WEATHER Smnyvdthsormcioudyperiods Warmer tomonvw Winds llyrt rawan HiyrSldeySG Oompiets simnary on page in gmawmwuemumerewauAvr 54 ti Che titanic Examiner 103rd Year No 106 Barrie Ontario Canada Saturday May 1967 Not More Then to For Copy 14 Pages When over two million people visit one place in lcss than work many problems orced NEW YORK ADTho shut down oi The World Journal Tribune has brought expres sions oi shock and sorrow from members at the newspapers ctoii and Industry leaders The eight monthaid paper published its ttnal editions Fri day alter announcing that union resticidons and harassment coupled with steady losses had iorccd it to quit The thing that has brought us to his div is the tntransi genre of the unions charged Matt Meyer president oi the afternoon and Sunday paper He said losses were av er gt ng $700000 month Union leaders Bertram Powers president oi the print ers union local and Thomas Murphy executive vice presi dent of the Newspaper Guild guggested in turn that there might have been diiliculiies among the three owners Arthur Ochs Sulzberger pres ident and publisher of the New York Times said the loss tilled me with shock and sorrow and called it blow to our entire community Whose spirit and vitality need many voices many pistons to reflect its own mix ure MOUNTIE TO THE RESCUE are bound to arise One that the Expo 67 people are pre pared to hande ls lost child rcn This young man has Journal To Quit Paul biillcr president or Gan nett Newspapers and at The Associated Press said he was terribly saddened by the clos ins know they had many prolr lcms irom the start and had hoped they could surmount them The newspaper was termed in merger three oi the most amounnames in US newspa per history The New York Herald Tribune The WorldTele gram and The Sun and the JournalAmerican First published utter 140 day siriko last year the end came as new round oi New York newspaper contract negolt tiatlons was under way In which pattern at 2ipercent wage increase over three years had been set Meyer placed circulation at The World Journai Tribune at 700000 daily and 000000 Sunday it was third in size oi our Manhattan dailies Theclosing lett 2600 persons out oi tabs in the city room alter the announcement was posted there were some tears among the stall and some tense laughter mac achromatic as CAPSULE News Smash AntiGerman Riot commune South Atrica AP More titan are police med coca trimeheons and tear suburban ilillhrow Friday aim gas to disperse huge crowd in after grasp oi Jewidt youths converged on beer cellar frequented by Gcmans Charge Greek Plot AmiENS AP rightvwing Athens newspaper charges In throw the monarchy Veneer Mill Robbed oport approved by govenrmont censors that tanner premier George Popandreou was linked with an alleged plot to over BANCEOFI Ont OP Three armed bandits escaped Friday will thl $3500 payroll of the Wilberforce Veneer Mill Wmlies rth oi here Bancroft is about 60 miles north at Peterborough iaihologist Satisfied IDNDON OP Professor Keith Simpson Britains most eminent pathologist says much at the mblhvity which preceded the Steven Truscott case was disgraceful He now is satisï¬ed justice has been continued in the Canadian arpremc Court rcvtw lists Jordan To Pay Up UNITED NATIONS CF UN SecretaryGeneral Thant has again requested Jordan to pay damages in conneaiou with the death oi Canadian Army otiiocr on armistice duties In kslestine nine years ago it announced Friday WisWM WMWW look oi contidencc knowing that he will tied his parents as he to sale in the hands oi the RCMP 0P Wircphwlot May Demonstrate tit Kentucky Derby LOUISVILLE Ky Apt itev Williams King Negro civil rights leader has vowed some kind at action around Churchill Downs today to halt the Kentucky Derby But exactly what open hous ing advocates have in mind may not be known until alter it occurs Some apparent disagreement among members at committee pressing ior law banning ra cial discrimination in sale or rental oi housing and the tail urc of previously announced plans ior this week to material in has led to skepticism about todays promise oi Derby dis tuptions The pressure at 1000 police and National Guards at the Downs raised some doubts that any term at demonstration could interiere with the race it scli Reliable sources here have indicated that open housing ad vocates will remain outside the Downs and out of view oi the 100000 tans City Police Chief William Binder holicd march Friday bcioro it began by threatening to rrestnll 85 marchers cre were no incidents ex cept ior one white heckler ar rested whcn he threw rock at the group Later Friday night two groups at about 15 each attempted to march on Churchill Downs but were arrested and charged with disorderly on parad ing without permit and tres passing Pope Receives Glamor Queens VATICAN CITY AP Acv tresscs Claudia Cardinaie and Gina Loliobrtcida both involved in marital diiiicaities were re ceivcd by Pope Paul today dnd kissed his ring in an unprecev dented panel audience ior mem bers of ow business and the press The two glomor queens wear ing black were among thou sands of actors actresses Jour nalists and communications ex ccutives who accepted papal invitation tor meeting to mark churchbacked world commu nications day Actress Sophia Loren and her producerhusband Carlo Ponti did not come They have been embroiled ior years in bigamy CREE in speech to the crowd in St Peters Basilica the Pope said We too are workers in social communications he said We can call ourselves your col leagues heres our Professor You missed my class yesterday didnt you Unsubducd Student Not In least sir not In the lean Boston Movie Offer Sparks Student Riot BOSTON APIAn estimated i0000 collegeage youths sponding to movie theatre promotion rloicd tor almost three hours early today in the congested honky ionk district downtown Police Coot Joseph iianloy who made the crowd cstlmatc said the melee was out at con trol ior while until more than 75 policemen could disperse the riotcrs More than 20 persons were arrested At least iive other persons were taken to hospital Three were treated icr cuts and two ior dog bites Police said two dogs irom the canine corps were at the scene but It was not known whether those blltcn were Injured by these or by other dogs scan in the area The rlat iollowed an otter oi the Savoy Theatre to admit ireu Davis Announces School Grants TORONTO CP Education hiinlstcr William Davis an nounced Friday that new program at capital grants ior school construction will be made retroactive to Jan 1005 lie told the legislature the extension will cost the govern mcnt about $0000000 year and substantially reduce the cost to be borne at the local level The new grants program announced by the minister Feb 20 originally applied only to construction ior which iinal approval was given atter Jan of this year Under the program the gov ernment removed ceilings at $20000 classroom for clemen tary schools and $25000 class room ior secondary schools as the portion oi construction costs available ior grants The new program will be applied to existing construction by increasing the ceiling on approvals by 50 per cent ior elementary schools and 100 per cent ior high schools WILL MEAN REVISION ii ior example approval was originally given tor 10 room elementary school In the amount of $200000 the approval will be revised to $300000 or the actual cost whichever is the lesser Mr Davis said in the case oi secondary school where the Iinal approval tor Joraom school was in the amount of 0750000 the approval will be revised to $1500000 or the neural cost whichever is the lesser Under Ontarios system at school construction grants the government requires school Close Wing Over Nurse Shortage OWEN SOUND nursing shortage is forcing Owen Sound General and Ma rine Hospital to close 20bed iioor May 20 despite Boopa ldent backlog Hospital Administrator James Clarke said that although the Institution Is budgeted ior 02 tall time nurses it only has 30 iull time and as part time nurses He blamed the short age on the smaller number at students entering nursing schools Mrs Wilhelmina Bell niascs director said that she to setting up training program to re train the mar than 100 iormer nurses living in the area The present backlog oi pa tients Includes 100 persons need ing surgery The Examinedg TODAY aim uncuto City NewsZ it ClasstfiedIZ 13 Comics7 Churchesit nesteda 12 Editorial4 Sportss Theatre5 TV HaitianII 7i Womense boards to float debentures ior the entire cost of construction but agrees in advance to loot portion oi thedcbcnlurere tircmcnt costs Application oi the retroactiv ity arrangement to the system will mean that the government will boost its share at the debenture retirement costs in lift and until the debt is paid anyone clad in James Bond type trench coat to special preview showing at Casino lioy ayel new picture that paro dies tho Bond tilms OPENED EARLY The showing was scheduled ior om but the crowd her come so huge said house manv ogcr John Sullivan tha the doors were opened at 130 am Sullivan said the theatre was tilted to its 2056 capacity by 145 am and the showing at the twohouraudisminute film began Thousands 0i wouldebc vpa irons unable to be seated hat tied up hiocklong section at Washington Street outside the theatre and spilled over into several side strccis iieniey said the uproar appar ently was startcd by iew ringleaders who would incite any group and egg on crowd Police counted at least tive damaged cars Several plate glass windows of department store across the street were broken as were windows in several other nearby stores Police also were occu pied with attempts to control looting Canada Displays NEW YORK CF Canada chk In New York inspired by expatriate Canadians who de cided to bring some oi the Com tennial Yenr tap to the United States reached its climax Fri day night nt ihc Vaidori As toria Hotel where more than 500 persons had ball Prime Minister nd hire Pearson and Secretary oi State Dame Pattie llgain Trounces Gretel SYDNEY Australia AP Dame Pattie with considerable lead added to her keel in three week modiiication do tested Gretel tor the ninth time in it starts Friday in series at trials to determine which oi the two Australian yachts will compete in the Americas Cup against the US Dame Patties margin was three minutes seven seconds over Homile Americas Cup course She was skippered by Jack Sturrock and was 300 yards behind at the start However she led the Gretel with Gordon ingate at the helm by seconds around the that market and gradually pulled away NEW YORK STATE gov ernor Nelson Rockeieller and his wife dank Prism Minister Week Talent Judy Laiiiarsh headed the guest list at the centennial ball th proceeds of the $100 plate event went to the Canadian Edi ucation Inc which devotes its eiioris to encouraging the ex change oi economic and cul tural thaught between Canada and the United States During Canada Week Cana dians put their talents on dis play before discriminating New York audiences and spectators The heavy program was de signed to appeal to every sec tlun at the community it ranged irom wide variety oi musical talents through artistic endeavors to such Canadian skills as log rolling and tree topping One of the best known bands in America Guy Lombardos Royal Canadians provided dance music at the windup ball alternating with an American Negro group called Bud John sons AiiStars Tbs pipers drummers and reel dhndng fotnsome from the 40th Highlanders of Can ada Toronto and two leading artists at the Royal Winnipeg Ballet won unstinttng applause Peter Jennings who earns irom Canada to be anchor man on ABCTV network news pro grams was master of care monies hns Mrs Pearson as they Theoiï¬daipertyhead bailoflieiailyopcaodflaaadl leave the Meieller apartr ed iorNew York Citys Wal meat last digit carnal Order Given To Block Case Came From PremierShulman TORONTO CPlDr liiorton Shulman says that in one case where his action was blocked while he was chiti coroner oi Metropolitan Toronto top civil servant told him that instruc lions camo irom Prcmlcr John iiobaris The premier is mentioned in tttpagc brlcl Dr Shulman has been trying to present to the royal commission investigat ing his allegations oi Interier cncc and suppression against provincial oiiiclals licsald in an interview iri day night he had been upset that tho brlet had been released it had been my request that only those portions oi the brief which had been heard by the commission should be publicly released HEARING ADJOURNED The commission hearing ad learned Friday until Tuesday Contents of part oi the brief were published today by The Globe acid Mail One part deals with the death at Horace Leslie Burnett at the Shouldlce Clinic in Toronto in July 1963 coroners jury heard evi One Year Term ior Extortion Try VANCOUVER GP Gary Stephen Ross is at Toronto was sentenced Friday to one year in prison ior attempting to extort $5000 from Frank Howard NDP member of Far liament ior Skceno Ross who pleaded gouty last week sent note to Mr Howard in Ottawa threatening to tot ally ruin him it he did not send $5000 to him care of general delivery in Vancouver court was told The extortion attempt led to Mr Howards public disclosure that he had been sentenced to two years in prison 25 years ago tar armed robbery Little Hope For Missing Girl BURLINGTON Out 01 Burlington and provincial po licc are becoming Increasingly convinced that missing Mari onnc Schuetts chances at be ing alive are slim The only clue uncovered since the 10ltyearold Kllbrlde Ont schoolgirl disappeared week last Thursday is blue running shoe found week ago near Speyslde 10 miles north oi here The girls mother identiilcrl the shoe as hiariannes but this was not been conilrmed by ex parts dcnoo on the death and recom mended an overhaul oi operat ing practice at the clinic but the Supreme Court at Ontario quashed the inquest in Septem ber 1963 because Dr Shulman had sat in with the coroner Dr Elie Cass Dr Shulmans brch reviews his ciiorts to have the ruling on pooled and to have the clinic change its practices tic says he received We phone call irom Frank Wilson assistant dc uty attorney on cral who to him the clinic ad talked to Premier ilobaris lie was told by hlr Wilson he says that iiir Robarts had issued in structions to Attorney General Arthur Wishort that no turther action was to be taken DECLINES COMMENT Premier Roberts in tele phone interview from London Ont had no direct comment on the disclosure have no idea what Mr Win son told Or Shulman he said He would have to get the allega tions irom the commissioner Mr Justice Parker oi the Ontario Supreme Court and see what the former coroner said Mr Wishart said In an inter view that the Burnett case was one which Dr Shulman spe ciolly asked the commission to open ior investigation All the evidence will be part of public inaniry he said do not propose to talk about it hir Vishart dismissed Dr Shulman alter the iormcr chief coroner ordered an inquest into tire death last month at tho Wnrkmens Compensation Board Hospital in Toronto against the instructions Dr Cots nam Ontarios supervising con ORCI Alter Dr Shulman made alle gationsag inst his superiors at suppression oi inquests and evi dence the government ordered the royal commission inquiry REQUEST REFUSED Earlier Friday Dr Shulman asked permission to withdraw one at the cases in his briefa iatal traiilc accident which in volved Donald MacDonald Ontario leader of the New Dem ocratic Party but his request was reiused by Mr Justice Parker The judge said during the hearing that from the number oi matters that had been re ceived the inquiry would be going ior some time in an interview during the day Dr Siudman said that if the results at the inquiry is in his lover he wants his job back as chiei coroner If the iiadings go against him he will go into politics as Liberal or member of the NDP John Barnes an acquaintance at Dr Shulmans and waitress machine operator told the hear ing that two iriends of his had been frightened by police ques tioning alter the workmens hos pltal tire He and his triends knew that hospital patients drank regu larly at hotel near the hospital and he had told Dr Shulman dost Astoria Hotel where Week or Wirepltolfl accuse rooms or INTERFERENCE is