people crow each other RECORD CROWD AT BALL record crowd attended the Daffodil Bail an annual event staged by the Nurscs Alumnae of Royal Victoria llospital last evening Approximately Sflt persons were guests at the Spring tlancc which was called the Centennial Daffodil Ball this year in keeping with Can adas birthday The theme of the ball was depicted In the decor which included centen ninl symbols hung at the front of the Barrie Armoury where the event was held Centennial ball gowns were worn by many of the guests including the president of the Alumnae Mrs David litll who received guests llrs Frank Debt was the convener Shown at the party are Hoot flow LEIT T0 RIGIIT ilrs Audrey John son lrs ldin Kellouzh Mrs Shirley It Mrs lien Winters STANDIN are John Kellough fair and hob Nicholson iEx amine Photo LOOKING BACK Pioneer Women Controlled Familys Early Home Life Editors NOTE The lift of the pioneer woman ll outlined in the fifth In It lerlel of article to be published week ly on the womens pages of this newspaper Reminiscing with Mrs Cummlfll r04 lates to the days of her hul hnnda grandmother and of her own grandparents and their families Each week wrltcn of the articles will turn back the PIECE of time to tell what life was like In this lrel cen tury ago Next weeks column is en titled Reminiscing with EC Drury written by Mrs Charles McNivcn By AIRS It CUMMING My husbands mother Annie Btirnlield was born in 18H of Scotch Presbyte rla parents who had settled in Medonte Township Like other pioneer amen of the day she must have known times that we would think intolerable by todays stun dard of living knew her for many years and never once did she refer to these years as dit fleuIl limcsI fine mother she raised four sons and in her knowledgable way prepared them to accept responsibility and in take their place wherever duty called llcr four dauglners were taught the duties of the home and were able to carry on effic iently in their own home or could hetp in any home in the county If they were needed They were taught to be gracious hostesses ANN LANDERS Woe Is Critical 0t Mates Conversation Dear Ann Landerr liiy hus band is smart in busincss makes fine living and is active in civic affairs But he has habit that is driving me nuts He talks to hmself If someone pays him com pliment during the day he will walk around with silly grin repeating the compliment and enjoying it all over again If he has had an argument at the of fice he will rehash the conver sation repeat what he said what the other fellow said and Iiien adti ultra he shotdd have said He makes no attempt to keep his voice down It is almost as if he is performing for me and the children Tonight he went into monologue on what he plans to say to his supe isor tomorrowll he gets criticized for the way he handled deal It is creepy to hear this man talking to himself in full voice Please tell me if you think he is losing his buttonsfGrecnr horn Ilear Greensboro In the past three weeks have received over 2000 letters from women whose husbands like to sleep in lace nightgotvns and wear ladies unA dcrwear One loon asked his wife to make him some silk dresses to wear while watching TV Anti you are complaining because yourhusband talks to himself Comparativer speak ing hes in good shape T00 OFTEN Deor Ann London Our son his wife and children live in neighboring subdivision like to go there ever night for beer and lillc conversriiiofi lily wife says seven nights veek istoo often say so lon not too often and were equally as competent in the kitchen FINE WOMAN When Grandma Cumming pasa red away in 1939 in her 95th year she was carried to her last resting place by six grand sons who loved and respected her It is difficult to find words to best express the contribution she made to her family Unfortunateh never knew my fathers mother Martha Jock son but she raised family of nine sons and four daughters At one time the family lived in Oro Township about two miles east of where the Edgar Adult Training Centre is now situated Many years later when going through family records com ments about Martha Jackson noted she was the best manager and the most peaceloving no man that ever ruled family Around last according to the history the family moved to Va sey where they purchased the Vasey Farm IIELIGION IN IIOME One of the nine sons Andrew was minister When he was student at Bible College in Belle ville his classmates were amaz ed at his mastery of the old Testament He gave the credit to his mother who had given him an early education on readings from the Good Book While she sat and darned the familys socks she laid her children stor ics and quoted parables from the Bible The youngest son became member at our family after his parents early death He Our son says cant come over without his mother His mother refuses to go more than four nights week We are hav ing some terrible arguments over this and wish you would straighten her NILan Jersey Dear Jersey You sure rattled the wrong cage Huh am the founder of the Leave Your lifar ried Kids Alone League Four nights week is too often to visit anybody Go to your childrens home when they telephone and invite you HOME REPAIRS Dear Ann Lenders was in terested in the women who could not get their husbands to fix things because grew up in such home My father did not fix anything whatsoever and he was carpenter by trade lily mother and took the kitchen stove apart and put it back together We fixed the roof the chimney replaced broken windows painted plas tered and even repaired the plumbing Just name in and my mother and did it married man who is just like my father but decided wasnt going to he workhorse like mama was When some thing needed fixing would ask my husband to do it If within three days it wasnt done Id hire someone when he got the bill hed blow up lily response was Id rather pay out the money than nag you dear In the last few years he has done all the repairs and have never asked him more than onceThe Foxy Ono Dcnr Foxy You make lot of sense girl recommend your with us while he took his educa tion and then went to live with his minister brother where he completed his cdutxition lie too chose the ministry for career and at the age of 19 was sent to Burma to teach Chris tinnity He died in Burma at the age of 59 years and is buried in the British Cemetery at Hong Kong 1in mothers mother was born Letitia Russell in the County of Donegal Ireland In the year 1838 and came to Canada with her famin in IESI She married my grandfather Robinson in 1555 and they lived in Cartwright Township for 10 years before settling in Tay Township in Sim eoe County METHODIST MEETINGS Grandmother bin son had been brought up in the Presby terian faith but she had attend ed Methodist camp meetings in Ireland and had made up her mind that she would join that group if she had the opportun il Vasey where my grandpar ents settled in Tay Township got its name from the Vasey family whose eldest son was postmaster in the log house that was the Vasey homestead The post office was first cnl led the Vaseys Corners but the Corners was eventually dropped Giandfathor Vasey as he was affectionately called by settlers had come from England with his young family He and Grandmo ther Robinson were responsible for establishing the first meet ing place for Methodists Grandfather Robinson had met with an accident while clearing land and spent many months in bed He recovered to degree but as grandchildren we never knew him to be well and healthy NEW BABY One of the duties in most pi oneer households was bringing new member of the family into the world This was task that seemed to be accomplished with only minorchangcs in the general routine do not remem ber hearing too much fuss made about the new arrivul There al ways seemed to be some fine capable woman prepared to take over One of the social events itlm parlance was the Singing Class which in my mothers day was conducted by Miss Porter She was known to be one of the strictest teachers and was able to teach her young charges the basics in music The Methodist and Presbyter ian had wonderful choirs and every member as recall sang each selection by note Family lifeon Sunday revol ved around the church as did many of the social activities in those days and pioneer woman found time to join in these ac tivities and still control the household MORE THAN GIRLS HEARD WHISTLE MOOSE IAW CWMau rice Nunas 19 has found out that expressing admira tion can be costly Nunas was fined $26 and costs after he pleaded to charge of using speaker without pernu The court was told be parked on Main Street and used the public adhess sys his car to whistle female mater plnn as an antimtg measure for all wives everywhere SKIRTING THE BAY Rates At Ontario Pavilion Suit Average Pocket Book By EILEEN DIXON With all the talk about the high cost of eating at Expo and the long waiting lines outside some of the restaurants it makes you wonder what conditions will be like at the peak of the summer rush One writer noted that the he varinn Restaurant was quite costly while other eating places ran out of food and were forced to turn customers away The in timate restaurant in the Ontario pavilion however was one of the few that offered meal at rea sonable rate The menu posted outside the Ontario pavilion at the weekend billed lightlybrowned Brampton chicken at $345 There were plenty of seats available at this restaurant too where prices seem to be closer to lilontreal city rates While these stories about the high cost of cod are seemingly legitimate complaints one Ex po olttctal says that the situation no doubt stems from the fact that the people in these pavilions have to pay their costs meet their overhead and at least break even by the end of Expo Maurice Novek who supervis es Expo Restnuranis said that part of the trouble at opening weekend was that food services were not yet ready to meet the demand Like many people planning to visit Expo this summer had hoped to sample the special dishes of other countries during my travels But before doing so will be sure to check the menu and the price lists posted out4 side ench restaurant The Ontario restaurants where plan in out often are the Pav ilions agriculttnal exhibit since they also tell story about the province and its peopletheir tra ditional and their uniquely Can adian foods and how they are prepared After Iiiay 25 the outdoor cab lng places will be open Yorke villa is the moderate lt price family eating area although the menu is limited it lists Fried Chicken in Baskmnlh Corn Fritter for $195 fwcc Sandwich for $115 The International Cafe is out of doors and food is brought in box by pretty girl You will have choice of hot dog ham burger or meat pie served with colc slaw potato chips soft drinks and ice cream Dr you can replace the hot dog or harm burger with the ethnic dish of the day If you want the quiet elegance of superb dinner in intimate surroundings you will find it in GRADUATES Carl Constable was pre sented with the 1957 gradu ating class of Lefourneau Col lege Longview Texas at its graduation services April 12 He will complete Bachelor of Arts degree in history in June and plans to teach in the Girard Community Schools of Girard Illinois He is the son of Mr and Mrs Keith Constable of Stroud and is married to the former Bar bara Beers of Barrie the Birch Room of the On tario Restaurant The room has been decorated in euitom de signed furniture to make the diner more comfortable On the menu is wide range of carefully selected Ontario delic acies prepared in traditional fashion to full the most fastidA lous taste The decor suggests the various woods of Ontario accented by an abstract Zoloothlgh birch tree with porcelain loaves Fbimtains wood sculpture handwoven tap estries quiet pools and flowers add to the sophisticated atmos phere and immaculate service It also boasts one of the tin est cocktail lounges on the site the Cartwright lounge The decor here suggests the cool caver nous depths of Ontarios many mines represented in sculp tors concept of mine shaft above and below the ground and metal tree the leaves of which are copper mined in the Prov lnce in the ccntre ot the large hexagonal bar under canopy of 250 deerskins Is but Mr amidliko sculpture of metal by Ted Bieler with water cascad ing down over the triangular sec tions to quiet pool Uniforms for waitresses and em TUE BARBIE EXAMINER SATURDAY MAY hostesses in the Ontario Pavilion have been designed with close eye to fashion appeal ll well Practical needs Two basic design are used for the altreuu la the pavilione six staurantr and hm In the Cartwright lounge in doort waitresses will wear slightly Allned polished cotton dress with neck elbowtlenrth sleeves and stripes In tur quotas and blue complimenting the purpleblueilgbt blue decor of the lounge llortcsses in ter lounge will wear purple linen dresses with basically the same line as the waltrerres uniforms but but toning down the front with narrow panel setting off the but tons and welt stitching down the front and around the Ileeves Hostess tn the outdoor res taurants and bars will pick up the same theme but in differ ent colors Waitresses tn the other five areas will wear slightly more casual linen lookvurdform in three colors an inverted top usually in while central diamond usually in black and skirt section in varied colors to pick up the decor of the res taurunt 1961 This bright green eulottcd lump suit by Originals feat ures geometric armhole and is worn with brief jacket with epaulettes and gilt studs tied zipdip front This mili tary look is considered the the season last evening Pinecrest at linesing the dance party President Mrs Ed Flower lain Mrs Betty Partridge Awards and trophies were pre sented to the winning teams in each series and playoff winners Winners of the first series were the Eskimos led by team cap tain Mrs Betty Partridge Mrs Joan Stone lilrs Dorothy Rug man lilrs Marg Taylor Mrs Elaine Saucier Mrs Shirley Toporowslo Second series winners were the Stampeders led by captain Mrs Ivy McWaters liIrs Marie Gra ham Mrs Evelyn Silk Mrs Doris Edgerton Mrs Isabelle Orser and Mrs Bubs Smith Playoff winners were the Ar gos and included team captain Shelia Taylor Mrs Aileen IIurt ubise Mrs Bernie Desjardins Mrs Betty Van Denbossdie Mrs Lena Webb and Mrs Dor een Fox High average Mrs Kay Flow er triple Mrs Millie Cairns and singe Mrs Kay Bennett CLUB DINNER Costumes of yesteryear will be worn by members of the Barrie University Womens Club of Bar rie at the clubs dinner party to be held at the Continental Inn on May to The annual event will commence at oclock BIRTHDAY CELEBRANT birthday celebration will be held in honor of Bracalentc tomorrow afternoon hen the Auxiliary Decides To Support Clubs Centennial Park Project litany womens organizations in Barrie were formed to bandlnband with mens ganiaabons and this is the pur pose ot the Ladies Auxiliary to the Lions Club of Barrie At meeting held Thursday night at the borne of Mrs lack Oates St Vincent St members decided in addition to their own welfare projects to support the projects of the Lions Club PARK PROJECT The atud will he iiii funds to puntEclipse the pgrman cot playground equipment for the Lions Club Centennial Park Project Members also decided to provide funds to send two blind children to Camp Joseph for twoweek period support the Victorian Order of Nurses the Canadian Mental Health As sociatiaa and Muscular Dysirir Included in the auxiliarys plans for the immediate future is the responsibility of catering at the Lions Club car draw to be held at the Embassy Hall on May 10 NEWOFFICEIIS slate of officers was pre4 and is as follows Past President lifrs Erie Dewsnsp President Mrs Torn hieCopnel First vicepresident Mrs Wit liam Sarjeant Second vicepres ident Robert Hancock Secret ary Mrs Norman Hesketh As sistant secretary Mrs William Oakes Treasurer liIrs Gerald Woodger Cub reporter Mrs Frank Craig Social hostess Mrs Harry Nesbilt Directors are Mrs George Seymour lilrs Bill Dyment and Mrs Allan Cook The next meeting will take the form of the annual installation dinner to be held on June 217 Dunlap St Members of the Tuesday Afternoon Ladies Lea gue of Kempview Bowl doffcd their bowling shoes and donned their dancing shoes to mark the end of The ban net and dance party were held at the The ladies dined alone but were later joined by their husbands and guests for Arrangementsfor the event were in charge of Cairns secretaryTreasurer Mrs Helen Cross Aver age Keeper Mrsfbeitha Frankcom and Spare Cap PEOPLE AND PLACES Banquet And Dance Party Wind Up Bowling Season VicePresident lilrs Millie Barrie resident will celebrate his rout birthday The afternoon and evening reception will be held at the home of the cele brants soninlaw and daughter htr and Airs Carrier Friends and neighbors will be received from to pm and from until lo oclock SUNDAY TEA Among the outotcity guests attending the student nurses mother and daughter tea at St Josephs Hospital Toronto to morrow afternoon will be Mrs Calvert of Bose St and Mrs Ernie Peirimoulx of New ton St Iitrs Calvert will so company her daughter Jolie and Mrs Petrimoulx will be guest of her daughter Laurette CARAVAN RECEPTION An afternoon reception will be held in the Officers lies of Squadron Grey and Simcce Foresters at the Barrie Arm oury Sunday following the of ficial opening of the Confedera tion Caravan His Worship May or Les Cooke who will atticlaie at the opening and lead the of ficial party through the Caravan and his wife Mrs Cooke will be among the guests other guests at the official opening will include Warden of Simcee County George McKay and Mrs McKay MP Arthur Evans WitIll Say It Best For MOTHERS DAY SUNDAY MAY Send your love with flow ers to any part of the world through our wire servroe 3mm Jlruum 14 Blake St MEWS PERFECT DRAPERV DRYCLEAMING WITH dd FOLD FINISHING Cuerlnhad tenth even hemllnu DleIIIII look like no Oualttv Cleaning from the House of sgvï¬k 7264259 andlilrs Evans lilP Reber Smith and lilrs Sniilh Presi dentof the Barrie Chamber of Commerce Rrucc Given and lilrs Owen Wing Commander Maitland Canadian For ecs Ease Borden Base Adminis trative Officer and Mrs lilait land lilr and hlrs Ed Norman Mr and Mrs Walls Mr and Mrs Ralph Snclgrove Ch man of the Centennial Commit tee Thomas Kcrr and Mrs Kerr lilr and Mrs John Brennan Barrie Aldermen and their wives and families and members of the cxewive of the Barrie Chamber of Commerce and their families The Queens Park site has been completed and even the KIA wanis Auxiliary tent where re freshments will be served is ready for business tomorrow Admission to the bratian is rec The Commieration Caravan and train is the largest project of the Federal Centennial Com mittee and it iscxpected that they trill be enjoyed by millions of people across the Dominion GARDEN HINTS In the spring Iris beds and individual Iris plants in flower beds should be inspected and cleared of debris and dead leaves At this time dressing of complete fertilizer suh as 52020 should be given say 0n Iario Department of Agriculture and Food hortinilturists Iris plants make great deal of growth during the next six to eight weeks and thus require considerable supply of plant food at this period Apply at the rate THE IUMPSUIT most popular for spting Photo of Nurses always ready to serve the sick Phone 728595l Member of the Barrie United Appeal Sudden blasts of noise on bouncomtovlnblehrpceioily it your hearing aid doesnt shot them nut quickly The new Zenith Moderator eliminateslhis pain at shock And it gives you we protec tionnuiomoticully Voudont miss word Ask us for free demo slraiion We think we can save you discomtort cw Hearing Aid conic Tuesday May Min nrs Pllll utter of pounds per square foot to supply their needs We are pleased to Jack conducting hearin field hearing aids Remember 1117 problems with him 66 Duniop 5t nine lll Tunic udd Repres 1th Radio Corpora Hearing Aid Divisi will be at our store on May 9th or the purpose of ining and adju your hearing aid free of charge If you are having any problems tsoever be sure to see Mr Cudd Who has had many years of experience in the hearing aid Mr Cudd willIalso be demonstrating the very latest Zenith advances in tiny aneffe which fits entirely irthe economical blem is no dbligationl Be sure to take th opportunity of seeing Mr Cudd and discussing your hearing PHONE FOR AN APPOINTMENT 7232903 MacKAYS PHARMACY as Dunlop at 7282903 unce that Mr tative for Zen of Canada all tests and exam ear and also the mm at