mill chemical and minis de elopment in Northern aw EXPLAINS new uneasych scams Part of 5111mm steel Brunswtti is explainéd by ler lauispridiaud ileiti John Park oi Enuneering Co suitsnLr Limited while Prem GOVT UNDER PRESSURE Barely Whimper In UK OVer Duties WNDON CPi Heavily taxed and yearning lor lifes luxuries the British consumer today shouldered the burden of higher import duties with bar ely whimper While the government was un der pressure lrom several quar ters to reduce or eliminate the extra tapercent import duty on rlpecliic products Britain gener ally seemed to accept the tact that curbs had to be imposed at least temporarily to reduce widening trade gap and pre serve the pound against foreign attack The extra duty imposed Mon day on all manuiactured prod ucts was estimated to reduce Britains expanding imports by some WONth in 1965 and at the same time yield the govern ment another 500000000 or so in extra revenue British manufacturers gener ally warmed to the idea that for an indeï¬nite period they will face less ioicign competition in the British marlreL But Prime Minister Harold Wilson in na tional broadcast Mon night warned them against sy com placency RATES TEMPORARY The higher rates are only temporary and not meant to Cprovide protective shelter fBritain had sacrificed much in two world were but the world did not owe it living be said British exporters had to light harder for world markets Britain no longer had room tor restrictive monopolies and wildcat strikes he said The eountry had borrowed heavily irom its lriends abroad to help oliaet widening payments deli cit estimated to rise this year to perhaps 52400000000 the highest in history But Britain cannot go on bor rowing inrever Wilson added as he urged industry to strip itself oi speculation and pursue higher production at lower cost The extra tariti which virtu ally doubles the average duty on manuiacturad goods to so per centts applicable on all goods with the exception of raw materials food and unmanuiaca turnd tobacco British consumers now will have to pay higher prices or such things as cotton textiles torelgnmade autmnnbiles per iumes foreign wines cigars and imported cigarettes PAPER INCLUDED Much of Canadas 51000000 000 worth oi annual exports to Britain will be excluded from the higher duty Butwahout common worth will he hit These include newsprint ven ears and plywood paper and paper board yarns and labricsr synthetic rubber and plastics steel blocks and stripes cherrri pals leather electric washing machines stoves and pper products SomeBritlsh newspapers questioned whether the higher duties coupled with small tax rebates for exporters would be contrary to the General Agree ment on Tariffs and Trade and invite counter manner from other countries unwaureo Ham REMOVED rEaMANeNrLY int Cansults ens Invited Jehnh Metnaw ELECTRO GlST Arrangements be made for home Services Wilson Bldg Suits ii sale can at 12mm But editorial opinion gener oiiy accepted the view that Britain was in trouble and something had In be done quickly Along with these we cisl measures and appeals to in dustry andwnrkers to restrain ELMVllLE ants runny SOCIAL EVENING Friday night there were it tables of euchre players at or ange Hail The event was epon sored by the was Pnse win ners were Mrs John Houden ails Terry Mrs Archer Harry Walters Mrs Ritchie was presented gilt for caring for the flowers at the hall Door prize Reg lhuax sociat hour and lunch brought the eve ning to close it JOHNS ANNIVERSARY amday morning St Johns Dotted mulch was titled to cap acity Rev nghnm ch ducted the service and Rev Mardan BA Midland preached the sermon lire Sal vation fthedurroh Mr Mor den has fluent speaking abil ity and brought his sidiicct close to lus hearers Mr Aitcheson was soloist and sang two num bers At the evening service Rev Masecar oi Trinity United church Coilingwoad was the speaker Hissermon 0n lacing lliB squarely was an appropriate and spiritual mes sagedohn Whitfield was solo rat and Mrs Jean Thompson and Mrs Ray Usher sang duet Constable Buchanan who has completed number at years in the RCASC has joined the Eimvale detachment oi the OPP Constable Wilkinson was posted to Port Credit recently TomntnDominionBanlr has new aocountant Robert Brown Brockvllle He replaces Warren Taylor who was transierrcdio Owen Sound HALLOWEEN Saturday Oct at iaa night out forgtall age groups Children are to meet at the Community Hall at to receive UNI CEF bores celled wins at every home At ocioii there will be tree skating forytba children at the arena It is hoped that children will remembernot to dress in bladr or carry light ed candies Miss Nellie Michell Toronto visited recenty with Mr and Mrs Avin Stanton ndrd newed iriendships the com munity Mr andVMrs Robinson Lindsay were Saturday guests oi Mr and Mrs Tipping Mrs Player is visiting Rex smear coUNrr news ms on during the premiers vrsed annwncernent oi the i7 lmm pushing prices higher the government plans to establish special watchdog on prices and Commonwealth exports council to convince the Com moowesith partners to buy mors iroon Britain and Mrs Don French and Mr and Mrs Wiilllm Johnston oi Altandale Miss Faroay Toronto spent the weekend with Clare Barney and larniiy Sorry to report Tom land is patient in St Hospital Toronto and Carman Springls in Panetang Geersl Hospital Mrs Thompson Midland was Sundayguest at Miss Verona Usher Icere sympathy ofthe corn mu ty is attended to the fam iiy of Farley Ritchie who died suddenly Saturday night Mr and Mrs Cecil Bevan of Weston spent the weekend with the latters lather Burï¬s Gra Mr and Mrs Albert White and Mn and Mrs Manning spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Miller Barne casioaunsr MR5 1ch Mr andiMrs hmlo Baldwin were in Peterhorough Saturday Mrs Baldwin is staying week with hernaw grandson Paul Gayle Prince went home all visiting her grandparents There was community showw er in the hall Saharday evening tor Mr and Mrs Douglas Kir ton They received many gills isi Carolyn oades wsr by car Saturday even in the village and was taken to Barrie hospital towers in St Johns Oct lit were in men ory othirs George deweltand were given by her family Miss Batty Carton was home imm Toronto tor the weekend Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Mar Craig were Mrs Stra nagham and family of Hamilton and Mr and Mrs Pilon of New market lhe iiowera in st Johns church Oct 75 were in mero ory of John Johnston and were given by George The infant son oi Mr and Mrs Hardy Barrie was christened at the service Su niists working to insec problem at the 196 Montreal worlds iair have lound there are so varieties 0t Bengal mind Mr Pad coordinat ed the work at the developers Bruneit Mining and Smelt ting Corporation Wiru pinto has WEI him Mr and Mrs Bernard Ind daughters Ibmato spent Sun dsyOetyithMrsAMlo lntoab Mr and Mrs Anderson and heme lbrocto spent on Weekend oi the ill with Mr and Mrs Bowdery Recent visitors at the boats at Mr and Mrs were Mm Moore Mrs Mural and Larry Coleman of ioronta Mrs Coleman Beaten and Mrs Fairfax Thiienhsm Mrsrll Hominy and son eye and Miss hey miss liontins spent test days last week with Mr and Mrs Herb Palmer hue Blue badge has started the weekly euehrer each Mon day evenlng in Anglican Par ish Halt Frisco went to Mrs William Binnie Mrs Blun deii Mrs Farsgher Evarett Rugman William rail James Daren travelling prise Doran Mrs Marjorie Fraliah Mrs Winnie Andreas and Miss Win nie Montdlh accompanied Mr and Mn Wilbert Dobron Bah rie and Mrs Eddie Hall Oril lie to Toronto mesday evening to attend the Part Mlstress night of District of York LTB Lodge Those in stiendanm were from Georgetown Angus Oril lis Barri and Midhunt lodges ii Warns Rhodesias Leaders 0i Possible Treason LONDON APlBritain Tuts day warned Southern Rhode slrs white rulers they would be guilty ol treason and rebellion if they unilaterally declared their countrys independence Eoonomie disaster and ban ishment iroen the Com weatth and isolation tram al most the enï¬re world would fol low if their country were to break with Britain govern ment statement fluttered The statement came from lit Dwrnlng Street oitlciai real denoe at Prime Minister Harold Wilson iusLa few hours alter African daieia meeting outside Salisbury gave unanimous ap prove to Prender tan Smiths independence now plan declaration oi independ enpe the British statement said would be open set oi mghï¬néridhit wag be trea son to vs client to it MUG LANGUAGE it was the toughest language yet used in the naming dispute between Britainand the lead ers olthe wlony demanding in dependence under white nlie Britain insists that independ urce must come constitutionally and be acceptable to themsrs of Ehodesiss Airican majority population The statement issued this morning came Just hours alter Southern Rhodcsan ohtels at special gathering an nounced they were in lover of independence for their country under white rule the British government can not believe that once the com semreocee have been made clear the government and peo ple of Southern Rhodasa will take an irrevocable step at this kind the statement said BRITAINSme The decision to grant inde pondcnce rests entirely will the British government and Parlia ment and they have solemn duty to be satisï¬ed that before granting indqscndenoe it would smote ocean team ed 15 Indian scientists is taking part in Nothing unpioration pro am at aubme rine canyons the Bay oi TONIGHT 9301030 be acceptable to the ie at the country as whom the statement added It declared that the mere de claration oi independence by the Southern Rhodesian government mid have no constitutioai et lhe only way Southern Rhodesia can become sover eign independent state is by an act oi the British Parliament to statement melted the fi nal cwnnarniouo oi the Corn monwoaith rime ministers conference hndon earlier this year which made clear that no Commonwealth governinent would recognize unilateral da olarailon and said there would be no prospect oi Southern Rhodesia becoming member or the Common wealth with sll the economic consequences that would an we aiminghm traumasan Yiiiomvwlflfllotlrrnlstï¬l mammal CHANNEL YOUR TELEPHONE COMPANY PRESENTS ON TV featuring 7tenantsftttttttlti illitl Slihiilt the sensational young Vancouver gt ballerina of Englands HoyalBaller two new ballets with Christopher Gahia iiillliliiiiil liltiiililt the great Russian his North American telewstortdehnt initiation internationallyknown womanmen as in amnion meats For veins may and no la vim wannmsryoucantdo Wainwright here In Walkers winter Wonderland Grass COATS igtosntiful modes of ohioclaillu tweed and wool seslrhsa Orion pile collars Peter Pan and fringed scsris in the grossly All quiltlined Rad biua mink and assorted Noelle Siree Values up to 2495 477 GIRLSSKI JACKETin ted nylon Attached convertible hood ront sipper deaipperï¬oclrctxnitted smrnrontlr db iiio Wild in 599 nylon lining eaturee oontrsah We trim on hood Nyloncotton downhill Brats with rayon guilt to web interiining ted jacket with is an inter onhle knees sutonutio lock ripper Rod royal oogen powderHackmi er rown blackcop Styles to oouirom onlyllfld IIBOYS SNOWSUIT 10il nylon and notched cotton Qnilt lined Attached pie lined hood with cenm ripper Knitted storm cutie Yoke irontsports metal rings Zipperfront Siri pants hsva double knees upper bottoms and adjinatahle should maps Machine malaria Na brown loden Sizes aoss suaunaarv was or 100 nylon Zipper grid but ï¬or extra warmth both quilt lined patterns Nylon dehnl ooaLSisesBIB sllwool uh Wt Detaehslflasipoï¬haodsICdstlndN