Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Oct 1964, p. 1

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Hobart Announces eiBig Medical Program TORONTO CF lime in program to provide ex Plntled medical dental and nursing training utilities in Dr iarlo was announced 11rursday by Premier John lichens The premier said so addi tional summon to assist unl verslty teaching hospitals will be spent during the next live years The program calls ior the es tablishment ot medical school at Moldastsr University in Hamilton dental school at the University of Western Ontario in London and the expansion at medical facilities at University oi ilnronln and at Queens Uni versity in Kingston The hospitals affected by the program are at the university of Ottawa Toronto Queens and Western Education Minister William Davis who is also minister of university alielrs said the too moon represents only capital construction costs No target date was set for completion oi the four construction programs Ilrt university olllelals indicated the facilities should be in lull operation between 1969 and lillo was RECOMMENDED Premier Roberts told puss oonierenm tire our major pro iecis were recommended to him by the governments advisory committee on university allairs flre program designed to oil ret the growing shortage of qualliied personnel in the medi cal and dental prolessions in the province will make room for shout om additional medical lls Malaysran SUNGEI MMBAI Malaysia APlindonesias latest inva sion of theMalaysian mainland collapsed today when Eahakcn guerrillas meekly surrendered less than as hours siterthey landedu strong Commonwealth task iorce hunted tor half dozen other guerrillas still believed at large from force oi so men who landed by boat Thursday near this village on Malaysias soudrwest shore find in drab mud covered uniforms the guerrillas emerged from the swampy jungles with no resistance alter hng pinned down by British Australian and New Zearsnd troops Malaysian police rounded up 25 other invaders flrursday ltwas Indonesias third raid oi the mainland since August ioreign ministry spokesman said Malaysia planned to my test to the United Nations Aus tralia whose troops went into action against the lndonesrans for the first time said it would report the anion to the inter national organization ISSUES DENIAL In Jakarta the capital oi ln dnnesie foreign ministry spokesman denied knowledge of the invasion The Indonesian press and radio did not report it The Malaysian government eharged that the Indonesians uossed the narrow Strait oi Malaooa irom Slnmtla in five irom Britains Labor ment Smith said in television interview ihursdey tGuerrillas Meekly Surrender students and too dentistry stud ants Mr Davis said that at present there are about 1400 medical studarts and 500 dentistry slud ents registered in Ontario unl vcrsitirs Three regional nursing schools to accommodate loo students each are planned but their lo cations have not been decided the premier said am NURSES YEAR He said it has been estimated that nursing schools in the prov lnce will have to graduate 5000 nurses year by 1969 He also announced the establishment oi planning council on nursing education to report to Health Ministerhiatthew Dymond llr Davis alienated cost at the new medical school at Mo lileter University at betweur aeopomo and meadow mt pcnsion oi the Univeer of Toronto school and upgrading oi its facilities wudd cost perhaps momma Financing oi the prolects would be carried out by the Onv tarlo Universities Capital Aid Corporation Crown corpore tioo established by the govern ment earlier this year Rhodesian PM Withdraws Threat SAUSBUEY APlllhe crisis over Rhodesia eased today alter Prime Minister ion Smiths re treat irom his throat to pro claim independence ior the whlieflded Airloan terri i017 Bowing to still warning govern lhe British governments moves of the past week have Inset everything and can See no prospwt of independence by Christmas as had hoped Smith also told the Rhodesian Parliament he would not regard the respected Yes vote in Invasion Fails spotted the boats and noniied pnhce Reports reaching diplomat in london irom Asian listening polo qugestV that racism Sohornos days as indeneales leader may be mindrend Sr reierendum next Mrsday as mandate ior unilateral decla ration oi lndependenca irom Britain Parliament approved Smiths motion that the House takes ieh government towsrd the irr dcpendenoe issue and rrleotl any policy based on the result ol the referendum it then adjourned until Edam But saith remained adamant in his opposition to British de mands for constitution assur ing ultimate control oi Rhode sia to the blatk majority We are not prepared to be at weak as smfiverythlng European as over thelast 60 years sold down the river he told Parliammrt He also goveno indication whether he planned to accept an invitation from the British government to discuss the issue in londnn Prime Minister Wilsons new government had warned Smith of km and banished mm the Mammoth gtxlh momma lint Elm note oi the etiiurde oi the Brit draillhodeslnvmuldbeguilty mwflmd NEW YORK iCPlhe do is gone says Presldentlohn son whenefali we need to do is mosh button and determine cverybodys lorelgn policy Conununlsrn is just like the neighborhood tough guy says Goldwater Let his push you Republican challenger Barry with prelidlnflll Both sndldstuhave tended lraroo underwent an oper ation in Vimna earlier this month for the removal of kidney stone naps 0pm wrur West Berliners Visit Relatives BERUN MlThousands of happy West Boriinae streamed firs four Visiting into the Soviet sector today to within the next 12 or visit relatives after the Commu The visitors carried opened tha Berlin wall for ping bags the seomrd time in three years errdri few hours after lied guards raised die steel barriers and un locked the steel gates the ot iinial East German news agency reported that 60 West Berlinershad crossed over llrls was far more than ex pected 0n the fix day at last years visiting period the tirst the Reds had allowed since they built their antirefugee wall in AW 1991 only about 4000 mssed all day mire arms in on the ter ritorys voting rolls those are warm blacks and moo tenrsasrbutter coiiee no Eras or very emensive in the Passeslhrough the wall were good for only one day until midnifilltu GUARDS ALL SMILES ilre East Germah guards who usrrphy have only sour looks for lhewestwere all smiles lint they were bagied by huge propaganda signs Stop the nuclear armament of West Germany and words with persons with the Itching boats Fishermen va sass Berlin motlva gt races her doughlerwho ca etaiii Sovietractunto will me We posses until Niav laover Ber in boy hugshis aun livei in the in wall will remain so ssary us ior stable pesos ineGee tho manyooidon mes miscame er drmudiibe rhoWall mint At right littlajlas Communistaopeneditiorthe second in three years riled mostly with con and irmhirult llrey are their order issues But on the broad question of the United States posture with respect to the Communist world the difierencu hava bear deepand heated ihierdesplte the act that at times both candidates have ap peared to be presenting the aims policies on speciiic toshyseway irom settingup TGoldwcrterCIGims LBJ son Pedals POlicies keep the United State strong cod prevent Communist expan sion to large stronger West ern alilenee and support the United Nations Thedillorence harm the way the two men proposelo carry err programs UiiAWiIA CPl The Su pretrle Court at Canada will be asked next week torule on use to be followed by companies wishinglto pay ma jor portion of school taxes to separate schoolboards in Co tario The 045 do back to April no woo involves the Ottawa branch oi Provincial Bank oi samegenera Both insist that they want above all to maintain peace to razf Bolivia tartac ousingtho thechoslovoir em bassy oi arming its opponents and them to rebellion President Victor Pal Estensso ros em attied government broke diplomatic relations Thursday night with the East Etnopean Connnunist country Clashes voontinued AJ mag es 48 persons may have lrlilodin the past Raz Eeténssoro ordered tary nnitaintoDrrrro sitar ers and smarts there prnu claimed prehelhon against his Home Oruro radio stationsth by solda force otmr ers and students battled addicts in mries irom Oruro on mad leading to the blgCntavl on are nroasoastf West lho ande AP Wirephoto oiol iromi erlinens ranted Berlin oiWe Czech Embassyis named Oi Reliels In La Paz ed two men following snaileged Mabely wltiriviolmoa in Barrie early this With rddrery with Canada the Ottawa public school board and the assess with new weapons maderin Cze droslovalnel took part in the Omm fighting it said antigov unspent are in La Paz also hadCsech weapons Barrie City Polioehave drarg Johnson has attempted to pro iect the image of strong steady statesman who wont give in to the Communists but will explore every possibleieve nue ior lessening cold warani mcnt commissioner oithe City oi Ottawa flre hank which caters to the French rspeahing segments oi many Ontario and Quebec corn rrnmitios idod notice with the assessment conumssloner that it Wanted per cent oi its rchool taxes paid to the Ottawa separate school boards After the request was denied the basic appealed to the court of revision This court dis missed tha appeal on grounds that the bank had not proved that 63 per cent of its share holders are Roman Catholic Under the Ontario Separate School Act company may re quest the whole or part of the school tax it pays be used for separate school purposes lbe percentage cannotbe greater than its percentage oi Catholic shardrolders The bank appealed the deci sion of the court of revision to an Ontario county court judge who ruled on per cent of the banks school taxes should be for separate schools This deci the dame would lnovltflr MAMA Clhon Balm named earlier this year as ere bec lieutenant to omen lion leader Dleienhaker mlit cleanly with his ilag issue in Baloer raid in pm statement that the red mmia leai design recommended by majority of the Commons leg committee should now be adopted without delay by the ouss Qudoec carrots he added in an interview hrdloutlng that homotives will smart the new flag Brom ll told report ers mew favors the committees recommendation Mr Balcers statement did by Mr Dlefeflraker but dis agreed with it onsevcral points Mr Dieienbnker said outside the House his party will takea strong stand against thepnr posed risotto because it cum pleter denies our heritage and nitrides press or to coincide with the next iedernl election common mam Mr Baker said he iindl the proposed flag attractive it would be mlotshqllvr as an election onlihlrrissuo 1151Wmnti6uoi llouse Should lldopt Design Without Delay Balcer earer on the lbisirtheooneensuroithe proctor all oidre 10 Quebec Howard Grufltey PC oot refer to the Position taken rigor man would beipughton no mass English metro and would set provinm against province group as and would lace in eopsrdy futur of gonadalzillion Mr Baicer said the tilted vote in iswrot the lagin the committee represents suiti olent and swstantlal malority makingia plmiscrte unneces sary Mr Dleieniraker paid ma jority of at least 13 committee members soars have been achieved ding this virtu ally unantmous reoornrnende re sult in general election which tlon pidrlsolts was acres eary members of other parties are pet subjects with voter appeal back home Commons action onthe new flag recommended by Com mons committee the Iongde layed Canada Pension Plainthe Political krone Bomb Ticks In Comrfionsflyerhulllvhfll mam OP political time bomb is tiddng away as the Commons enters the sixth day of tense debate on interim supply today Unless the measure is passed within few days the govern ment will run out oi spending authority to pay its employees and ordinary hills and winter election will become almost in evitable Conservative MPs have taken advantage ol the catchall do hate to criticize the government on wide variety oi issues and they showed no signs oi slow ing down Thursday Many tlonalarnendment andother top issues lhe atmosphere was electric Thursday as the inmemherllsg committee recommended de sin with single red maple leaf onawhite tield with red bar at each side About 15 minutes before the Commons met at 230 pm the Ottawa Citizen hit the streets with troutpage story hyGrant Deaehman Liberal MP for van couver Quadrai summarizing the cominmitlee report and in entering the debate to discuss Conservative MPs protested angrily thatildr Dehchman one of sevenlLrberalslon the mm mittee had shown contempt ot Parliament violatedcihe reo recymlles of Illagcommit leemodlfieaked major news the supply debate is blocking sion was upheld by the Ontario Municipal Board morning Cirarged Officers are lsc Investigating onler oi Dtmcane rookand lam anus May politicians Thursday after tte re was $125 minimum wage labor code redistribution oi seats constitu Irrrursiccn Movr yer 1713199 18511 story on the instructions or the government rts antimay that Mr Peerso and Mr Diefen meet to discussiha minor peril way and say linsnce and Inpfll1yo tidn rganira tn

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