udmwnmuWuWmï¬mmmwxvmAxwwMudme ANNOUNCEMENTS INN 15F IL Registruiien oi children who Ilelti on the following dates at CENTRAL SCHOOL May VIII CRAWFORD SCHOOL May 1M LEFIIOY SCIIOOL May Ilih SUNNYBRAE SCHOOL May 151 to be allotted 111 attend school child may lhcn be enrolled The heallll nurse will be FRANK Edgehill Drive pop cigarettes ice cream BIRTHS sronu nee ltcnuhie iii the noan Viciorln no on sundry April 111 1067 to no 31 lilenord Spark or en Street name can Iiiiehiud Wimbl IIDND um and Janice pond or 130 Baylieid Street Barrie are happy to announce the birth or dnuirhter IKeren mm on Wed ncsday rii 20 1061 at the noynl Victoria iorpltii cows Pairlcla and Gordon my happy to announce the birth at non Wednesday Ily 3rd 196 at Scubom General lievital scarhcrc brvthcr lor Craig and Christine and unatlicr nmndaon or Mr and Mrs ulloit Cole or Orchard Drive Illnlc ENGAGEMENTS IIELDMAN THOMSON lire Emily niacin announces that en mican or her daughter huth rurahctli FchdmIli to George lames Thomson non Joseph Thomson oi shciiiurnc Ontario and thc loin Mn niomson nie rnnrrlapo will take place sniuaday June 10 19117 In Wytllfla college Chnpcl Toronto DEATHS HOUNEDMI mnh nution at 0111 Lolly or llcrry Hospital In Toronto on Friday May 1967 Frank ilounrome oi Etobipoke tho Intc 11111155 kain and rather ol Fanny Iluv EllIiIrd Reynolds or 1111 Eradlord rioy or movi colre and brother or Houw lump Hiadmld Survived by urandehitdien Ind 17 greatrund chiiurcn Friends may all at tho Livilx Funeral 1101119 SIINOQ Brldlbrd Service 011an pin lntenncni Mount Pleasant cemetery hradroni humanism min At the live Illpies Nuntng llorne Thornton on Friday May Sill I057 John Robinson dLRI brother Mar viha iltrr vnilace Irlhtllc or Barrie lda Irina Russell Eon stable 0T Stroud predeceased by Frank and Albert TIDDIIMD Mary II 11111 Webb Morgant 1111 Dyer heating at the Jcnnett Funernl Home 151 uradloid st Burric rcr scnlcc on Monday I1 110 pm Irliemlorli 51 Paulr An glican Cemetery lnnislll lieriing chair pm Sunday CARDS OF THANKS Entrust TIIL rainlly or the late nuce Eaillar wlsh lo cori tey their unccrc thanks and IP pmclsllon to all our remitcs IIEnLLv and Mlvhbors tor the kindness sympathy hotter and messages tendered during our re cent bcmvonrent especially thnilk inn1 UH ruindrend Iuphold much an evercn er lor their ronsoiina voids waiter Bnyllss ind Family DOBSON would llkv to ex presr my sincere trunk in rela tives ond rrirnds icy their cheer tul visits flowers and the many nth thoughuul wm uwy hellv ed speed my recovcry 1111le my and thank Dr Bailey Dr Cam lurid Ind Dr Dick nurses I114 mall or Surgery iivlr Lillian Dobson uvmusso The ramuy or in late LIV1 Mtlrlgswll 421 to ex press their rinccre thanks to re ailves inenda and neighboring or the many lnouuiitrul ex reseloiu olsympaihy rlonal trlbu cs rood received and help with charm during their recent bereavement 111 Lhanlu to liev Guergis and kley mineral Home IN MEMORIAMS AllDELL 1n lilting memory of dear mother lilaalue Arden who vhssed anay May sth 1954 Loves urcatect ulrt remembrance Always ucmernbcrorl by Lilo lanaily JACKSON in loving memory or dear rnvthsi Gram Jackson 110 passed away May 196 No hand no son and gentle No heart so lender and true No norrow 111e could hllnx us 10 equal 111nm you Lovinnly remembered Lil hnnk Carl and Shhiey JACKSON in hiring memory or dear Grace Jackson who prism away llay 11165 Titlcudepth cl morne cannot or the loss one loved so well And while the llbtvs peacehil i1 cep liar memory shall always keep Iégvlnsly remembered by husband us COMING EVENTS BARRIE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY BAKE SALE Thursday May 11 ANAF CLUB ROOMS 79 Dunlop Bring baking 1230 to 145 pm Said 202 p111 CPLANT SALE In ML Flow er arranging demonstration by Mrs 11 Lyle lamous lower arranger at evening meeting at 11 p111 EVERYONE WELCOME aka donations to the plant and bake sales Lf WP Copy or Want Ad Section accepIEd until Dim ormrrly ol uradroro husband oi recent illness deeply nvymlalt Check Your Attic Storeroom Garagel Somebody Will 12 THE BARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY MAY 161 ANNOUNCEMENTS SCHOOL REGISTRATION ior TOWNSHIP PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD will be six years oi age by Dec 107 entering Grade In lnnlsiil TSA schools In September will be the following schools 230 pm 230 pm IIURONIA SCHOOL Mlly 10111 30 pm 130 pm 030 um 10 230 p111 PAINSWICK SCIIOOL May 17th 230 pm Tentaiiiu rcgisiralion will also be received or chlleren who will be years 171 age during the months oi January and February 1068 or the month oI September nitcr which with the nppmrul oi the teacher principal and inspector the in attendance at all slalon registrations Parenls must piviIlIe proui of age for children rcdslcrinz LL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR Opening Saturday May I967 PHILLIPS WEST END VARIETY Barrie 7289586 milk bread groceries etc DlLiW on revolting candy dish And prizes or the kiih too COMING EVENTS BARRIE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY TOUR To see RED ARMY SINGERS DANCERS 111111 MUSICIANS OKEEFE CENTRE MONDAY MAY 830 pm show Bus leaves Velllngiun Hotel at pm TOTAL COST $575 To reserve phone Miss Youtes moose or Mr Lloyd thinning ltam 71586 $500 BINGO $300 Sponsored by Angus and District LIONS CLUB MONDAY at pm ANGUS DISTRICT LIONS HALL Highwa 90 $500 TWO JACKPUTS $300 Admission 71 extra cards zzsc 70 Games Shani the Wealth Adults only EVENING DESERT TEA and BAKE SALE Tuesday May 0111 730 10 True Blue all High St Auspices Blue ancn IDEA 112 REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE Photo MLS R9010 ROSE RENTALS 15 OWEN 51 7211237 NEW NHA HOMES 634 Mortgages Only homes lelt with the low interest rate of 611 mortgages Bungalow and split level three bedrooms Attached garages Down payment about $2900 and lower In qualiï¬ed buyer Call now as there are only left at this low interest rate EDGE OF CITY Modern brick bungalow family size kitchen finished rec room Elwin i581 RESIST sea use 1c school and resonsallle down payment will handle AI R050 hes 72811116 Bill blackness lits 720477741 Russell Smith Res 7239996 Mary Vair lies 7mm Dick Hadley mom OSCAR BATES Real Estate Broker THORNTON HWY 21 Telephone Ivy 291111 FIVE 1111111111 or nle rolling land with pine IIch and hardwood bush 111 miles north or Barrie on Highway 91 cabin on raperiy cu vert and driveway vriie to Box 1151 Darrin Examiner PRIVATE SALE Lover bedroom bungalow on well treed lot lice ruom garage paved drive TV an tenna Low down payment nd carries lor $96 per month Com pletely rodecoraieii interior Phone mom Eunonn on conmnous nu plume inunlnn orders are Icï¬bfltld convenIrrlcc to I119 advertiser Therornre inn Cllssllled Adventtrig Depanrnent rclu1rel all ndvertiaerv vindiy recheck their adverurernont immediately or rhrt Insertion In order that any urror or mounting may be re ported more 11 an in order that same may no reclined lor tho lol lowinn 1117 publication The par rie Examiner 1r respomlhlu rar only 0110 incorrectly printed lrlur uon or any advcrumnent mitt then only lo tho extent or portion or ad Lint involver tho mirprint more which do not Icuen the wins or tnn adverthemnnt are not rllgtbk ror colmqu by makegoodn Thn liarrte Bummer remver rho nrht to clunlly revise or reicct any want rd APPRAISALS MORTGAGES PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE HAROLD FORSTER COMPANY ya Bayfield Sheet PIIMO MLS REALTORS 728615 Mortgage Funds Atnilabls Fred Customer Parking EVENING CALL CURLY KLoosTEnIiAN 711MB lilullim 11 110011 72151111 MARGARET 310011 11211 KwomnMAN It 11110 GLORIA KDSSAH malls wu 1101111110 Hum 111le Folilils mm SHELSWELL and WILLSON MLS REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE BROKERS 119 Dunlop St 7261722 or 776147 HERE THEY ARE $500 $150 down up monthly Bung alows spilt lcicLs semidetained IILW subdivision It will pay you WELL to drive cw miles Low taxes spacious lots all services 31rd mud plus counlry living Cali Jack tllen itll142 or 1111 1111 11 BLAKE ST Cosy four bedroom house two bathroom roomy kitchen rind living room in excellent condition One mortgage at curries Ior £6155 Askin price 5135 Make an nppolnimcnt to sue 111s property Cali Glndys Sinclair TIEW70 Nil 35137 0515 TO DOWNIOIIN 511500 Nil storey brick well built our bedrooms reparutc dining room Could be duplexcd Call IIS Lang 7735701 No 5667 STAFF OF 12 TO SERVE YOU it AM 10 RM FRANK NELLES Photo Realtor 79 BAYFIELD STREET 7261405 BEDROOM STOREY HOME in iILLINDALE Willi IIIIISIICd nIIIc Living room separate dining room large kitchen with pantry hill basement Only $1190 Dont miss itl BOYS STREET storey bedroom home newly decorated Only minutes from Plaza EVENINGS CALL 7291415 11 ciluclll COIIAN 72119919 lzssses BOB SAUNDERS Cooklin 1514111 0110 0311111 rosTnt mom CAMPBELL PHOTO MLS REALTOR 7260241 MIKE MAGUS rliiNK NELLLI CECIL MILLS 12 HIGH ST RES 72873119 97 ACRES lidstorey Iranie home in the country on paved road 97 ncres oi sandy loam lliml land 15 miles imm Dorrie $8000 dawn Cull before its sold 11 ii lnleresis you AMANDALE AREA Spacious leorcy 4bedroom allclcciric home located In good neighbourhood This home has lireplncu In the recreation room it has everything you have been looking Icr OPEN HOUSE 15 WOODCREST COFFEE Dont miss seeing this new 2siorcy allclcctrlc home on amduy from pm CIIiIIIIC Read 7201817 Don Campbell 1872123 Doug Campbell11172113 Bud Vnison 7200915 SmlIh Campbell 7207389 Fred Taylor 7281705 EMORY MILLER MORTGAGES ARRANGED TBS1001 Gordan Spencer 72115318 Emerson Swain 72011603 ilugh Plowman 71511120 111111 Allan 4565313 M15 REALTOR 67 Dunlop St West Harvey Weber 4363016 Robert Flcwclling mm Rita Scaliilrett 7234065 Kenneth Miller 7201081 Percy Ford 7237030 Karl Marshall 7700917 Emory Miller 77511563 CARSON PHOTO 11115 REALTOR 58 WORSLEY STREET TELEPHONE 7206481 COMPLETELY MODERNIZED DUPLEX Full price $17900 Lever ground will spacious lot Double garage and work shop Terms Call Russell Carson 7750401 alter 600 720 6161 51051 COUNTRY HOMEITE About 15 minutes irom Barrie Composed ol good farm land bush and fink ponds that are also visited by Camila Geese Call Bill Hamilton 7266481 alter 500 72845325 Norm Synnoit 7281553 Russ Carson 72541101 Bill Hamilton 7285315 Rupert McGratll Elmvale 711m Challes Hepvmrth 72061112 ROGERS E7 CONNELL Photo Realiflr DUNDOP STREET EAST At tho Five Poinis Phone 72055158 EVENINGS CALL McArthur 7760637 Rogers 72I3v3532 Ed Green 7704123 mil Epleit more Council 77110755 Mrs Norine Rogers 7183582 BIDWELL Real Estate Broker 33 COLLIER STREET PHONE 7284430 WILMA BIDWELL 7756321 ELAINE INEON 7284294 MARY MORRISON 7W PROPERTY FOR SALE courts AND CO OWEN ST 7212185 MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Photo MLS Realtor OPPORTUNITY 515750 96 acres within 21 mills oi Barrie and close to the new Coll Course Partly vmod cd Willow Creek flows ihmulzh this property For iurlhrr pur Iieulars call Walter Coulis SITACRE FARM $10500 Extrn good land near Orr Lake Six room house full basement aluminum storms mid screens Good barn Imple yrnl shed sictl moi on nil buildings drilled Well with al ccirlcal operated pump lmmt clinic possession Call Sandy Coulis vrninn GORDON mums775717 wnLrlzli CDUIISTullll snrmy Colins7m Eric Photo MIS Dewsna REAL ESTATE 72641366 THINKING OF SELLING OR TRADING We have buyers waiting or homes in all areas Noiv the time to sell while prices lire right Fer Iln nppral 511 oi your pmperiy 1111 no 0166 uliylime lor immediate services 10W PRICED HOME bed rooms rec room outskirts oi totvn Carries for $92 lmrilllly principal 11nd inleresi hill basement Oilhe1tcd Situilictl on large landscaped lut Oun cr Anxious to negotiateN1 price 510500 FOR II BETTER BUY Give our Service Try Richardson 4496117 PETER and WILES LTD 77102410 BEDROOM ERICK BUNGA LOW nI Painswick with hard wood floors living room kil chcn lpiccc bath lull buse ment oil heat attached gur Fgu years old Lot 75 by 2011 act BEDROOM BUNGALOW iiiill living room kitchen 4plece bath 1111 heal Tull basement lovely 101 1W 150 leot 10 ACRE with party wooded area bedroom home and DQIII About miles from Bur re 60 ACRES choice subdivision land Tyndan 4301734 FAMILY 8r HALF See 122 Cook Street before you buy bedrooms modern kit chen me room plus bedsit ting room kitchen and bath Separate entrances double lot Ask your local Realtor orup pointment This Is MLS List 1111 or call Fred Bray at Kern Realtor llItn Plaza Ham iltorl Ontario phone 117411 3891381 WHITE 109 Hayfield St 7281071 Appraisals Listings invited EVENINGS JOHN COLE 72011017 ACTION RESULTS Call the Aciion Line 7284401 RESTAURANT BUSINE$ Busy short hours 76 days turnover $32000 plus ideal si uallori ior livewim couple BLAKE STREET OVERLOOKRIG BAY REITH Realtor ORR LAKE 10 acres across road from the lake suitable tar lots Hydro on property natural gas nearby Christmas trees $5000 With $1500 down winterized cottage 50 trout age on the lake partly itirnEh ed natural gas heating arte siali well large lot lovely trees $6500 with $5000 donn WOODLANDBEACH AREA 0n Woodland Drive North at Woodland Beam tread lot suitable for surrqu optimize or house $1500 Dash Buying or selling 0011th Gerry Madman Elmvale 111M 181 Egllnton Ave East in tho attadled core Large lot 611 166 WEST END NEAR GiE Low down payment rooms on floors solid brick private drive garage well landscaped Curries or $100 monthly prin urpal and interest BEEF FARM 105 acres in Sunnidaie Tonn ship miles from Snyder IV Lawrence72001173 linker7754401 Gibby Gibson7760164 NEW 0112 7765 Grove st two niolly brdronms Iainily altn kitchen single garage No Eellnvue cru all electric exec utlve home open 17 to 9111 Evenings call Para comtrue tion Lilli 7209167 CLASHFIRED ADS WILL BRING RESULTSI Amncnvl modern bedroom lirick house with EWNIImt Largo treed lot Owen street Available August mm IllvaiJs bedroom house lor mic attached garage clean to schools enopvllvv Large loi will tahu travel trailer 11 trade Telephone 4415719 lloMu under construction Early occupancy Split storey ltlvel 01111 171 two car garage bleic NIIA ilnancliiu lor lnrorrniitlon telephone 7706751 Iliveii17roomsandnmnsmall JOHN WHITE 7209770 RAWN Real Estate Broker 308 BAYFIELD ST 77341451 SPECIALIZING 1N RURAL PROPERTIES Poiier Real Estate Broker 23 OWEN ST 7281900 lst and 2nd mortgage funds availablecity or rural Evenings 7261032 STARR We 5011 Rural Ontario CALL BRUCE liicLEAN Torontolz modern bungalow with double garage barn 48 60 old school mm house on property could be used 111 second dwelling asking $37000 Substantial down pay merit requimd MLS Realtor insurance Orchard Drive 7202592 CHOLKAN CO LTD liosu Pnppin 7285228 MLS Realtors Cookstown 4531400 New Homes For Sale NHA MORTGAGE and bedroom homeé singls and double garages 11Ving room dining room modern kitchen Alexisbrandt 93 Vancouver St Barrie 7213019 Two 111101101111 urlck Bungalow very central located at 71 Berlin street North 112500 csvlu Telu pltmlie 72115011 or ruriher aaruc an TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS Call 7182414 MLS Realtor PROPERTY FOR SALE rum ll tinny hall bedroorm vaucled livinpdinine room tench rrr room unilied hxserrlenl lam game On bun $31 liaairiedia poneaalon 76 ANGUI Ann eir o1 room inter bunnlow 704m dint Irv IIIlmI Chg lirliLlhEd17¢SrrIMnh aure 11 111 or 11110 loom bed Iivlng ali cried auon 1111121 nulnoonl lor nil urine and dining My bdrk house large kitchen range iandseao lot 51 1211 with unit irena butterln 51 Nude Telephone 71Doe71 or 7260161 11 chaino Co Ltd 71 unhuvu crescent New home him in two monthsowner iranitrrred Electric heated bed room mm Intel bathroom rin Iihed iarnily mom large itltehen living room with dining If new drapes Included 7211 suNerlnu nnsn Druutva bedroom 0ch bungalow pt BlihAmlorvd natures Diner level roinpielciy iinlshrd panelled and tiled Dar ilbra games room Attached ga aved drive par tlo This home in beautliully lou 1rd and tumble In every deinll rs Letitia Street 7m alter pm rnlvnl Mull bedroom tiriek bunralow Lehnped lmng room mm llrrplacr panelled reuea ilnn room laundry room and ad dliional washroom nlurnlnum norm and eraml craved drive luIIy Ilndsclped tree corner loi shnnnon and St Vincent cante ror 77 monthly on 515 mort gage Telephone mono PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT ANGUS Queen street 11v roorn houic tor sale or rent lar lot Vrry reasonable rent Irvi nhlo immediately relrplvona us 71207 strand briore 10 In FARMS FOR RENT lull ACRE FARM or rent with land bank barn Thornton am Telephone 78921730 Toronto FARMS FOR SALE loo 11011115 Darrin area 111 min houro room bungalow sultlblh ror Ilavnily nccommodniloli narn implcmrnl chad chicch hourr car darage livestock implement lncludrd write Box D13 Darrin Exlmincl LOTS FOR SALE TEN ncnu incl near Barrie use Box 051 Barrie Drsrlilrtrr uulemo for sale on Ar men had Telephone mum of rurthcr deieila LARGE Building 1111 100 7m vicll lprnied at city lImIIJ gm tlgn urea Low in Teiep one nil1019 LOTS WANTED AT LEAST 15 ncrir huildlnx lot warned wIiIiIn miles 11 EarlIn Gardeninu wll prererrrd call 12101511 nittr pm PROPERTY WANTED 11111 To SELLI We urn low in listing and nice ere hriak Let our courteous eater cull rrvrav ent you Emory Milch Ticl Brink 67 Dunlop st 72mm BUS OPPORTUNITIES DEALER WAN Large internallonal mnnufaotui er of nationally advertised pro ducts plieis dealership in this urea Small investment Lucra tive returns For Tull informa tion write NCM 372 King St Kitchener Ontario MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE lst and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere 0N nu hours FARMS AND COMMERCIAL Pnornhrlrs 90 0F VALUATIONS If You Need Money To cunlolidate debtl 3317 existing mortgages noneg comlnl du orno Improvements nny worthwhile more Write or Phone 7200981 Mortgage Funding over SimpsonSears 129 DIINLOP ST Manner Untillo Mvnlm Emken Anocintiol $1110 10 550 mnted at 15 to am interest payable 160 per month Guarantee pavme Vertlo 110111717 Darrie Examiner IVE NEED Ilnrtgage TIl1s11 11 you have money or sound investment on ilrst mortgage call awry iililier llrrikrr 37 Duan st 11 11min 7161001 gt MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS SALE RENT RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd General Glendale Travelux Paris and Service Cash or Terms up in Years 170 BURTON AVE 728 TRAILERS WANTED TO RENT mum WANTED to rent 14 rt to 11 11 prererahiy with toilet 1min July 21 to August Tele phone melody WELL HELP You WRITE wantadsllatga results Examiner Ad Takcrs will be linppy lollclp you write your classiï¬ed ads To placo your next want ltd dial 72877111 direct line to the Want Ad Dept Got Green Thumb Plant Profitable Ad In Classified 7282414 Pay For Your Discards Call Want AdVisor 7282414 REAL ESTATE INSURANCE THE MARITIME LIFE ASSURANCE CO Armed Service Division Personal Lllc Insurance Mort gageliisurancc Group Plans Annuity Plans Tux exempt Pension Plans Ernie Salter Barrie 7232135 tiny Bullock Angus 4193760 MOVINGI Dont forget to transler your INSURANCE and il you need extra coverage of any kind sce STEVENSONS 111 Euro 9r mullet RENTALS APARTMENTS WANTED silnLl tillruched apnrtnieni wen ed snull dog to he Illovird Ru nnable reni Telephone mm alter pm HOUSES T0 RENT TWO REDRWAI town hum 91 not this month ltarimuna ol children please ror appolrumart telephone mmi hein in pni midyd only ANGUS and bedroom him and spa unenta lor rent Ave able rpr immediate occupancy rnr halter particulars telephone 119 HOUSES WANTED OR 110100 llouae wanted to rrntowiih DDIHonMio older me re err 72 Mr eephonu 11211110011 liouso only ln Earrte or permanent residence call lla nager IInlIdly Dowl alter 11 noon Ind up to 11 pm 773mm DUNGALOW wanted to rent by liav tour by adult couple No children Comlder buying later Lvrhn In Box oso name Exam 11011151 in country wanted or bedrooms With possible option 1o buy alter year With pun or outbulliinga micrud TtIcphoiu 11105211 APARTMENTS FOR RENT runslslim apartment to rent In new modern home sell contained Kliciirli bedroom iivinmom and hath lleated parkinr Dre end Apply 105 Cook street 0N1 BEDROOM and two bcdrbnlrl uniurnirtud hellrd apathaenLi in upper plex lierrireiutor and stow 1711 and $07 Available June 7211mm WANT ADS SELL MOST ANYTHING 728211 SERVICE REPAIR GUIDE These Skilled Tradesmen are Ready to Work On Your Job Immediately PLASTERING IL GROSS PLASTEIIING and lie pilrs Free cstlrnntee Romania raven Telephone 72047191 SECRETARIAL PUBLIC BTBNO sznvlclz Pick up It nqulred Accurate prompt Telephone 4216122 GYPROC TAPING unsnLElr Inienor exteflor paint decon expert papering rot taping Cori shanty my meals TREE REMOVAL CEDARDALE TREE EXPERTS Tree removal trimming and stumping Also general con tracting Phone 451nm Cookstown MOWER REPAIRS numomrm Service and Wu ranty all nukes air cooled en gigrun lilarllgan slower service rear 171 Eunolr Ave 72111121 JANITOR SERVICE lt LOOKING roll clean cleaning or homes oiliced min7 Blom CicanIDl Slrvlce 7237153 SAUNA BATHS nnmw SAUNA BITb5 and um In The ultimate In belltrly rein attnn Idle Saunas only linemen p111 W71 MASONRY nmsoNltY nod repair work brick and block 111 emanates 726047 SMALL ENGINE REPAIR BAYSIDE SMALL ENGINE CENTRE Sales and Servioe TORO GRAVELY Ir DAVIS IIIIlï¬lly work rm Lavn ond Garden Equipment PIONEER CHAIN SAWS 24 Toronto St 7755441 CRUSHED STONE DRIVEWAY MESS GRAVEL crtusllEn 5101111 Free estlmntus HOGANS HAULAGE 11111311111151 7mm RENTALS APARTMENTS T0 RENT truism room mm or ml Apply 11a Human st Telephone TJJIH NIW Arum one bedroom hulrd stove and reruntar Central lorAIIoll nvauable June parking Telephone 7W1 or 711921 CLWLLI Located Apartment rooms and bath private ent ram range For runner inror mauon irlrphcn mom arm Pm uNruansllzn one bedroom apanmmi on our rouir neme erator and not supplied perk lng nullbis Jun Telephone mom xxucurlth sulle lloliat rdle rrntor rtove washer and dryer in each mite Upslnin bedrooms washroom water electricity and room coniiol heat included Telephone mam FURNISHED modem three mona IDIrImrlli nitn prin linen nup plied suitable 1dr inn purine oplr Queen Street Ir IIrl ng IIIIIIIIU lrnrnrdia ry Telephone 721 Two BEDROOM burment apart ment with large kiicnrn niea reri denilal nru Cenlral suitable lor worth couple 9v monthly nut and ulilliiu on No pate plea Telephone 773 lilzliitlnllLT Ii menu Modern bedroom rpartrnonr heated stove and reirigenior elevator laundry and parking laciuuu Apply 11 liiaka st ADL 101 tele phone mould LARGE modern Ipnrtmenl nioto Ind TITII orator an plied laundry and Dusk ns iiiie that end Telephone no me or 7784560 T111111 N00 rurnished IDIrI irienI huird piece b101 reinf eraior and aim Married coupe Arm 723 two bedroom Drllurerl Available now strong hardware 41 DOWNTOWN Apartment floor vitn livlrl room kitchen bedrooms lpeee hnth nova md lelflgtrllol pnrltlrlg mm and heat supplied no monthly plus hydro Adult only Telephonc 71mm uayy moans evenings MODERN Two bedroom thItd apartment ior rent stove rehig mior washing laelililea pnrkllil telephone aecond Iru ply lee krnapenreit Drive IADL or elation 77450411 UNFURNISIIED one bedroom Ivnrilnunl Itllchen living room Ind bath Close Io Generni Elle trlc Inrklrll All utilities Mill monthly Telephone 7251901 liter 530 pm Draw tickets Cheques Business cards Letterheads Envelopes Perma stamps Wedding stationery FREE ESTIMATES ON ALL PRINTING NEEDS EXAMINER Commercial Printinls PAVING TsuBone Co of Barrie Tonnerly oi Toronto JAPANESE PAVING EXPERTS Asphalt lots driveways etc 3year written guarantee 100 mile radius Savefup to 75 bouk now Call 7286545 SPRING SPECIAF Asphalt dirvewsys and parking lots Free estimates WRITTEN GUARANTEE MANIER PAVING co Phone 7260081 Lmsuoltn DRIVING scuoonl Licenced instructin iind inrtruo tram Phone mus anytime cm WIDE Driving School rullv licenced Insured dual controls For inlarnaauoia call 7280120 MODERN DEJVING 51111001 Learnto 1111 111 mode Telephone 7255915B my INCOME TAX PREPARATION of Tax ï¬elunis au types install noohlreepin Isniï¬ltenay Graves is 1111 VA HOME RENOVATIONS huc hoonls Cabinet Bulldlng or renal Cenlnlc tile 7mm INSULATION Emma nmon 1115111on11 Free ertimaiea Guaranteed work Telephone Scoit Mulr 7181261 IRONING mmmm $7 per bullet mshlnl and ironing $1541 us shirti Pickup and dancer 71611151 PRINTING PRINTING PROBLEMS Emile mulnnes CommercinIQ FTIIIIIng division The Earrte Ex mlnrr ls anlieiil st mom ROTOTILLING noseunwed gudcrlinl and lnndmnvlnd FIJITy expurliillccd Reasonable rater Phone mots evpninfl CARPENTER CARPENTER wonts with All lsz or conslniciion brick block work wiring and Plasticrlltle plumbing looting conmie worn Free estimates mom Well Help You Wrile Ads