ldnorial Telephones uses 7563 instilled mzm moron YarnNo TWIN DOUBLE WINNER HITS AGAIN ltwtnwoneyear old delta lean clerk Ernest Dalilaran Jr ol Patehogue N1 holds duck lcr $17103460 and his winning tlckd that was ally one issued on winning Mn Double at Yonkers Raceway Wednesday night Last nilht Dahlman rationed to the her ness and stmdr againl He had six winning tideta on the Win Dorhlceonhinatloo in partnerdilp with his father but the payoll was comparative ly paltry $89960 on each tldr Wirqahoto UK Tories Eliminate Butler FromPost LONDON omurn inscrul ï¬le Butler has been dumped without ceremony tmm the Conservative partys policy making command sp parently because of his strange statements during the election comm lhls development came in blood 13 line announcerth mm the lory central olï¬ce Thursday Mt leasing Butler from rule over the Tory rc scorch department without even mentioning his name Sir Alec Douglasflorne 61 the armor prime minister took this method at spiking Robs guns as one newspaper put it although his own More as leader of the party is in doidzt the defeat ot the Conserve lives in the 0d 15 general election startedmewaaaper speculation about Sir Alecs possible dqartura is Sir Also ready to step down ls the headline in to days Uonserustlve Evening News which indicates Regi nald Maudllog 47 former chancellor of the exchequar and key man in the election light is the most likely Necessor The new Galseat House oi Uommonsinwhlch Harold Wilsons Lahorv party has an Nobel Winner Retirees Aurardv PM or Jean mu Sariss says he turned down the 1964 Nobel Prize or literature to remain tree in his ellorts to bring the cultures ol commu aim and capitalism together lhis is why cannot accept any distinction awarded by big uiltural associations neither born the East nor lrorn the West even if understandlheir lexistence very well the so yearold iiiend playwright no vellst and philosopher laid Thursday It lsgnotsthelsama thing il sign myself JeanPaul Sar tre or JeanPaul Sartre Nobel Prize winner he told report gers at the Swedish Embassy spokesman lor the Swedish Academy of Letters which se lects the winner of the annual award said the award stands regardless ol Sartres attitude ovinourins VISIT ZQuebecNéwlspapérs Be an the norm could give the $5613 prim money away or leave it inthe Nobel lund The academys in members selected the controversial au thor and philosopher lor imag instive writing which by rea son or its spirit at lreedom and striving for truth has exercised larunching influence on our 385 Sartre chiel exponent of the philosophy known as existena tiaiism said he appreciatcdlthe honor but had to renumcelho award lor personal reasons and objective reasons He said he didnot have any institution coniused with his name He always had turned down citations sud as the French Legion of Honor of iered him in 1945 he said and he would reject Soviet Lenin Prim it one was altered him lit Hoover Bites licnn opponents overall margin only fair Insets Monday when it is ex pected Sir Harry HyltonFoyer will be reelected Speaker former Tory mcnbcr he ran as nonparty Speakericandi date in last weeks election state opening or Parliament is Nov lhs Mine of Butler Tory lcnigo secretary has been mud in doubt since the cam paign Whether he will he as slgnod soy prominence on the opposition tbench sin iobe Ho wasbitter1y aitlclaed lol campaign interview in whim ha wm reported to have said that things might start slip ping in the last low dsys and diegvwoot slip toward us in the same Conservative Daily Express interview he conuudided statement by SirAlec that no AnglnvAmeri can dralt treaty had been pre pared agninst spread at nuclei weapons mnsday nights Announce mwt merely said the research department an independent unit since 1929 would oorne un der the limo central oiï¬ceol whidi Viscount Blakcnbam is chnumao LB Goldwater NEW YORK CPI Clark Eon Hist president the United les received simple impressive private luo oral service 1humday lhe mwrners were led by Presi dent Johnson who came from Washington with his wile ribehimultolthempresif dentist campaign died away durloglhe ismicute memorial service as Johnson was joined in St Bartholomewsme Quad on ParkAvenueibyvhie awning mate Senator Hubert Emmy Senator Barry Goldwater and Representative WilliamE Miller The horde was half ï¬lled with about 600 invited guests Johnson apparently was not aware of Goldwaters arrivah andno greetings were ex seek Pub1vig¢agIï¬SIï¬irY MONTREAL CP Two newspapers in Quebec province one of the Englishlanguage the other Frenchhave sug gested public inquiry into the events surrounding the Queens visit hLQuebEC City Thesuggeatioos lorrned part at their editorial comment on oneoonn report inndt by Sol lcltorGeneral Claude Wagner about charges that police bru tality marked the constitutes stormy two days oi the visit Oct 1011 idea of lpublic notary columns olitonMontreal news papers LeDcvoir Hand The Star Andla Soleil French Iansnaae paper in Quebec City remarks that theposslbiiityol deeper investigation than that urnled out byiMr Wagner sliouid not be ruled out Claude Ryan publisher ol the Frenchlanguage Dcvnirwrote an paperseditorisi Eatermed Ithereport too rsonnl too slrbiectivs iha Star eye public in quiry1couidéallao nshnr wuhioachedidhedilorial W5 ancients tarnishital them in the form at kstknorw Such an inquiry could also dis pel any mggestion of partisan ship in Mr Wagners inquiry ihe solicitorgeneral draws strong backing from 10mm Pare iheeditor oi the Quebec clty newspaperLLAction Mr Wagnerzsaid in his seven page report touPremierLesage thnt separatists university stu dents thugslromrllontresl and mu group oi reporters caused moat oi the trouble dur ing the Royal Visit total of sparreatsflwere made IdJO emu Ontario Canada Friday October23 1964 T0 mm OBJECTIVE Barrie United Appeal Needs Urgent DriVe harries Unitedend aCorns W91 Itd with $2661 received by the ncootmting division headed by Ernci Walker rat is sonic $30000 short ol the obledlve inc 1065 operating funds or nine local agencies of service and welfare Many more returns are expect ed in today but Ken Walls gen eral campaign chairman ex pressed mourn that alter so much in and or We am lar short it looks as it sonic canvas sers who have not bear dolor their lobe early marsh are ho hang with 33 We are axles the conclud aod hope lhalmlr latecomers will give the carnpaim the loci push this weekmd hlr Walls asidln all the years he has been in Barrie thia connouolw has never yet failed in major cnmpalgn lor loads at mercy and he was confident the citizens would not let them down 111 new YMCAYWCA Victorian order ol Nurses March of Dimes Canadian Nn tional lndihrta lor lha Blind Canadian Mental Health Associ ation Retarded daildrens As sedation St John Ambulance condition Red ï¬nes and Kara veterans Dept Campaignmltman gupenlglt Division Boy Scoutislwegg ependin on Barrie nit Amalia thgeirlocal work NOT AGENCY SELF 0the United Appeal is not anagrst itsell is simply ooiledion mu he pointed out All our workers are volr unicorn we have no paid atom or olï¬ces the basic Idea is integral Working Hardship Duvets Wit OP lno veter ans nifairs department fluns day was acaised by several Commons menbmot working hardship on veterans through bendit of tho dmbt douse in disability pension and allow ances application lhe complaints came as the Commons considered the dc partments 3307000 worth oi spending estimates for the pres ent ï¬nal year The estimates were passed just bolore the night adjournment Opening ol todays sitting markaa new record for the hunter of ï¬ttings in single session175 daysihe previous record of 174 was set dining the mgsesson BARBIE UNITED HPPEBL JIM Veterans snailr Minister Telllet admitted there were dil hculties involvcdwithths doubt clause Thant Nuclear Zunrrnn narrows calu lhant United Nations secre tarygeneral called Thursday or meeting at the worlds atomic powers flhaot described Chinas nu clear testexplosion aaregrct eble and in violation of 1962 general assenme resolution condemning all testing lee thatit could be very worthwhile to have dialogue between the United Siatcs the Sovietvllnion theUnited rung dom France and the Peoples Repuhlio of China perhapsfsoms inloso hertold press coolerence sinnalandSpecialNames combine llmd raising drives in one lot economy and dliclww lbis is my tint year in this lob and have had wonderful imhhtmmvw awn EVE ï¬ll dred per cent Alan at great help have been our ensign Viewhahman Jed Wright and last yblfa cheimln Russ Dav ey As natal sonre canvaseers mew h35mitotaliking that 55 or that agmcy lhv know they sun their com on First division to report with objective readied was schools headed by Ciillold Morris its chairman line also ol $614900 was received from the tendiers Students are notcanvaased MUCH SOME Sill to mine in are substantial some from Payroll Corporate Advance Ionnnerclai Protest Firs return lrornxtha Residential div ision was $480M but it was roll ing in yesterday with no turter Era report available at press time so Mr Walls sold the situation may he brighter than it looks now Haknown at considerable appealilor rm so oaths 99 and go to make our obiecilvc lids yenrthe hlgbest ol any of mer president Dwight Eisen sééks ihant said he saw little chance oi averting conlronta tionron UN ï¬nances between the United sum and the So viet Union in the lorthooming General Assembly He said howould continue co couraging both sides to make concessions but in lace ol the rigid positions doinot propose to come up with any personal formula for settlement The United States contends that the Soviet Union and nine other nations now two years in arrears on their peacekeeping assessments must lose their ass emhly vole under article lit oi the UN chirtér oldwaterCIcii Lapse In 1SieCII1itY No Morrlhln Per Copy16 Pages Bipartisan Panel Sought To Oversee iBI Reports Senator Barry Gobwater kindred his ï¬rst lullsale vol ley on the Walter Jenkins can lodiy ll be charged the John Im administration with lapses in secluity in both the White flame and the state depart ment Goldwater lican party candidate for vs presi dency called lo bipartisan panel to oversee Fmripcrls on both lormer pmidential aide Jenkins and former Democratic Senate reactary deby Baker to an election mseda prepared for whistle stops between hos Angelas and San Diego be disrgcd the state dwartmeot bad permitted 150 persoostohandlaseaetdounm meats without would lor run secrth investigations He suggested that President lriinsoo name hired men to aervewith lormcr Vicepresi dent Richard Nixon repre sentative Gerald Ford Jr of Michigan and SenatorJohn Williams ol Delaware wit cans on board to supervise innance at FBI reports on both the Jenkins case and the drama at $25000 kidhnek to tanner Denman party treamtr Matthew Mommy rlheGoldwster text written before an FBI rt on Jenkins was released sday night called lor the release oi both reports bdon the election Nov lhe run report said Justina had not oompmrnlsed US so curity Jenkins arrested twice on mar charge lelt the White Eisenhower ll llt ILS Hespital WASHINGTON For howenatriclren suddentiy with painful cough and raw throat it in Walter Reed General Hospital to guard against com plinations His condition was described as satisfactory save lor the moderatelysevere inflammation or his windpipe and bronchial His doctors prescribing an tlblotlca mect improvement today or Saturday House eidit daos non alter hls arrgmt mtdhzas revealed ams dressed Mdiloshey involved in HMO Um no lederal mtract and that My Baker was the gobetwcen on the deal Scanity of another kind was the topic ol conversation in Bos teo wlzere shots rang out Thurs day night aside the hotel where Senator Hubert my the Democrats vicepresi dential candidate was However it ï¬lmed out that the shots were tireld by policénn within purseem o1 clasped Bnmphrey told business mm lint the pment U5 eco ion was only the second in the in ion years to last more than three years He Med that election of Gold water instead of Johnson wwid undermine the conï¬dence of the international banking on mmiphrey mode Thursdays only major political address the election principals paused to attend the New York funeral at lonncr president Herbert Hoo ver Dropped Down Meinory Hoie MOSODW AP Nikita imnrduhev Ihas become an unpersouA Foramflthmhasbemno publicindicallon in the Soviet Unlon the wintry helong dominated thatJodr Linen endexisted in victim ailnuptials lrom pdolie places His books are no longer heaped in dis playin stores The nearest that the men who abovod him aside have come to ndirntflng there over was Khrushchev is attests on lead cxsbo failures obvrously attrib uted to him chum as the cult of per sonaiity used to mean Stalin Nowit meat Khnldadicv Ihe attadrs may soon be come more direct naming lflinishdiev and attributing all sorts oi sins to him not or the moment he has been bdrbmu down the memory LATEHNEWSN ILS Esplodes Nuclear Deirice surname Miss on ihe United Statesaxplnded livekiloton nuclear device hailmile undergroundllhursday to see if American detection devices can spot sneak atomicztests by foreign powers up llcquitled oh Assault Charge gt HULL Que GP louisdoseph Pigeon Eyearold Conser vative MP for loliettehAssompilonMontcalm was acquitted in dayolnchargoolindaceolly asaaultingamale are range in 92 lt