Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 May 1967, p. 7

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QLa T0 GOOD HEALTH Emotional Upsets Bring On littaclrs By JOSEPH hIOLNER MD Dear Dr hidinel Can an asthma attack came on because 01 anenuus condition anger jealousy cic Would you advise allergy tests or do you consider it waste at money is it easy to dis tingulsh between asthma and emphysema Doss emphysema develop irom asthma What would be your rccom mendntion or an asthma pu iicntiN Emotional tlpscis most de cldtdly help bring an nsthmnI attacks Some experts believe that such tensions always are present with young asthma pa tlents and cry alien in older ones Besides the emotions you mention many other may be involvedtor one icar oi an other attack This does not mean at course that emotions are the whole cause oi asthma They are not but they are important Allergy tcsis Yes would in general advise them be cause sensitivity allergy to something or other so alien is at the root at asthma study at your history and TELEVISION PROGRAMS BUFFALO BARBIE BUFFALO BUFFALO TORONTO 11 HAMILTON SATURDAY MAY EVENING 100 Lum Morris in toggle sow ouiiteldt oAttu lour IIWltstlinl lrilnuipnes llLnua Rants llnano Party 10 it aslotto in but Stimuli ltcmt Music emtou and owis World or figufimu itrmalsu one cy tnnuno Table tcuxumoka aNoru ltsu sKontucky Derby Haclil Gleason Dllun For Your Lite 7iovie 111411 Sing Out iflllsumno 51 min loco 730 mllsrson 530 Zllt 100 to the am 111321 it mrnttlmi il1 rmnu Hum Gleason aw Mm um In 100 1100 fasten za 4731 lNrwa sDeath Valle Days tnu Deep Blue Sea Weather 1121 sLcst 1n Spies llJsmboteu 1lovil scnsnnet illpnsts to oro OThundublrds 810 Filovie lluttlest lloho 34 5mm tttco Geordie JCamuscl 1150 it sanntan rlnn lMavie zNlL Aclton oNews and sports lLawrcncl Wells lsnonnn steed thnd lintel DAnswertng Scnica SUNDAY MAY MORNING AND AFTERNOON 700 1030 11911 mm zlnstsnt 730 HDcctnim sAsrtoutoun uaA 7Hersld or Truth slslsdemoueus 0011 ssnts 11 Th Lu 1100 DCmoan Playhouse 1Ia1ih ror Todw lGlflldl Sclvitl 11 lFllm Ftlluns 100 sllmlo or Truth tArnmur llour 7Ctlalltltgc 95oectum 11Contlnentsl Miniature aCountry Calendar swanl or Liil DMeta 1Chrlalovhcr 7Dullw1nkla tilitf° llSICrtd rten 11wmtltng Mm Ho 11 no lnlegorts acaAa mfihflfiifi 3333 asepxmhe 7Unus In 7Dlscovcsy 51 lCounirrpolnt MW owlsn You stjllm Future 9110 Kora 7Vcwlswed Gama DIluvlts km Rf my lglfdlmnesnénw srsoosc onso 0414110011 ZScnale Report liChlmh Ema gather flammfi are Nicof WHEY aCanads Week 2Cilurch1nvtlltinn 7r1rrt Nnmo Onlv PSMH sUncte Jerrys club altsllsn Album 1v 7vlmi5 7Eaarly and mu Kill 1ho Umpire lilhlil Journal 12130 mg vc till00 tlleroules Unchained smim 241 Answer 3Dowrnessta 310 gNew storntty tFace Tito Iilon zvsay It Now Allockei Ship Misc soooe Sliyrrut sins osununy llnthcr Moonn ttaneetrum SUNDAY MAY EVENING Loo 6lo ssmotnm Brothers 2poin Varieties fNews Special 7533 Iiiiitlhu km Wm DPeyton Place 11nennls tn Mus 7110 Jlicy Landlord 430 Lassie mnoydwgnsms 7V all sales Fm Tmm BIiswhlrscu snoy Thomson emmte story 1Gali ovnlel Boone liTtlay rsleut Time 500 lltant Disney zWntt Disney Pflishblck Pthu ws lllctcr Gurus 1030 twnsts My Line ztnsitht slts about silos ml 6° llleritage nrBi 11ott tiring Mary mutantNana 3110 Weather Sport 030 sao Sullltan sCouegs howl PM 5le 15 srllpocr 71a1 ZJohnny Carson 44m ltstovrz scnsnnel slott acolr To nun ills Own £1 1ranqumyy coo msum zalnnap sheen 5° 7llovlc swalt Disrte ZHey Landlord 4721 lam ol mum at Jeannil $75 ova agretflnong Kong 91005 1110 on one ottanza olnu 1114 in Susan zaonsnzs llllyftnm Theatre MONDAY MAY MORNING AND AFTERNOON 0110 flag Camera 100 zWirldow on the world All Tim Egogilbufldfll aSunrlse Semester torso bateet the Millers liNawa 24onmmu°n 7Fugitite 70a srnsullsmsn 93100 ssoosy ramu tullouuu 115113391 02er News 94mm pm 13011 Sldes ot Lbs Him 1131mm rtmo La oTv University 1311 zu tents and 733 zslutelm Mates 1mg tuggaemw 3911 was JAs tn World 115chnluel house oMirarhndufln 210on soo WW mull zDsys or Oour 11m scaaulo than smeora oumveruty 2le 7Ncwlywcd arm 530 sDuk Van Dyke knotliver 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snowballrd T53 ttoo 571 11 1Pasnzort swo MWWM News chaLtllr Sports 7News 530 on was uranium snow sretumt Junction on nun Nm aoom nqléclngna wut thififfléimiiigm glyeathes lteport PM av 1100 mum sigh of 6m lew as the wuss owtlo Wild West ennay Griffith 7Movia 111mm 7Fclony souo taenlnu the Iron naorta Berton BCountrv 11min 1111 tsastueoc Junction Curtain llllnkly That physical examination should precede such tests houeter lniormalion lrom those soums plus any observations you may make tubes and under what conditions your asthma bothers you can be valuable guide saling time and money by indl rating what types oi allergy tests Ira most likely to be helpiui Medications to prevent the airways irom sueling avold ance at things known to bother your allergy and in selected cases series at descnsltiratlon inlcctluns arc the basic naapons against asthma along with thoughtiul eitorts to Plelflll letting things upset you emo iionally physician will have no dil ilculty in distinguishing between asthma and emphysema but there are occasions when they both may be present Continued pressure on the lungs lrom asthma can be one several conditions contributing to em physoma Dear Dr Molnar How soon alter birlh do they test baby ior brain damage it they suspect something wrong Are the para cnts lninrmed oi the results am very concerned about baby granddaughters Mn one test the PKU is done few days alter birth This is chomlcal test and does not show brnin damage it shows con dltion which unless treated by South dealer Eastesl vulnerable NOW K4 AQDHZ AKBB EAST +o¢ WEST snalo versus yslo vhass noses +Qoa51 aovslr sxquoaou v03 72 The bidding South West 44 Pass North East Flu Fall Opening leadqueen oi hearts The more chances you give dc eiarer to make mistake the more mistakes he will make Here is case where West made title defensive play that caus ed declares In go down West led heart East took dummys king with the net anti returned heart West won with the ten and shiiicd to the jack oi clubs Declnrcr won in dummy and lcd spade East showing ottt Vcst took Souths king with the ace and returned the 10 oi clubs Deelsrcr won in dummy and all he now had to do was some to his hand to draw trumps and take the rest at the tricks At this point South had to choose between ruling club or first playing the ace oi dlua monds and suiting diamond South realized that it he tried 10 mil club and it turned out that lllcst had only two clubs originally he would be detected when West oterruiicd Ha there tore led the ace oi diamonds in tending to suit diamond next DAILY CROSSWOBD ACROSS 1t Talk At distance Vestlge 10 Distributes Having Mans nicknarns Glues 6t Iumb Fatimas husband Did organs shoe hearing makers 1311 job 145etha 9oir mother 15 Encounn goiter tered 11 Emphalze 16 Conjunc 15 Personnel tion lhlp Reduce Baking in rank chamber 2013everuga 19 Variety or 21s Dressing mandarin tables orange 23 Number 26 Sells 21 Quartell 29 Even poet 30 OrlanRI 34 Londons chic municipal otticer abbrt 85 Fortity 36 Chinese Communist 37 Florentina painter fill Lodge 41s Blemish 42 Fat 130therwlso Bald Down Long for amguo Tamil point CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER humanism1 sunsx14 nun mans MISS ANDREWS Have you finished arranging those papers in the proper order yet luau Ida ulullduulll Illlfiflllll nullnullgn suitable diet still came retard Ilan later It the test is siiiye the parents would be in wheat otherwise not Some inrms oi retardation or brain damage are apparent or strongly suspected at birth mongollsm being one other types may not be detected until the baby is several weeks or several months old but general physicians and pediatricians are watchful or such signs Thats one at the rea1ons or having baby examined periodically JULIEI JONES Dear Dr hlolncr Last June noticed two small bumps on my tool The doctor said they were plantar warts and gave me medicine to put on once da with instructions to wash it in the morning 1an was two months ago More seeds are appearing and my tool hurts so can hardly walk My doctor didnt tell ms to come back is it supposed to take this longts 11 Some plantar warts although not manyit clear up quite cas lly Others display varying de grhes oi ornery stubbornness by surgery xray or other methods your doctor surely can make you more comlortahle He didnt tell you to come back be cause plantar warts are unpre dictable He iigurcd that it you didnt return the first treatment visitedarid that it it did not suiilcc you would return and tell him so DONALD DUCK But on the see at diamonds Vcst played the king Vcst knew Souths problem and tried to per sllarlu him that the king was singleton and that another dia mond load would subject him to on Dvcrnlii West also knew that playing the king could not cost him thing sinca he was aware that Souths remaining cards were all trumps HENRY fill IAIN momn MTLILDAY MAY 1361 no ml we at Wagr saws rwc WEI not so $01 Murry on smut m1 your raw we we no scams Aw so all you acne snlL rateuns rvtd Arm we tcsr WELLW DIDNY lose agu SO cu Foil FFRlENDSNtP Mam soon ratswrur 01113394 No two ways So South rightly or not tried to get to his hand by suiting club Its rcsuit he went down one West scoring second trump trick South hurt really dliiieult guess once West had inlsccarded with the king oi diamonds But it West had made the normal play of low diamond on the ace it seems likely that declur er would have ruffed diamond anti made the contract Tho inlsecard thus sucoeedcd in cre ating problem that gave South ldchance to go wrongand ho SECRET AGENT X9 sauna By MIKE MEL HOWELL Preparations are being made or school reunion at all torm er pupils and teachers 01 Edgar 55 No Oro on August 1967 All school records are not complete so it anyone has any information please contact Mrs Ioe Siraohan phone 7230355 successiul smorgasbord suP per was held at the Community Hall April 29 All proceeds were or the hall iund GRAN DMA my EXAhflNER warm ans PHONE mom ETIA Km 20 From Illd Land oun thin 22 Ex 3min Kgtagt mmzx atom Kmmlt BLONDIE hllilll as so THIS is oguwws nsdsmtdts LATESO ILL 5m MBBING FDR TDNIdHr GRANDMA avaavs JANiE éRANDMA GO IEDDYBYE uuess WHAT BLDNDIEUPWLMS is LEAVtNG Taor515 YOU SHOULDNT SPREAD RUMORS LIKE STfiNDTHERE GAPING MR BURKE wtN BLONDIE HAVENT TOLD slva BEEN BABY5111th mo NOVTHENWHO no you THINK WLL VIN THE PENNANT MUCH LATELYJ AND THOSE DID TELL PROMISE THEYD KEEP irA SECRE CROWD OF ETIAS DOV FRIENDS LOAFED AROUND ALL MODNlNG Noowux As ANOTHER CAR LOAD CAME 1N LOOKS LlKE THE NIGHT SHIFT CDMiNG tlon 23 Dia tcnda 24 Rolls glans recluse 75 Casting vehicle 28 Flee Live cool 31 Lift 33 Not any zbnr ruinous 355aered bull Egypt 306mm friend 391313 swan 40tArah garment BUZZ SAWYER AND MOTHERWILL LElYOU GOT THE DOUBLEFEAIURE MUViE 305M GRANDIM SAYS 1F YD DONT COMETD MlNUlE WU UN HAVE DINNER iMMEDWELY MY SOUEsI WNT SMELL PUNISH YDU BY GiViN5 ME YOUR BUTIER SANDWICHES CHILDREN gt lLL ae mates in rows mur ltEITHER HERE NlCE lOOLIRSE ElllNESE DlNNER Oli ORDER LAWALL coorsn AND READY ourYou STILL veseave in as WMISHEP no ill THANKS HERES so 11L ASK GRANDMA TO is

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