1961 roar 10er Your Ne ll Uhciiarrialixamincr ICOLORFUL SCENE llT lllli SHOW ilbe Golden centennalres flew into beautiful setting over Kempcnfclt Bay yester day Dark skies provided backgrinmd tor magniï¬cent rainbow which stretched from 1one ride the bay to the other as theigolden lets per formed theiriirst manoeuvres in the lower right is an alr sea rescue Albatross from CFE Trenton Spectators were toowoand not hours of flying during the air show More pictures and story onpage Examiner photo by Gateway Holiday Traflicfl Forces Extra Train Plane Runs By THE CANADIAN PRESS Transportation routes to lllonlmai were busy today as Canadians took advantage of the three day Victoria Day évleekend and headed for Expo The CNR added two extra trains and Air Canada bonked 21 exlra flights on its Toronto Montreal run bus companies said record crowds were trying in make reservations for Monireal Safety oifleials have pm lected that more than 100 per sons wlll die accidentally dur ing the weekend as motorists stream from alias and towns to the countryside The trafï¬c death toll will be the highest ever for Victoria Day weekend unless Cdnadian motorists accept the responsi bility to drive as they know who LE they should the Canadian Highway warned TOP 1966 RECORD Last years trattlc toll of 79 as record rm the weekend Traditional firework displays and athletic mccts have been scheduled in communities across the oomvtry Schools and stores will remain open as usual to Quebec City Monday but the cit will set all Zlgun salute ere will he similar salute in Montreal Celebrations in Ottawa will ceinre on mammoth pageant by some 500 students kicking bit summerlong program of events designed to keep Parlia ment Hill lively place or tourists douvoicc massed choir will present musicin both English and French Marching student émi naillc Council Chinese Mobs Hit Hong Kong HONG KONG CF Mobs oi Chime teenagers raged throng Hong Kong lslandscrowded Chinese Wanonaisectlon today attackmg Europeans and painting pmehrnimist stogaru on buildings Martin Heads ForUN OTTAWA GP External Afiairs Minister Martin tell here today at no em Elm aboard transport department let star for New York where he will press for contirwed United Nations presence along the IsraeliEmma border where tucops are massing Toronto Man Dies In Plane TORONTO CP John Jcrrett 54 Toronto montaker itslllllcd Friday night when his twinengined Beedicrait Bonanza irta the shoulder of the MaodooaldCartier Freeway near Timid international Airport ilmt west othae Spurs Capture Fll Cup LONDON CF Tottenham Holspur beat autism 24 before capacity crowd oflodptio in Weinbley Stadium here today to capture the English Football soccer supremacy Assodatlon Qrp symbol of English close tohis home riding of Cape bands willho accompanied by 175 flag bearers in the Maritimes where worm sunny weather has been predicted for the latter part of the weekend the main attrac tion is sporting events in Newfoundland Victoria Day marks the opening day at the weaklong Dominion Drama Feativalrnational tlnals One disappointing aspect tor Marlttmers was the announce ment Friday that the ferry serv ice between Nova Scotla and Prince Edward island popu lar trip for holldayers would probably be unable to operate during the weekend because of ice in the Northumberland Strait giant fireworks display at WinnipegStadium will cap off the weekend in that city Manitoba was told to look tor ward to belownormal tempera tures but Saskatchewan and Alberta are expected to have excellent weather with sunny skies throughout the weekend Vancouvermnd Victoria have British royalty on hand to head their celebrations Queen Eliza beths cousin Prlncess Alexan dra is in Vancouver until this atternoop then heads tor Vic toria snacenaoer bitsliand Ao gus Ogilvy ieave for Banft Alta Sunday night on their tour of Westernflanad not Scotian Election Near By inn CANADIAN guess With little more than week lett bcIore Nova Scotlans elect new government party lead ers continue to snipe at each others platforms both Gerald Regan Opposi tion Liberal Leader and Con serfvatllvelgtrender Robertv Stanï¬eld have been ransom ing the province expoundlng their platiorms tor the May no vote Dr dairies Aitchlson leader at the New Democratic Party has generally been sticking Breton East Barrie Ontario GODERICH Ont CPlSlx members at one family were found shot to death on farm near this western Ontario lawn Friday night victims of an ap parent multiple murdcr and sul cldc The victims included the iaihcr Charles lllcho 50 his wile and four of his live chil dren The bodies were found by the only surviving lllcNea child Helen about when she re turned home with friend Saturday May 20 61 in addition to McNec the vlc tlms were his wile Helen 50 daughter Jean 12 and three sons Grant 20 James Charles to and Fred FIND BODY OUTSIDE ltlches body was found out side the iamllys thrcbbedroom farmhouse 10 miles north of this town on the shore of Lake Huron The five other victims were iound in various rooms oi the twostorey house Family or Six Dead In Multiple Murder The discovery nos made by the daughter about p111 when she arrived at the house in the company oi Ed Stiles Coder lch undertaker Stiles told police he received phone call from Mchc at pm and that lie Neo asked him to drive Helcn home from the bus depot in Goderich 50 miles northwest oi StraLford Police declined to give further details of the shootings until they had complcied their inves tlgntlon TORONTO tCP second iorrner school friend oi Wayne Fords testified Friday hat Ford revealed tour ynrr new be killed his mother when she refused to lend him moneyor the fondly car Larry Metculie 20 told Supreme Court iury trying the 20yearold Ford tor murder that Ford told him on Friday oi tho it Victoria Day weekend that he mabbod his widowed Ford and began hitting her Metcalie quoted Ford as say ing at the familys cottage knocked her dour couldnt stop There was lot of blood She was not breathing couldnt atop myself ltfercalie said Ford also des crlbed repeatedly stabbing his mother in the head while in the kitchen of the tamilys home Fords statements were made in the presence of second wit ness Ronald Walter Valll Met calfe told the court Walll 20 testified Thursday he helped Ford put womans body into box in Fords home on the night alter Ford had told him that he had killed his mother HERES ONE An American jockey was rid ing in steeplechase in holy llis horse failed to negotiate the waterJurnp and fell right on top of him Dint cha hear me tell you to get oifn me persisted the iockcy The horse sneered and said No spike da English Papa Rabbit noticed with some interest that his young son was looking uncommonly contented withllfe what makes 1qu so happy he asked Mama liab bit when they were alone He had great day in school mult SAIGON APt US planes dudled with Communist MiGs over North Vietnam tor the sec ond straight day today and American pllots reported they shot down live and probably rain The air war raged as about 20000 115 marines and South Vietnamese troops were heavily engaged by North Vietnamese in thaldemllltarized zone sepa rating North and South Viet nam The swirling dogfight in which American pilots made their second big MiG kill in two days occurred during raid on truck repair tacility eight miles north of the North Vict namese capital of Hanoi the 115 command said Friday American pilots rc portcd shooting down our Mle and possiblyn fifth and de straying two on the ground as seven US plnncs were downed by intense antiaircraft them raid on power plant 11 mother 55 year old Minnie she explained He learned to hlctcalie testified he helped Ford dump crated body into Lake Couchichtng during the Victoria Day weekend oi 1963 The Crown contends we man body found in plywood box in Loire Couchichtng last October is that of Mrs Ford ldcntlticatlon of the body has Following evidence Frlda the third day olvthe trial proceedings were adjourned until Tuesday The all male jury was not locked up Metcalio said he was at the Ford cottage with Ford and Weill when Ford told him to pour drink sit doves and drink it hictcalfe testified Ford then said killed my mother The witness said he set in disbelief and said Ford con tinued really did killed my mother Shes out in the sarage SHOWN BOX Metcalfe said Ferd then too him to the garage and showed him box which he said con tained the body He said when Th Exaier TODAY Ann LInderri Clty Neond Classified12 13 Comics10 DentinJ 12 District5 Editorial4 Sports8 Theatre4 TV Dunn10 Womenld Weather6 win Dogï¬chtiifj miles from the heart of Hanoi the Nortbl Vietnamese capital vs spolrcsrnan said navy planes shot down four MiGdn Friday and reported damaging North Vietna claimedltt US planes were shot down Fri day The North Vietnamese news agency quoled one ot the downed pilotsldentitled as Lt Cmdr James Griffin as say ing in recorded statementho was ordered to fly renew naisanca mission over Hanoi ï¬lday to prepare for future attack on the city centre On the ground the lighting centred in the demllitarized zone with the Americans delt termlncd to rootrout the North Vietnamese who have shelling them trom that sup posedly neutral done The US command sold the allied force has killed Zia Com munist troops since Thursday whlle marlncalosttto killed and £90 wounded Friend Describes Activities Ford lifted the lid of the box he saw bloodvslalhcd cloth top end of crowbar broken glass and what appeared to be shoelace There was shape crunched up in the box it looked like head and shoulders at one end and knees at the other There was slight depression in the middle sawblood stabied icunlrllghtcolorcd thot had been cut down tnbencbcomber style r4 The witness saldnhe style and color of the leans were the same as pair he had Seen arcnndthe Ford cottsgc Metcalfa said he Ford and Walt took the crate containing the body out into the lake He said thetraosom rear end of the boat fell oft about quar termile from share as the boys were heaving the box over He said Ford had aLuger like gun and held it in the air to keep it dry as he pushed the box under the water llletcalie said he started to swim to share but Ford called him back All three got to shore been when Walli swam in chopped rnwbont tree irom neigh bars dock and rowed it back The witness admitted under chm examination by defence lawyer Donald Creighton that he was almost going under when Ford called him back and later Ford had held him up several times when he was Mildrrflun WEATHER cooler with mad lavW new Snowmanmay corneas lite Per Copy 14 Page EGYPTIA TROOPS MASS Auction Israel Ready For Worst its Syria Advocates War BEIRUT Lebanon CPls roel geared hcrseli ior any con tingency against the massing troops of Syria and Egypt or top Syrian military leader today called tor war One moderating influence in the Middle East crisis was seen however in statement by the commanding general oi the Egyptian iorccs that it would take serious attack by is racl belorc Egypt would retall Egypt took over patrolling its border with lsroel as the 3400 men UN peacekeeping force that has been declared dis banded prepared to leave the tense area The force including one Canadians was set up in use alter the Suez War The UN troops were ordered withdrawn by UN Secretary General Thant at the request of Egypt lo calmer dads Syrian chal lenges of war on lsrnel have been dismissed outside Syria as exaggerated But in the present crisis the words of Syrian Ddence Minis tcr MaiGen iinfcz AiAssad took on added gravity ln my opinion as amilitary man Assad sold in the Syrian government newspaper Ali Thawra the time is ripe to be gin the battle of llberatbin against Israel Our forces are not only completely ready to rt pel aggression they are also tully prepared to start the lib crotion operation However Gen Abdel Mashed Kamcl htortagi the Egyptian monder said bottle would bl Joined not when single bul let is ï¬red but when big se rlous attack is started Meanwhile on lroqt dclcga tion was schcdulcd to fly to Cairo today from Baghdad in an important meeting of Uta uni fied political leadership of Egypt and iron As Egypt continued to rein force its troops along the mile frontier with israel unit of the Palestine Liberation Army were in position in the Gaza Strip iotlowlng the with drawnl oi UNEF Should the crisis come to showdown israel could send its 300000 troops against about 260000 Egyptians and 5000 Syrians The three countries have enough military hardware to tight sum of unprecedented dimensions in the Middle Easts binodStnlncd history Western olllclals say increasing military traf fic was seen on the streets and highways of israel today No panic was evident $th Wows Mendoing Unrest UNITED NATIONS CP UN SecretaryGeneral Thant warned the Security Council to day that he believes the siiua tion in the Middle East now is more menacing than at any time since the ialt of loss when israeli troops with the aid at Britain and French forces at tacked Egypt no examines on Mononr The Examiner will not publish Monday May 22 be ing observed as Victoria Day Publication will re name on Tuesday May 23 The warning was contained in an ofï¬cial report Tbantgave tho tScountry council following his announcement to the General Assembly Friday that the UN Emergency Force of 3400 men tndudlng 800 Canadians was pulling out from its positions on the Egyptianvldrbeli border The UN force which came into being at the suggestion of Canadas then external affairs minister Lester Pearson has beca on the border since 1956 when the Franceisraell Britain invasion of the Suez Canal area was halted Thantdid not ask for mum cit meeting But External Affairs Minister Paul Martin flew here this morning to call on Thant lomatic sources said Martin ad George rignatielf Canadian am bassadorr to the UN will urge Thant to call SecurityCounr cu mums going down World diamond television show host Edtsullivan strinns guitar upon lancbng at Mont renlr International Airport With him are the Seekers em ENTERTAINERS snows top morong artist group from Australia who will per iorrnduring tomorrow nights Sullivan show orlgtnatlng from Expofï¬ Lott to right the Wham Sullivan maflaadley Keith tger willorig taste trons thorium Theatre