Jack Jelbert regional field executive for the Lakeland re gion Boys Scouts of Canada addresses the annual meeting of the Kampenfelt BayDis trier With him left dreckinl program are Past President Doug Moorohouse and Presi dent John Chalmers lllr Jel bert spoke on the need for change in tha scouting pro gram India return to the principles laid out by Lord Baden Powell founder of the organiutlon We have built up an organization and for Rolien the boys he said Achieve Bilingualism Outside Que LamOntagne MOWER Que GP state Secretary Lamontagne suggested Thursday night that theEnglishispeaking provinces revise their education pm grams much greater degree oi bilingualism must be achieved outside Quebec he said in speech here to the Association or Canadian Lilo Insurance Counsel This will require revision of teaching methods and pro grams the recognition oftho historical and constitutional rights of FrenchCanadian mi norities and the development at bilinaral federal civil service in Ottawa Mr Lamontagne said that it the majority of lEInglishspealr log Canadians and American subsidiaries in Quebec want to preserve the status quo than the Voice of tha moderates in MOVIE COLUMN French Canada will cease to be heard and we may face catas sult of actions taken in Que hec The whole history of the French Canadians has been characterized by constant reality foreign domination and by pcrpetual dream complete liberation Mr montagnc said The basic conflict between err Were Englishspeaking and the dream and reality has re sulted in frustration and discon tent The industrialization of Que bcc in this century had come as an invasion first from Enl lishvspeaking Canada and Brit ain later from the United States The industrial invaders My Fair Lady Remains Tops NEW YORK APiThe news about My Fair Lady is all good Go the screen as on the stage it remains supreme entertain ment There was concern among the legions of My Fair Lady lovers when Warner Brothers bought thc show for record $5500000 Would the studio attempt to en hance its investment with super production such as marred the films of Rodgers and Hammerstein hits Such fears are alloyed by the ï¬nished product The film is faithful but not slavish to the original As an adaptation or solely on its merits as movie it is wellnigh faultless The casting of Audrey Hep burn as Eliza Doolittle raised some eyebrows They may now be lowered While it takes few moments to get used to her as the amudged flower gird haw transformation to lady is ac complished with rare beauty and delight Even her singing is be lievable though most of the audience is aware of the aid of an offscreen soprano Nothing new can be said of the performance of Rex llar risen beyondobserving that it is one of the classic characteri cations of the century DECOR lS NUTABLE Descrving equal billing with the stars is the decor the work of Cecil Benton DEATHS Dacia Phlustan Khawaja Nazimuddin 70 former gov roargeneral and prime minis tar of Pakistan 10s Altos can Lewis Cilanrngham VT pioneer inven Constantin Weyer as French novelist and playwright Turn to Peterflybornhï¬ popular folirslnger Jack Warner personally producing his first movie in dec ades he noronally oversees other producers spent re ported $1700000 The lilm was all shot under root in Burbank possibly at the largest cost for any movie without locations made an attempt to adjust themselves to the hendiCanar dian cultural environment and in their own way they prac tised diluted form of apar held The ftwo solitudes still exist today in most cities of the province 0n the whole the economic invasion meant higher stand La Irds of living and the people liked it even though the intrud Prutestan By the end of the recon Que bec had become an economic colony dominatedby an indus trial elite which remained com pletely isolated from the cul tural and social life of the French Canadians George Cukor directed My Fair Lady with impeccable taste Alan Jay Lerner who wrote the original book and lyrics to Frederick laews great melodies wisely chose to adapt the ï¬lm himself All the mem orable lines remain intactand amazingly fresh Lerner has Haydon shown during lio also added some transitional scenes which help progress the plot ARMS SPARKLE It is considered poor review ing fonrn tn compare work with its original source but the temptation is inescapable The Harrison arias seemed to be equally well done in the film while Could Have Danced Ali mentary alter Mr mammogram iru blame ail am New guarantieth including prise penitentiary visits sharply mtical of conditions called on Willi ay sponsor per lnquiry into Celiada penal nature They also demanded in let ter to Mr Favrean that he is In declaration setting time limit to stop me of cells at St Vinmnt de Paul Penitentiary condemned by lace royal cornrntssion as untlt for use The five We who signed tha letter were Arnold Peters tiimiimingt Prank Howard Reece Reid Scott Toronto Danfortht Andrew Brewtn Toronto Greenwood and Da vid Orlikow Winnipeg Nolth Their letter was sent shortly Favreau announced that he and Worla Minister Deschateietl will tour St Vin cent de Paul near Montreal next Monday and take mort crs with them An aide to Mr Favreau said the minister had not yet seen IMAGE SEES POPE VATICAN CITY APidope Paul received Premier Jean Le sage of Globes in private and ieoce Thursday night in the Spalo library The audience lasted about halt an hour Le saga arrived in Rome Wednes day on private visit He paid brief call at the Canadian ern bassy Thursday morning LEADER DIES DANA Pakistan Reuters Khawaia Nazhmrddin former governor general and prime minister of Pakistan died here Thursday aged 70 Cambridge educawd Nazlrmrddin who as prime minister from Cancer 1951 untli April was was leader of the Muslim Iangue corindLonn of five panties at tempting to defeat the govenr meat of President Ayrb Khan in election next March SCALE ROYAL PAY BRUSSELS Bel giums government proposed Thursday that tho allowances of King Baudouin and Prince SHOWING as no ROXY Sophia Loren and Stephen man interhide inlSarnuel throw Night and the Ascot Gavotte were even more sparkling than on the stage 0dd1yWith Little Bit of Ludr and Get Me to the Church On Time do not register as well Stanley Holloway the only other of the original cast he sida Harrison is capital but the numbers lack theraucous mu sichall quality they had on the stage As of now My Fair Lady ap pears the favorite in the Oscar derby all departments Peoplelio Reqd StoolliAds Aru Sluice MOTors LlMIrsn FIN smear it stons pmduction for Para mount The Fall of the R0 man mpire now playing at the Roxy Theatre the ktter ddivercd rotunda ntshtrnd Mr Favreau prob hly IUl on main stat to be planning tour of meet lentiaiies The row letter said that to awaken petite interest in the pulairystarnaroyalconzmlc lion will not beadequate The letter the Ardrandieult royal commission Mn ails at St Vincent do rail waist Mr aid Mr Peters and Mr loved in use recently in conanisrion said these ceUa druid he cur demned without and in futon no stmid he cndined in ligation in ihehtPsalsoealiedlorM mediate annuinoernent ol the govemrnuta policy with re gard to changes recommended in use onrnrnttce hauly dealing with psydiiairia and Wingin militias noted that Mr Favreau recent speed said in some 35 dramS Midin semces ava been badrward worn urns IN BRIEF Albert like the at some on ion workers be linked to the costowimg index Exploding approval it pruentad parlia ment bill that would boon annual payran to Milli from the esprivaiaut at 5840000 tomomuandthoseofidsm yearold brother from 579000 to 578000 SINGER DIES NEON CP Peter Wyborn Popular ibmnto folk singer died in hospital here Wednesday niylt lie was Mr Wybom native of Van couver came cast sevaai years ago for the first MormonFolk Festival in Oriiiia He has since performed regularly in folk stoning clubs and on cacrv MING so APPEAR UilAWA OP Eesourcee Minister Lainglwili be the first witnms to More the Commons es forestsaud waters committee Tuesday to dlscum low water levels in the Great Lakes The committee met briefly Thursday to set its futura meeting times and agenda The lakes question was referred to the committee Oct SUBS FDR CUBA lie urban Information Agaioy Al said lhursdw Russia is preparing to mva Fidel Castro stdirnarine fleet manned by Soviet trained Cubans The Russians ATP said have built submarine base at Punta de Mains in Oriente Province and atMatanusadoepwaterbay near Havana CONDHVIN RESTRICTIONS MEXICO CITY Renters The Interamerim Press Am elation closed in 2011 annual meeting here Thursday with ninepaint declaration condemn ng all forms of restriction on freedom ot the press in the hemisphere tha general as sembly denounced the inhu Ean irnpnsonmen ethane an 20 newspaper men and exhorted the entire press of the alert and active in the stnrggla against the Castro regime caiiod plblic canary No by tha association MIAMI Fiai AP The ex arnsp here to remain anown moronic oven map of Sirmoe County from left Helen Irwin rim sui dairudcinwulnueyin amongthegroupcfsotheo Mcairtudemswhcwilibe oondrrding servicm Sinday in United unrrdres of Simeon Painters Theological Students Conduct Sunday Rally Sunday October 25th is to be atudents preaching day in United Churches of Simone Pres byiery Some 50 theological stu dents from Emmanuel College and CovenantColioge will speak Parliament ill ii Glance THURSDAY 22 1964 The Gunman studied and passed the $10792000 estiv mates of the Veterans Altair Conservative House leader Gordon uznrchtll said Voter ands Minister Teiiiet had been derelict in his citing delay of months in the de Fartmente annual report Marml Lambert PCFAIL mentors West said service men without wartime service should have some protection against suffering injuries James Tucker tLTrin ity Conception said there should be benefits or men of the Newfoundland lorestry units who served overseas during the Second World War private hill to increase Bell Telephone Companys board of directors to from 15 was talked out during the private members hour Gerald Regan Lllail faxi suggested the Supreme Court of Canada look into ownership by Bell of North ern Elearic Company FRIDAY Oct 28 The Commons meets at 11 am to debate interim sup ply The Senate has adjourned until Nov in area churches On Sunday evening the future ministers anddeaconesses will join for Sunday evening rally at Central United Church Barrie The theme for the day will be Into the Lila of theWorld The students will tryto chai lengc young people who are wondering what to do with their life The evening service in Bar rial will be conducted by Pro fessor CDnuglaa Jay of Em manuel College Tire Emmanuel College Choir has becn training under the direction of Drlohn Weatherseed of the Royal Con servatory of Music Two students Deanna Stead man and Gordon ttnncr will share in the delivery of the ser rrion After the service there will be panel discussion including Dave Newman third year stu dent Sylvia South as first year student Dr Gordon Robertson future medical missionary to Africa and Ba Douglas Shanks HAROLD JORY MOTORS Repairs to All Makes Authorized Dealer For VANGUARD ENSIGN TRIUMPB SPORTS CARS 75 Bayfleld malts young theological professor who until recently was uni versity chaplain This is the first time such day has been observedlby the United Giurch in this area The idea came from the studemr therrlselves The event has been organized by two third year stu dents Jack Morrison and Don White in cooperation with oflt ficiais of tha Simeon Presby tory ANCIENT CHURCH Londons St Mary le Bow hurrah whose Bow Bells have spedal pin in Codsoey his tory is 894 Years old ll ttiiigt Woéflmtic GRAVEHILTOPSOIL 7282907 tHilli2iitiltilHilllilltï¬llllllllilllï¬liiIt