Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Nov 1964, p. 8

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us BALI um AAMBAY Roma nosa Tough Fontinclto Now Bench Boss ORANGEVIILE Ont UP bu Fontinrto who had morn thinhls share of penalties In the National Hockey Itaqu her diilerent outlook as porch Footieto who rel record for the number of penalties in one reason is coach of Orange vilie Hornets in the Ontario Hockey Association Junior lie has almost redoiered from near cripplinin he suf fered while playing th Mont IsIl Cansdlens during the rare til season The lormer New York Ranger smashed two ver tebrae in his spine leavlnl him almost completely paralysed lie apart severd months in dot that covered his entire up fir body and needed year of therapy to regain uss ofhis limbs Lou plays it different as coach Ha lectures his charges before the germs Ibotlt taking too nuny pens er didnt tell than to play the II al uealhlsumshlslobe 2d Ill out jult told them my cheap ones 33 COMBINATION You cant have them bad to amid penIl He describes birnreir mmbination of the fatherly tron coach and the trend brlmstoee kind Cattle and enrolling are his main tntererir He is fanning nrlltime near Gnelph where he Mbiretartlnhockey are run ior He has hold of 00 beef catth and ll an Iuthorlty on the beef market and rotation This Iron Fon nato had several offers to coach but the Orregsvllle job gays him chance to return to hotoy with out leaving his farm and fun had been in hodey since was about 11 years old he said Now its good to be bafi lknowthrtlttookalotof good coadring to turn me into an NIH player and hope can pm some of it along in we in partywaist style be these boys Expect Major League Approval Restore Commissioner Power ransom Arie APllifa or lIIgue club owners prepare today to vote for the restora tion of the baseball commission erfs full power with unlimited lurisdictlon over the game The move is snailout effort to regain public conlidence and It the tide of criticism from Ia and public alike This decision arrived It du in the second day of the three Iummlt meeting of the aoaball magnates was viewed personal triumph for out oomisaioner Ford Prim though his Ilcoeesor will be one to reap its full benefits everthrless Frlck probably ed more stature in two days It than in all his years basebIllcIIr In what probably was the libel fareeinl rtralghtlromthe shouldcr speech of his life the Rulethatched former newspa ggy must eliminate the clauses which reduced his power and or do him little morsthen irman of the board of direc scream 1f your new commissionerle to function successfully if he is to provide the desired leader sh and at the same time the public image thm base desires he must be given ll KEY roseNE areup nusc3 5338591 Sffl=3 888$Sgt ueflsfl $338 00 Fridayl Readil Heiohey Cleveland Providence Rochester anipbell Guest OMHA Sessions room Garenne Campbeupresldsnt of the Na ltionrl Hockey league wlll ad dre delegates to the an hockey organisation in the world represented more than 51400 players from sro team last year The meeting will consider content between the assoclg tronInd the Toronto Hockey haguerespecting the boundan ies of the two organizations re garding players One of the in amendments to be fconsideredby the meeting willnseek to estahllrh uniform eateirfor referees Albert Watkins of Peterbor ough has been reelected to his second term as presIient ol the arrodation There are nine nominees for the raven enur tinea positions man warned the owners the unquestioned authority and loyal support required to do the job hick told the owners and general mInIgerr Taking the cue from their lender the owners Friday un animourly approved hlr recom mendations flroy immediately set machinery in motion for adoption of number of the commissioners proposals dI signed to restore Ind maintain public confidence they agreed to equip the next commissioner with the lama powers enjoyed by baseballs first czar Judge Kencanw Will handle but denied to his successors by two constitu tional changes Another positive Ietion ex pected to be taken today It the joint session would prohibit ex pansion of the rnaior leagues ior at least the next three learn in separate Ictlon the Amen icon League recommended that after 1065 consldarItlon be given to starting the World Se ries on Saturday instead of the customary Wednesday Also recnnmended war that weekday games be played It night at the othon of the host team depending on location weather and other factors The Natlonallreaglra made no such recommendation inrcono Mrs GIrnae Rochester at Buffalo Providence at Cleveland Baltimore at Hershey Pittsburgh at Springfield Sundays Gama Hershey at Buffalo Cleveland at Providence Springfield It Quebec liltdsurgh at Rochester Ontario JuniorA Ir Niagara Falls Orth Toronto Peterborgh St Catharines Montreal Hamilton Kitchener guanoleash HSSBaSSSea SESBBSE$gt mltlto== Fridays lleenlfr Kitchener Niagara Falls Months onlnlts Game It Oehawa limdaya Oun Oshawa at Montreal llli KeyPlayer Loss Plagues Bosses In common run he old bus of managers in ltbahfllisdoall klIodey herme bsti inaction When tour team take the lee loom Newkork Range in Tomato against the Marie hair and Gringo Blank Hawks in Montreal against the Cana dlenr then prnbmly will be lotrm players out ottnellne VOCIFEROUS LOUE RETURNS By JACK SULLIVAN CanAllan Prune Sparta Editor couple of years ago Jake Gaudaur got on halftime football television show and bubbled over about the growth of the pro gnrne in Canada He had statistics to back up his ens thurlasnr but he really wasnt klddingauybody Why reld lakeonly l000 persons snw the first Grey Cup final in 1009 and attendance in 1955 was close to 40000 Re ceipts in that initial cup final were just over $2000 against something like half million years later Thats growth said the pres ident of the eminently success folat the boxofllce anyway Handltnn TigerCats it can talnly is just like the automo bile taking over from the horse and buggy Jakernnd his partners inthe Canadian Football League are in the entertainment business Theyve got product to sell andnalurally they do every thing in their power to sell it to fans from Montreal to Van couvsr COME LONG WAY Canadian pro football has come long way since isle when clubs were spending $40 000 $50000 year Now theyre operating on annual budgets of more than $500000 and Jake didnt mention it but law oi the nine pro teams are having rough time keep ing their financial statements in the blank Now Bob Henley sports eds itor of the Hamilton Spectator thinks that the Canadian pro game is in danger of falling squarely on its face next year unless there are some changes in the balance of power some coaching switches some inten leagus trading of key pleycr personnel Henley doubu that CPL clubs can introduce import college rookies oi the attraction of Bob Hayes the broad shouldcred gt Olympic loometre gold medal winner So says Hanley Hamilton atBt Catharhies agara Falls at Kitchener etenborough at Toronto Wmklgna Vancouver tor Anseler Warm SeattleA Central Dengue Omaha Minneapolis St Paul Ill Memphis St Loui Ontario Senior Guelph Woodstodr altst Welland coaches by some franchises and an exchange of player per sonnelby othen Heres what Henley has to say about the situation Football dens will themselves to death it the 06 reason repeat of new which was repeat of 6350 ne script is worn nutyou and unless some the only hope for amending dreany format is swltnhlot Hanley Warns Grid Decline names Ind addresses are shu fled Bud Grant to Ottawa Rough Hider for instance Frank Clair to Toronto Argo nauts and Bob Show to Winnl peg then fan disinterest may be evident in only attend ances Winnipeg owes debt to aid Grant but as the premier performer as the No football personnllty hes worn out in that town Ottawa owes debt to Frank Clair mother dedicated quiet anon but townsfolk are ready for new skit with new actors Toronto on the other hand fed to the teeth with youthlul housecleaning masterminds it in the market for an older stable proven thinker Almost ovary club wants some kind of new inolr for 65 whether its at the planning opplIyer leveL fTelevision andmany of its performers are hyperconscloul of overexposure Barrymore or Bernhardt would the lost appeal if they had appeared in the same productions in the same towns on the same dates for as many consecutive years as some of the coaches and playing mm of them nunrono vlsrrs BARBIE sponrs Georgian Bay erior hockey leagle convene Wes Allsopp of Barrie last night announced two sdredule changes made necessary by the sudden withdrawal of the Parry Sound entry from the sixclub clrwlt Meaford Kinsmen will be guests or Barrie Sports to motrow afternoon at Barrie Arena oommeming at 230 gt while Orian Huskies evelto Peneteng to clash with the lndiana lho orig Inal draft had the now defunct Furry Sound team in Poncteng and Oritlia foc tng Burris for the flilld time In eight days llioflve surviving nitrite Barrle Orilila Moaford Penetnng rand Collingwood willgetiier Monday night at Barrie Arena for an pm schedule redraftiog session Parry Snlmd newcomer to the amp was forced to abandon the venture when their borne arena was de claredcondemned than fun filer use Montreal will be going with out centre Henri Richr Thr onto withouttentre Dave Keon Chicago without centre Stan hi Ht IndNew York saibly without some Marcel stile And to mobs matters worse nachos for It least two of the coIeher only two of the plum appear to have adequate replacements waiting in the wings ltansgereorrh and lmlseh ll floatedto put Red Kelly in the sup place of Kean out with pulled in muscle Ind mods Red Sullivan has recalled former CInadlen and Ranger ln Plante to Im2 globulqu rage ur Iy when the Rangers dropped domino to Detroit Red Wings MED PREVIOUS DAME Richard who minted all the previous grmeaithls rearan got it Thursday for only part of tvnr periods rooting his first Paola Narrow AHL Lead CANADIAN rum Radiant Americans scored American Hodrly league victory ovu Providence Reds Friday nl to their nap row lead the gods West ern Division But Fiddle Oiaoomln the only one standing between then nodasooleindourlefiguresaa he defied Muster to do their but in the third period and turned them back Glatvmin handled re shots in the third period while Ameri cana goalie Jerry Cheevnrs lost his shutout when one of seven Providence Ihota by Jimmy Bartlett slipped past him against the flow of the play in the only other game in the nineteen league Friday night Hershey Bears starred three times in minute and 22 reo onds of the third padod for 64 win over Cleveland Barons The win bounced Hershey one point ahead of Clavdand into second place in the Eastern Di vision with is pninta ro behind leading Oudsec AceI Lu Duff mred the first Rn cheeter goal and his first at gs afiuon while teammate Ed tnlterger was serving penalty Btan Snrks scored six minutes later Cleveland held 31 lead early in the second period of their game on goals try Doug Sailor Gordon Willie and Joe Sun after no Rivers had scored on the shot of the game for Hershey But before the second period was over Bruce Draper and Danny Pollalanl squared the score setting the stage for the fluidperiod wlburrt Draper got it going It with slap shot to be followed Ii seconds later by Gene Ubrl noo who was followed ll sec oods later by defcocanan Don Awny Defending Champ Marauders Rated Underdogs Title Clash MW CPIMelluter University Marauders defend ing chem one of the Ontario lntercolls to Football Confer ence will be the underdogs to day when they meet Unlversi of Ottawa Gen Gees in III dendeath me iortbe for sncatltl Goadch of universities which have played both teams have made Ottawa rlxspolnt favor its to win the title and gains berm in the Atlantic Bowl TODAY IN SPORT FNMA Little Grey Cup banquet and awards presenutions St lo sephs Auditorium 580 pm SUNDAY HOCKEY Georgian Bay Junior Mea ford Kinsmen at Barrie Sports Barrie Areas 230 NIL Orlllla Erskine It Penetang Hurons MIDDLEBltOOK TREE SERVICEK All types of flee work pruning and tree remov etcfl FHQ 436470 STROUD 4ng the Maritime diam pions later this month The reason hfcMastor ie only shadow of last years championship squad losing such defensive stars as meve Parazader and Ker Mason fromtha inside linel backer spots WAS UNBEATEN However McMaater was nor defeated in six conference ap pearances this year while 0t tawe had its victory record snapped last Saturday by Car leton University lnva tth loss Todays game maxim the third consecutive time that Ottawa and Mdliastcr have met for the conference title Last year Mcilaster shutout Ottawa so in Ottawa and the year before humbled the Gee Gena in Hamilton Meldasters two atertin finnkers Burns Leggatt In lid Anne both will rules to days game with knee injuries Coed Bob Dawson of the Marauders has called rookie quarterbaé Mark psny of Cornwall Oflllt strut rxcnrnor BIrrlel Original We carry corn late line or sauna ms BAUER $545 surrey $6300 GOIDS anon sisnvrcn Clapperton at more goal In the first before la in the second He Iggrevrt the min NW illll kept him out of Iction earlier and when he might again return is In open question mm Billy lter raid Ihurs day Mikita aggravated shoul der Injury and Inkls sprain picked up Sunday Igainrl Bor Nplace ton Bruins in game Thest Igalnst Rangers and probably wont go in Montreal This could hurt the air Hawks more than Richard mil ing will hurt the CInadiear since Nikita is back in his fnrrn of last year leading the league Thwlllslury to Palll may live Plants dance to ma his fortunes in the NHL In with the Rangers HAS GOOD amen Sent down to Baltimore Clip pers of the American Lelzus this reason to play himself into shape Ifler hIssling with club clflcialr and doctors over the need for an operation to knee he claimed was damaged Plante has come up with very respectable 26 only against average while Pallle hIs been dazzling hlr bosses Ind his opponents by perform ing at lit clip And because of this llIngerr new general manager Emile irancis still hopes PIiliI wrll be in action tonlm He said Rangers have Plants up for the game because we just want to have the best backup man we can get Chapot Earns Jump Trophy NEW YORK AP flll United States equestrian term continued its niantlcas drive to ward the team durnpiondilrplln the National Horse Show dbl night when arepot of Wallpadr NJ the Good Will lkopby re Mod ison Square Garden crowd of 130 211901 the Good Will Trophy at iurwoff the victory ran the United State record to Nor1i Only young Jim Day of Thronto who won the first event of the show for in on the United States mom poly Till Good Will victory five the United states on points the race for the team title by Argentina with Mexico with lo and Brazil win arapotmovad into the indi vidual lead with it points ahead of teammate Kathy Kusner of Arlington may 22 anon an Tom Gaylord of Aurore on up on Blue Beau were the only who on cean in en son was timed ing seconds and Gaylord in 42 Mme flwo full hours of Canada bra been able to move Generals Fall Ir Leadership By THE CANADIAN PRESS OIhIwa Camels dropped from flrotplsce tie with Nb agan Flyers in lbe Ontario Hockey Association Junior re rles Friday night to second place tie with Tomato Harl horoe Ind the tenants we ent even playing The Flos into loll tie with Oshawa by tun unanswered third pe goals that defeated Montreal Junior Canadian 44 at Montreal Al Osborne Brit Selby Paul lancen and led Glipdrase scored the Mn goals in seesaw battle that saw the lilariboros with trad alter the first and the Car nadiens leading Ifter the mod For Montreal Norm Fm son Rene Droiel and only on rick drove home all the goals in the second period after 1hr onto had taken on load Tonight Montreal meets 0di ewn at Kingston Smiley Oshawa is at hlbnhoal SENIOR STllX hat Nights Results BARBIE Colllngwood Midland Drillla BARBIE Newmarlret Midland Collingwood Orlllla TuesdayHAW at Colling wood 030 lilidlsnd It New market ear GARDENS NOV2227 The years best entertainment All the exciting competitions and thrilling eventsof the Calgary Stampede Bronc bustingp calfroping steerwrestling wiidcowmilkingErahmo bull riding thrills chills MAIL ORDE FORM assumeest neartons Greene$250 Grey 43 15 no

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