your mud merit to their dlulhlerr Juliett cemetery My 1an umiot tell how min her or deu mofllcl Arid lrlndtnoIh er Gellrï¬im Dadawell who peered mishme or floral Mbuler Ind tether lOm lull ANNIE WAY 0610383 ANNOUNCEMENTS ARK EDEN NURSING HOME 8uilt or our work Amino dolloullorbedlndWPIIIul Male and leoule 100d lood television Reasonable rota Call Struud 4361451 IIRTHS runs Ann uracilrm norm ID 01 AIM be real hlmur end other will IlII MIDI your QMV Nem rriy pendul iiwrtfmmrdm ESE woulth It CI MI Di Em ll rm the IIrLi tritium name VI wallet elm NDILC LITA M31 MILLS we ed min ENGAGEMENTS naupoImnuaa Ir Pita Rom RIM iii All lon wish or renounce the ennu and In All In Mrs Dled DUNN at Upieï¬mvo 1h mlrrllll take Ill on Saturd November ELI AIIhmooekLnSt liï¬ml United Chum Million DEATHS am RrrryAt the martian Manor hnlhmlntnt on Octb her at 1m ll Hell in his arm yerr beirree aid or the late booel Bell brother or the hie mwlrd GNIIE Andi arm Jenny rhnmu Corner and Wesley Mtinf It the lure ir Lynn ninerrl tome Binnie rm llrrcnl iervlre on Thursday our ber rt pm interment inm vole Cemetery lAUNDm MID0n MAY October 21 rear Rose Nelle be loved wire or the late Henry Sum den deer mother or Maude run It Prinfle Torn Phylli tun surdry neirel Jim md eho leie Mrs suunrer an end can 0rd in her arm yrrr lielint It the lenneu Nncnl ribrne Dorrie nrnerrl relrice Poorly October so at yum interment durum MEMORIAMS DADSWIILLln ldvlnl memo or dear wile Grarnnl hidawrl who ewiy October to mt My hurt cannot tell what to my God Alone knows how miss her In hmne that is lonesome tony tmvinstv remembered end end Iy mused husband Rob IIADSWBLLLII twine memory iy October 2h 1m Always mllr instead or trowh Alwm bind when one wu down Alwa true thou not end lind aflulme er en lell he hind 53 remembered Ind lily dauqu MIN Dick end no otrildrerr DOUflAfleIn to memory of dahr wire and mo er Alice Douglé who passed le Orinber Love remembered by one Dor othy rue John and mud CARDS OF THANKS mulli rant Norm Hoeril Ind molly wish to uprm sincer dllrih to friend Arid Minolta toe errii end is or kindness extend ed to than duflnl their recent borevariant or twin nilhind COMING EVENTS WEEKLY EUCHRES begin THURSDAY OCT 29 830 pm SHARP UTOPIA COMMUNITY CENTRE Admission 50¢ RUNWIAGE SALE Friday Oct 30 IO ari1io 5pm TRINITY PARISH HALL Collier St Auspich ST PETEES cannon WA inNEslNG RUMMAGESALE Saturday Oct SI am ODD FELLOWS gt Collier St Alispioes Grace ll UMMAGESALE Friday 0c 30 I0amfo so not on the occasron of THEIR 25TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Norgilts please in elite an WIIIIIPLIIIVLIIIZ and nice Nero blown Itll Toronlo EARRIE REPHESENTAATVE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE CARSON PHOTO MLS REALTOR 58 WORSLEY ST Mortgage Fund Avoiia A150 PROPERTIES TOR RENT WI First MortgageerArranged OUT OF IOWN SPECIALS 6000 bedrooms Nleeb kept home with large lot 0310000 borne lrehum loo 120w bedrooms and dia Inx mom loo Acres 515 bedrooms Also melanoma 40 ecies Call him Bonito or Intormne tion on any ot these YOUHSMAILFRY willlovettialarueopenqraced thatareammdthisleutllon one year old home Situated In new subdivision It the ideal place to raise drildrelt Well awry trout busy traillc Bul eonvenlent to strapping Schools and all other omvonlenm lad die Griesbadr will show you YOURE INVITED lo drive out Into the country with Mary Morrison to see this wondertill property Brick borne good acres at land Remem ber Mary Morï¬aon will show you erph Rom Norm mail Happy ohm MM 11qu 1mm molrl use new all Hus CIMII uddla Gderbrch Nery Morrison HAROLD FORSTER AND COMPANY Photo hits Realtor SB EAYFIELD ST 72W53 IVE TRADE MORTGAGE FUNDS AVAILABLE PURCHASERS TERMS can be arranged on this newly painted bedroom bungalow double garage FIi oil heating cori venieol to all schools Call any member listed below or aplt pointmerit EVENING CALL curly Kloosiermrh Glorth Kdrnu Mirorel liloan Mildred Noon sun Steele wttmr Bldwell Elllpl lllesuri Adele Heyre Irene Iorber are 71 mm Home 725mm Mont 7156 7mm 7mm 874114 FRANK NELLES PHOTO M15 REALTOR 79 BAYFIELD ST 7261405 EVWINGS ERIC DEWSNAP LES Pornx Mr Rose ERNIE Rm ll CHUCK Co FRANK Nam HHS STOUTT AGENCIES LTD 10 COLLIER ST BARRIE 7285901 Central Ontarioa Largest Real Estate Brokers Photo MLS Realtor Evenlnfl call Merv end Ede Gould4314100 Alex puntermom rREAL ESTATE mrrmemr av an gir PROPERTY FORSALE SHELSWELL and WILLSON Photo MLS llulton COMPLETE MORTGAGE SERVICE PM 5bedroom Ity moon extra cupboards Forced Air on lull 5m yearly Louie10mm down CIII Mm TarBIKb commw mAra 10 rue Barrie oil Highwayll lovely older homel ed Alurniulnri storm and screens new iurnace pl Ilsa newly drilled well with loads olwater Modern tpleeeha lia DUNLOP ST norm or 7281423 bungalow studied arm Irtil throom Harry extras Tues only $140 lasted price pummundvendorwillhoidmortme mils north at newlyrenovsti will In throuzhoirt In few with plenty at room ideal for the lentil orlrotlruriom Tun oulyym For your Inspcdtlou please call lohn HWbile VACANT EU liootue IDLE Hoodlum more ROGERS mo tor le serviced in residential irujhil metoachoola rndhua Call mm lzrntl Shelle 0m in CONNELL PHOTO MLS REALTORS DUNLOP STREET EAST At The Five Points PHONE 728 5568 on HWY 11 rusr EASI or GUTHRIE $6000 hill price tor acres There Li neat Irrooru amtage with llld of highway lmniage on the prom Willi good well and hydro electric services and over lmoarid pine tree ready or cutting For lull particulars motion call Mr HamiltonW EVENINGS CALL MacArthur 7750617 William Hamilton Rogers 7284582 lira Norine Rogers 7284552 Fred Eplett more Council 7287765 CAMPBELL Real Estate and Insurance Photo MLS 7260241 Marianne Funds Available 32 HIGH ST STRABANE AVENUE RES 75274 83 of Value Just little over 32000 down balance in one mortgage will buy tIIn Sroorn lawn STROUD bungalow Finished rec room lambdaped andth Twoetorey brick and stucco home In real good condition four rooms or each liner bathrooms Could he used as duplex Inquire lrnrn one floor will carry your mortgage Mrs Joan Lang7286761 Dol Cole7254987 Don Campbell7251731 aloe longkln Member or arrrte end Amitcrrva iv storey home on well Intdacaned lot Insn Elvin room eat in team bedrooms emblr rrdrel rpm pmlllly on ahed reereruonrbrm Forced Air rurruee Newly decanted throuth nut crrre rd rhuhplnr end rchdrir run price moon Teirphonl awh er 726ml BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES rAxr uusmnsa well established at warn Beech Telephone 715 oloi Barrie sNAcx on or rent Good tum over nu you round huslnen ourr rtiru oi angle on mun highway Write Box arrrie nurnluer FARMS FOR SALE to Auras or rum bend Lot Canoeurn ll InnlSLti NH Apply Kentomer RR Rune FARMS WANTED wANm BUY rarm or Inn serene Good roll Send rheleh or Incotlnn ee eta High down payment in Errrte numlm er INSURANCE MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and it you need extra coverage of any kind SEE STEVENSONS Gard silencedmoles CORBY REAL ESTATE 93 Duan ind nod mom errrh low monthly pigeon IlIe buy your prerede 1n and 2nd nominee Amati NARsRAer riled LAWRENCh xanh in no Alllrton RR No Ith Parlours Realtor 181 Egliliton Ave Aer3333 OWEN ST 72844485 Member or amle District Reel Retain aorrd MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE loomrearward Emery llvnNrNos CALL thr Serudretl llï¬i Dunlap St East 7261801 ITS EASY To PLACE BARRIE EXAMINER CLASSIFIED AD Use one of these three eouvenl ent ways PHONE 728Mil Ind want to place WontA him it to ï¬re Barrie Exarrh her Barrie Onr point it to the Barrie Ex aminer oilioe Baylield Street MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE lot and 2nd MogrtAgLaLge oLoans Anwyheie rr rm couldmcllALPEOEERSIM Rates as lnwas IF YOU NEED MONEY rd oonloltdhte dehtr ly oll extend mortgage manure cumin our nine in rovemertr oAdy warlSwhue crure WriteorPiloue 7W1 Mortgage Funding over SimPSorlSears lie DUNLOP an Member odurih ru arrReu AnnelItlon WANT MOB GAG Firrtor Secondal simple tnlereetup to bil7ot your prop ortyvaiu Low monthly pay ments up toviilteenyearl to re payForaoyniortgaga rolrlems sea COREY RealIiElLate 93 Dunlop St air conditioning full hasenlenl on MORTGAGE money would ror homlun oliIJlde nrde let mm Charles Road7284817 Mrs Loreen Riceennui Bill Dawn7256451 77335 District Rert none RENTALS OFFICES STORES FOR RENT SISomen SPACE our room newly decorated nurdop St West Ith How hum Hot wbler herlw moulded hilly reticen tallied hmeduhmouudon AP ply Weih Ind Connerï¬etIIon phone moose GARAGES TO RENT LAaGr threetruck or unn ror rent May be run or in any Street Telephror mm EARAGB or rent dry rulubra or etome autonomy Apply Ill immune at or telephone no rSPACE EORRENT STORAGE SPACE available or to behindlauncher Ammmodetlbn it convenient to huhwly Ind lllla double door for euy rlnr Edna or herm Telphone Archie Irvine mom HOUSES TO RENT ANGUS his bedroom house with modern conveniences Avrurhrr now pry ru Robe ago or lere Phone oases anva Imam lime in good loc lion Reasonable rent Clare eehodlr chureher mm And our Telephone vibrant emu 630 pm Room three bedroom bunn low with lrrue recruilon room lid earre NEECOQLDIIMD end hirrye School in rendenurl nee Telephone laurel MONTHLY Three bedroom brick ounrllow flllty room krlo heel lmmm Telephone 7mm lore Tmmc button lbru bed room will Rd brick blflldow pimuion betweenimber end Hart lilo per month winner Avmua man no anna wioun eiby umu uvtnr room bedroom um fltthln piece DIN lute or eye Telewliono nay None Home or Intonation bloom Nikoflxdnimn brick mallow all belted full bub merit close to sehoohr noree end busAuendrlo loeetlun Avellehle Immedhtety Telephone7 mm APARTMENTS RENT The Garden Terrace Corner Queen andDucIrwortlil Modern home twobedrpoms large llvingxroom tiIed kitchen with dinlng area all heat with serviced landscaped ound newly decoratedï¬uos month PHONE rhytzrio VERY CENTRAL Slilt couple as monthly RENTALS APARTMENTS TO RENT And bitched Nv Wmlnd Inm mil OIOUND MIMI two 395 mm Wyn mats MUNDflnoIIwobodrooua easement tor reel drummed udder Wsr NM rule tl Am1er mm MILNI when rely Wu mod but rs medIAtelY Telephone 719 ON BEDROOM unfurnished Isnt lent Owen and Grov re Ark ur rouxowner oerl elriephnl mil 7M mn noon Amnmehl nib Nnullfldnlnd heeled with hot ruler enrolled AvrilIll muddle Italy weekly monthly is bonlu or quick nude Telephone 7mm runNIlHBIi ibre roan rt rrienl with both creed Ind mod no heel hydro end or reeu tile Included Suite or hue idea on or Mm Teln phone neArrn rlmeotr one And two bedroom rm reirlrenlor and noor Eugen mmwlm$ wi monthly ingu street IlNrlmNIbï¬ Apartment two bedromu Iivlnl mm Huhn piece but ultcnllleirled into It run Ofï¬ce A130 room lllrniAhed rent mar wad rizortoobr ungmlaoed mmen mu our trout Jpnct emuArlen RemixI districLPhnm mom or now its Wellington St wast oNI aannonrd Apartment heeta ed Itova And rerrurreirr unri tida or us on Punt street or ephd opium POUR BOOM um duplex reli contained 359 per min Includes heri hot ruler rind md hun dry militia Hrn plan Telephone in ml Rooht apartment eel can thinld private enmm outline iaetutler Excellent centrli lou tihn ideal or hurlueu mud or repair rerepham our ANGUSTwo aprrtnrenti one and two bedroom rtvete baths orerd ltr hoot resecmled ev uehle November Memori apply 00 Mom Streetmluli twd bearer refrigerator rervlre Plved Close to Iul TIIeviiono Add or st hair BRIGHT one bedroom apartment munrl floor or erridr lllw heeled lrurdry mag£31 lhrstillil owlf tabLe men vmfln Telephone pour mun Room basement npui mm with DIN 1751 tllmlflled have and rurfllerator otlheited Central Iberuod aeprnie on race grain rrcllltlu Telephone no on or 72mm AVAILABLE Number One bed room Apartment unlitmlxhed with rtova Ind rdrlleratnr Sell Conluntd eladd water out flied Parking St Vincent And mung flelepbone 7154515 our coNrAlNIsn three room summon newly decorated in residenillt ererAmpir puller Include hydropuler end but stove and reinxemldr um mu MOM fumed opul Inert 631115 wlth pref39 re eon on non with veto Intruder palkin or young budneu coup Nat leï¬n to ho mm dated Telephone Home Room ANo apARD rwo ï¬rm to shun room igloo facilities Telemue aaohr ANn noARir rm two your redier arm yum men SAFE Ale neutron our route lele one mum after pm ROOMS TO LET amenmun Room to rte hear ly iurr 35H Km broil Nice CLEAN bedmtluuoom rdr renteedumm mireredo Arm nee Telem moon uproar elem modern room rm mtxuncepllflnta null ed rod eeuhehen ma bedroom Central location Adllltl OILWOIR LY Teltphooe 1754058 gt anionr clean cedeally lolt cried hm closet herein tree Housekeeping optional 1mm ROOMS WANTED WANTED I1 marl numb ed hedeitenr mm or null blchelfllvlflmm Must have wn brthmm end mrtinr name and R913 II to 30120 Blrrl vial orra hilariou rminer riormo amour burr require room and board in private home Being kennelred tollrrte we mm Min holiday wool druid ner noun ARTICEES FOR sALE ORSALE New and used TV Sets Vacuum Cleen compleie stock hoses bage bolts all mALes Authorised ii Muicaiier poem neuuysmhire all mi mad lad burhurl lily ILr um eirdrédu In we meet Elï¬n Solidi or 2iqu apartment Modes11o stove retrlg not we or telephone Barrio bueinu lut data of put cation brushed Rel nllfl rum WOWNZSOW BYTIEAWNIGIEIANS WEEK ommgfnncmmsm ms WWAIENMRITNIIA WWW IIASI DISIISFEHGE IOIIII llIItoltl mom otuowrorxcrrr Wmmflmyfl when mum HAS SORII womb SEN unmtu Kansans FEBRIMRYR SUCKSVF GENEVINE WWW ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICIE$ FOR SALE PHOTO REPRINTS avollahle at The Barrie Examiner It you would like to have re prinu oi any new picture taken by our still photographer please call at our huslnoar oi licc We are sorry we cannot acce phone calls 48 HR SERVICE GLOSSY PRINTS IO 150 5x 25 plus tax Freezerï¬ale CLEARING $50 OFF and 15 lb TURKEY FREE on all WHIRLPOOL FREEZERS and REFRIGERATORS uoNARCR REFRIGERATION co ltd Dunlap st malls FREE 1Year Guarantee on Used TV Picture Tubes Plus 30Day Warranty $49 AND UP MCFADDEN FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE PARK HIGHWAY 27 NORTH BROADLOOM Rucs rooms 1007 wailtn wall broadloorn 300 sq it plain or tweed heavy under padding with tree medullar mo snap AT HOME SERVICE Phone 7296551 new Formore Mauritian tele phone mold nArn DRYER hr min floor mo del him now Reasonable Tele phone runner AccmulroN Fonhneul to blur Moon Newtnu end alumni lot are rsr totemLion merrier meowinn II pm unuomtma ror ule ood rorlditloll Seerioee ror old Eel phone mom Alter tun LADIES CW3 Ike excel lent condition TeIephm min liter Pain wnlcnum Model as elli hre new in hearty carton New Phone meta rrraNAcrm utteblolor can or or In olbln 000 BTU 150 Allan on Link with ten reie phone 7134636 After pm mr QUALITY am Front qtlu ter no lb Hind Quarters 40 lb slider 38 Pork steer in to our Food liarht Illinois 71563 nrawnrmu boom sold mtv ed re rind Student moi rier All ul our Real irn Illerr Buy Plan Star Bwlt cm are ounror St Nut REFRIGERATOR or sale Alro 9i bcrl mplelr Druere studio 933 Pillmh 213 ml or zoo on In notably priced 71am MANS we con hire to 44 exuded moltio 5mm prim OI drivel leg dlnlrl roam eulte Ind 21 Stan 7min ovarian rhoN rmth stalker beer hirer Forced Air blower wIth erhlhet loft otter Chrome taablerglgth ux crvmedhtnll¢¥r on mam mun dx cylinder ermine 15 nor rnllrr nu mm Chevrolet or Pontiac go new The SIDla oi eeuh Ieplriome mull TRAILER suitablelo retool boat complete wirb edluruhle bunt dull wheel on virtue lights Ind new um um Tele phone 1mm TIE 33 552 WW Eliot humus ole aids Tele Ebnne 1250752 or apply to la realm Sheet Two uArrrrRsn Specenehlen one used Qurker oil ï¬red nixnice loreed air homo BTU one an itred water lair also one iued lurk Aï¬ly Norma thrlowor briilow urnqu rind HeaflnlM gruntZ Street West Telephone Runner AMP and Numberlne STrflrn Silents mi re in delivery Contact The tagging Commenter mutiny Service to neyneld street arrrte 11541117 ma commune out EATS Immoleopeemmdl on in Emil GT5 Em owl or on an en with bookoueund tutorial ppm mm Reamhie often meld ered Phob mom Alter out put my EXAMBIER wanr ADS load condl Telephome 1mm after sno ï¬m um ammo Sup dun bulan lathe hardwood noonnr insure ilod winddwr doom 1x4 an as ixlnitblolx dheztlnl batten rode pure VI plptllx lowerpipe moron CLASSIFIED ed turret ADVERTISING TELEPHONE 7224l4 Chained Imam lad null red for three rum mini be re edved 51m dudImam antenna with the exception dl DIIFIAZE AdvertIllmenu whlrhmust be by two noon preceding an hmmltm cussle ADVEBTISING Cull manual Rate apply it paid within dlyr per word per Daemon tor one or two or Three comwullve Insulin per word her Inaertlou lolll use rilli$liirr° It We per rider or additionr ehern it not paid wi mreuen dlyl Subject to cancellation when nullelm results obitree LEIIND 13ml BOXISEHIS momlion 1131mm advertiserl using hundreds aoxNumberr fornpilel is hold ltriclly Milly until Kaolin Iuutter Boxes will he held out 10 Ill mu Advertlrrrl will Box will be dulled 25c gPEClAlglOZICLIS CAIII Am omrry eh herwrr imum clurle 3175 and and Death Notices 115 or II to 15 word over is wordr 5c er extra word In umorirrr Not rs rm tr verr ured flzper nae cxlfl ERRORS DH COMMON All phone imerudr order in lo copied convenient to Lh rdvrrurer murmur oreruled Aid ordain lit requtrea All hurtfull kindly radiant IdVLrfllelnenL Immzdlltul Alter lint Insertion Inroldor Hahn mmor omissions may guild before Ian LII order thirtllme Inly be notified for the lollmvtn dlyl uhlchLIoIIwlhe and Another mum or Nurdher onlll one Incorrectly printed Intel flow or any idvertlrernerli Ind then only lotheexteril annorttorr lint Rhona new IlIlHn cup BusiNEss SERVICE Plug or uh me their need order Can age eaeri excellent Seen It kilnhm FRUITS ll VEGETABLES APPLE BARN In PAINSWICK It till GRANGE HALL Monti Snow Apples Windfall Helm Delicious Fresh Apple CIder Bring Containerr Two PEDAL Beule in old in not mm Imam hppliu tor air In mile And me smile hieplrooo urea Anne sumo hound MIDI or Iain month reuehrble mIr ml we Telephone 7mm mu GARDEN SUPPLIES 10 barb deilvend or loaded to hold hlephone mloie Smud PIG mu H19 nagLu quantities unbound ARTICLES WANTED emu BUILDING went pmxlrnblely with puny noble Mephorr nun ML nun WANTS medium slur Wale tor den Meatloa no 3h FARMERS MARKE DEAD SlOCK Highest prices laid for dead or trlIppIed cutie and horses Small aplth removed lreI For last scrvloe PHONE HARRIS 724151 Collect or aslr tor NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE uhoureadoy 7dayioweelr BR Foxmcad Ontario Licence No 736061 Nlrlr Montague Prop CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service Case New Holland David Emlyn Batty 176 BURTON AVE 729231 CASHTRADETERMS HANK BROWN DE LAVAL SALES AND SERVICE 15 faster milking with new De Laval loo Series Milkm Dame Holly Hwy 27 7260338 FORD mauloN nrctor three point hltclr Telephone nutter INTERNATIONAL Wl inclor it garageroman priced Telephon POULTRY it CHlcks no me one or old rer air we each rere memento LIVESTOCK FOR SALE rwo RomaSIN Healers duo Oi tuber so Telephone try out ml PONIIS Mia ride ill III MINT yuh lion Mid me wit ieiephom our 3315 Smud woRKRoaar im our April Cookmwn Nurseries Ltd on No Charm mh cemented or West Gwllllmbum Srd rum not or 21 or telephone SbAdan room moan mur mw flu 14 to in month old Palms 10 ESE i3 lamdbyh SS on 1mm FEED SEED GRAIN ueu or aeeuuMEAILhur eurrl HAY looo nun Mel rim ulll Curl not Dani29 Skull DIRECTORY SEPTIC TELEPHONE Izowi Ask aboutlow Rates by Month or Year SANITATION SERVICE TANKS PUMPED GALLON TANKS ANGUS CONTRACTORS Dump trucks waterdelivery Lili top soil front end loaders septic tanks pumped gravel exeavating grading backhoee mailed limestone DENNISrMORAN LTD 728NWT PAINTING AND RARERNANoiNs EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spraylainting Seryieejsinaarmo RR Barrie 125695 IRAUI HAIDLE AND sous Painting and Paper Hanging Spraygoluting 35 years experience RR 0rd err575 WElL Rimmed WELLS DRILLED eunrsmsrmnn by chnnsao DRILLERS FREE ESTIMATES 01 ed that Invhtvu thermllp moflrwhlrrh do not lure iiln valuenol the adverttunleut on not on roroomotlam by men Couplqnd Drillingj RR aAlulm Robertson 4495595 ANY TIME PRINTING WHATEVER YOUR PRINTING NEEDS wronmos esuow CARDS FLYERS MENUS 23 cbmurt worn EXAMINER Commercial Printing 16 BAYFlELD ST 7W REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION Srénwcn as Clappertioli street errch more llili EXAMINER wANr Raoul Rollie