um BARN EXAMINER WEDNESDAY DUN II III OLDEST 0F From the main line at To wyn on the wide sweep of Cardigan Bay to the village at Abcrgwynolwyn runs his toric raihNay Railway histor ians will tell you that it has the distinction oi being the SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS APTO ByMRS IRVING CARSON Mrs Singer and Mrs Stephens oi Oshawa were recent vuitors with Mrs OIlalloran and Iamily gt Some Iarmera in this area attended the Plowing Match at Pcicrbnrough last week Sincere sympathy is expressed tor the family ot Richard son who passed away Thursday In Royal Victoria Hospital Thanksgiving visitors with Mr and Mrs Rush included Mr and Mrs Bill Dunlap and Iamily an thr and Mrs Brooks Toronto Horn is visiting his son and amily at Summarside REL for couple oi weeks Mr and Mrs Harold Wilson FortErie visited Mr and Mrs Carson tor the weekend Silver Maple Institute enter tained mendnrsnt the New Pics Institute at the home of Mrs OHalloran Wednesday evening MANSFIELD ny ours EVELYN ARNOLD BMWCLARKE pretty wedding took place In Trinity United Church Shel burne Saturday Oct in when Jim Sawyers eldest son of Mr and Mrs Harry Sawyers Mans field was married to Marion Clarke elder daughter at Mr and Mrs Clarke at Melancihon Township Rev Dickson officiated Patsy Ourtis of Mans tield was soloist and sang The Wedding Prayer Ihcrecep tion was held in the Legion Hall alter which the couple lett tor trip through the United States Wednesday afternoon Mrs Clarke was hostess ather iarm home near Shelbuivie when friends including some Mansï¬eld ladies were guests at trous crau tea The people of Manslield com munity are having pot luck supper in the Hall this Friday night to show appreciation to Mansfield baseball club of their elicits and success in winning first place and the trophy tor North Dutierin league I964 The new McDonald home Is coming along making good pro gress Mr and Mrs Bert lvlur phy are also building tine home on their property north of Mansfield Great changa are lain place on the ro south romj Mansfield to Hwy 89 Treesare out down and fences moved as the road is widened tolaovme buil dangercosly near to some dings bridge being bfliit across he millraoe at the Boyne River Mrs Alvin Monald enterl tained few other close neigh boring ladies atsupper recently Mr MicDonald is soon in ving to is home SilliNTY rat ay ms wontLav Mr and Ma Frank Tuck have returned home after visit to Kirkland Lake Mrs Honsberger Creemore spent few days with Mrs Iu Henson David Palk and Ivan King were home irom Ryerson Col lege for Thanksgiving Mr and Mrs wesson and Julie spent the holiday with Mrs Palkand David Con Inflationato Mr and gr Sybirth Ilrs Vern ITS KIND oldest surviving steamopera ted passengercarrying nar rowgauge railway the world Originally used tor ear rylng slate from the quarry at Bryn Eglwys as this trade dwindled it gradually came to rely on passenger traitic Mrs Jack Larkln Toronto visi ted their parents Mr and Mrs Kendall Janie Lanyniiir Brankscme Hall Toronto spent the week end wltii her parents Mr and Mrs William Langmuir Mr and Mrs Morley Packard and landly spent the weekend in Ottawa Prize winners at the weekly euchre were ltlrsuvIl Sutton Mrs Smpson Mrs Pack ard Mrs Peterson Jack Kendall George he Grande Sympathy is extended to Gor don Keath in tho posing his mother to Roy Pimmer whose mother was killed in caraccident last week and to John Campbell in the Madden passing of his father Jamu Campbell in his elst year hngTatulations to Martin Langmuir who was top marks man at the Air Cadet sports meet Camp Borden Martin is the son oi Mr and Mrs William Langmuir Shanty Bay and not Barrie as quoted in the paper Mrs Polls and David were guests of Mrs Wilson and iarrr ily at tamin dinner at The Inn in The Park Toronto Harvest Thanksgiving serv ices were held in both churches last Sunday with Holy Commun ion in st Thomas Church and 1115 am Mr and Mrs Glenn Farager and tamin were guess of Mr and Mrs Cecil Cameron Visitors with Mr and Mrs Prissiek were Mr and Mrs Elms Tomato Mr and Mrs Cyril Peterson spent the weekend with Petersons brother Mr John son Acton cioWEs ions aroma Recent vistors with Mr and Mrs Ken Dicker were Mr and Mrs Den Acheson and Cindy of Dundalir Visitors with Mrs Dicker were Mr and Mrs Herman Hayes and ML and Mrs Jim Hayes and family at Midhurst Mrs Patterson Scar borough visited Mr and Mrs lees and Mrs Lees during the weekend Miss Clara Dwinneli spout Stin day in Toronto with Miss Molly Syott Mrs lees spent few days last week with her dangli ter Mrs Stuart Guthrie Mrs McAlary and Mrs Jean Foster or Willowdale spent the weekend with Mr and Mn Partridge Oct 16 asa holiday from school Teachers were attending con vention at Brantlcrd Mrs Fraser spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Kilgour Brantlord ANNIVERSARY Ciowes Womens Institute met Oct 13 no 40th anniversary supper will he Nov lo at Edgar Hall Noveher meeting will at Mrs Lees revealiiig Mys tery Sisters Mrs Fraser and meeting Barrie Roll dilierent answered by 15 members Mrs Bouncy won the draw Mrs It Dicker spoke on the motto kind totiie age Icrthey have come long way elp the younguilorthey have ton home Public school children enloyedi at the home of Mrs Poser Mrs Emins are to attend the Canadian CancertSociety annual ways to serve vegetables was LEFROY Mrs Ingram the warhead in tendon with Mr and Mrs the law Mr and Mn Arthur Montreal spurt the wcckaid with Mr and Mrs Hunter Rdd Mr ind lln We Gum Mr and Mn William Kaii and Ronald In Mrs lidII MM the holidays at their cot tog Bear lake Smtt Grith hu rohirned liter mending three months with his Margit to Scotland Syinpatlw is extended to Mr and Mrs 0mm disgust in the death at their little ma Mr and Mrs Brad Nd and daughter Cookssdlle and Mr and Mn Jim McNeil and dril dren Scarborough were holi day visitors with their parents Mr and Mia Grose TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 771M EGBEIII norm oowivait Communion to Mr and Mrs Boyd Arnold Iondon who oeldiraiod their silver wedding anniversary in Ivy Orange IIali Sahuday evening Oct 10 Henry Downer Toronto spent the weekend with Esther and Watson Downer Mr and Mrs Bruce Broiley and INIUIerIWeSt Itiil spent the weekend with Mrs 11ml Broiley Visitors with Mr and Mla Ciiltord Mooney tor the week end were Wdllngton Beyers Giatham MIL RM Beyus Ctiiotoo and Andy MES Ter Mr and Mrs Gillord Mooney and Gladys and Mrs Buyers Mr and Mrs Harry Smith Mary and Myrna spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Robert Moo ney Thornton Mr and Moe Donald IIolt Wayne and Brian ot Ushridge spent Monday with Roy and Vin cent lIolt Harry Downer bilingwood called on Esther and Watson Downer last week CARLEY MS ARMSTRONG Mr and Mrs Bill Ilia Cooks VIII and Mr and Mrs Orville Grillia were teem visi tors with Mr and Mrs Wallace Douglas Clarke Middleton Malton was weekend viaitor with Mr and Mrs Rix Beard Mrs Joe Booth is visiting Mrs Ethel Bootii Burlington Ivor Potts Vancouver was recent visitor with Mrs Joe Booth and Clarence Mr and Mrs Barry Armstrong and children Orillle Bob Snead Guelph Miss Ruth Lloyd Tor onto and Mr and George Fleet were IIianksgivi visitors with Mrand Mrs Orville Arm strong TO GO TOOOLDWAIER Mrs Lavern Robins was hos sto the Carley Womens In stitute Thursday evening Roll was answered by and member stating whether they tirmeht rc tirement wargood or bad tor ones health report dd the executive meeting held at Mrs Wards home Coldwater was given by the Dishint Director Plans have been made or sodai evening in ColdwaterNov 16 with each branch bringing lunch or their mentors Hale loween story and nail driving contest winded the mating NEWTON ROBINSON Visitors tor the anniversary were Mr and Mrs Woodrow of Barrie at Grerwiilrlleibcrty held one week early on Novhfl Ms MW Own Mr and Mrs Met Holt at fliornhill at Vernon Councils Mr and Mrs Edgar Kneeshaw of Bond Id at Lloyd echoina Mrs Houghton pen Ih Mr and Mr Ted Houghhi In Toronto Mr and Mr flierall ot Beamsville are visiting Mr and Mrs Meson Copeland Allan shoot lversaryseiviw bigot Mrs Iredlomlln Tomato Treason Friday was fled Iv Rev David Reeile ottiurton rend would appreciate wr Iorgpublic Avemnauirdi3ard saver splendid sermon Jadrs ovided paying into the flowertiuid and IIIIIIIIII IIP BAKERY DEPARTMENT nosrmurr save 15 canary PIEwIIk HOSPITALITY CHERRY Pound EAIIE Milli HOSPITALITY ROLLS Brownnserve 29 CHERRY HILL notions SWANSON FROZEN VARIETIES TV oiNNEr Illor ltksr WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES noteEnuircooimiiiz 449 silica IIIIICYVTIINII Eisuliicusui 49 iiusiusiniwo 59 PRICES EFFECTIVE OCT 21 22 LBANANAs DISCIIIIIIT Amlmllllllfllfllm WOIIAIIIITIWJWleAllllnifl COWBOY HAT MIDWA rmme ï¬lm lIIHIAIIAIL TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE BIG BEE SAVIIIGS THIS WEEK AT iGAI WPIIIIEIIBRIIAIT nouns tour cross on no WEISS tom 82 BE sun 10 SEE THE NEW CHRISTMAS TOY SUPPLEMENT Now AVAILAaLE IIIIIER RIB ROII BOIIEES PINE BEE BOIIE III WEISS BitilKEI new mom or nuts no more no nuns BRIISIIIG ins not root mmm rounds out ROAST cross on or ROAST WEISS snouuru rout OUTER RIB Ittitt POI ROAST ROIIED PLATE BOIIEIBS BOIIEISS SIIWIIIGBEI CHUCK anointed SIICID BET tiVR Bit IOIIGIIIS McCDRMICKS PARTYCRACKERS 15 33c RAYMOND CHEESE TWISTSTJTWE ORANGE JUICE 13 at as YORK GREEN arms Ta 37 sovriLSAcarrs 39¢ gt STRAWBERRY IAM any 51 ch BEEHIVE SYRUP sac CEDARVALE HORSERADISH l9 Aunt Jemima hill 39¢ PANCAKE MIX or BAYER ASPIRINS 69 FREEZER ORDERS CUT WRAPPED TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL SPECIFICATIONS TALK TO YOUR FRIENDLY IGA MEAT MANAGER TODAY nuttermutt GOLDEN RIPE Ilos SO 5001 so MANY WAYS PRODUCE 0F USACANgtN AiVIliSitltttllMS 59= Eiiisrirriuc 21°19 SPRING TULIPS ONLY THE FRESH TASTE EEST iioiiaNn auras sot Sunkist LEltllttlS 29° inning EN Cronin or 16A ONUs APES RECEIVE AN EXTRA $1000 BONUS PE WITH NESCAFEJNSTANTCOFFEE roe oil jar am DETERGENT 40c oil king size RECEIVE Ammo woo BONUS TA Wire PABLUMCEREAIS Mixed Rice or II 1647 aka RECEIVE AN EXTRA 5400 BONUS TA WITE PUREXTISSUE it ply yellow white inhlwln pscr RECEIVE AN EXTRA SZMIEDNUS WITH 0le CUT FRENCH FRIES Frozen lb Pkg FLEISCEMANNS CORN OILMARGAR pkg SHCED COOKED HAM Tahlcttlte uru Picked or pkg rcooimveomon Cnn SOLID WHITE 55