo piece bath insulated Tastelully decorated beauty with pan oramic view No rehsnnabln fer rdused elled cottage inside convex ienccs water under presslre Excellent View $6000 lull price Contact LAl Wood Oro Station 4077420 101 EgIInIon Ave East Photo MLS Realm ROSE APPRAISAIS MORTGAGES RENTALS I5 OWEN ST 7132370 sur our recent bumalament In the Etrlr nrr Special thanks to Mr Ana call Gordon Coutts or run nnr turn nor Min nor rlurl rail TRIPLEX Wmnwnsnrryn nrlh mm or trier nie 33000 do gammy Pnoe irssic rmnl all lifes dangers now secure CANADIANA LECTURE i500 BINGo¥ $300 44 Em Admission $1 extracards 2252 30 Gamcs Share the Wealth 1W St Vincentde Paul Sociely my RUMMAGE SALE Arm Na andAirForce yv Haul Torn ISM IIIIinr Cillfcrd 11 bellch nnLnnnd 01 5an inn cur IJIRU cf Audrty IcLonkty oi Ilarle inn Ncll cl IlIver nIiolln blolner oi Ilarrlr Ross Am Gen rior of Colllnxwood mu mm Smith nr IIIHID Ruling ni inn vrnnzll hIIIerAI llama Is and mu 5L arm Ior nanIce on Iurmai Ii run ininrmeni AII IsIon Unkin cemzlerr 1U lichen villi bc resting Alterz run sundry CARDS OF THANKS nRiiiGIm with in axicnd ourrnllltcre Hunks ma women Ilori in our fluid neighborin and cs for rum nuny rm unpwsxnm sym tml manic during loss or Inlrhind cIiI thinks Io mists of Royal cloth IiosvltI till lloor nulan Ilome nnn imnell llrlxnbouri Ind relatives kind word nd noun dullni our no hamve nl Ill in loss nl our son And lllll nni dim nIIrln an rnnily IN MEMORIAM Iavlnx mcmafl oi inc cr nnd grinnmnuwr Lllnzon who passed nnn lluy 22 I051 lire things death cannot Shu Ihll won in beautiful Irir ii the LovLIy she lvu an lover in trlall bc 1er rcrnembered by Kne Arnle Gordon Ind Sharron COMING EVENTS Jim fisher Orchestra modern and old time Prizes Door Spot Costume 3150 pcrsnn Cabaret Style The Excitement of our Heritage by MRS MARION ADAMS Editor dz TV Hostess MAY 70 1300 PM FELLOWSHIP HALL Miler SI United Church Auspices UCW Cullee Following Lecture Adm in $100 Tickets 7207464 Sponsored by Angus and ict LIONS CLUB gtl NDAY at Ii pm ANGUS DISTRICT LIONS HALL Highway 90 TWO JACKPOTS v$300 Adults only In nvon replace two bathrooms nrnnlimuy ilnlshed basement 01h or nature too numerous ho infill Ilon unr monument telephone any gt 7mm nrusT an sow urn weeknna BAKE LSALE Three bedroom brick Tide split mv Weduesday May 7A nan old Attached HAM 5W7 mo rm was my ltzzd li or Essa Presbyterian Church with stone bubecutnse It Too Ausplces VA mailman insightan Amétlimo Iswceen ee one in ka 39P finch Laddlul millennium VSUNNIDIILE AliuA Exlcutlve bedroam brick bungalow pc BINGO dun401mg mum Lower level sr Iohn Vianney Hall Tuesday May 23 Jackpot $290 auspices Thursday June lat 6230 900 pm COOKSTOWN RAWN amigo Saturday May 20 VLA PROPERTIES In 830 pm ColnllY COOKSTOWN SMALL FARMS CURLING CLUB COTTAGES inedmnm ilan in roan condition 7303116 7260710 7209996 7180166 77371773 AI Rose lies BIII Marimba Res Russell Smith Res Mary Vnir Res Dick Hartley AND C0 OWEN ST 728240 MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Photo MLS Realtor FRESH WATER CREEK 5750 Located between High way 400 and the kid Oonmssion ol Vespra norm of piclurv esque rolling land 20 auras bush 1100 feet of creek ell lenced pasture can be readily rented Call Walter CoulLS DOWN PAYMENT These houses are located in In nistil 200 yards beyond Banlen city Iimils with boautilul View ol the lake and city Full price 515505 These houses are now under construction which givfi you choice bl inlerlor oclols etc etc low taxes can be lo days For further information $25000 Brick veneer triplex close to Municipal Park Gall Walter Coulis nrnlflfl GORDON Courts71M WALTER mums725ml SANDY Colinme ACREAGES with streams SPECIALIZING iN RURAL PROPERTIES Photo Mis Eric Dewvsnap FOR BETTER any Give our Service Try Richardson 1496147 WILL EXCHANGE slioomcoun try house with Ann lumxe near Bum or centrally located tvm in tho city 03117704870 Shelswell innwuunn R221 EMILE MODERN IV stony brick house with anarinnni riraplm natural finished kltelien cupemns bedrocmiiarid xtudy finished linse rneni New ool rill Owen sheet 7mm cusTonr BUILT white brick non lront colonlzl sler two storey four bedrooms two linen implac us rininlred marn libmun attached garage lumscnpod com er int Ilelrose ransass THREE uannoom runglow built comrielely finished Noelled lnd tiled arr Ilbnry games rnonr Attached garage Plvefl drive pa iln This irnrne ls beaulllully Incl led inn Complete In every own oil Letitia Street mam rluvArn sALn Due to ounr interest Inconu pivpzny Gill Ill inst frowinglndusiflnl town Properly validating he hll Aloreuyd arriu Restaurant ind dilan moms wot nnn guest room bunnies II mi equipped Am lorilldau an owner Ml dummy rented mot leased Yearly mum ml nnna nxma sumo Relmchl down PIYUICIII mt ltllnlr Tul AuspioeiANAF mm Award Whimmnllllmlf m4 ready for occupancy in less than WILMAaIbwau moan water Large kitchen ampie TELEPHONE 7208181 NSEEITISIDBUYITI You are Invited In see this alarming bungalow on landscaped lot lemme In popular Painswidi area IIni few yudslmrn bus whip slid school Here you will find die lieedom at bring Willi big saving In taxis loo Norm Synnott Norm Synaolt muss IIiss Canon 750 Bill Hamilton 728535 Rupert McGrith flawla mm maria Hepwolth 72646031 FRANK NELLES Photo Eenltor 19 BAYFIELD 5mm mitt June 30 Plan are available for inspequ at Mr dlice 100 ACRES Clay loam 06 working good house and ham miles south of Stayrler Only $21000 TWOSTOREY Twostorey deroom finished recreation room with hreplacz all electric Available now $3000 down payment OPEN HOUSE 15 WOODCRDSI OOFFIE Sinday Irorn to pm Charlie Read mun Hugh Plowman 7100129 Dan Campbell 4a7zm Ron Allan 4505343 Dang Campbell 4072123 and IVaIsoIi 7100915 Smftb Campbell 7207300 Fred Taylor 7154205 SHELSWELL and WILLSON MLS REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE BROKERS 10 Dunlop St 7164422 or 71614 3750 DOWN $35 MONTHLY New 3bedroom senddcladicd bungalows 10 miles out Also split levels bungalows same loca lion 5100031500 damn Low taxes paved road scenic arca Call Jar Innan 952 or any stuflmunbor JUNE t0 POSSESSION 521500 Attractive bungalow with at tachcd garage in desirable msidenIIal area hilt living room large family kitchen bedrooms 4piece bath with vanity rec room Call Mrs Lang 7235761 No 6767 Stall 01 12 To Serve You am to pm ROGERS CONNELL Phnlo Ill Realtor DUNWP STREET EAST At the Five Points Phone 7185560 ioACRE FARM WITHIN MILES OF BARRIE 514000 In tinideal location or hobbylarm thisplace is on the loth Line ol lnnlslil and casilyaccssible from highway 00 via Thornton Cloverleaf Sixroom house small barn and pig pens are in air condition Call Green to arrange an Inspeaion EVENINGS CALL MacArthur 7150657 Rogers 7ZB3562 Ed Green 728023 Fred Eplellt 7mm Council 7209765 Mrs Norine Rogers 7283502 HAROLD FORSTER COMPANY 98 Hayfield Street PlIUIO IIILS REALTORS 7006451 Mortgage Funds Available Free Warner Parking IOUACRE FARM Seven miles soulhol Barrie House with mdemkiIChen living room bathroom and live bedrooms New buildings for beef and pigs Ample watersupply For details on this or other farm call IanJfloosIcrman For information about slimmer collages contact any of the stall listed below avanmcscALL cumY KLOOSIEIIMAN 7135405 MILDREJ aiooRE mam MARGM MOORE 7132374 KLOOMMAN IV In GLORIA KOSSATZ 770015 Gowmom 7M IRENE WEBB TIEM41 Photo MLS Realtor l5 OWEN ST PHONE 7282379 HOMES Excellent selection of new homes located on Hard ing Avenue These homes are well located in the all and you have good selection to choose from ungalows side spills and hack lits Prices range from $10000 to $19500 wit down pay mentsas low as $1200 to qualified buyer Maire sure you see these homes before youbuy Any one of our courteous salesmen will be glad to show you these homes without obligation CALL 7282379 gt BIDWELL ReaiEstatevBroker 33 OLLIER STREET PHONE 7284430 ELAINE mason MARYMORRISON 7289903 ACTION RESULTST PETER andrvMi WILES LTD 7291410 Modem brick bungalow bed room living loom with tire place and wonderful view of the ACIiQn Line 727844Oi cupboards bathroom lull bass RCHOLKAN CQ lTD merit with Ilreplnce wailrnul to MIS Realtors backyard arid 09 the water Winteriwd cottage bedrooms living room and kitchen piece bath These de homes are situated on approximately aerosol landlabout 100 yards llalli Kempentelt Bay Both have Baker7104401 Gibby GibsonW OSCAR $4000 $10000 $25000 $25900 COTTAGES Ioilr room and needed ver andah on 50st lot finished Ono Hoorn undone tmom mi $59m mini Includes both col Hiomn winlerlzed with fire gills and oil furnace Jvieca llplece washroom boih on one lot with 50 Iakdmfl Deluxe 0mm fully winterized with all furnace and fireplace tprleoe bath Mar garage and boalhame lumlshed 75 It at 7261001 Alcona Beach Alcona Beach Wasaga OLOSE TO NORTH COLLEGIATE AND OAKLEY PARK Four bedroom home only years old hill price mason mo flmM¢hrfl° AlCOna vrm mo owsr To SHOPPING PLAZA Nosforey MI 371 WW Beach bedroom home Large kiidien and dining mom Economical hot water heating Spacious wheat block gangs hill price slam me Ind mm Leon era mamas CALL $1 000 Indlh on noqu lot him min uAaus may IL icuuciil com mom Med Beach IRANK Nuns 12m aoa Munom Cains cncu mus one This mm mm 20 am with new rmom win led nd Thornton CAMPBELL $16500 PHMO MLS REALTOR HIGH 51 72W 355 mm Five room winterized wilh Alcona axncunvi EUNGALOWS $22 000 fireplace spleen bath Iurnlur ultra modern execiltlve bungalow 1600 no It of living area lkmm Beach fireplaces acar garage TMSe bungalows are the ultimate in candortahl living Under construction and ready tor occupancy 5m We furnished ACona Beach Crescent Harbour MARSHALL MLSRaaltorlnslirance Orchard Drive 1mm Rose Psppln 72am Private sue mam inel an Callthe nALamN Home roi rule on Lawrence4200073 Lovzur xxncunva our bed lulIOIlll in Nominal End at mil lakelront Harvey Weber 4363015 Robert Fleweiling 7706083 Rita Scandretl Tia4365 Percy Ford 7287030 CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone 7mm 93 Dunlop 51 lit and and mortgages arranged buy your present 11 and 2nd mortgages MABEL iiAllsiulu mam uAncmlTn uuona muse onurA ZIELARA mam JANE YOUNG 7781117 LAURANS rim Auinoll 4mm CALL BRUCE MCLEAN CoolBlown 45154496 MIS Realtor WHITE 109 Hayfield St 37231071 Appraisals Listings invited avamuos JOHNIL COLE whim JOHN ii WHITE nilmo Potter Real Estate Broker 23 OWEN ST 7281960 1st and 1nd mortgage funds availablecity or niral Evenings 7251032 New Homes For Sale 6347 NHA MORTGAGE and bedroom bodies Ainsle and double garages iivmg room dining room modern kitchen Alex lsbranclt 93 Vancouver St Barrie OAKLEY PARK hasnva bedroom inn lot Avallmbll rub1 Substantial down momma rive Acne rnr uie rolling land with pine mu Ind hardwood runer In north al little on El nway Clhln adminiv cu mi an nrivewiy Will to an on nanl minim Ily min with mohoe liering enmploflon DWELNHA mortl Teliplno WI rooms Illd lllfl RIP wfler on Inge lot Illi anrininr nosneuianrelepm ll murmur will Ina ilDWn TelephwmlWFlll room Ill level ham finallymm with 6095 to plum lire niu two brim attached um um DIVMrdflWr Close to in rice with manual down gummwrlwmm mm BATES Real Estate Broke THORNTON HWY Telephona Ivy NBII walorrighlsat rear Ill lots 1n eluded are item of lovely Wooded land Thlswhole plop arty would make Ideal spot lor Marina Vi Tyrant rim TRY EXAMINER WANTS ADS Acut BanIA noun room buulllo suitable CALL ANY OF OUR SALESSTAFF TO INSPECT THESE PROPERTIES Emory Miller 7260563 on low morilhly payments We NEW 350mm ltoltleumu on lot with ma or withoutnnl Gnrdon Spencer mam Emcrsuli Swain 7200605 Kenneth Miller 7751031 Karl Marshall lt 7200817 Lors FOR sALs TEN ACREl trees nnr Burris 11M Box 1155 Burn Blmlner BUILDING wr ror nu on Am mlr Rd Con ii of innmli run one mlk rmnl innit Earllend rim ram mills MORTGAGES Wmlnr lst and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere DN ALI nouns rAnils AND couimlicul PRoranrirs 90 OF VALUATIONS If You Need Money ID cpmolldllt Mix on n11 nilIla momm or morinn comlni au IIcml Im rnvemlnls 0AM WU hwhlll clu Write or Phone 7200981 Mortgage Funding 0V SimpsonSears bum in similar Ontario uomm Brent Alflrlltlon WANT MORTGAGE First or Semd at low simple interest Up In 007 of your pro perty value low monthly pay ments up to Elemyears to repay For any mortgage pro blems see COREY Real Estate 93 Dunlap St 7202419 WANTan slam rim marimo on rum is nunum rmn Toronto by max Nuvll wlur nnnir rem elephan enm Mount Aim 4111023 BUS OPPORTUNITIES UNLIMITED FUTURE Part lull time or absentee management Operate ll Profit able Businas Combination light manualrunning wholesale and retail discount pentre in prov en markeL Trademer and Ilium polznllial Modest vestrneut of 3115001tu secured byequipment and inventory No experience lull training pro vided Stale name addless and phone number to Boot D06 Bar rie Examiner PARTTIME OPPORTUNITY Own your aim profitable part Ilune vending bluingsr Complete training with continuous armist ailoe Companyrsupplial ac counts $1500 investment financ log available Reply to Box D09 Barrie Examiner 11mm OPPORIIINIIIl Partnarvlrequired or Edit man ulacturing exceptionally high twinexperience unneemsary Write Boor D91 arms Enam mar MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS SALE RENT RUSSELL CHURCH MobileHomes General Glendale Travelux gt Parts and Service Cash or Terms up to Years 170 BURTON AVE 7730866 nousz TRAILER or me My run nisned nohlnmn Notlnwa anunIo TRAILERS 15 room travel tnllar or rent SALES RENTALS SERVICE At rear ct Steeles China Aaer William gt uTrmmEaVTmlghillism TAKESIIIEFORMOP LS Wm REAL ESTATE INSURANCE MOVINGT Dont Iorget In transfer your INSURANCE and if you need extra coverage bl Any kind see STEVENSONS ll DUN ST 7201001 THE MARITIME LIFE ASSURANCE CO Armed Service Division Personal Life Insurance Mort gage Insurance Group Plans Annuity Plan Tax exempt Pension Plans Ernie Salter Barrie 7232135 Ray Bullock Angus 4495160 RENTALS HOUSES T0 RENT Two alonoou lawn noun or nnl ma month Maximum of thlldrul pinu Tu Appoinunnni IelephoM mml between 15 run wukdnyi only HOUSES WANTED IIIGII school teacher requlm or Mdrvom house to renl wan mambo rim Iniopllon ERViCE cu PLASTERING anoii rum nun rm esllml rim Telephone TREE REMOVAL CEDARDALE TREE EXPERTS Tree removal trimming and stumping Also general con trading Phone 4mm chanson MOWER REPAIRS Aurnonizsn serviuud WIP ml nil firms fill uoolssellwlen us ower xen 17LBurlllnAVL miizi SANDBLASTING nuiLnlNo CLEANIN IslInk Wood and llcui timber Telephone SMALL ENGINE REPAIR BEVS MOWER AND MARINE Service and Repairs Lawn mowers chain mws outboards ratio tillers etc Free pickup and deliva LITTLE LAKE BARRIE 72645117 BERNDTS main Saw Marine Lawn Mowers Outboards RowTillers 59 Bayfield St 7mm BAYSLDE SMALL ENGINE CENTRE Sales and Service TOKOGRAVELYald DAVIS Lawn and Garden Equipment PIONEER CHAIN SAWS Toronto SI 7560040 SHEET METAL Graham Bros Sheet Metal Eavesiroughing 512m by Lb day week or no Ass5am llOLLlIIAY canrunner invel lnllur Iur ule Is It ruliy Minty red new Art Trimm nu ma alter pm 21 TRAILER of ale 14 wide Bulllln among macFain wn or particular in wind Hmlh nucommodnuen Elm Lnninnn ea car an livestock lrnpimnt llKlll ld thtn Herb BIXXJC min 0700 NW CLASSYFIRED Abs ESULISI roi reurvluonl trieplulnr Roofing Flashing Chimneys LET US SERVE YOU FREE ESTIMATES These Skilled Tradesmen are Ready to Work On Your Job Immediately JANITOR SERVICE book now Call masts Fur lnlnmstloll call 7280120 Telophmie minis RENTALS $40 FURNISHED apartment best value donn lowri modern appliances light house keeping Suit Ipalsln only Phone W1 010 to 530 pm ironan two bedroom hulkd nplrtmsni or rent stove Ilhl mlflr washing llellltlt ARI may in Kemp ApL or tellphone 7254411 R00 IpIrLerit or rent do dawn location raining inns Avallahle mmodhleiy month ly Tolevhorie mm or um No 720543 IEILDI7ACIIEI7 Imuli nIII bedroom risinmenc Largo kitchen with MrlKlraLor Ind ruin line meal with uni Llwn Am Sell nominee Telephone name evenlnn owaN AND Gnova Am all mu 12 no dry par as no Lr Avlllsbk sum 714ml 7303700 Mil rumam imuneni for rent one bedawm kltdien uvixu boom prlvnle mm min untitled niqu only Avlllnhil now no Telephone 7234366 Moos modern two bemoan aplrlmcnl nnv Ind refrl mm lupvllld Inrnorv run will II militias nan end Telephone ml or 7mm TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS REPAIR IDE LOOKING FOR niln elulnlnl or Ilalnu nlllces store1 Biol Clllnlnl Slrvtce Tums SAUNA BATHS nAlNll sAlINA EIth and Man Itll The ultlmlll In IluIIhy nilxi Itlpn mute diei gentlemen srunu only p111 TiaTill PAVING SPRING SPECIAL Asphalt driveways and parkinl lots Free estimates year WRITTEN GUARANTEE MANIERI PAVING CO LTD Phone 7260001 TsuBone Co of Barrie tfonnerly of Toronto IAPANESE PAVING EXPERTS Asphalt lots driveways etc 3year written guarantee 100 mile radius Save up to 25 DRIVING SCI00L LAKZSEORE DRIVING soliooL Licenced instructor ind Instruc Llen Phone 7234175 Multime El WIDE Drlvln Soho licenced Insured dull grind110 MODERN DRIVING Clio Lurn to drlve tire moqun V131 mime DRIVING School em Insimcinr Pickun Indus iurn Telephone Mil0W Anllls HOME RENOVATIONS mac room cbInct huIIdInx or rennin commie iIIe 1min INSULATION gkowflg qumc on maullion es um Telephone Scott numbing126 IRONING monGi Per bukethlihl and Ironing so 16 ahirui Pickup Ind de ver mam PRINTING PRINTING PROBLEMS Sea kiella hinclnnu commenti Printing division The Barrie 2x Imlnll ll Blylleld St 7160537 BOOKKEEPING 7281 48 GnAVIlEB hm Adlnln WarPm Want AdrSectInn ADS WILL BRING RESULTSle mull until 511m

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