feltvent mm Witnessing Fellowship Freed by the Sanhedrin Pet er and John returned to the company 01 helicrers and re lated their experience Acts 413 21 They responded with praise ol God and pray WEEKLY MEDITATION Precious Promises III11 CARL HULL Free Methodist Church The phrase promise is lomiliar to us all Many times we can count on that promise to lie fulï¬lled On other DCcasA ions the promise is just an empty phrase because we know lrnm experience that the person will not keep his word Empty promises and precious promises are poles apart From lilc Iirst weshrink to the see onri Ive hold our allegiance Olll tile is pretty valnahlc and we would not want to allow risky promises The interesting thing is that God Himself has made promises to I15 and it we accept these by iaith lie opens up to us marvellous lile of purpose and adventure The Bible says in II Peter 11 Ily which he has granted these you may escapc from the corruption that is in the world because at passion and become partakers of the divine nature RSV As we consider this verse let Us think of lads that determine the worth at promises new tse is determined by The value at the thing promised the character 01 the promiscr the conditions attached to it Applied to the spiritual lite these facts are thrilling What are the values of Gods promises They are precious and very great Al so through these promises of God we may become partakers oi the Divine nature This is the Whole significance of Christian experience Thmugh faith in Christ as our personal Saviour and receiving Iorgiveness of sins we become poitakers of Gods Today even Idndergarten children study current events they learn about faraway places and people When they reach Marthas grade children are extremely knowing about whats going on in other pasts of the world They soon discover that children in some countries have few clothing and toys and even more important food Beinghuman our young Amech cans want to help And they can They can help clothe and feed the needy In church they will develop their natural generous impulses and will learn to grasp the nature In other words God brings to our llvs spiritual iilc through Itis Presence in us This is vital dynamic rclalioruhip Is there any question about the value of Gods promises Its tar as the Promiscr is concern ed lie is nilmighty allknowing everywhere present holy lust and lull of mercy and love Furthermore lie cannot fail in 0R0 STATION Ry AIRS CRAWFORD Congratulations to local ladies who won top honors in Kemp view Bowling League Mesdames Eilsmere Shurtlell Lock Line Karl Falstrcln Sheiburnc No va Scotia renewcd acquaintance In this district during the past week Mr and Mrs William Somers and daughters Margaret and Phyllis Sudbury wcrc weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Archie Somers Windsor Rood Mr and Mrs Clarence Giimy were guests at the Frenchileu croit wedding Saturday in St Georges Anglican Church Bar Tie Pictures will be shown at the hall Saturday May 13 at 030 pm 01 Mrs Piumhs recent trip to Rome and the Middle East Silver collection proceeds for the hall Mrs Clarence Gilioy spent Wednesday visiting her mother Mrs James Paddison Slayncr values of seiflessness and love Children need special preparation for life in our jet world This means being in tune with the new but it also means reafï¬rming the old Children need to be taught the basic truths of life the real values so that in chaotic moments they will still be able to keep their feet planted ï¬rmly on the path of faith Marthe is getting the kind of preparation she needs Is your child equally lucky This feature is contributed to the cause of the church by the following interested individuals and business establishments BERIRAM BROS LTD BUILDING MATERIALS SAN DERSON MONUMENT C0 7284821 STECKLEY FUNERAL HOME Read The Barrie Examiner Church Anmuoegmwts tor the Times of Services and 154 Burton Ave 30 Worsley St Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Deuteronomy Psalms Psalms lsoioh Acts 157 91320 401317 2519 43237 42512 6122+ +olzz+olzz+ +m+m+m+m+m+w nachos 7260554 Religious Activities ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE Friday Ephesians Philippians 20 HOWEY ELECTRIC Howey Prop ScriptureAIM 42151 fl ers of adoration Iaith and re assurance in Iullilied pmph coinsActs 421 30 Their liis premises The conditions they are simple so simple that we often miss the point We must recognire our need at Christ and come to Him in repentance and trust llim tor Gods prom ises to be applied to our lives Then we become Gods and His nggre becomes ours The hymnwriter expresses it in this manner The whosoev er oi the Lord trusted was or me took illm at his gracious word rom sin he set me tree Eternal lite begun below now 1115 my heart and soul Ill sing his praise Iorevermore who has redeemed my soul Tis true oh yes tis true Gods wonderiul promise is true tor Ive trusted and tested and tried it and know Gods promise is true The promises 01 God are truly precious and very great The re sult will be an adventure challenge and commitment to the things 01 value in lire WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN 17 Steele Street Rev Ralph MaeKenTie 1111 1111 Organist Mrs Norman Tuck 170 Steele SINK 7280511 Church School and Worship 930 The Mystery Of God Nursery neurons Avnllnhin WKIWHEHM Smiee Inc Sputum VA THE CHURCH FOR ALL FOR THE CHURCH one China hillyth utbctorco urthtnr an huildlngnizhanctennd ma sitizcnshlp nï¬g pIrItuIl I11 Cittroll nelthu dcrnw hey no civilization an mugs herein inn sour mme nu nasal should ntleodur viou rugulariy Ind sup the ChurchM an liraan own sake For he childxeul she Forthcskcof his mmuuity an tin mun she or the urnu which as mitt W10 to am regularly and run your Ethic Italic prayers were answered out wardly by an earthquake and inwardly by renewed inspira tion of the 11on SpiritActs ALCONA BEACH Dy AIRS YEATES Mrs Wardrope ls is patient in Barrie hospital Ev Thompson is still in hospital where he had It steel plate removed from his shin Kim Vole is entering RVII Monthn7 to have tonsils re moved The senior rooms took lirst prize with 06 points at Orillia Music Festival Frldoy Cathy Yeates visited her gm ndparean Mr and Mrs Owen Peak Thornhlli over the past weekend Mr and Mrs McCariin moved trom the area last Vcd nesday Ev Thompson was sworn in as an auxiliary poilcem last week Two other Innlstil men also joined the ranks We understand we are losing all three or our teachers at the end or the school term Mr Phillips is interrupting his teach Ing career to urlhcr his educa tion Miss Adair is going to an other school and Mrs Money who has taught the Junior school will he speeiollzing at another school Guide and Brownie mothers Alliance Church STEEL onrl COOK STREETS BARHIE Minister Itcv Richard Elliot 915 Bible School 11 AM WORSHIP PM GOSPEL Need Spiritual Help Phone Litean 7288442 ALL WELCOME BIBLE STUDY is interesting enlightening unlimited scriptural refere Please wri 945 lely Bible School 11 dc Bible Preaching Services MUSIC Choir ladies Duet and and Timmins Soloist 1Avely EMMANUEL Wednesday 800 pan loo 429 Blake St 98 St Vincent St Toronto film 1430 930am Toronto CKEY 5000302m FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH St Vincent St Rev Van Dyk BA BB Pastor SUNDAY MAY 1000 H111 MORNING WORSHIP mo pm cchnvo WORSHIP Church at the Book to God our Oiillla CFDR 1570 930 can Au WELCOME 815 Fireside hï¬sshn PICHIM ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON ByAilred Buescher 431 Fortiï¬ed by God and Holy Spirit the church con Linued to grow AcLI 43237 GOLDEN TEXT Acts met at the home of Mrs Young Plans were completed or the annual mother and daughter banquet at Lolrelands Holt May 15 Tho next meeting will be at the ome ot Mrs Jean Bits worth where plans will he dls cussed tor bake and rummage role during the summer months ST MARYS CHURCH Ramon Catholic 95 MULCASTKR 81 7294985 SUNDAY MASSES on mm 1015 am pm 1130 am SUNDAY MASS pm EVENING DEVOTIONS Wodnudny at 730 Our Mother of Perpetual Hclp Novena FIRST FRIDAYS MASSES ISO1115 om 600 prn IVY By AIRS WILMER WILSON Mn Poe Toronto and Charles Henry Barrie spent Sunday with Mrs Ellen Davis Mrs Po celebrated her Both blrthday that day Sympathy is utcnded to Mr and Mrs TooI Lee and the lam lly ot the late Duke Lee who died Avril 30 Mrs Jennetl and Mrs Esten Davis attended the work rhop or Nccdsmulr History curator at Minexlng Mr and Mrs Poe Mr and Mrs John Davis and Miss Mary Davis villted Mrs Esten Davis recently TELLS OF TRIP The April 27 meeting at Christ Church WA was held in the Church Hall Plans were made or the rummage late Friday May 12 10 um till pm at Trinity Parlshliaii Barrie tor South Simeoe Deanery at Cooks town May 16 Mrs Newton IA leader announced the IA rally at Mono May 27 Mrs Ken Smith Dorcas secretory had print for aprons Mrs Esten Davis gave on in Iercsllng ond instructive talk on her recent trip to Jomaica tel ling how rugar cone is grown TRY EXAMINER WANTS ADS GROVE PARK CHURCH OF CHRIST Sunday Schedule CHRIST FOR THE WORLD 830 ltlli CKBD 950 Sunday School 10 0171 Assembly 11 am HERALD or TRUTH PM choTv 51 JOHN Evcnlng Meeting 730 VIANNEY CHURCH MW Boldwln Lune at Innlslll Thursday 730 PM Directory 7263007 SUNDAY IlIASSES 310 045 1130 can Manamasic pan TurlThurlIrt no not cuNmsIoNs Hetero lsuntu Mm ltlso mei liturdl nun Inr Mun Halo soony Mm ASSUMPTIDN IIan swam Sunday lilm 11 nm Ready and without charge to you is our COURSE Prepared for the seeker after TRUTH This course and is supported by nces to to Christadeiphians PO Box 176 Barrie Ontario MISSIONARY WELCOME HOMEI num muuanary lack But preaching today pm arrived ramnnla America Irio Wednesday 745 Pmycr PraiscEiblo Study BAPTIST CHURCH 28 St Vincent Rev Holllday Dantes Friendly BibleBelieving Missionary Church BAPTIST CHURCH CLAPPERTON at WORSLEY Parlor Rev umla EAlaby BA on Organist Miss Ednu Theodor Choir Director Miss Esther Hermon 950 amBibte ScrooIClosses or all am 1100 3111 ACTING Lle CHRISTIANS Communion gt 700 pan BID FAREWELL T0 FEAR 815 p111 Young Peoples Meeting Prayer Meeting You Are Welcome At First Baptist THE UNITED CHURCH or CANADA BURTON AVE gt Minister Kev Pardon BA Orgth Mr 0Garrawo 11 am Semen ChurchSchool or All Age YOU ARE WELCOME you would like to mod limit Church 01 Christ MKIII with your New Testament 345 Grove 7251003 Wesley Jones Minister Free Methodist Church 200 Rnylleld Street 10008undny School limoMorning Vornhlp 730Evcnlng Worship Wednesday 530 purl CYC 1115 pm Prayer Meeting Rev Bull BA BI Pastor THE ANGLICAN ST GILES CHURCH 05 Cook Street Rev Roney $03011on Communion and Church School 1100 nm Morning Prayer HEY Askew 100 pan Evensong Everybooy welcome SUBJECT WA GRACE UNITED Grove at Cook St Mlntster REV COOK Organist Mn Archer Colwill 11 am REDEMPTION WHOSE CHURCH IS SUNDAY senooL Up To run II nan and Up sac nan You Are Welcome PENTECOSTAL ANNE 51 400 My II THE HARM EXAMINER SATURDAY MAY harvested and relined also how banana are harvested Ipraycd and graded tor market She Ihowcd leveral color pictures and answered questions Mrs George DavIr served lunch THIS VITAL YOUNG RELIGION mapy paths ONE GOD manyicolours ONE RACE many countries ONE WORLD Then an lino million poph around the was today In lion that the unification oi mankind IrihavlllchodIorowdoIThay soil lhcmnlnt luhuil no can it win you nu looting Interruption upal man Is no Rood Termlo Weekly Flmtdcn Monday 1100 1111 Phone 7231141 or write 55 Drury Lone Dorrie the speaks to you Cor Horton Am Allondole Barrlr REV BELL ALA Organist Mr llert Churchill 11 AM ONE FOUNTAIN OF LIFE Nursery Ktodergartcn CHURCH SCHOOL 910 Mn years and over It am Under years Visitors and New Residents Welcome CHURCH or CANADA ST GEORGES ALLANDALE Burton Avenue at Granvlllc Btreet Rev Donald French 900 mm 11on Commuan 1100 am Morning Prayer and 11on Baptism 9111 Bible Study Everyone Welcome VVVVVVVVVVVV EALING PRAYER F011 TIIE SICK LAME BLIND ETC ALL WILL BE PRAYED FOR NO CHARGE IS MADE 950 amSUNDAY SCHOOL AND ADULT CLASSES 1100 am FAMILY WORSHIP AND COMMUNION SERVICE Nursery care years Junior Church years tileecu CENTRAL Ross and Toronto Streets Minister Rev Donald Jay BA BB Associate Minister Rev Schnrt BA RD Organist and Choir Director Mrs June htelcohachcr SACRAMENI OF INFANT RAPTISAI Meditation WE ARE STEWARDS OF GODS GRACE The Church Schools who meet at the usual fours Warm Welcome szdll You AL Central LUTHERAN CHURCH or THE GOOD SHEPHERD 220 steel 51 Rev Joseph Motltorls Phone 12641184 Sunday School nm Bible Cur 1000 Divine Wonhlp 1100 can Radios Church at The Lothnu our TV THIS 13 THE LIFE PORTAL 0P PRAYER CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE St Vincrut at Grove Iutor Rev Robert nllloclr mom SUNDAY SCHOOL 045 tor all out 1100 tun An Inexcusoble Altemotivl 700 pan Ill 01 Series Ccntennalrrl onnneue 1mm Cnnadlcn Nmme Colic Prayer and tibia Study cHIIISTIIIN SCIENCE UCIETY Christian Science Radio Series 1100 Lin Battle of Allantle REV PRUCTOII BA REV FLVLAY DD STRUGGLE OF SOUL Warm Welcome To All Nursery Core Servicequ Solidny School 159 Collior St 11 mm CKDII SUNDAY MORNING 115 Presbyterian Church ESSA ROAD ST ANDREWS Owen nod Worlley St REV ADAMS EA Minister Director at Praise Mn Dobsar Organist Vanheniert 11 can Semen THE ASCENSION or CHRIST sAnIIorII scuooc years and over 1150 Ian Up to year 1100 can COME AND BRING THE FAMILY T0 CHURCH EASTER Vi TRINITY CHURCH ZA Collier Street Next To Post Otllce NM Lrn 11on communlml 910 no 11on Communion sunoay school punchy sea Lennie canals 100 pun Itoal In series Christianity Today All Ar Welconu cum Kory REAR in Person Mr mum more om than Ayton Out Inn cd from death lacd by prayer REV TUNKSI PASTOR ALI WELCOME COLLIER Corner Collier and Poyntz Minister Associate Minister Organist and Cholrmorter Mr Tutlorrt Jr Choir Director Miss Elgaoore Taylor Worship 1100 Ian Sermon Dr Finlay Church School Dlptl or all ages 930 and 1100 nan