Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 May 1967, p. 2

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r2 SYNDII AltVlLElt left and liaurccn hiacalte rciamd Dunlap Street irorn Toronto to Itluicasior Streets will be jum ping on July Canadas oiv iteinl lOtlllt birth date The celebration is still eight weeks away but nircody grow ing numbcr of people are pre paring plans to make this one of the most memorable days in Darrics history Big event will be parade now being organized by Bob Hunter and his Chamber of Com mercn Committee Before and iatter the parade Tom Kerr chairman of Barries Centennial cammittcc hopes to arrange events to attract young and old ltir Kerr said he would like to fill in the entire day with variety of events from sports Elected President Of Navy League Bob Abraham was elected pre aidcnt of the Navy League Barrio Branch at the leagues annual meeting Thursday night at the Barrie Armoury He succeeds Tom Locke who moves to vicepresident Elected secretary was Charles Soula while Alan Woods took over as treasurer Doug Sanders was selected sca cadet representative and Eric Hopkins will be his navy league counterpart Summer activities of the league were discusscd at the meeting as well as plans to launch the groups new boat Navy Week beginning with parade Sunday morning will he observed May 714 as much as possible yesterday to prepare for their run to Toronto today The tun will collect over $100 for crippled meet in the morning to num ber of street dances in the are nlng iia hos dclcgntcd com mittee under the chairmanship of if McPherson to work out thc details Duniop street will be closcd from noon on July During the 12 hours bclore midnight the committee hopes to arrange series of events including dcm onstrntions by Scouts and Cubs boys bicycle rnccs gymnastics and square dancing Restaur ants wili he asked to sct up side walk dining facilities The square dancing would take place in the evening but the other events would be held prior to the parade The parade will be Ilnlquc in that it will not only move nlong the radio but stop while bands entertainers and chairs perform The city will be nskcd to set up pottedevcrgrccn trecs oloug Duulop and to paint maple leaves on the pavement To add further centennial touch to pro ceedings women will be urged to wear oldtime costumcs and to parade up and down the street Biggest evening event will be the dancing There will be square round and rock and roll bands to suit all tastes The Five Points will be focal point where loud speakers will be set up for the waltzers and fox troltcrs Farther up Dunlop por Iraps towards Toronto SL will be square dance band where members of square dance clubs will be asked to pcrform At each band location there will be mastcr of ccremonics to keep the music and the crowds mov ing The sports cvcnts are in the children if they complete the Milo endurance test Working On Plans For JUIY Celebrations tentative stage At the moment number oi individuals and groups have been asked to lend their support to arrange and or ganize events The program would probably be held in the morning possibly at the Fair drnunds On July Centennial Park will he dedicated The program which will bo brief will include the ceremony of dcdicotlon and singing by massed choir to the accompaniment oi an organ or band In the evening possibly about 730 the committee expects to arrnngo singsang for which song shccls would be supplied Between the afternoon dedica tion ceremony and the singsnug the public will he invitcd to pic nic at the park It is hopcd to have somo refreshment facilities available during the day Cadets To Hold Parade Sunday Barrie Sea and Navy League Cadets will take part in the na lianal observanco of Baltic oi the Atlantic Sunday May with church parade Cutlets will mcct at City Hall at 930 om march to the Can otaph at 10 then march in Trin ity Anglican Church for the 11 am service The Sunday honors thosc who scrvcd and gave their lives to maintain the ocean lifeline be twccn North America and Eur ope durlng World War Two it was to this battle that Canadas maln naval cifort was directed DAUGHTER CATHY takes on interest in daddys work Philip Webb and his daughter look over Early Spring one of the 21 paintings on display at BarriaPublio library Library Display By Local Artist display of 21 Gil paintings watcrcolors and drawings by Philip Webb will be at the Bar rie Public Library from now un til May 25 Mr Webb resident of Shan ty Bay is native of Wood stock He studied at the Ontario College of Art in Toronto before moving to this area four years ago He has worked in the area as commercial artist for the past three years and has his works in many private homes in the district as well as having paint ings by himself in tthCanodu Permanent Trust Building in Woodstoclr and Huron Park Soc ondary School in the same city All paintings on display are from Mr Webbs own studio gal lery at Shanty an Almost all scenes are painted from actual pieces in the area View at Barrie was painted this winter from the area at Centennial Park looking at the iiarrie waterfront and skyline Among his other paintings from the vicinity are Raikcs izushI done near Thunder Bridge on Shanty Bay road and Sugar Shack near llawkcstonc All scenes are of actual locations Mr Webb ls married with two children constants he ma pygmy Composers Heath Open lets talk about education and your son mwmhnimxmtnirblfld in rare dunno In outdoort tombm minsz run or WMumrMmmnwmuumwm Mrmamhwmmmwm tawnlnaaonarsis unwanmrvzaymmrmmmmwmudm hmnu school situated in Ibtgwpiduumatymrwmpedtmtemtu armm meme monetary mmmm mmmrosnrauntmmmumn Boudeilhrths Freuutuysatmrmptw Indl POR CRIPPLED KIDS Girls Run To Two 17yearold grade to girls from Central Collegiate left Painswich at am today on their way to Toronto in what may be Earriea most unusual centennial protect The two Maureen ltictcalfe and Syndii ItInnllcr are planning to run the full 60 miles to Tor onto As of am they had recruited Breakout They gathered approximately as sponsors who have pledged to wbctwccnonoorvdwcentaper mile covered by the runners The proceeds will be donated to the Ontario Society for Crippled Children The girls have been working out by nrnnlng around town for the past two or three weeks covering approximately five rniles per day They estimate the run will take is hours inclusive of rest stops making their ar rival in Toronto about pm Their wearing apparel will in clude fur lined moccasins gym suits and ribbon saying Bar rie Runners and Destination Toronto Trying Toronto Originally the idea for the cen tennial protect nos brought up as Joke but it detciopcd to its present state as charitable protect lnrthe minds of the two girls Arrangements have been made for the Ontario Provincial Police to check at regular inter vals on the progress of the two if the girls should drop out they will check their mileage with the OPP The two are running south on may ii to the Toronto city limits and then back up the highway to the home of Maur eens aunt to round out the dls toncc to so miles Asked what thcir parents and boyfriends thought of the idea both girls replied They think its great if the two complete the run and both feel confident they will collect more than $100 for crippled children Their plans for Saturday night Include showers and bed Thcy will return to Ilarrle by car or bus on Sunday after spending ccns aunt MUSICALLY SPEAKING Brilliant Showing By Piano Students By MURIEL LEEPER Barrie piano students have made remarkable showing at the Orlllia Kiwanis Festival The twoweck festival has risen to great importance in the district and as direct result of this festival standards in choral pl uno and string music have steadily improved Now to be winner in any class one must be very good indeed From nine oclock inst ltlon day morning until three oclock yesterday oftcron Clifford hchrce has been Judging the pi ano students have ranged from seven years and under to many open classes in parious categories Eleanor Kirk from Steele SL Barrie is easily the outstanding pianist at the festival this year Eleanor entered four classes Piano Solo Open Contemporary and Sight Reading 17 years and under in three of the four clas ses she was awarded 90 marks The only other so marlr given by Mr McArea during the week of piano contests was awarded to Joanne and Michelle linrpcr also of Barrie in the duct class 12 years and under Eleanor do 15 years old and student in Grade 11 at Barrie Central Collegiate All her musl cnl training until last fall was given to her by her brother Allan Now the studies at the Royal Conservatory of Music un der Earle Moss Mr McArcr commented in her performance of Debussy ltiusicnl accuracy is taken for granted This was Debussy oi remarkably high order from student it is ob viorrs that Eleanor Kirk will make name in the musical world in time We extend our congratulations to her Allandale Woman Contest Winner Mrs Linda Hamilton 165A Essa Rd Barrie won this giro Night on the Town Con The oontm weekly feature of The Examiner consists of let ters scattered through series of advertisernents from which readers are invited to form the name of the business fwtured in the week This week the echoed busi ness was 5D Variety The winner will receiver hair style compliments of Rubys Beauty Salon corsage compli ments of Fendleyc Flowers one ladys casual drew and one mans suit cleanedby Dollys Quality Cleaners Sauna Baths compliments of Daines Sauna Bath free evening transports tion by Abandcle itaxi Co din ner at Barrie Seafood Restaur ant entertainment at Queens Robot and two steaks compli ments of and Food Mar ket Angus sandhbonnmzna uniformitymmawmm scrotum vAlhtunllylrts at concur In upper munwmkmmmmnwrn mortmwmrwztrtwvawb Fa rmmreunrsuur mum is of It mparrrory Seth2t the Martini UPPER CANADA COLLEGE Toronto Ontario The annual Piano and Vocal Rceilul by the pupils oi Joyce Lungford will be held on Satur day June 10th at King Edward Public School Auditorium This will be somewhat different from tho usual recital All the stu dents have entered into the spir it oi Centennial year and will perform in costumes of Cann dos past This should he re cital as lovely to look at as to hcoir The public is invited to at tcn ROBERT DENNIS Seeking NDP Nomination Robert Dennis of Barrie vice president of the Barrie Labor Council today announced his in tention to seek the New Demo crntic Party nomination for the provincial riding of Simcoc Centre Mr Dennis treasurer of the riding association said the dam inating convention would prob ably be held in Barrie at the end of May He is on the executive council of the Ontario Federation of has her and is an employee of Mans iieldDepman General Ltd in Barrie Candidates for the other three parties have already been select ad Evans oi Bradford will seek reelection Bruce Owcn of Barrie is the Liberal candidate Harvey Lalnson will contest the riding for the Social Credit Par APPOINTMENT BRUCE ltchTAltMiD Mr George Dangerfield is pleased to announce the up pointment oi Bruce hicDrarmid to the sales staff at Dangerfield Motors Married with two children Mr McDiarrnid hasbeen re sldent oi Barrie for the past months Formerly from Tom to he spent it years in the RCMP baton coming into the automobile industry which he has been acquainted with for theorist 12 years 10 years in Toronto two years as Dlstrlct Manager for the Honda Motor 00 and frmor Sales Manager with Volkswagen dealer the night at the home of itinur SELECTED NORTH COLLEGIATE GRADUATION QUEEN Barrio District North Collcg inta cicctcd Anne Drlgnctl graduation queen at their an nual lemltor1nnl last night in the school gym Linda iteid left was elected princess as was Shirley Booth standing to the right of the queen All are Grade 13 studmts at North Named President Georgian College Board of governors of the Georgian College of Applied Arts and Technology today announch It Crawford tut dim of technical personnel at the inter national Nickel Co at Sudbury gostbccn appointed college presi Dll Dcclsion was reached during the last week in April About 75 npplicntions were re ceived Twclvo persons were in tcrvicwcd ii Fruit member of the board of governors from Dorrie said Mr Crawford appears very suitable for the job He was in volvcd in technical training pro grams at Sudbury and worked closely with educational lnstllu lions hit Crawford who holds professional engineering degree from the University of Toronto will commence his duties in car 1y lunc the college would be in Barrie professional survey company will assist the board in dccldlng libero the permanent site will For period of one to five years the college will be locat Lvi in Barrie using some of the facilities of Eastvicw Secondary School or sixacre site near the highway 27 clovcrleaf and highway 400 FARM MARKET Business was good at the For mcrs Market thismorning with plenty of goodies to choose from Vegetables included cnrrots one has cooking onl 750 bns tomatoes 15c qt pnrsoips file has cabbage 25c rhubarb ch bun cauliflower 35c spin ncir 20c pkg celery 20c cucum bars for 25c radishcs pkg 25c green onions ti bun 25c it was announced last week iios ranged from 50c to 85c end that the temporary site of has Wants Merchants Show Leadership Chamber of Commerce presl dent mum Owen today milled for the cooperation of Dorrie mer chants to show leadership by displaying centennial decorations in and outside their stores trophy will be donated dur ing the month to the owner of the most trimming dmrntions ns iudgcd by panel the week beginning May 15 Mr Owen expressed the hope that out industries as well as rivate hcmo owners uwld tub ow the example 8500 Square Foot Warehouse For lease APPLY soxpss Tho Darrin Examiner Love is seed Sewn in child it will bear fruit for generations and guarantee mankind future Help The Salvation Army provide care for the unwanted the unloved LOCAL osrccrrve $9000 MAY let to 315i Conrftfllll More Mr Shula advertisement Starting Trust heal Mailing Address Box 424 name mam

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