Willie shown here in at that it young limit Midland the same route cclébra ion Idea Ttie eliminary schedule calls for th Jesuits to reach Expo at linnt eat on Sept The ar raacm nls are being iollnwcd here wt particular interest and excitement Norman Lawson 27 at Tim mios theology student at ile pis College in Tomato will lead the expedition and en route they will it It North Bay Deep Riv brokc hiattawn rn tawa Howkesbury and SHED OCKS The or its at wearing the eas pork whi canneing have been eniphusiz to the Jesuits as they slutty fro the Relations 72 voiwme nary compiled by the early mis lonaries The gown was lost too cumbersome tor such trai lllng hindering loot tnL gelti wet and dragging sand Consent cntly ltir Lawson and his tcllow eanoeists will wear modern glrb ter most at the hanging only to the bulky cn ocks when ncallnll cominruii es they intend to visit At these communities along the way they will conduct ecumen ical services and ask religious leaders at all denominations to sign parchment tor display Iat or at the Christian pavilion at Expo 57 TAKE IT EASY The trip mostly downrivcr took the early Jesuits trnm 12 to 17 days but Mr Lawsons paddlch expert to take 21 days The IlIlfl tor the tripwas born in February 1966 during an internist chat among aegis students With the help of students ltlike Murray to at Sher breoke line and diaries Pelt lerson or hitssoula Illanl ltlr Lawson developed plan Their Jesuit superiors pro vided them with enough tunds tor provisions arid the students raised the rest of the $5000 required for the project program physical training began in January nveightlittinï¬ running ciiis thenics an something called stomach utling to develop abdominal strength One stuA dent Ja hlarianlhony 12 oi lladro India is keeping In shape irough yoga They are making the voy go in our canvascovernd ndar ca nes specially built tiy Pet borough 0nt iirm at cost at $421 canoe Each canfe seats six men We ha no extra eanocs says Mr Lawson If we lose one on the trip then that crew is out at it Powdered od will be carried in sealed containers WORLD BRIEFS cnahns ARRIVE EDMONTON CPI Four rare hooded cranes reported to be as scarce as whooping cranes arrived Friday at the Alberta game larm near to menton irom mainland China at Deming owner oi the larm said the nor are the iirst at their speeied to enter Canada Six are held by zoos in the US and two each in San Diego Philadelphia and New York ay FOR FURTHER INFORMATION TERRY FAY young Jes uit who will take part in an attempt to duplicate one at the canoe voyages ol the early Canadian Jesuits takes break lrom training under that float but the Jcsuits will eat in restaurants where pose siblc George Leach 29 itolilax born director of Gonzaga high weighted bar that he uses to strengthen his arms lie is one of 24 young Jesuits who plan to make 5t0mile canoe trip from Midland to Montreal starting Aug 13 school St Johns Ntld ls the only experienced eanoelst having competed in national events with the Banach Canoe IIIK BARKER EXAMINERS SATURDAY MAY on Claim Crime Invades Expo QUEBEC ICII Former Jus lice minister Claude lagner said in the legislature Friday night that organized crime has intillrated Expo 67 at Montreal He named tour concession eires he said are actin as treats for underworld operators at the worlds lair He said Fleur de Lys Vending Machines which has the cone cesslon or all automated incit iJes at Expo ls connected with Joe Frankel chici at the Montreal bookies He said all meat concessions at Expo are controlled by William OBront whom he de scribed as wellknown illalia ligurc The other two eonccssionaires he linked with the underworld were New System Towels sup ply and Iiarglcs Florist Shop llr Wagner iormcr judge made the statement during study ot the estimates ot the justice department can Plastics Timber Threat TORONTO CPIIlene Bru ncllc Ontario minister of lands and forests said Friday that the growth at lumber substitutes such as plastic and plywood sc riously threatens the lumber in dustry Speaking at meeting of the provincial Lumber Manufactur cis Association hlr Brunette said the provinces 1000 saw mill operators should consoli date to tight the hurdles that substitute materials have erected tor the industry Aluminum steel and plastics had seriously altectcd the use oi wood in some areas and the trend mtght continue to make inroads into traditional lumber uses such as Interior wall from Club Dartmouth NS ing exterior siding and turni tnre making INNISIII NOTES Finds Expo Great Plans To Return fly KGS We are pleased that our at tendance or tour days helped to put the attendance of the big lair lcli crop the million mark so early in its run ln act the crowds that poured into Expo on Sunday was such that all ex pectations were exceeded and the ability to handle just faded We can only say it is won dcriul exhibition DI thinils to see We walked miles and toured buildings but the total oi those we can say we saw would be less than 200 There are 62 countries with building to show and any one privileged to see them all would then be able to say he has such Expo It is one at the most gigantic shows that has ever been made avail able lor the eye or man to see at the buildings we toured and can only say we looked over we ice that those at Soviet ttus sia and Japan were the most remarkable Russia put their wares for all to see and they have some remarkable exhibits and the exquisite designs at the goods displayed by the Japanese ittithiiiiililflhililliiiiiii Ilttltl imnvuaaornun nunntllllilhlkï¬tltnsltlltnflflfl PIASCIIKIS annousltlII itAtllZZttittJ Igtltlminaera HEY Klel Special Matinee Saturday lop In 1001 Arabian NIBIII PW 71283440 gives us real eyelul The HELD OV BY POPULAR DEMAND 89 pm all cartoon show And the Shades Atrican countries also give vis itors something to remember The big dome of the USA is marvellous to look at and line up to go through it continues all day However they have tell one to use their imagination for the message they want to con vey Food Iacililiu hit the low on Sunday when lllontrealers really titled the fair They ate the eat Ing places out of everything and one could otten see line couple of hundred persons wait ing to be served hot dogs We want to go back in act it is must We feel that any one or all ages and Canadian citizen could not rcsist the time and cost at returning to gel to know our Canada and their World Fair FAMILY MEETING Besides the Expo experience we hadvtho pleasure at re union with our grandson who was attending company at tair in Montreal and met us at ter his business was concluded Dennis Butchart had some of PHONE 7234681 SIIIITIEI LAST TIMES moor sounds MIL srahnus PLAItRs rnrsrnr 46 nutttnr aAaaIE TIIE SUSPENSE Witt KEEP Illll litlltll III THE EDGE Ill Iflllll SEAT arar moment KING rumors StiSPEIlIE BlitIIlS Ill lltTEItSITI EXPLUIIES WITH EXIITEMEIIT ooaomv Mmusas Nuns sYMoloArr roLuuNIsr Molnarraw tilllltllli gd marnaumrvuootiï¬iiiwo nun his early education at the luth line and Stroud school and we had not seen him since he was lad He met us man and splendid specimen of manhood at that He took great pleasure in inrodumng us to his com panions as Grandad lie lclt lllontreal or his home in Van couver by air about the same time we headed for Ontario by train and we would both reach home about the same time It was proud moment tor usand ol course it made our Expo vis it doubly samething to remem oer STRIKE BUDGET lnoislil School Boa rd has strucka mill rate tor their 1967 requirements They will need sum at at least $277000 which will require mill rate of 20 mills an increase of two mills over last years rate for schools This budget does not begin to make repayment on the new dclt bentures which will be added to our tax load as they have not yet been sold and that cost will begin next year STARTS SUNDAY MIIIHIIEI it JO TODAY ONLY II 745 940 was Donnyb idlith mm ninerumma MONTREAL tCPl The phones are ringing oil the walls at Expo 57s telephone intormation service and same ol the operators are talking themselves oiccless The manager at the service nhteh goes under the name Expoiox said Friday ioul ol the 75 girls working as opera tors had to go home on one at the wilder days because they couldnt talk any more Ettore the big lair opened to the public April 28 experts estimated that maximum at 5000 calls day would have to be handled by Expovox But the peaks have turned out to be 7000 with Mondays especially rushed said mana ger llcnry Dayan Many oi the operators rol untccrcd to work overtime at the to units comprising the Expovox hoard At least halt oi the calls in volved requests for tnlorma tion on rooms and the United States was the point oi origin at the majority oi these Calls for general informa tion come to Expovox lrom Canadian points mainly cspo cially Montreal ASK DIRECTIONS They include people asking how to get to the Expo Thea DORIS enumeration Four Expovox Operators Lose Information Voices tre or een people calling lrorn highways outside illont real asking how they get into town said ltlr Duggan in an iatcnicw Espovox operating from am to 10 pm daily consid ers lnlorming the telephoning public about the availability of alontrealnrea lodging in be one oi its main tasks Its manager said compara lively low of the calls carry complaints about conditions on Expos St Lawrence River site It chief complaint is about the period callers sometimes have to wait to reach the Ex porox operators or the callers will phone before the morning opening time not knowing Expovox operating hours and call back later to heel about getting no answer CALLS STORED When all operators are busy wailing calls are auto matically stored then re leased as operators become available Exparnx is the telephone supplement to Logexpo which giies answers to mailed re quests about Montreal area accommodations Forecasts have been that BARRIE HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE TONIGHT SUNDAY MONDAY GREAT FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT Israisraeainiuriifoooai MUurlutlluh lJlltlltt littth ttillill tittittttt PRODUCIIUM IttJll Atllltlllt Plus In Color BRONCO FURY JOIN OUR BUMPER STRIP CLUB YOU WILL SAVE MONEY AND SEE THE BEST MOVIES ALL SUMMER RCAF ASSOC mo BINGO mono rooms niU be resorted Every Monday at Showing intermgtzizn calls to 000 pan xporox min prospec live visitors and potential roomrenters gives accommodating $200 see ers intonnation supp to by Logexpo From um SHQELITHHE service comes anhupitodate list of rooms at ole mo leis and private homes sup Admmlon 50 plied via computer 14 me 51 Callers ottering space soon Ab Nusrvln rccciic qucstionnalrcs that mun are to he returned to Logexpo tor study and classiï¬cation OKEEFE CENTRE FRONTLVONGE Enid66 ONE WEEK ONLY MAY I3 RED ARMY SINGERS DANCERS AND MUSICIANS TED MEN Evenings 810 pan Saturday lllatnioo 200 pan hlon to Thurs Fri It 80L Ell MIL arch and Moll 5650 $700 $600 It Orch Bale 500 61X 40 Iliddlc Balcony 150 413 300 lteor Balcony 100 35 225 Wednesday attain Box Ulllce Open II to pa Dotty Next Attraction illy is to May to BALLET FOLKLORICO OF MEXICO EltitllIIIl UIIIII l2 AIIIIIITI Ilitl FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Theyll show you how the West was hm Burt Lancaster Lee Rem ick Jim Hutton Pamela Tiltea HALLELUJAH TRAIL PATTY DUKE as BILLIE with Jim Backiia Jana Greer rows or Btltllll nu llttl all rumor DRIVEIN THEATRE Nut FIIrsILSML BIG IIAND FOR LITTLE LADY GLORY GUYS PtlllltE terror ANYTIME on on tlltE showlag noun broadloom I6 NORTH PAR illrvnduy and Friday 49 pan Saturday and Sundayes pim also others at No All the solid comfort convenience and features youeould ask for are in this impressively gracious twostorey home On the top floor bedrooms and complete bathroom The spacious living and dining room have gorgeous wall to wait The kitchen is the answer to the housewifes dream with everything situated to make kitchen life pleasant 0n the basement level Freemasons South on bar then West on North rent ranrr ROAD JOCIAIo urnu 12 NorthPnik no at 12 North Park Rd We have built our business over the past 32 years on fair dealings quality homes friend ly service and your conï¬dence Realizing this it is our aim to conttape with the same business principles and to say Our Reputation Is Your Guarantee Why not visit our model home this weekend and see what we mean 30 and No is Bellcvua theres panelled rec room with warm cozy fireplace The basement leads out on to the ex pansiveback lawn This home cahbe yours for tilM mort age and youll appreciate the olose proximity to schools indthe downtown area Truly magnificent ome BARRIE