fin rue CANADIAN ram mine death toll oi as in Quebec accounted tor almost haitthe 89 accidental deaths treported across Canada during the weekend Canadian Press survey Iirons pm Friday to midnight Sdndny local limes showed roots oi Si persons hlled in girallicaccidenta liva by drown iiag andvtworln other mishans vniirteen persons diedin trai llie mishaps in Ontario six in Alberta our in Newfoundland two ill each at British Columbia Saslratahewan and Nova Scotla rand one In New Brunswick Four drownings were reported ironl Nova Scotia and one oath lrnm British Columbia and 0n itario An Ontario boy was kilied when struck by train one person in hianitoba ed alter an accident involving tractor Prince Edward island re poned no accidental deattls The survey does not include naiural or industrial deaiha snown suicides or slayings The Ontario dead SUNDAY Jacques Landmdlle 10 0t tawa in two car collision near hlaberiy 35 miles north or Kingston Jean Dcsbittu ll Strickland when his car tell the highway Iand overturned near ltapuskao ng Joseph Willaert 4i Learninp ton when his car overturned near Tiibury is miles south west at Chatham laureace Featherrtone It hicrlin James Haskell teamington Theodore Cuisi ir 39 and Richard Taylor 11 both at Tilbury Ont ulten the car in which they were riding leit the mad and stnick tree near nlbury SATURDAY Tattoo Johan Backstrorn 42 bshawa when the car in which he was riding left the Mac donaid Cartier Freeway and crashed into bridge abutment near Toronto Kenneth John Connolly it Church Borrows Money To Enact Matthew Parable SIDNEY BE CH llev ii ow rd MeDiarmid believes you must sow in order to reap And he puts lot ol iaith in his beiiei No ended Sunday service at this Vancouver lsland commu nity by giving members at his congregation $10 bills as they went out the door lie handed out total or $1000 and told church members to vest the money any way they want Then on Thanksgiving Day Oct they must bring back the $10 plus whatever interest they hate reaped The money was borrowed lrom bank by church com mittee at live it will be repaid with interest alter Thanksgiv init The scheme was Mr hic Diarmida way of illustrating the parable of the talents Matthew 25 verses itaoin which master entrusted his money to three servants No doubled the money and were rewarded but the third who was airaid to use the money buried it and when he false it back in the master was For unto every one that hath shall be given and he shall have abundance but lrom him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath And cast ye the unprotitahle tservant into outer darkness thero shall be weeping and Ignashlng of teeth Mr Maliamid has no no tion of casting any oi his can grigation into outer darkness He says hes optimich church members will reap good returns on their talents One member tthd him she is painting canvas she hopes to FREE aarmiaras without obligation roe pickup Delivery liteda Hart Frocks rituals sell Another woman is baking bread and another is giving piano lessons male member at his con gregation has invested the iii in his own all business Two or three peoplelrowned on the scheme and refused to accept the money said the or mer lrochu Alta nlinlster Everyone was very surprised to see me standing at the church door with itstiul of money but they took it very well Alter the bank has been re paid so per cent at the rt mainderwlll help pay oil church hall 25 per cent will go to the United Churchs mission ary fund and 15 per cent will be donated to local ohariUes hir McDiarmld said his plan is working so well that dozen members oi his congregation not noted ior regular church at tendance have approached him and asked to participate in the scheme There was some speculation that the mony may be invested on horses hir hchiarmid chuckled noting that Sahdown Park race track is lvithin easy reach of his congregation But since it doesnt appear the races will be held here this year dont think we have to worry OPP Divers seek Fishermen MiKOKAN Ont CPLPm vincial police divers have started search Sunday for the bodies oi tour Minnesota iisher men presumed drowned in small lake ill Quetico Provin eial Park on the Canadian side of the Ontariohtinnesota bound ary The men all mm the iron mining community at rVirginia were last seen late Friday at the customs station of Prairie Portage about 45 miles south ol here Their heavily loaded it loot boat was found overturned on Burke Lake early Saturday morning two other Virginia Minn ang era Believed drowned are Mich ael Iiukavina 48 school teacher Waiter Ciez 52 an empioyccal United States Steel Frank Serï¬uhï¬tli allne man with the Virginia water and imitdepaltinent and Nidr Go hats48 the only married man in the party land member ol the Virginia lire department LAND IS RICH Swaziland one of Alrieas smallest countries has one oi ihe worldslargest asbestos mines and huge iron and coal TESBIVE Its Meter troubletree Tarot ltyou own cheap powermnwer now you probably know all about expensive repairb and miserable summer Saturdays Voure probany ready fora troublefree TORO Come EWeekEnd Accidents Claim At Least 69 wives struck by CNlt train while Watkins across narrow railway bridge near George town about 20 miles west at Toronto Steve Shorobora so Toronto died in hospital Saturdayoi ilk Juries sutlerod when struck by car in Toronto lridsy night Bertha Grexton 46 Homby when the ea in which she was riding left road and struck an abutment near hillton Gordon Ellwood Davie 32 Piattsvilia when his car struck an overpass on the hiacdonald Cartier heeway about eight miles east oi Kitchener John Henry Nelson Tntdeil to Collins Bay in singleve hicle accident lour miles south east at Kingston Glrista Duryneii 17 Tomato in iwoear collision In Toronto Berton Robinson 43 oi Osh awa drowned in Rice Lake to ntllu southeast at Peierboh ougb it THE BAR EXAMINER MONDAY MAY 15 fl WaveOt Marchers Support NEW YORK AP Hallway around the world trons the bat tleï¬elds cl Vietnam human wava oi marchers coursed down Filth Avenue ior eight hours Saturday in flag waving singing declaration oi support for American servicemen en gaging the enemy The parade coming as rebuttal to antivwar demonstra tions here and in Calilomla last month drew countless theta ands oi marchers and specta ors Unlike last April is when po lice estimated the antiwar dem onstrators at 125000 strong po lice oiliciais declined Saturday to issue even an unoiliclal esti mate AniLwar parade oiiiclais had put the marchers at double the public ï¬gure and long debate lailawed Sean hours alter Saturdays ï¬atade had begun at noon the ew York Daily News esti mated the number of marchers at 15000 and said as many more Complete with CANOPY and Kinguin builtin canopy with time rope and pops Neatlilting henvy quiy vinyl Busyon travel raver banner onlyat TENTHeavier root of AilWeather shrunk Marine Vivatex lloz butylfinis ed polypropylene were waiting in marshaliing areas to step oil The New York Timu esti mated the marchers numbered mm at 735 pm Both papers used mechanical counters ORGANIZED PARADE Ray Gimrnlar New York City the department captain and marine combat veteran or ganised the parade under the theme oi support our boys in Vietnam He emphasized that lhe pa rade was not demonstran backing any particular stand on Americas involvement in the Vietnam war Peace is not the issue he said Every sano man is ior peace The idea is to back our lighting men in Vietnam Ginunier said Sundayhe was very distressed by the news pa estimates at parade par tic patina He said he was sticks tag with his own estimate 01 200000 to 250000 marchers Automotive type 1961 Sleek a0AaKitlsiii The Smooth Way To Roughlt Opens quickly into roomy letiléxGit size 87 square feet oi livingspace sleeps up to adults then presto your camper folds into compact package for travel followsbehind your car like shadow ready to take you to your lavourite retreat Road Knight for the family on the go 408029 rigor re odorlrae mildewproof duck walls are water repellent and reinforced at all points of strain no color rub off Heavy duty elasticized shock cords keep tent properly adjusted in any weather automatically Large scWiion can opy is Road Knight extra bonus Dutch door fullsize windows With ï¬bregins screens and storm flaps insidepnckets Tent opens to full 12h with CAH catalytic Heater Engraved wheel and exclu sive Salary 99 VHigh Speed Trailer Religious Unity Theme US ServiCemen In Vietnam Of Service At soingotsraisin CE dAibut personsprsy an Kr ing hyrrlm on theme oi re ligious unity Kathered in stadium at Expo 67 Sunday led in their devotions by represen tatitas oi eizht religions par tiupatlng in tho rairsflzrision petition Paul Ekniie cardinal Roman Catholic Archbishop oi Montreal lamented the scan dpl oi division among the churches and urged establish ment at line ol communion among all Christians The audience included Catho lic nuns lay people in multi tude oi dress colors and teen agcra dressed in everything trom dungareesto Sunday school attire The Expo stadium can ac commodate 15000 people ltev Dr Leland Gregory at Ottawa representing the Baptist church said the various ile nominatlons participating in tho TRAILERUnï¬nished ale WarpProoi steel chassis floats along on self aligning springs Traiier be termed irom heavy 15 tarepruned panel steel llt solid steel axle Tlmkerl roller bearings 318 steel irentmhaekles rovide same hitch security ior ton trucks Adiustable slideaway legs of sturdy gauge steel Safety lock swingdown door Removable steps Super aize safety stop lights Stows compactly to Gxdiégit Complete with heavy duty Vinyl Compare Ray easyoncasyotftravel cover 408029 nustoupoflz AT MOST STORES um alum at $594 OVaclantern pavilion are not unmiadlul ol diilereneu All the churches have com mon personal and corporate heritage and have come to Expo becatise we want to be heir in oil ieilowship he 53 English speaking clergyman such as ltev Dr Ritchie Ball at hiontreal representing the Presa hyterlan Church in Canada Mild to the audience in French URGES UNITY Rev Dr Otto Olson oi Tor onto spettking tor the Lutheran Church told the gathcrlng that Christian churches ior too lane have seemed to pay loo much attention to diiiclerlces and not enough to what unites them ltt Rev Timothcos oi Tor onto Bishop oi ltodostclon ahd representing the Greek Ortho dox Church at the Expo meet ing said he is not airaid to ad mit lhat his church like others EXpo bears some responsibility ior the divisions Churches had preached lova at one level but practised divi siveness at another Ddlhtl us irvm hatred and prejudice and whatsoever may hinder us tram godly moon and concord prayed another cieh gyman irom the Ukrainian Greek Orthodox Church Salvation Array band its silvereolorcd tnstruments flash ing in the brilliant sunshine an companicd singing at hymns criginzting in the traditions oi th respective ohurches climax to tha hour long session took the lorrn at milk ule oi silent prayer ior church unity Later nt Rev hiagnire Anglican Bishop oi liontrcal prayed aloud ior the loyalty to recognize and the courage to reject all our hidden indliterence and mistrust and our mutual hostility or rnnit Canadian Tire Stem FocustheSoving KARLVOIGHTT 7x35 BINOClllARS REGULAR $2295 Ideal for spectator sportsmen Lightweight yet ragged frame For tent or camper trailer Keeps you Warm and comfortable on cold damp days 2500 BTU burns upto 32hours ton oneï¬lling 6V2 high 88 dioxin BB7171M sraclal ruacnaset Features signal flasher Higli density red polyethylene ful reflector position switch With 64 sealed in steel battery stll is contourcurved for easy handling Center focus wheel coated optics neck strap and leather case Pair 781012 oasis nits aivaEK rituasand FRI satin that NIGHTSQ AJ BROWN BARRIE LTD llOLIUhlL9P STtVlIVEST was Saa Your Ndarest Taro aeRuars Hal