roman 112111111 Diet PillsCan Make Person Irritable By 1055 MOLNZB IID Dear Dr llolner Can the oonstnnt use oi diet pills be dangerous Can they make person irritable at times am 29 and have been tnklnl them tor eight years have to increase the dos age now it dont take them have an enormous appetite am so tired donthevs any energy to do my everyday housework have two children t1r Yes di pills can make person irritable and they can also be dangerous That is one reason why natty oppose their use ept under medical niparviaion Eight years is long time to have taken them They are not intended tor continued use but rather may in dllilcult cases ha temporary crutch until new and better eating habits are Iearned obviously you havent gotten down to the root or your prob ttm You are still on crutdtes instead 01 learning to walk Looming how to eat properly that Is Being too tired to do your housework less means that you are not setting with dent exercise which only adds to your weight Worse there may be some thyroid imbal TELEVISION Channel Barrie Esnalr Novnslnnin to Secret storm Rants Danie Fireball x15 nauamuu Newr Wenthar Boom Candid Camera Wendy and Me Jack nanny Show Danny Kay snow Front Page Chsiienn Nawamamlna Omar Voltes 11 CBC TV News 1115 Weather Newl Sparta 1140 Canada At War WEDNESDAY Novumm no Test PIttsm Allen IIml Boy smut Jamboree homily Ghnt Ramunnrance my Ceremony cnu Helena nuttarnut sonar EEC NeilP optye Noonday Report Movie Weddl or 12111 Marlene Super no The World Wm Take Thkly Secret Slum narrta Dania Forest nanrara rv er News Weather Sparta 12 Oclock turn Red 111m Jamboree Perry Mason Festival CBC TV New Weather Sports News Dr are mummy Novnuaan ta v15 rm Iattem no no Allen rtma National Srhnol National runnin Friend Giant Cher sierra Euttemut soun CBC News Popeye and Pu Noondly Report Movie Man an un Run Super atngo no World Turn lee 111W Secret Slums llama oauta woody Woodpecker Illmg own W2 11 Nov1r Hazel 111 Serial rn Detanden Runes cac rv News Weather Spam Movie mm the Man Down FFTSBPFPQ SSEéSESsESSS paurï¬Oamtn oo 15 no on 00 10 so so EEE assassssssssssss ===Eprnsstusaw Channel antralo TUESDAY NOVEMBER ll 00 Th Searetslorm no Leave It To sum sou Five oratatr Show Tarawa Beachhead ots News and Sport sno cas Eveninl News 133 In It 1m any um qsou World wit ass was Shelton ttour on Petticoat Junction 1m ihe poem and the Nur nu ELM News and Weather 1110 The 1120 Show ThoTIiursiar WEAK NIme ll an fma Secret Slotm UH Leave It In Beavnr 500 Five Oclock Show 6qu of Port Petticoat 515 News and SPURS CBS Newl 700 Thl Honeymooners ans seam never Illlihllilll Mt Dink In Dyka it can Williams Show 10 Danny Kaye 110 News Weather 5110111 11167 1120 Show Armored Comm mtunanu wovmm L00 rnp Secret sunm on gum 515 Leave It To sum rtva Oclock Show The Whole mutt Headline News sport cns nmtnx Nm aat hiasterson rgin Muï¬rriers 8117 lion Peuward rna Bailey or nausea na nmnam News Weather sports The ma Show Tribute to Badman anoe or other disorder oi met iaoilrm or there could be menusbeta heavy dose not indicate that you an tree irons this roblsrn Have phyeicai us nation to find out what it anythlhl needs to be dons medically Tell you doctor ex actly what lla you haveheqs tnitina let him help you urntrol your more auc cesstully Dont ruin your dis position and mdluner your health by relying on pills Dear Dr Molnar Please ex plain iibrornyositln cause tmlment andcurs the word appeared on my htiloands in WHEN papers Eight special ists said he had disease oi the muscles but they could not Iind the real trouble tor his backacheMrs Fibmmyositis rnsana Mam matlon oi the shesth surround in muscles lier tor the to rous sheath myo for muscle and itis tar inflammation Identtiying the cause 111 not be easy It can involv some torm oi intcctlon strain nervous tension injury or laid posture Vhy eight specialists Why not lat one study the case in depth instead at having einht take quick try at it Dear Dr Molnar What does ieuknplaitil look like have PROGRAMS Chonnal Toronto russnsv rtovrnmn to too amt Mouse Club uo Sea no son rtva Oclock atattnu tatmere ash News Weather Sparta 7oo The Littlest not no tatr star Out soo Petticoat Junction ano lied Shelton no The Virginian tron crv National News III5 Metro no1 rtto rtarra nanon warmrnnav Novnmna 11 am 11mins News ato Mina lieian 3343735 tilt um noun me toso rv Blrllo JIMwThrlamea Bendshow tun Toronto Today mo Channel Theatre Satunder 200 Abracadabra Tour at Kind People in Conflict tn Your Move mat Mouse cine Sea unt octock Matinee lDesPerate Search News Weather ports The Iarlners Daughter To apart at sm mom Martian twin Hockey tumult It Tontin sports TaikBach Country Mualo nan crv National News Metro Final Pierre Berton Spectrum munsnar Nuvxstaut ta soo Morning Nun are ML Helen ny ms with ncle are 1010 TV ataro by turn 11 magnum snow mo Toronto lnday mo Channel Therm iPsrls Model Abracadabra root at Kind People in comm tvs Your Move nttctte Mouu Club Sea unt rive Qclock sssass 312223 sp ayesgn Andy will It 017 501311 lam In Rome CTV NILIOM NEW him mt GIT Meta TUESDAY rtovnsraan to 400 Capt Bob and Woody Woodpecker rats or Warn ratpa not use nnatlsyertnrte rna Detectives £5910 rtIIaw for WEE VI Ihit°i°l Tnnflht Show P0 AM 3091111 Wanwrnnny wovnmln 11 Capt Bob 500 Peter Potunus 5so1aies oi Wells son Today 1554 no woman Valley Inn 73a mer nlan 000 Wedne Nilht anil mp 5nd Sack 1100 News Wenlttei Sports tilt most ow Lao and Report ramp Nian Capt nan Huckleberry ttmtad Wells rarso new to Hunttasarinmy News Bishop Eileen Dnnlol nouns nr Kildm Hazel Knit ihutn News Wlathfl Tonight Show AM nsnars aF=f=anasar 32233232132882 sports YOUNG DRIVEIld IumltIEerpt or that it in very dillimlt todescrtbe Ind the only reliable snawer can Elveyouu tohavsyourdoctor pr dentist tan look 1hese patches are requeme iouod in smokers months they metimea disappear spontan ï¬ly when mind Is atop The danger is that lento pinkia may be iorernnner oi cancer although not always by any means ll patches begin to spread it may he wins to re move them in any event they should be watched in make sun that they do not bellmto allow danger aim Avastans um Australia ia prepared to spend some 811000000 in Wm munlcntlons satellite llnit he twcen the US and Australia by 196 mmsrtmmnznw crown Inacl Damon woms WHIUIB November meeting will beheld It the ham oi 1111 Cecil Dun ms flansday pm Motto learn trons the pest mis lattes ot othmyi you dont have time to make them all youraeii Comment Miss Ruth Hitting iloll call suuestion ior Horatio Moderflious Centenniol Program hiltoriui research oonvmer Mrs Itoy Newson Hostessu Mrs Mo Lean Mrs Bandy Visitors welcomed CITY Mm NP VANWUVER CPI 01116 tala Stmnybrook Dairy Farm say they have lound city cows give more mliit than their coun try mains They sxplsin that the so oowa livinron small lam within the city limits are ten nervous when people are around them because they have many children cousin to see rm CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER Nortlt dealer Both sides vulnerable noon on us 110 KIBD1I use one 9583 us 31 onto KIDI aqoss stat nte bidding hum Welt North End Pu Pen INI PA Opening leadking ot hearts Trump control is nitcn the decldinit actor in suit contracts Tito delendera try whenever possible to run declarer out of trumps in order to be able to cash their tricks in side suits while the declarer at the some time tries to maintan control over trumps so as to withstand this nttadr upon him For example look at this deal which natures battle over trump control West leads the king oi hearts and continues with the ace When decisrer ruits he has tour trumps left but so does West It declarcr wen now to play Wm Milena vltqel on ten the ace and another spade he would lose control over trumps and take bad heating West would cash the KQ and then Play heart When South rutted with his last lntmp all otWests remaining heada would become tricks To prevent anything like this from happening South leads the nine of spam not the ace at trick three West ducks South makes the contract by cashing the ace and then playing his wtnne rs in the side suits But lets any that West takes the nine with the queen East showing suit What should West do now This is now the crucial spot in the hand since Wests play at this point determines the out come With dummy havinl no more hearts West might ssle decide to make neutral return such as diamond or club It he did this declarer would make the contract South would win the return play the 10 ot spades ltili keeping control over tntmpa and West would then be unable to defeat the contract But it West upon winning the nine with the queen plays anoth er round 05 hearts he beats the contract The old bugaboo about not living declaror ruli and discard does not apply in this case since it lives the declarer no advantage under the trim stnnces and in tact is sure to cause him endless pain and salt erinl There is no salvation for South Tomirow Grand Slam DAILY CROSSWORD Varying LPolynealnn weight nativeon India 411mer DOWN 7Whlphandia LReIattng 8Fmated built 10Bower immutable ILApprouhea Manda 13Chniraeot piano towering 45mm material nhitting Slight hullst gtaale einrrtaia lalspanele halter coin urdl 11 Fuel Prickly thlrIlmml herbs 191Ilnid LAMIIiun Jitters Indian wdactya anona Iruit wk 318mm imbaan 24Pssssgoway hetwem an Sphere 273aking chamber ammo the Iainla 3961 3161 letter sastrtngto instrument mm as Outst smrntsx India Article it tutnitursr HuntltyEflnkisyNawl Seven per cent at all drivers in Canada are under to years of agebut they are involved in 146 per cent ntail car accl denls CARRIER Missyou ll your carrier hasnnt arrived hy ins2433 please phone And copy war nativerea ra Yonr Beale THERE 15 NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY 1m sum in 12A no words as Neglp tlva Dual vote 19 Girls name 20 An 3pm Foot coverings IJ int1 unnu ruinsr Inlwl 289mm 201leida mlll Jamie Iervine I0 Troubled ï¬cmï¬sï¬ian SLEorn pm 441 unmet my do JULIET JONES DONALD DUCK THE GIANTS BLONDIE GRANDMA auzz SAWYER MUGGS AND skeetest mmmhmahmmn taun long list Short Cosh No Worry mosrvns JUST SAY MENS It STUDENTS WEAR CHARGE IT YOUR SALES SLIP FROM MDSIYNB ARE WORTH ON YOUR NEXT CASE PURCEAEI AND ENJOY DISCOUNT PRICES root to nunwr 51qu CBVAINLI max at LONG TIME TO ANEWER WHATARE Vau SELLING YOUR maniacal PICKiNG Ml LP EDI CLASS HELL ENE 112v woman FGRWR eon menu ma YOURE DEAD vow worm our fllMltIGil DWI BVMWMIISI am mamas Fthlmflï¬lollimm unswvesttnnwonxorrou mnnuaaunrrenpum mlutnmva