RENTALS APARTMENTS T0 RENT minim one bedroom opul null or nnt on Dunlap 5t sums horn in mm sell con lslpod partial Telephons rasiwi Ink unas an Bedroom Awtrnent tn modern ruvprool butiutn Stove and Nlrltrulnr include laundry rdutlrs Jlnlmr rnlrr potions 15 Queen 51 mm ROOMS TO RENT WILNIIIILD morning room rui an Centraitv looted Tale and mm or man inronnt on unlrr Housekeeping Room ulih slur mo rnnxrite linen NIL1 moltd ilorptul relations as slur pm ROOM AND BOARD DOOM and Eolrd suitable Cen ml incnon psrlrinr rsrliitlu mmwc Turn Strut SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGES TO RENT LA micos homneeptnr un mnlmienm sari be monthly or reason carcm rot sch MODERN two bedroom cotlm rentrm or services Ilctrrrilces Amipin snrr Mar 15 chlidnn welcome 10 mil soulh or nnle a1 Riddle Toronto I9 lticphouo Rumll Moot COTTAGES WANTED TO RENT SMALL MERGE Wlnkd to N11 291 rim Rh In June near Dar Ill For Arthur lnlolmluon PLO vhono mica TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PIIONE 7232114 ARTICLES FOR SALE ATTENTION Ill FOR SALE IN ANGUS All lipids and sizes also ply vmod windows tools insula ibon fluoresccnt lights linole um sink basins toilets shoi tars tubs nlsohsbcsios insnl brick May be soon at the luni her yard in Angus Highway 90 Open every night until pm and all day Saturday Ask or Mr Robert momma Phone 95235 any time ANTIOIIE cumininn sumn books 24 inch electric store also Mrlrornlor Telllillone uproar ARTICLES FOR SALE NORTHWAY RUG CO LTD The house line brosdoom DOMESTIC AND DIPORTED BROADWS Rrrnuanls all sizes and prices as Collier SL Phone 1151111 Used retrialrater range auto matic dryer and automatic dish washer ItIrFADDEN FURNITURE APPLIANCES 7289283 Highway Tl North USED roncm Air mumps tor nil in good eopdonn ror run relapsed 723 ihrr 1111 nm no 11 no sides 41 lb or Isa Colu co roamoN him now is use ucsllcnl condttlop mu 55 Tclrphom will sraci ovmiluu Door by Mill hardware lunch 1pr him movivr mu old 14 phone mIPSG ANTIQUE ORGAN or Isle In good vtprltinx nmcl W5 also other In unues ror luaner tnronnntion telephone mule mm GREY cilnous ubir Ind chair set or sale For hunter Inlannl tlon telephone 72813939 3611 VASItEli Collie no In good llorktn conduan Tb gag er tnrornn on telopnooo no sINGlzn zIGzAG model so cicarance or rnd or line only rrdursd soo Sens all buttons but Innllolcs overrm scarru berm sinner or limit 1287000 sIGNu roll on 10 12 pl white on board Bump gt Apt to Rant Ilbuao or 511 etc Available It Barrio usmtner business ornco Nrdruhn nindows with norms and screens toxin Antlouc inni bench mens nulls sire lo Dork rlislr Cribban pond PhpnI mam woou mIclltN CaMnet mm complete with 16 so inch ItIIn less steel sink and tau nui pnco sch Telephone mam slur pm anytmc Sltllnhy nnul IllLil or sale Thistle pomarts into esr bed brown in used om won Telephclu 90W or Want Ad Sccllon accepted until prn Live In Comfort NO 90 POWER HUMIDIFIER $90 Value for only $35 with the purchase of an Esso Oil Fired Furnace OFFER GOOD ONLY UNTIL MAY 30 1967 NO MONEY DOWN 10 YEARS TO PAY 50 Innistil St WALLWI BURNER SERVICE 7261859 s12YcU Improve Your TEï¬lome Value Willi Lovely Selling Dont Be Plagued WIIII Insects and Mosquitoes Dandelions and Other Obnoxious Weeds PROTECT THE BEAUTY OF YOUR GROUNDS NOW Rent ALalï¬our Saving EasyTo Use Portable Gasoline POWERED SPRAYER Entirely New and Easy to Use TherReosonabIe Cost of Renting Could Shared by Year Neighbors Be ANYONE CAN ENJOY THE PRIDE 0F POSSESSING LUXURIOUS GROUNDS WITHOUT THE HEAVY COST OF OWNING MODERN RENT THE BEST EQUEMENI AT FRACTION OF THE COST Call Us Today 7280580 MARTIN RENTAL CENTRE 437 DUNLOP ST ARTICLES FOR SALE PATIO SLABS 7289642 mlnvsi or in houses Llmdlll Road de dam mom mull doors on Also not Chev man inns no mo Voilluen up Awl Bertram and sons my 21 noon Telephone noon suzcnoN used are terflsld lullel prlcrd from um om ml rooo used plea dtoLor nnnn lulu norm extension In oi and slit uphouimq Thain III in run in condition Used bed mums vrlih prom nui lllml Mm rim sprins and nuns tilled mattresses 19 SDI Il ms duvenporu In rood perm lion or cove all colors prim start It as Now rumba with or without mirrors reduced or quirx uie New continental ow when morn comter or rim mothup mlltrru box nnnr Ind lens so Now min In lltracii envmrin pour lor contort um Shrcilll It Clarks ilonw Parlilmlnn Am nu amino st ARTICLES FOR RENT nuts sIlAMroonn Bissau $150 dsy linblnson Ilsrdwm r1 unlop maul ARTICLES WANTED SHALL slim vnnled suiuoio or stbrlnx blrules garden tools we Telephon 71m chair mu old Ileml Roch imi lurntturo Kim chins pic tures clocks lamps 7M1 hirnlrurn Stoves Itp Dhlics Antiques Roth Vacan llsnd shop 664511 or 715 noItT TRAILER wonted to buy with bumper hookup Ior root pool Mint be in good condition Tripphone 72343037 20 CEDAR POSTS wanted reel 1011f must or assembly primd doiwrod ll mime mane no mo alter pm DOGS AND PETS MALT ST TIEme pop monihl show quality rroln chimp Ion stuck listi or post arm Tele phone 75747 5611mm not OBEDIENCE ruining only vsosncics lrll mrol how course 15 Call Mrs Polar GERMAN silarlrimn Puppies rer Inch 16 to choose mm Bred Ior tempernuns And cirnlanm tion Seven and night neeits noon Isle Kennels wmbrioxe Phone lliidlnnd 5266163 PLANTS 8t BULBS aTiTAwutanir Pilhu mm ccr tilled stock sLDo per 100 also arid ayemid ssporogus roots IIlllrlesl Gardens rroin Barrie north on 27 Tor nine miles turn ri ml in one mile Pilotm Elma vs 717m BOATS AND MOTORS FARMERS MARKET LIVESTOCK FOR SALE rluuz null photo roe nit Monon nun Elltrain mirapvum abdominal TIomoo RIGHT All Dull or II mourn Glen hit DIN 1s an mm szNu Plan for solo nil hurled Comm IndII LIME smut Ivy Am yon IAIL nu orphan Telï¬ï¬lonc nliu I1th the Lnlorpuilon row limb build tor sale dunulud on elmhh for or 15 Bath born in New mo Newton Comp lar dou Au concession sanctions FEED SEED GRAIN do °rr nroun pooh mm KEYINNZ unisva Irvin n1 nd end also Roany sud on ma cum Timothy comm hit Ban1 IMY MR BALI conditth All lLlI Cllmu ism mum bu mo cilnux unwind nod llerin bade Vllllun humn Dml also 1mm Ill only am no trots mi ulird Climax lullrd twin in riudin bumper Gno appued Also oushtliy or my nuanlb prim loaded on your truck phone nu wiu mun your old mam PASTURE FOR RENT Am with plenty mm water Ind some pm or Lot Concesion La Inrihfll on lurhwy HIGH mt enema ¢all Indore In manila or alter 130 pm AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE SPRING CLEARAIICE We have good selection of LATE MODEL USED SPORTS and COMPACT Sedans RAY SIMCOE morons 94 Tiffin St 7232317 Your satisfaction has built our business ByronGraham Motors 119 BRADFORD ST Barrie 7734061 Our name means great dell er AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE 30° In fllfll Mirth Clef Mviéalwbylll an pm Tlhpbpm mu PONTIAC WIDE Boon Com Pubic lows Atlflfli Dov brain Milli III LLm no sariI about mm In Vouuwnm or all In ubofluil mriditlon used as mono hf mo or but can outdoor und Ibo oathsm him MM TRUCKS TRAILERS ml CHIV Pickup True tor In nod common lor tuna in telephone mama 1m Luce truck lung lornutlon I33 slits PM mated mumnouns Trch rot uh Inoh wheelbase in Art pndltlup uuourhoot Tolephon 1mm LAT 1m Ol truck or nil VI Ion all Ionlnnkl but resold um now ml condition But eff Oflflnll 1m 1211 MNN humo PU WM mutt rim walled print mull homm camper ILL rum ndlo 1L Mu loo up Ird live WC Doumlaw lep one scam CARS WANTED TO BUY INNISFIL METAL and SALVAGE YARD Now buying cars for scrap and wrecking We pick up Call us at SHAKELLS colloct Stroud rich and operation or the two AUTO REPAIRS UNIROYAL TIRE SALES SERVICE Department Ucensad Mechanics Your saiet on the mall is our usmess Freel alignme nt and sulviy Check oPront and alignment and wheel balance ISilock absorbersMufflers OBTska service and motor tuneup Open Monday through Saturday 000 600 pm 110 BRADFORD ST WSW Plant end zzrroor DAY cruiser chryoicr inooord motor hull sound in good running order Tclcphnnc rid1515 196 scorr rt man harsh unis BILL yA1 condition ma Telephone 7166335 Iti MAHOGANY Plywood Bolt 1966 Mercury 50 hr molar com box arm clonal bargain llay he soon at 10 Castle Drive masts ALUMINUM 12 boat up John son palr $200 CIXIBL is PL il Aluminum ond in up Johnson Soil separately Apply 11 Mnep Street Barrie 16 Poor Richardson water ms style nod lsmiiy slid Illsan boot Motor ulcrlulllcd lust nun Iner Low on consumption $1900 or best orier Apply Carlcya Boat Hausa luuicosler Strut FRUITS 81 VEGETABLES ONTARIO No Red Norlmd Pov nines $125 per bushel It the Farmers Market in norrlr lfllAWBEMLY PIults Rcd Coats roll for $100 or so or $175 Duri lop I00 tor 3250 or on or $150 Telophono norm my time MACS 50¢ at basket spys Too qt or by the bushel at San tord st 7235610 Last month onuim YOUR Aspragus now Gusronteen rrcsh Ind under Tol ophone mam RASPBERRY Plants grown rrom loundstlon stock Lntham 3175 Struwberry Plants lied rlrle Catskill Elrlldnwn Poclhontal Guardsinnh 51 per 100 $15 for 1000 Art Wright Val ley Gar Glllord RR tele phone 7151309 LANDSCAPING ToP SOIL for solo large quantity good zrsdp in the field or de livered Telephonn mam Mr lull TRADE SELL OR SWAP SMALL IIALP mm for role or will trade ror bnlt und motor Tele hone mm or 51 Ellen st Barr CAMPING EQUIPMENT TRAILERS hard twp cabin trailers tmts campan oouip memAlDrxsalecbr rent ï¬rgaygzï¬ and won ompany mt Telephone mom HINT FOR THE BRIDE AND GROOM Watch Classiï¬ed Ads for terriï¬c furniture and air pliance bargains FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Elgheat prices paid tor dead crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed tree For last service PHONE BARBIE 7W5 Collect or ask for NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH 04130 NO CHARGE 24 hours may days week RR Faxmesd Ontario License No 290064 Nick Montague Prop FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service Cass New Holland David Bmwn Beattv 170 BURTON AVE Tarms CASH TRADE TERMS cocnsllllrr mAcTOIL Tor rode point hitch 1n Excellent coridd tiara Telephom 1m MWnMM vsuh amuse mam upperslot Tor solo iso sings inllkixi nos oiuno both in good eon Lion Telemm mourn I965 OLDSMOBILE 88 door hardtop full palm Ono Oilnai Licence 380672 $2695 MOFFATT MERCURY Bl Essa Rd VIAU RAMBLER 17 Galvan St 7266488 1960 limon lor nle eyundor imam11c door But cull oller Tolophonc Mrs cris Taom 1155 Llirltut convertible Vs chr steering brakes and win dons Mophono wow 19 VOLKSWAGEN custom in Lrhcd In mnubo bllle with leather interior locks Ind drives Like new Telephone mum last AUSTIN mo series door sedan rinLumI In emerald Hen viith mulchlnl iuinor upholstery noio mints Lass PONTIAC are use glad 14 DblSI CINIY yellow ml vinyl interior snii under warran ty Never rscod $3600 or but bllor Telephone Jotam or write 221 Lacllo st oriiils 1961 PONTIAC brown and door Aurentluri rndio now um exponent condItlon nucnsn Iuiiy Ind bodily Telepime no 1501 day or evenlnl ma laud VOLKSWAGEN tor uh white with led interior AI siupe Make best otter Telephone Ear vale 3101151 otter 610 p111 1961 VOLKSWAGEN lorulo in excellent oondiuon $730 or man st offpr Wlwhm M4390 after p111 Isa cusv implll Oonvlrtlble va nulomuc wor nuerlnr sud power brakes ellphona dlyl or 1mm Iiter p111 List Plimslmvs Conwrubll Dowend has mw top cplnplats motor oil Telephone 7mm days ma humrill CHEVROLET and mum Ind natural phone 195a clmv 131 Also Al swim our good hires plus two mow then new battery Best octet hi cphuno 1150013 1959 Ponacm or sale in excel lent condiuon Prise $900 Tow phone luldlaud met pm 156d FALCON station Wllon Aw bumped Ad condition sen elephune ant1m utter pan 19 VOLKSWAGEN IJW blink with red imam hidlo mow um moi luck 15 plies $160 Telephone In 1154 minimum Worm sund nrd radio block heater lxcep uorui condition ace otter 111 Phone rooms 196 all while Volvo two or best tiller canlact Li Wes mi Borden 4241200 local 216a bollmu Ind 430 Vuan Beach eveninrs 1965 PONTIAC IAIIXHILIILI door not theirth thell Uniroyal tin HMO with revert $2160 TGIIPIWM mm 1951 PONTIAC Purlions two door hardtop two tone paint v41 vow or slum power bushes rue soat speaker This is In ox cellan oondlflon uid II orreml or solo by DrillIII misal owner Phi Its The Season To Advertise For Want Ad Service 728241 MOFFATT Mercury SERVICE DEPARTMENT Equipped Stalled To Service Any Make Oi Car Our Expert Mechanics ARE SIILLON THE JOB TO GIVE RELIABLE SERVICE TO SMALL CAR OWNERS Moiiatt Mercury Ltd 81 ESSA RD 7285558 CARTER Bod and Fender Shop Comp eie refinish repair FREE ESHMATES 13 GOWAN ST 7284577 uvolrss nnmnlr service We Inn supply or rebuild my type of battery Broken um luau post or supply rebuilt in exchange runmm In our hutterles nine or new wonnun Tom ironies no Bsyfldd sr mum MOTORCYCLES ms warm up Scrambler or slle low notecw showroom con dltion lekplwno mm 1m LED AND WHITE Suzuki 30 tor ule willie wall ures 17m mun Por hm particular tel Wiw AdoMs Wyn ms nUCAfl so co included cisi muesdrlea In mien condi tion and mourn mnninl order TelaphoM moses loss NORTON Domlllllur son 94 in excellent oridlllon block Iinish RAILtale tramportlllnn can be seen 14 mp1 Ate Tele phone mass rioNDA cu in good condition corpme with opalll nigh bl M1111 hm Ind ml ban niqiun ssysidn small main or telepnonc meow 84PERSONALS 3qu Com um Dlelil szvlcl Modern Sclsullm sciolive Proces until an IBM co unique coniidelh lisl method or ï¬nding puny more notes or your lnle have It you iitirif Liflï¬ldll or rm thn and ppileluon enalollmr 156 or Portu nnd Hondling to NPR HAde Tor onto out MOTHS ARE PLOTTING to destroy your furs blankets woolions other winter valua bles Baal them to It Call WRIGHT CLEANERS today Our cold humiditycontrolled fireproof vaults give lull safety WI 108 Hayï¬eld St BE FEMININE Superfluous hair removed by Electrolysis The sale scientiï¬c method Our Certiï¬ed Electro Iogist is available for consulta tion without charge SYLIVIAS SALON Fred GrantSt Barrie Ont 7200380 Aa you bava mid probiom Iml want hslp whom any one 72511526 rzlim INCOME rnx returns pre ma or term business or Indivduhl Kidd mountht 259 puniop 5t wm toiopirom 11ml rot appï¬dntlmm any or evenlns TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE nilMu LOST AND FOUND TAILPAULIN war on County Road 10 or 11mm Mr plan all IO HELP WANTED MALE HELP TOWNSHIP OF NNISFIL Applications ior RE CHIEF Applications is the position oi Firs Gill or the Township of Innlslil will be received by the undenlgned until 12 oclock noon MONDAY MAY 15 1961 Applicants to spply in own handwriting stating age marl tal status education qualiï¬ca tlbru Ind previous experience The massiul applicant will be responsible for the supervi volunteer ilre departurean Io cried In Simud and Leiroy balmy including 48 voluniber lire timers adding salary commensurnle with qualiï¬cations and prcvl our experience hill range or fringe beneï¬ts in plied All applications will be treated in strictest conï¬dence GEO Clcrk Township of Innislll STROUDI OnLllTIo UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY Large Oamdian ard US Ounb party In tllo agricultural iicld on nondcriul mummy tor man With merit taming background in this ma Applicant mus haw minimum at Grade II edtlcmirxi age 21 to 50 and be well lmollln in the area Good comings with excellent op porlusuty for advancement Write telling us about yourself Wb In confideer to NA CIIURS INIERNATIONAL Box 01 IDNDON Ontario MEN mquirod or PRINTING BENCH on the +12 shift Good saLTiy and Fringe beneï¬ts Apply in person PERSONNEL OFFICE LUFKEN RULE CO OF CANADA Machine Operator required on the to 12 shilit Good salary and hinge bendils Apply in Person Personnel Officer LUFKIN RULE CO OF CANADA LTD Iaxrsiunvclm palm11 wanted immodisteiy mil urnc Telephone 1255676 mime IMMEDIATE Oprnlnl Ior Irn tlouy nut Ind alert ywril pi liraulro minimum two yurs slice experience and Grsdo I2 cation Picus call or write ltir bowie Lauren Tide Pinnu 142A sth Drive Nclvmnrkcl 8965147 arznvlcs STATION Attendant or Apprentice Mechanic Neal sp poornon over 21 maimed Good um mop insursnec export enco required Apply in person to Henrys rim station 111 and lord Street TE NlCIAN mouind to smlll system Qualllled in smpllfler maintenance and know ledge writing cable telcvl alon syrrcm Excellent opportun Ily Ior soyhumour All rompsny fringe beneï¬ts CIII muss BOX REPLIES While every endeavour will be mm to lorwlrd replies to box numbers to the ndvsnlsor soon as possible we accept no liability In respect or loss or dsmlle ni lered tp nriso thrsutlli either ml urs or delay in rorwsrdinu such replies however caused whither by Illlllllenca or olhnrwlso FEMALE HELP FEMALE LABORATORY CLERK Willi calculator and typing ex perience Must have grade 12 or anilivnlenl No lab experi ence necessmY ly in person to APP KOLMAR OF CANADA LTD 140 Victoria St BOOKKEEPER TYPIST able to do uomplute set of books units for credits do trial bai ance and Irilmcogriaph shale ments Varied duties as looking alter supplies orders pay roll some correspondence etc Salary negotiable Write Box D70 Bar rie Examiner MATURE wonlAN eoinpuniou ror eldclly couple to live In Light duller $75 monthly Central 1st Phone 7786145 noussmrmu duties In one person or two tiny week Must have own mnwbflltlnn Tole phone shroud Aroma utter pm my to leo in childless loom Good harm and small Income in exchange tor ordl hours light duties days week Tanism PAanls wniues natured unl rorins mPlled sud laundered Piusht worklnl condition Unil ed cipr stores Lbd so Dunlap street LL Barrla mums reliable indies to rovbr mall cardbonrd nnd paper aims with Mylar II home In more Limo No experience needed Dunvlnl nbovo overre write Mldhnd Dlsplays 491 illIn street PL Hamilton Ontario Secr for vicepresident IO HELP WANTED EMPLOYMENT WANTED xrmnlcm doused tn and for but nu synole or ml emp Norton st mm on mu cm Poll mil child In my home An am puny Pqu cal not ror runner lnlbmum NUXIAY Imix ma lorlilr om lor Um Infants or calm Lurch weekly Telemann TRADE SCHOOLS FINISH HIGH SCHOOL IN 58 Home study prvpam you to write Ontario Provincial examlt iliations or rccognlred certills cote Grades $13 All books and supplies Low monthly pay ments income tax deductible For lull Inlormauori write The Modern Canadian Acaderm bl Aduli Educallon Limited Box Dept BA Hamilton Onta rio 12w TENDERS at the following locations Indus District Ofï¬ce TOWNSHIP OF INNISFLL Tender for Park Booth Concession Tcndcrs will be received by the undersigned until pm May 12 196 for the bowl con ccssion at the Innisï¬l Tollristtap Park for the 1967 scuson Speciï¬cations and tender arms may bs obtained twin thrI undersigned at the Munlcl pal Otiicc Strolld and must be used when submitting lender Highest or nny lender not necessarily accepted GROH lerlr Township of Innisiil Stroud IiiAUCTION SALES BAILIFFS SALE By virtue of warrants issued under the Landlord and Tenant Act and directed to me for execution have selled the Ibllpwlng chattels of Tim AND AIRS HENRY DRODER that is to say17 TV set Admiral Radio AF and Alli 185 mm Camera and case Light Met er Bell and Howell Movie Projector Mqu light Bell Tripod 30 40 Screen Also seized from CLAUD ETTE RISELY the following chatlals that Is to sayone ra dio old magazine ruck table lamp three wicer tables or naments electric toaster eleo iric fry pan electric pcrmlat tor ironing board oledric iron approx 40 records hit1 clock and ldtdlen utensils Also seized Prom MR AND MRS PETER GORDONI the following chattels that is to sayshell ornaments one elec tric iron one toaster clock ironing board mop and broom kitchen utensils llle sbve diatials have been soiled for arrears in rent and vidll otter same for sale by public auction at Valleys Gar age Maple Ava Barrie Onhas rla MONDAY EVENING MAY 81h 1967 730 pm sharp Toms cash JERRY COUGHLIN audience MYRth DEAN Baililf DATED at the City of Barrie this third day of May 1967 TELL MORE SELL MORE when you plans roof Articles For Sale ad Invlho sari1a Er uminer irrép mesa points In mind scold What item Brand name Size Asa Coior Conditlon Speciiimtlons Aocessorrs and attachments Price Previous mags Upholstery Filiisb Make it easier or The prospect To buy Remember the Articles or Sale classification is thy Peoples Market Place Include us many oi these Ilri porlnnt sutures as you can THOUSANDS SHOP THEM elary of manufacturing Apply MANSFIELDDENMAN GENERAL COMPANY LIMITED Barrie Ontario and Howell Movie Camera MALE FEMALE HELP IIlUrLlsurn an none in Islphon all work garhunluu Box L51 ruLLut Nuns Manaan Mia ur pm Can um Mo lor in hours only or moral moon your own LILAc Phone molar mum 1111 to Warn ma at amino in shut 17000 roll Above stem mounts pion polo plus opportunity to so more min but upondlru mi aim rim yor tnimtew nu 7mm of mi you on PART won or no mom or uuhllattrd ca by Lu Hum 415 Wild N1 trains My Word No xplflme imd nullsnt rrmumnllon hool Lumen nimsn lruun In rims bread melt or rallk men All repitu wnhoenusi In tonlsw aPPly Box 1N1 sum hmlner do Dbl itsnstiion To anon Want Ads to rc aoip in wrlunr Want Ads loi luv lonnonn spoilt What Adsrihnflu rustic ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS OIARIO NOTIW Io PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS AWARDING ROADSIDE PARK hIAlNiENANCE Scaled lenders will be ncccplod for rnalntcrispcc or picnic silos Service Centre 400 npproximately mile soul oi Barrie I3 Park known as Stlmdcn Park at Willow Creek Rim Hlphway too approximately miles northeast of barrir Services required or the period Julia 1067 to September 1061 Tcndcis and Speciï¬cations available on request Irom the Department at WWW Ontario 1550 7th Ave Owen Sound Ontario Closing date May 17 1967 12 Noon DST Gilbert lot Engineer ITS SO EASY To Place WANTAD Lullie BARRIE EXAMINER Just ï¬ll in this tom and mail It to The Barrio Examiner WontAd Department Boolie Out WANTAD COPY Pleasa use pellul Ink will blot One Word per Line 24 WORD MINIMUM Conwtivo Insertions Cash With Order 12 13 14 17 18 20 21 22 23 Month $2134 Dry 62nd Days $504 Day 5108 Use More Description Qrder Moregmseriionr Pay Loss Per Day RUN AD DAYS BEGINNING Date ENCLOSED IS NOTE Prices shown are Cosh with order Box Number 50c extra All ads must be run consecutively Name Address Plums City or Town