Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 May 1967, p. 3

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of 15min rum Mm Sunday Tumday Wednesday and tho Eastern lndians You old French Canadian regime WWW ink 7259247 son in run lticNutt and tho and Thursday from 11 am to see how thoyllvcd and eicdronio gay Toronto historian 1111mm dflnalciiisir°3hilaiiiz 11 Pm lm 34 WW 50 W31 city officials today expressed dent Bruce OWen was equally definite reached the 1000 in it Ml mm mm mu 600 men elation over the results oi Hos enthused over the results or llos attendalioc Through them let is glandoidmst my mokggggln firm is mflwififfigfif 233 snow YOUR pmiuiit week Which comm iifliiiudl $3de dvmcniiiia iii hm we Wm mm 1000 iiirripiil5iiinicamih grcpam on the week daamiho plortriis and traders who opened tong nes ay as more AnEhlithiiiiiriiiiiihii iiiiiniliiiciiiiifiiiiiid panama Wm Mr MONEY Vol the past week have set an tum mug mm gamma at tlrigndune55n whlch Th it waitress smiles at throughout the no £itiliiih3tiiiiii gimp3 mm AT HOME gaineraerglalndcr of this and gléiaoi in kind ever held in Can respond mm Mayor lses Cooke who worked co overtime througholit the week can on isa Eriyd Immigfiiie new for can meeting with business people and visitors said he felt as man Thmgh new media an program and We 055le have re cording to Mr Owen the public suggested that future seminars li me in Wm at large was reached As far as cmlitl Perhaps an further iastressed thhtgcourtoscy to buigssfimigye were con Cherllefhillziieclmd he falliidpde ommercc we strangers pays oil fig was £213 personal can wise to maka errant to dispatch Mayor Cooke said Barrie citl brochures available at various vzens respondedwelitotheevanls til mom ii at the week while the reaction Region should meet the chai film 31 fronlllhliinoas People has been Egans bring mm mm 1° menls iiil orddl idsiuriiie psi some on Hegel his unmea was that Illmlmliolita Mont rsesidenis mgliaiiiiiisliirgi the Barrie Cham RAISING CHINCHILLASI once rgptaenmeopatendto 60116 35 Year spell 279Q00 her Comm come complacent This is 000 an travel but this Province Convgntion cZiimliiiL iirii we we The Followmg Because Chinchilla atria the soiiesththa world the demand zonun$ngd programt gainth just 31151313 glam 45 plcrfctoalt Jackson said today my game tor goodooslity pelts is or groomr titan the supply ope eono 0TB Bplb DHm00 emugfinheadmmml nines we have made to our remaining 55 per cent heals sets it moth selves he said spent in the States he stated pinning hriiliiiityio has Fad Reconditioned Henri tighifliiflmymWKhEWMWflnu can lilayor Cooke pointed out that lie or eedthat it might be Hospitality he said is fifl°nmmu if 24 persons day capld be Impossl to to reach overyolle ouch asimpie tilting beémg comm non chinchilla Breeders beganin tau most iemage Y1 mm the id mm mm mm daceliimv onlyZenith is hearing lid 25ng dimer uihomwmufit 2le mm strainers av In we on or new year with in air2re£nniri°° Stingrwiélhilpihii °Yz° 5° and mam Ilhe settlement or new industry Willard ltinzle airman at ing courtesy and friendliness only0mikron eyeglass hearing aid mohair ucortty libelous lllcccn sod an ions or lrnlnuls and ere Wednesdays seminar felt that whenever the opportunity pro inteer innrssskinllup as 4200 per Jar in your spam Chamber of Commerce presi the impact oi Hospitality Week seats itsell onlyAcoustieon bohinddhooar hearing old Is lNQUIRIiiG REPORTER iiSKS Do You Think Steven Truscot Isltsosl KEN TINSLEY Vespra SL Barrio He should be allowed to go bctorc the parole board now Theres no hard and last rule about parole Hes never done anything to make him ineligible tor parole and hes spent all his younger years in prison Llicity many people tool he should be privileged dont agrcc CITY HALL Education Costly KEITH WOOD Perry Sir Barrio think he should get out on parole earlier lie has spent most oi his early lila in prison and should have chance to gci out and rehabili tate as soon as possible criticize the legal procedure than to find satistactory solu tions ow DAVID PETillEn Town In it youra going to uphold the decision of the Supreme Court he shouldnt get out early it they still consider him guilty things should stand as they are get out on parole immediately ldont know how he can adopt in society without tooling bit or leased With Results Hospitality Week Should Be Given Parole Now TONY JEFFREY Torontol llo should dctlniiely come up or parole now dont like the whoio procedure oi the origin al trial and dont think he should have been tricd in an adult court be kept under observation tor longer period of time to see it he will be all right in so cicty DEATHS mum Lloyd Nllwn sud denl Kirkland Mite Ontario on many May tool Lind ch watt itnots Point in Mna can Delmvd husband or Maryann on and our rattler Sandra mm mu warn or Mintts Point armn1 tlllu David Belll Young People To Raise Funds for Uganda Hospital Young People from local Pres byterian Anglican and Unitcd Churches today will try to raise money tor hospilai in Uganda with baby csrriaga race on Toronto lsisod Last year these and other Young Pmplss groups iromthe province raised about £20000 or hospital in india on walka thon in Southern Ontario This yeors race has been dubbed Grand Pram it will be on relay basis over twomils course Girls will ride in tho carriages and will be pushed about the course by main members the Young lPeoples group to which they be Dill They will get about til per mile btuioad oi local team mem4 bers ieit irom ivy Anglican Church this morning accompanr ted by nonlcam members as rooting squad The rats starts at pm and lasts until Minots Point Man Killed In Crash lloyd niaVutt longtime rrur idcnt oi ltllncts Point was ltllied in on automobile accident Friday in tho Kiridand balm um ltir hitNutt worked in Tim mins and drove homo on the weekends No details ot the mishap wort illlrlrnodiaicly olallablo from po ce Pupils at St Marys Separ ato School held tun lair yesterday Each clog was re presented with its own pm ltd lloro the Erode eight student bond start the place swingin with their playing of Little Black Egg and lm Believer Members the band irom icit are Rick Pork Calvin Parker Jim Tennis and Mike Wilson Confederation Caravan Comes To City Sunday More than years work by tho Barrie Contederation Cara van Oommfttco will be realised when the Caravan rolls into Queens Park Sunday morning The seven trailers of the car avan will not be the complete show the committee has lined up an array oi local entertainment ranging mm square dancing to orohcry displays Enicriuinmcnt will be continu Collegiate Glee Club dancing singing and baton twirling by Joni Loo Roussin Otticial opening oi the Car aran will be at pm at Queens Park beside the Barrio Armoury Entertainment tor those waiting to ace the displays will be in tile Annoury Access to the Caravan will be thrwgh the South door oi the building out the North door And into the first trailer The Caravan will be open Caravan committee has asked tho public to please stay away mm the alto until it pm on those days Caravan will not be open Mon day it is the only day oi the neck the ompioyces have oil Pupils oi Johnson Strcct Hill crcst nnd Prince oi Wales Pill iil schools will also contribute to the entertainment Committee mcmhcr who rounded up the on Local service club auxiliaries will man the guest books all via itors are invited to sign The caravan tells the story oi Canada story that is much more than 100 years of constitu tional history On entering the that trailer one sees the beauty at Canadian minerals in thcir natural form hears the cries ot seagulis and waves breaking on share and next secs nrt arms of the Wat Coast Haidos lilo Plains lndlans onlyZenith behindthuar hearing old onlyBeltane behindthuar hearing aid onlyMaico bahlndthcoar hearing old onlyAll in the our tho land to scitlemcrttby the settlers who followed Third trailer deals with the first cstabiishod society the City oi Quebec settlements on both coasts and on the Prairies and in Upper Canada Trailer tour deals with the is olated societies oi British North America and the struggle to bring them together which re suita in Coniedcration the iirst out during the hours the dis tertalnmont is Wendy Hicks years at which are covered in ROSE whoa sEYnlOUlthing City WILLIAM GlLLERVeiling Luci KUNTZ Wellington st mar muamou and plays are open First on the it is elcpotted that some trailer live Jlyethcflggrthryydmgslg ton St Barrie personally 133mg 133 he hardbelen ringtonStBurriclioshould Eggnogng all they ggynwmsggoggfigfimggflg wighlghmflgigftcflgtmf AtMEY jshouid bc allowed any more hm he guilty tprlat some pgoglo iirli5 riduwi k9 Mini tbcr entertainmcdiliwiii bejudo the public can park on both ing at ago as nation the ROYALTY privileges than any other pri been sufficiently Punished It his guilt think he should two Wm in this way he can gymnastics rinsing Central tides at the road Boer War and the First World soncrs Because of oil the pub is lot caster however to War llungcr matches at the thirties soon turn into rocmitlng lines as llribain and Franco dc clare war against Germany The seventh catapults viewers irom the Second World War to Newfoundland joining Contedcra tion to tho Swinging Sixties GOING BACK IN TIME MONTREAL CF Changes in Canadian society today make it resemble more and more the avert1m two 36000 and dentin with one human who your menu you to start raising mmmungml and resale onlnrsallaa Ira venetarisns impulsive to chi and ulro my lmlss lenLion clenchulas serenity inter per our two animals rer litter mm littoral thh tint quality pelts values from so to began in at own basement will help guarantee Ecclcs llo told lchili stu dans the good at society pro vailod when it conflicted with the good at the individual in old Quebec but when the British took over the good of the individual came to thoorc SEEDS MISS CANADA CENTENNIAL FLOWERING CRABS AVAILABLE Ar BEZZiiliTS NURSERY FLORETS mud completely couio Wm or Canadas largest 1h All Hearing Aids Fully Guaranteed osllt column are Arrurzo and cluncallla Randcs Ere Ilsaan with tive intensive undue across Orltodo nno raised mm moo Chinchl total or so years exprflenm nls ing Clrlndtlllu mus asullty Chinchilla hacked by exper Taxpayers Discover By DON HENDRY The only sure things arent just death and taxes any more it seems but death and increas ed taxes Barrie property owners get the news tilts week $3052 more on the average tax bill It will cost the man living in homo assascd at $3500 it he owns it just little over cents day tor the citys services The home thats little above average and assessed at $4000 will cost its owner $114 day in taxes That is fairly substantial in crease especially in view oi the that that it went up close to the same amount last year but good many urban centres iound Ulcmsclvea lachlg oven bigger hiked Higher education costs are blamed but in Barrie the tinan ciai experts couldnt ind any place to trim school budgets The money at least that part oi it over which there is any local control is being well spent it was generally agreed The absence oi bickering be tween rlnlnicipai and school at iicials in Barrie is welcome contrast to some other Ontario cities where budget battles are an annual event But that is not to say there isnt problem in mounting casts and the resulting iinancial burden on property owners It is situation that is being point ed out so otten and from so many quarters that action be yond the roccntly announced tax determenls to senior citi zens scams bound to come The provl oi a1 and federal governments which are being nailed to picllt up larger share of the tab would obviously be iorced to increase their own tax bills Better schools and the en iorged social services that voters are demanding or being told that they need wont be any cheaper just because tunds come mm dittcrent source But at least the senior levels or government would be able to draw their funds ram is broad cr tax base And those who want to own property it they can at tord it alter they pay their in come tax would not he saddled with quits the some mill rote And lust as important the money raised through real es tate taxes would be spent on ba sic municipal services 84 Dunlop LESS THAN 12 PRICE In appreciation to our many customers we will otter hearing aid bat teries at dealers cost EXAMPLE Everaady675 Batteries to pscakog Rog 225 ONLY $150 LIMITED OFFERirMonday Tuesday May onin Your Authorized Amusideon Dealer Repairs and Batteries for all makes SiMCflE lilliiRiiiii CENTRE Barrio 7261712 All stark ls Fully Guaranteed und mail this coupon today inland sns knowies tab nncnm All our noelth ltIndlul are when and Agave in the Canadian chinchilla Ammatim wording mm Profitwe my mum tivo snark unlinked to Wm within the ltyou uroaotsatlstiod withyourproscnt inmmetillol1 rllonz Air or luzrsr inst loss for year and your AND CIIJNCHILM RANGES LTD Box Hill Dept lamdon Ontario Canadian Cillnchuia Breeden Serving Canadians GENTLEth would like to have tintiter irlsprmntion on momma Handling understand this request does not obiittato me in any way

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