Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Oct 1964, p. 1

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android detained 1mm 100th YearNo 15 Northern Ont iPickets Greet iRobCrrts MPPs PORT ARTHUR Oire rmu iii mi Into orthern to be greeted by to planting students and st least to bride lawn or them dealing with northland economic problems it wrr busy start for the esbinets thrceday tour that will take it to Sault Ste Marie today and on to ardbury Wed nesday tor firsthand glance at the northern regions In the course at day that law the premier and re oi his to ministers holding cabinet meetings here and in Fort Wil liam and attending oiliclai din ers Mr Robarls received gentle reminder that some northerner would gladly torm separate province The premier alluded to the re mark in an address to muni cipal olticials at night speaking at one govenuncnt tor all the people and unphasiling there was no regionalism in hls ad ministration Travelling in dialtend bus trrlo end dont send our lor ester wry WM DEGREE COURSE file menu want dame scum in loreetry It the Port Arthur college The present twoyear mcourts tawdrng Ere greenot on en lo the University of Toronto andludrntahavetngotothe University ol New Brunswidr Mr Roberts told them it was not matter tor his govern ment but tor the colleges board oi governors The reminder that some northerners favor semmlon from Ontario came in brief lrom the Northwestern 0n tario Development Conunission whldr said that some people he lieve the problems of the north will never be recognised by Quems Park it has been said that the northwest is province within province said association General Manager Alexand der Phlllim Certainly its forestry students lrom Lake head College dogged the cabinet most ol the dry oarrylng signs reading keep our bran in On phyaioal draracteristlcs its problems potentials and pro pects dltler greatly from thorn oi the south and east Canada Paying Its Own Way for UN Cyprus mum on We would do it again Ehrternal Metre grouse Marlin dedared Mon ay Canada he said would again or its own mtingsnt In nlted Nations tome even it no other contribut ing country did If we didnt there would be deterioration of international relations none or us would want to contemplate be told press vcrnlorence Canada is paying for its 1130 rnnn contingent in and the bill by Dec so when the UN forces mandata is mad tried to expire will mount to About $10000 Among theother contributing countries only Ireland is pay lng item Why lire other par ticipants are paid out UN voluntary fund to whidr the United States and Britain have contributed most or the money in Martin said voltmbary contributions are the wrong way finance UN force ihe right Kremlin Contingent way was out ol the UN treasury on the ot assessments rm posed Sewn Cotde Ind General Assembly Case Of Magistrate Remains Unsolved GIANANOQUEOnt GP The case oi the controversial magistrate remained unsolved vor 1hemsgistraie sayr he has on to been ssloed or his but hasnt deuded whether give it ihe attorney general says hes received the resigns tion but hasnt decided whether to accept it llre principals in the case are NiameyGeneral Arthur Wis hart now on tour or north western Ontario with the pm viuclal cabinet and soyearold Magistrate Gordon lenmyn of Gansnogue Leaders Seek Red Unity WOW MlThe Krem hns new Whom their campaign rennrc un ity in the European Conununist world in the niterrrmtb of Ni kita Khnrsbchsvs ouster The government newspaper lzvestia aimed an appeal at Eusmas East European allies warning in lrontpage editor lai that further economic no grass in the bloc will require stronger unity lzvesha made no mention oi Bed China and the bitter dis pute which mitt it from the So viet Union The appeal appar ently sought in quiet unrest that has swept the East Drropean nations sinoe lGrrushchev was dumped Oct 14 as prEmier and first secretary of tho Commu st part1 lzvesfia did not name Khrush drsv but it reported assistance that his Mates of dextaliniza tion and economic progress would be continued by party leader Leonid Brezhnev and Premier Alexei Kosygrn matron av hurry fln the present moment it sadly the consent peace and some progzess in an increasing degree depends on strengthen ing the unity of all and hnper ialist forms and first oi all the unity ol the sodallst countnes thenworld Communist move Ine ilrekey no it said was the economic cooperation agree rgm theIhSovrbelt Union cone wr Communist East European nations pnsrnan John Roberts of Ontario strolls past student college in Port Arthur yester day The pickets were pro souisc St the college The unidentified than Mt ll pickets outside the Lamas testing the last of iorestry member at thecollege board tenselyl th mg or tees report MPs on both sides oltire Commons spurt most of Monday hurling acid epithets at the CBC The publicly owned broad casting systent setting some 000 mm the federal firmw this year touched otf oneoi its worst parliamentary pan re views with Sunday interview with GeorgeIiian Moon sell admitted American Nazi and racist can seeno reason why Nazism should be glorilied in this way complained Opposi tion leader Dielenbaker He and Social Credit and Creditiste spokesmen again do mandcd parliamentary in quiry wherell£s could grill csc caterers State Secretary Lamontagns again relused flatly saying this might completely paralysed corporation in its wor MPsHurl Acid no can the nutstron penod and the ensuing debate wore on the blasts broadened and covered wldenrrsyoiclic policies Mr Disicnbaker referred to frequent charges that Commu nists have infiltrated the CBC French network and asked or an investigation ACCUSATIONS VARY Othedr bspeakers afield the CBC sing irrespo im moral contemptuous of relig ion and Parliament unfair to opposition parties pm lth eral unCanadian separa tisi pornographic ond extrava gant with tlretaxpayers money The osc found only two de tenders Stanley Knowles ND Gilles Gregoire CreditlsteLa points may argued that the corporation would be useless if it studlously avoided producing controversial and challenging program Federal Byihlections For Ontario NB Centres Three comered federal by election campaigns were con lrrmsd Monday both in Water loo South 0nt and Westmor land NM as nominations closed tor elections Monday Nov Liberal Progressive Con servative and New Democrat were nominated both in the ch Passengerscérrrice ReturningTO Narmar Canadian National Railways passenger service was returning to normal today as ONE worlc era in Ontario and Western Can da went back to work after weekend protect against new work rules The railwaytdelayed its run through program at Nakina 0st and Wainwright Alt Monday alter the lederal ernmcnt agreed to set up lor tnsl inquiry into the matter Firemen locomotive engin eersynnd brokemen stayed oil their iobe and repormd in sick orunllt tor duty to protest the railways plan to do swaywith the divisional points where trnln nrews were changed at about midway in runs oi about 5250 mlles other employees joined the protest and nbout 1800 men were reported to have been oft Work Workers in three Ontario and report to work on the recom msndationfol Douglas Fisher New Democratin member of Parliament for Port Arthur Mr Fisher whphad been an ing as goubetween advised them that the tedéralgovernmenthad guaranteed there would he no reperurssions or reprissls be cause of the protest action REQEIVED WAMINGS Many employees said they hadreceived warnings that they would be tired or relusing to returnvto work Gilli spokesman in peg said today that to all in tents and purposes transcontin ental passenger service will be back to normal today The Panorama which was an celled Monday because of intsboth the protest will re eastbound arid westbound he between Toronto and Westerrr live western centres to Cenadr had bear reduced to one train day iromthree Freight services had also been delayed and ell Perim nel were brought into help op he trains through program will be put all up to three months while an intith and im partlal oomrhissioner investi mime Minister Pearson thecommlssioners name beannouneed toda has are wild west garlic were imitating violent TV characters One boy poked his 954 ti around the corner oi the house western Ontsrio riding Whidl includes Galt Hespeler and Preston and in Westmorland which centres on Montton Waterloo South usually servatlvein the past and West morland most often Liberal are marginal enough to be watched for indications at any national shift or popular rattli trrdes toward themrinority Lib eral govemnrent and its oppo sition Four previous byelectinns since the 1963 general election produced no upsets the Liber als retaining three and Cop servative one Relatives oi the late mem bers iorWaterlooSouth and Westmoriandare scaring to re capture th vacant seats or their respective parties homespun snar Gnallt lderman lorries Grap didate nwdtenao South held by his father Gordon until his death lastJune Mrs hideout tlgwidowol the Lib enal member for Wabnorland who died last May is running Two young boys playing DP and declared compressor lind appeared and its ownzr served lts only my gran one Some oneis comingNAnother raids Passenger train service wrnnioeg North Centre and the Conservative can smm cartssin collision near Washsgo has tskenthalila ot BARBIE UNITEDL APPEAL $04000 more 10f governors Premier Ro berts and his cabinet are mak 1118 tour ot Noflhern 0n tnrro CP Wirephoto Cousteau answered ram and stripping prisoners of scores of weapons at the riot shaken Maryland louse ol Correction officials picked up today the job of weeding out ringleadcrs ol continuing unrest at the prison We got about no trouble makers and there are about 20 more to go said VernonL Pcpemanlr state cormnssioner oficorrection Once we weed them out and get them all assigned toone section wellbe ablato get this place back to normal again ile gave the appraisal enrly today alters cellbycell search by guards andstate pollce yielded knives clubs drains and other weapons in pos sesionvfprisoner Some werefound in cell but most were tossed from the barredcubirles oi the iour tiered cellhouses ns inmates set lira Searedwhistled and shouted to distinct tthersearchv crs nmving from tier to tier At leastiour tires were touched olf but all wfle small and were quickly doused with extinguish ers 2rsess Urged Inlant Mortality Remains tit Serious Problem Dymond WRONTO CF Ontario Hcalth Minister Dr Matthew Dymond urged public health nurses Monday to help in do looting use or dilldbeatingr He told the annual meeting of the Ontario Public Health As sociation ruch nurses who are in close contact with their com munities seemed in the best po sition to uncover instances or mildren being bestcn by rdults sod there were too many such cases While this is not direc your responsibility think you might well be the lirst people to detect the possibility and move to prevent ruch actions he said Dr Dymond said Ontario was proud oi its public health serv ices although intent mortalluy remained serious problem He said there had been little rcduc tion during the last to years in the our major causes or infant this Sudan President Dissolves Council KHAMDUM Sudan AP Aiter live days of bloody rloh lug President lbralrlm Abhoud promised Monday night to end the militarya sixyear rule at the Sudan Opposition political leaderr called nit general strike scheduled today Abboud retno target date tor the endofmiitury nontrol but indfvbmdcsat promised pro gress toward government ac eeptable in nu citllens dcnths prcmaiure birth he ddents RH negative blood mmpatibillty and injury at WARNS Donors At another meeting Dr ll Cotnem Ontarlos supervising coroner wIde the medical prolession to than its own house before some noorncdical body steps in He told the Ontario Hospital Association meeting at the tly same time as the health ssso ciatiun that it we do not lice ourselves more stringently than in the past some other body will step in and take over Dr Dawson regis trar or the College oi Physi cians and Surgeons oi pntsrlo told the hospital nssodstlon that chiel phycians and out geons in the provinces bospllt should have the authority to intervene in the care of pa tient it they consider it neces 58m He said the elders ol stall and heads of departments in hospi tals now have the responsibil ity lor the supervision ol pa tlent care but in fact they have no authority to intervene it they consider the care inadequate Drnlt proposals to amend the Public Hospitals Act to give the necessary authority have been submitted to joint committee of the Dntan Medical and Hos pital associations and theOn tuio Hospital Servlces Corn none byj the onterro Medical Association with tbssupport ot the allege Dr Dawson said Bony IdSteless Campaign oratory has sharp ened in this final week oi the united States election cam rmsn President Johnson says that Barry Goldwntzrollers brink rnansbip with nuclear power Goldwater says Johnson is the most power hungry man in American politics The ingmales ol John sonxandlutllifldwater also do not shy away lrorn throwing barbs at the candidates for presrdent William Miller the Repub lican vicepresidentiairnonunee said Monday President Johnson holds fdistorted incredible view at morality thert Ht Humphrey the Democratic vice plosidential nominee said Goldwater has made tasteless personal st tacks on Johnson and has launched systematic carn paign to degrade almost every aspect of American life President Johnson who as sailed Goldwater by name in southern trip Monday aims his mmpaign at the northeast to day mos canons in some stops Monday John son ran into some bedding and some Goldwater chanting In terrupteti by several chants oi We want Barry in Augusta Ga Johnson left his prepared text to lecture thedemonstrat ore always taught asa lit tle boy when people dont knwt any better and when they made mistakes and when they were rude and when they didnt show good manners to turn ynurother cheek and say dear Lord please lorgive them for they know not what theydo Srl7vrrrcsnrnr irrutgfl Mammalf dished tnblished it would have arr cans ol information and re chst itsfdispnsal Wrih Mr lavreah on the tour ste Manhood comrnrssroper nriarics

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