lli itittt summer Published by Canadian Newlpapm Limited 16 Bayfleld Street Barrie Ontario WK Walla Publisher William Teller General Manager McPherson Managing Editor TUESDAY MAY 10 fl PAGE ï¬ï¬‚ CheckUps Should Mandatory In All Provinces vehicles early warnings of hazards in the making aids to law enforcement policecan check serial numbers for stolen cars correction of mechanical troubles before they become major ills requiring maior attention and the pre vention of provinces and cities from be coming dumping grounds for unsafe vehicles Manitoba provindai legislation requir incguperiodlc vehicle inspection was en in 1966 but high costs and the need to clarify number of the acts tech nical features delayed enforcement It may be 1988 before it is put into effect lo the meantime police carry out er iodic checks in which concentra on ison solder vehicles The rejection rate runs as hi as 00 cent Atest pro gram of vehl inspection was run in 1982 the Manitoba Motor league in which per cent of the 11800 vehicles checked were either approved on first test or after defects were corrected and second check was made Nova Scotiaa 1e Iation went into op eration Feb 15 96 making periodic inspection compulsory on all passenger vehicles Official inspection stations are licensed by the registrar of motor vehicles where 10 int minimum symm um and Mndsmel check ii made of vehigfe and either pm on ap roved or rejected slips are is Two systems erdst in the US and in su Rejected vehicles must be repair the plans for Canada One sets up gov ed and retested in 10 days or then it ernment testing stations the other rises cences are suspended All vehicles must overnmentaccredited inspection sla be inspected before being sold To date ons usually service stations or gara there are 750 licensed testing stations ges Both systems carry number of patrolled by seven government inspee vantages including repairs to unsafe ers Mandatorzrinspectlon of motor vehicles exists in as provinces but only one Nova Scotia is enforcing it to letter the law The other two provinces Man itoba and British Columb are awaitin development of facilities facts an funds before enforcing the legislation now in force The Canadian Highway Safety Coun is cllI currently promoting its annual ring carcheck program points out at or more than 80 years Vancouver has conducted compulsory carcheck program Harry Gray in charge of the program reported the dtya record of road crashes due to mechanical failure dropped from eight per cent to less than one per cent when the program was in troduced Surrounding areas where oarLCheck is still voluntary have main tained the eight per cent record in the United States 20 states have mandaiory carchecklaws ands rejec Ztion rate of 40 to 55 per cent Where the program is volunt the rejection raia is 16 to 26 nor can In 1000 50000 of the 8400000 veh icies checked in the United States failed to pass Faulty lights were thechief cause for rejection brakes turn signals They Like Srnoll Towns What tail that leads company like RCA Victor to build its new plant in 0w En Sound or attracts Ford Motor Co of fCanada to Talbotville Ontario Distillers CorpSeagrams Ltd to Gimli Manitoba and General Motors Co of Canada to Ste Therese Quebec The Financial Post says that there has been trend to new plants in small towns no one will deny But any industrial conunissloner would give anything to really know what clin ches such decision survey publish ed recently by the Ontario Economic Council gives few of the answers There are many factors The survey says Succeme industrial siting is not de termined solely by slidenrle calculations There is large mixture of ï¬ersonal con slderations and corporate losophy DOWN MEMORY LANE so YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner May 13 1937 Their Majesties Kin George VI and Queen Elizabeth cen re of worlds thoughts yesterday Coronation Day suitably celebrated in Barrie Committee hea ed by Major Gordon Longmandrew up program for holiday Main features were tree planting in forenoongtgreat street parade assembled at QueenaPark pen formances in Barrie Arena afternoon and evening attended by 6500 citizens fireworks Units from Ca Borden took art in Coronation Dayo ervane es rofessor Michael Angelo directed Barrie Citizens Band Edmundy Hardy of St Andrews conducted massed choirs from local churches Mayor Herb liobT ertson delivered address of loyalt Par ade in command of LtCol lGarry Lee MC Commander of Camp Borden District veterans led by Thomas Mayea president Barrie branch Canadian Leglt 10h Scouts and Cuba in charge of George Holloway with viroop Leaders Ray Livingston Bill Malcomson John Rooke and George Frlcke Evening pro gram at Barrie Arena in formof rural school music festival under supervision Inspector Roy Mchttie direction of Lloyd Word and Harold Dempsey as sistedlry Bob Powells augmented or chestra Byng Woo po ular Chinesey born student at Barrie Co legiate plans to enrol in Faculty of Medicine at To ronto Varsity Interesting anecdotes of famous composer were given to Lions Club Ladies Auxiliary at monthly meet ing in Queens Hotel by Miss Florence icliffe teacher at Ovenden College county softballrace with only four play ers left frem team which won title past two years Steve Hines Joe Saso Bill Hare and Jimmy Johnston Star pitcher Ken Guilfoyle has departed town It is expected Gus Goring will bear brunt of mound duties Harold Laking from Creemore will give team big lift at bat At Roxy Clarke Gable and Joan Crawfbrd in Love on the Run At Capitol GaryCooper and Jean Arthur in Mr Deeds Goes to Town At Im perial William Powellrand Ginger Rog ers in Star of Midnight udge Hewson 81 died at his Barrie resl denee Theresa Street after lengthy ill ness BCI students held Coronation Dance Committee in charge Bob De laney Margaret Cook Margaret Webb Bob Parsons Harry Lay Don Felt and Dave McCulough Grand rlze for lucky number program went Marguerite Thomson and Douglas Reynolds QUEENS PARK Gives Govt For Not Building Beacon OTTAWA REPORT Doria Conï¬dential On Truscoit Case book condensing the yet as the United Nations Sec By PATRICK NICHOLSEN OTTAWAAmong the noisy bleeding hearts there is also on Parliament Hill growing sym pathy for the parents of murw dcred llttlo girl and especially respect for our laweniorce mcni sysiem When Parliament reassem bled and Orders of the Day were called Mr Speaker at once recognised lilr Dietsn baker That experienced parlia mentarian could be especial to raise ariinrportani topic of na tional urgency alter the parlia mentary recess of 11 days But surprisingly his first question was to ask the prime minister whether he had discussed with the parole board the release on parole of Steven lruscott as centennial of the Queens mercy Of course only an ogre would execute boy ofii todayor murder girl of 12 But than the boy was not hanged his vmce was commuted to life onment by the govern meat then headed by llfr Dials venbaker From that point on Its Easy To Foot In Your By not novim NEW YORK AP One of ihc surest ways to put your hoof in your mouth in this warldis to ask the wrong questions Being inquisitive la sign of intelligence it reflects innate curiosity the hallmark of leaming But some questions simply arent worth asking because Ellie limit Examiner 16 Hayï¬eld Street Barrie Ontario Authoriwd as second class Ottawa and for payment of postage in cash Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by $2340 carrier 45c weekly By is hard to find anything with which reasonable person could agree in the implication of Mr Dlelenhakcrs question Though perhaps loton both sidesmould still be sold about the case The government appoints parole board consisting of chairman at $23760 your faur members each at 5205 and staff of 227 advisers and administrators coating nearly 31500000 year in salaries Their experienced responsibility is to consider oonvm requests for parole cabinet interference in that responsibility should cer tainly not receive public ap proval DETERMINED GUI Fifteen judges and ti jurors have heard the iruecott case All those determined that Trus coit was guilty but one dissent ing judge did not assert his in nocence merely that on lech nicai grounds his trial should he repented gt gt But the real sinewa of the case appear to lie not in what emerged in court not in what Barrie Roxy Aces enter this seasons enbaker From that point on it was printed in necessarily as Put Mouth they are bound to leadrto nothing buttrouble Such as Whatti it is one way street constable Im only go ing one way aint Areyou asking for volun teers for this patrol lieuten ant Does it mean that Ill get more money back it beton horse to win than if bet on him to place or showti Why dont you try picking on someone your awn slza you big bully Howmauy shares of this rawth stock would have to uy now to be ablato retire in five years Rldlng th at skateboard looks like lot of fun ltldr it Whose turn is it is buy undi Did the children behave tolt lecilva gotten hllnd showing me how you do case but in other facts which seem wellgknown to people in of ficial positions who have henbe been able to study the case with the authority of access to that private meterdm Olaeouras this information is confidential Most of it was lni admissilde as evidence lnooint It may Mpme gcneaal background circumstances the atmosphere and ongolngs at the air force base where the little girl was raped and murdered it may be case histories of per sons in or on the periphery of the case it maypesidate the first trial such as reports by penal officials and psychiatrists It may relate to persons whose circumstances have since changed and whose privacy should now be respected Confidential though such ln formation is its gist tends to irlclsle out as me all change of conversation in capital city Few can be the parlia mentarians who have not heard something of it ln liladvlsedg and legally lg norant circles our judicial sys tem has been called in question abort this case and the wages tian has been made that royal commission or parliamentary enquiry should new second guess our Supreme Court But this unorthodox suggestion could prove beneficial if every thing that ls known relevant to the case were to he made pub lie and not onlythosa facts admiï¬lhle at trial there might be some severe shacks some rudeand unexpected shocks Certainly many partie mentarlans would like to hear the truth whatever it is ault thorilatively Some individuals might be hurt but this would he small price if thereby our Judicial sysiemand lawenforce ment agencies were relieved of the slurs which have been cast onansweredupon them For by strange twiit new to judges and 12 jurymen ape pear to be on trial before the court Olpllbllc opinion and the little girl victim has been for Charleston Trip To London Aid To Confederation Ls boa nowwuv Confederation bright prom pect after the Quebec eonfaro once in 1m seemed aimed bepeleuby May the following car it had been defeated In ew Brunswick and Prince Ed ward island Newfoundland bad postponed its decision until No vsnbcr Premier IMF of Nova Scotla had suggested that the Maritime revert to their Elfin plan to form their own The government of Canada ted by Parliament de PW clded to send John Hoodoo aid George Etienne Cartlcn Alexander Gait vand George Brown to Auden to urge the British government to save the situation They were completely aricceufui and later moves by Britain had great deal to do with getting the Confederation train back on theralis While in Britain the Cana dians were honored at many hinctlanr Queen Victoria re ceived then on May Later in the month they went to the Derby travellingin horse drawn carriages They carried baskets of food and wines any by Fortmnn and Mason still one of Londons most fa mous stores Even dour George Brown en tered into the fun During the rivetrour lrip be emirsed him self by shooting pass at the crowds along the route and proved to be an expert mama man with tho peashooicr DArcy McGee had joined the delegation unofficially and com bined with Cartier in Ilnllnl FrenchCanadian sonar The streets of the visit in tendon may havavbeen due in rt lo the fact that the Amer an Civil War was coming to an end It was feared that the arterial Northern arnu might turned alalnst British Noth America MR MAY lb ECENI illsFrench settlers arrived at Laban NS it Danish explorer Jena Munch discovered Churchill River Hudson Bay ran First watermlil built our Quebec riserim New Englandcra lettled at hlaugervills now in New Brunswick SJFirst train operalcd on Ontario Simone and Huron Railway known as the Onll Straw and Hay Hallway lassReciprocity treaty with US came into effect rusJ Macdonilld and An toine Doricn formed novan meni lrll imperial order in couneil authoer British Co tumble to Join Canada lullGrand Orange Lodge of British North America was in corporaied loosGrand Trunk Railway acquired Canada Atlantic Rail WAY m7 Taschcreau govern incnt won Quebec election listPresident Kennedy and will paidpelale visit to Ottawa FOREIGN AFFAIRS Tension Mounts As Arms Race Continues In US By PHILIP DEAN Foreign Analyst we may not be in the first phase of the Third World War rotaryGeneral as we are but Vietnam cool ao cavemen American political life that in ternallonal tensions will in crease dangerously perhaps during the US presidential campaign which begins with the first primary election to months from now The antimissile defences hus aials supposed to be building while the US lgnot may well the bone that print tortsthe US political process Vietnam and defence against intercontinental ballistic mis siles are not directly related US generals do not really he have that the Southeast Asian lighting will spread into world war Britth war in Vietnam is having inevitable unsettling ef feats Dahatebecomes daily more envenomed with epithets being traded instead of argu ments Soldiers who return from Vietnam swell theiranks of the hawks according to most polls Victory rather than stalemate is demanded by more and more people Reasons for American inability to end the war are sought and Soviet help for the North Vietnamese is ad vanced more and more frev quently as one such reason This does not mean that the American people want to fight Russia or believe they must it does mean that once again many people listen when Gen John McConnell the US Air Force chief of staff says World conquest is still the Conununista goal and they will seek every opportunity to achieve it NEXT STEP EASY For those who believe this it is easy to take the next step BIBLE THOUGHT thumbtron ye would that men shonlddo to you do ye evlezn no to them Maltth Here are fifteenwords that canvchangs our lives and believe that Riusia is build lng an antimissile ryatcmand that by not following suit the USsuffers from an anthmli ailo gap US Delencei Score tary McNamara keeps pointing outthat however goodtha de fence offcnllva weapons travel ling at 10000 miles an hour will always have the advantage and get through in sufficient num ers to cause Russia lnaccept nbis damage be also casts doubt on the evidence the mill tary produce to illustrate the missile they can straw in that Russia has dug number of holes around some of is main cities but no one really knows what the holes contain There have been two other gaps much pdvertised by lho military and proven to have been nonexistent the bomber gap for which Pruldent True man suffered and the missile gap Remedy used to suchgood effect in his election campaign But when people are in tire grip of war psychologythey tend to under estimatatheir own fortitude and preparedness vvbllc overestimating the en emys evil tenaclt and The malt Ia the advocates of HIMAnd more arms and more arms get better hearing backed as they are by eager weapons manil lecturers Arms races speed up tirls way and tensions rise STRIKE CALLED OFF LONDON out 01 threatened strike bytlzo London milk driver salesmen set for Monday did not materializen The men had voted week ago to strike if the dairies did not give them fairer deal However twocentJarquart in crease in milk will go Into ef fect Thursday PROPOSES PIPELINE SUDBUHY CHAlvin Ham ilton former Conservative agri culture minister Monday pro posed natural gas pipeline linking the Sudbury area with Western Canada via the United States and southern Ontario He said in an interview that such pipeline could mean ls per cent reduction in gas costs for Budbury residents nuns as cure the in onlam SW30 yea mom Where did you get that throwoff $i5year Mail out lligllQYEHYWeYat mm The department of highways also wants to be miside for requires garages and large parking space sible to gather these deparov meats together in the one bulld frig which the government would build and own by consul 0mm iDliDNlO Mic Works Minister itay Cantrell gave the leg lature agood explanation mm Emma in on side Ontario Slocyear 01th other hand the Provln gt How much do you really if it mm 155 Why fact unloadin 1954 no aw clalSavings Bank wants nan gg°g$deaï¬rfsjs need riiouimsnuaammmt government dosnt put up Ontario government buildings in centres throughout the prov ince Many towns and cities would like to have provincial build ing to add to the stature and the dignitythe government of course always pins up 300 buildinng their municipali ties Anti at first glance this spn pears as very practical propsy siilon Now in many centresgovcrm merit departments occupy lot of space lot of which is rented And of course it is FLEEPRNRIE FIREs ll ra whitlighten nemvmummmerw mcmwwwwsmzsv Lets not break up the party now Why dont we all go over to our house and keep it going Theres myrSZS call you And now may see the cards you have in your hand Dont tell me you spent all saflcrnoon cooking up this mess Howcanl tell you whether like it until you ï¬rst tell me what=lt laff Gee wonder what be doing right nowllf had only Mopeepmu 55m been email and stayed ARRIVING loo WARSAW Mao bachelor vi Thats swell idea boss but itll take an awful Jbtgof tame Whom do you have in rmlnd to carry iiout eminent announced Tn program which was to start withelght provincial buildings throughout the province The program didnt get very far howeverJthough building was put up to Premier Frosts home town of Lindsay For as Council explained further study showed the onebuilding approach wasnt practical Street space And the departments of health and family and social services being in continuing contact with the general public want to be central The study show nail said that the ode vary too much to make one central building suitable and nothing The departments which are 113 happenedsince the study the biggest users of building was niadatochangelhis lhlnk space throughout the province in havg quite differentfequke Incidentallytblsrmlnlster was meats glvenhls usual good reception The provincial police for by the opposition members ample dont want to be do Mr Conneli as was noted by spread out through the commu town They went their diatr Liberal Elmer Sophs ls com nlt and detachment officeg outon plptely unassuming And the would seem eminently the highways house appplscratss this If $4 foreign 376 year National Advertising 01 flces 425 Universin Avenu Toronto 640 Calhcart St Montreal 50 1200 West Pen der St Vancouver 30 Member of that Can ian Daily Newspaper Publishers Association the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Cimrlationa TheCanadian Press is ex elusiver entitled to the use for republication all news dispatches in this paper cred ited to it or The Assocated Pmscrlieuterl and also the local news published therein mo use new immanent if nianhmmmmrr SlitvimwtnttniltmsatlMflAiiEEltlmumlW liWIiflfllï¬llMlWWKMWWII ï¬mWWUNAMlflï¬lfltm BACK VAiKElU MULE mu sturmeth am Mlttlttw Mn Wwoilmmmuwrnmsnnoï¬mmmwm BiwmvdmomaseuuriiiiisrmoammImn Wit Mimnymmymww