Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 May 1967, p. 10

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rahWV Ill AIR Is lowing caster ly rent the lavittc and break Ing the Prairie cold spell Temperatures are returning to seasonntrangm with Fat montou Regina and Winnipeg shirt the national high ct t6 degrees The only variation variation mm the mild con ditions is cool air flow above the Girl at St Law rence tCP llirephotot Vernon Singer Charges Government Suppression TORONTO ttlt Vernon Singer tlToionto Doiinsview sultl lirulay the Ontario gutcln nreut lln at least three occasions storied legal proceedings to stilte ptllrlir discussion and keep controversial matters out the lttllstillltll le ltzite had the recent tulltl at the Speaker that the house in not discuss llle charges tl nr Morton Shttlman hertune ltie government has established an inquiry into the matter royal commission is invest lglitillg allegations by Dr llul man bred by the government as ttlllt tnlnntl ot Metropolitan Toronto that the government suppressed and interlercd with lnnuests Tn intrince the right at public debate deliherately in order to submerge uirtavoralile issues is to strike at the heart at democ racy Mr Singer sa And this is exactly what this government has systematically ttone nice the past number at years ClTllS Ctllhtll CHARGE The first at these occasions he Silttt was ill llhil when the thenleader ot Ontarios Liberal lohn iutermeyer charged that organized crime was tlnnrishing in thc province Central in his indictment tvere two men who only tow weeks earlier had been acquit tetl ol elllirgcs involving the alleged bribery of member at the Ontario Provincial Police lorce Five hyelectinns had been announced the previous Great Reception For Australia MONTREAL C17 Pcrtcct reception was reported Friday tnllntiiug transmission at what Australian authorities here called the tirst combination at ttitllSLd pictures and sound ever sent direct item Canada to Australia The transrrlission train Expo 57s international broadcasting centre was test at facilities to he used in telecast ot Aus tralias national day at Expo Juno ti The visual images and one set nl sound signals in the test were transmitted liy landliue to Cooliy Creek Australia and trom there to Sydney Another signal carrying the hroadcasts sound was sent by Canadian Overseas Telc communication Corp on mic rowave system to Vancouver then ia Commonwealth Pacific cable to Australia One purpose ot the dual sound transmission was to tiud out whether it would be possible to couple up visual images traus milled via satellite with the sound transmitted overland and underwater without resulting lack ot synchronization between Rossmuo NC then by satol the image and sound as tinally lite across the Pacitic Ocean to received in Australia week and the Vintermcyer charges loomed as the biggest issue in the vote The government promptly announced that it was appeah ing the acnuittals Result The Slit judice rule barred any dis cussion ol the charges during the byelectinn campaign htr Singer told the legislature the government dropped the appeals few days alter the vote and the public was once again tree to discuss issues embarrassing to the govern ment lte said the second occasion came shortly hetore the 196 provincial election The at the royal commission int ligation into the NONG Northern Ontario Natural Gast scandal was known to have been completed antt its release by the govern ment was being demanded by the press and the public alike The government announced that it was laying perjury charges against the late Ralph Ferris arising ollt of his tostl mnny to the royal commission and theretoro would not release the report as the matter had just become sub judice About the same time Mr Singer said writ was issued and statement or claim tiled in the case at McDermott vs hlclchers Distillery in which the tnrmer sales manager at the distillery alleged certain facts which suggested that the Our tario Conservative party had engaged in Shakedown ol the provinces linuor industry to raise funds for that elec tion The 1333 election was to lowed by the granting of retail price increase to the dis tillers At Home Cards Personalised Serviottos and Book Matches Wedding invitations Thank You Cards Is Marriage On Your Mind If so we invite you to visit Estelle Moclnnis of our Commercial Printing Department for expert advice on Estelle will be pleased to show you sampler ot our distinctive yet reasonablypriced lines and assist you with your choice Call in or Telephope 7266531 Elnatfiarrir tfixamineri 16 BAYFIELD STREET Engagement Announcements Wedding Announcements Place Cards Reply Cdrds The Georgian any weather districts will bask under sun shine today and tomorrow with cloudiness Increasing by Sun day linds are southwest is in creasing to knots tomorrow Temperatures in the 50 degree range will cover most at south ern Ontario during the weekend Forecast temperatures train the Toronto Weather Office are low tonight at 30 degrees and high Sunday at 55 degrees tor the llarric area to downtown Barrie accord lng to the Examiner thermome ter the overnight low was 29 degrees while the am tem perature registered is degrees TORONTO ICPI Ollicial torecast issued at 530 am to day trend continues oter Ontario Pipeline LONDON Ont lCllA Lon don Township tarmer and an agricultural writer lritlay asked the National Energy Board to hold up all pipeline construction that tells under tedcral jurisdiction unttl changes are matte in the boards act relating to arm drainage and expropriation Peter Lewington ol lltlerton summed up lengthy briet with his request luring public hearing on an application by lntcrprovinoial Pipeline Co to cross highways and utilities In tour counties while it loops sec tions of its toyearold pipeline between Sarnin and Port Credit He said Implementation at protective legislatlon is the only basis upon which any hope ot cooperation can bo attiieved between all parties concerned Synopsis slow moderating lInrltou Midtitty degree temperatures linptlskasing 33 Farmer Wants to THE EARTH EXAMINER SATURDAY MAY 1x1 DISTRICT WEATHER Plenty Of Sun During Weekend are expected today Temperar lures will be low degree higher Sunday Forecast temperature Law overnight urn Sunday Windsor 40 St St Thomas 35 58 London as so Kitchener 15 so touut Forest 31 55 rtnghom 32 55 Hamilton 33 58 St Catharines 38 58 Toronto 38 53 Peterhorough to 55 Kingston 32 s5 Trenton 32 55 hillaloe 25 58 hluskoka 30 53 North Bay 55 Sudhury 55 55 Sllllll Ste lllario 35 58 58 Halt during construction at the pro posed loops lnterprovinelul already hns permission to build the loops at the close at the lhrecday hearing Friday acting board chairman Dr Fraser re served dcei on Mr Lewingtou on associan editor at the Country Guide arm magatine disagreed with Mr Fraser that long delay might hinder the countrys econ omy lte suggested new protccr tive legislation should be able to get through Parliament quickly lllr Lewington said the company and the tederal gov ernment or the lederal ernmeot or the tederal reSponsible tor rcelityiug drain nge problems which exist duo to luterpruvineials 20 inch BARBIE NORTH ackman Outstanding As Stephen Leacock By DWIGHT BONNET Barrto North Colllgllla it you werent In attendance last Friday or Saturday cloning in Central Auditorium at 330 you missed wonderful parlors mance as the Barrie North Drama Club presented 1967s Curlain Up perlormance entitl ed Shades at Stephen Leacock The program based on the book Sunshine Sketches of Little Town took the torrnot at lecture on comedy by Mocoek himsell with the old at an exr cellent makeup lob Ted Jackr man virtually became Leacock the likeness nus astounding Every movement was precise and Ted conveyed the subtle huA moor to very responsive nud ieneo Friday night Iuntortunate ly the next evenings audience was less appreciative ol the ex cellent portrayal The Reverend Dean Drone played by Bruce Chllds brought roars ot laughter both evenings In his highvpltehed cracking voice Bruce created an amusing portrait ol the elderly Anglican mlnlster hindelinc Smothurst as Myra Thorpe the local pros titute and drunk llu ou ungodly cherry rod gown also drew eut bursts when she flirted with theI tottering Gingham tDoug Tomlinsont the undertak or during Sunday morning sermon The aging John Henry Rag show tLorno Adamst Liberal ill let the constituency and Josh Smith Norm tronkst the local hotel owner and manager were also outstarding in their acting Others in the hast were Tim Hicks as the chairman Judge Pepperlelgh and the bank teller Rich McFadden as Billy Joe Smelburst as Mullins and the pact David Lee as Dull Su sun Orr as Zena lepporlelgh Dalton Corbett as Peter Pupktn Paul tllarshall as the blink manr tiger and the reporter Jean Crook as Miss Priss and Greg ltesson as Edward Drone Citl Zens were Judy McNeil Barb Branch Jean Crook Barb Reat ly Debbie Burnham Stephen and Linda Roberts and Given Smethursl Tho program began with choir mans remarks followed by dialogue by Stephen Leacock ohout hlmselt In the next scene Josh Smith was disturbed at the threat at complete prohibition in Tho Liquor licence Litiga tion in The Forcordalned At tachment Peter Pupkln court ed and married Judge Pepper lcighs daughter Zeno Follow Ing this the Rural Reverend Dean Rupert Drone addresatxt the congregation on the methods at paying tor new church tthe maln statement being we must gird up our loins to which htyra Thorpe responded with boisterous halleluynhl Following the in to mission Leacock spoke on his Financial CARRIER MISS YOU it your Barrlc Exomlner center has not nrrlved by pm please phone crude otl line that nolv exists Is comma Soon To 7282433 And Copy The Examiner will lie Delivered To Yourllome by pan THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS loo Career and then the audience was taken on an Excursion Day In lloriposa This im tound event teotured three legged races sack ram and ingotwar between the aging Golgotbo Gingham and the am cient John ttaury Bagshaw tuho were both crippled over double with rheumatismt Alter look at the Great Election In MIS sinoba County Leacock gave his closing remark The director was Mrs at son who also edited the script with the help at Ted Jaekmunt and she deserves great deal ol emdil tor this wonderlul perA tormonce As stated to the be ginning It you missed Curtain Up youve missed rx HELP STAMP OUT STRANGERS None are qulto an alone as tho stranger In town or tho newcomers to tho nclghhor hood Remember your last move howyouteltastho moving van pulled away howyou marathon notlwlsncd youd novorcomet Spare your new nolghbon teellngs such as these Lat thowelcomoWagonHostess bring greetings and glltr to make them tool at homo Hel stamp out strangers Cal Welcome Wagon today 776538t or airflow art BOOK DEPT Anio ART SUPPLY SHOPPs Over 2000 Titles Of The Latest Publications of Paper Back Novels Latest Editions Best Sellers Fiction NonFiction Classics Educational Books is

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