Barrie United Appeal Residence Canvassers WARD ONE Section One Division LeaderMrs Wendy Skits Mrs Frank Murphy captain Mrs Joseph Jewell Mrs Eldon iiclr Mrs Bill Neshitt Mrs Gwynneitmolhy Mrs Brass Mrs MacLaren cap tain Mrs Bruce French Mrs Bertram Mrs Hotnun Mrs Mdaren Mrs John Stevenson Mrs Reg Garrett Mrs Furn Calvin captain Mrs Moiinit Mrs It Moore Mrs Murray Mrs Gordon Coutts Mrs Bed ord Mrs Franklin Mrs John Francis captain Mrs Nelson Mrs Forbes Mrs Hadley Mrs Spain Section Two Division LeaderMrs Hender son Lamb Mrs Laws captain Mrs ill Mayor Mrs Sturnip Mrs Bourne Mrs Ted Brent Miss Kirby Mrs Browne captain Mrs Mitchinson Mrs Wigg Mrs Dalhyshlre Mrs Thomson Mrs Feldman Mrs Reid Mrs hole fhnwsk Mrs Cowao captain Mrs Woods Mrs Mc innis Mrs Lester Cooke Section Three Division LeaderMrs Edwin Myers Mrs Fred Pearson can tain Pfrimmer Mrs Cordy Mrs An derson Mrs Royal Mrs Gillharn Mrs Mur ray Mrs Peter Smandych Mrs Brunderidge Mrs James Perryman cap tain Mrs Larry Robillard Mrs Pearson Mrs Larry Campeau Mrs Jack Robertson Mrs Walter Carruthers Mrs Carl Eanrns Mrs Frank Mac Donald Mrs George Greer Mrs Ewart Mayea captain Mrs Wilcox Mrs McConney Mrs Vernon Honk Miss Ruth Aarson Mrs Oates Mrs Dorothy Tleadwell Mrs Wray Mrs Charles Gibson Mrs Heber Smith Mrs Campbell Mrs Del Jackson captain Mrs Earnhacker Mrs Elton Parker Mrs Palmer Mrs Donald Brown Mrs Angus McKay Mrs Lorne gt Jackson Miss Lula Smith Mrs Bruce Dangerfield Section Four Division Leader Mrs Hug Merriam Mrs Collins captain Mrs Hugh Riddell Mrs Corner Lawrence Mrs Ted ligden Mrs Norton Mrs Mosier Wows Havera Mrs Wilison Hood Mrs Victor Wilson Mrs Henry Mrs Don Sullivan Mrs William Davis Mrs Ken Turn hull Mrs Coulson captain Mrs Beatty Mrs Hud son Mrs Hunt Mrs Donovan warm rwo Section One Division Leader Mrs Paul Emma Mrs Giiiiili captain Mrs Gordon Craig Mrs Muir Mrs Lavery captain ï¬lm Willar Mrs John Manol Mrs Trask Mrs Garvin Mr Brennan captain Mrs Oberer Mrs Ross Saunders Mrs JosephWhelan Mrs AuM McNamara Mrs cap Eeity Perry Mrs Jerry Coughiia Caldwell M11 George captain Mrs Jermrévrs Mrs Partrldg Mrs Mrs Garratty Kelso capta tt Miss Domthy non Addisonlilirs Section Two Division Leadu Mrs Ross mrnbull Mrs George Bradley captain Mrs Hamid Smith Mrs Meredith Mrs Moore Mrs SPFY Mrs Macbeod Mrs Allan Cook Mrs lug Adams captain Miss Johanna Brand Mrs How ard Crossed Mrs Albert Mrs Perkin captain tow Mrs Haslett Mrs Pearce Mrs Justin Mcr Bride Mrs Barre captain Mrs Lloyd Wilson Mrs Harry Smethurst Mrs Warren Wilgar Mrs Cameron Mrs Emmett Cavanaugh Mrs Shanks Section Three Division Leader Mrs Owen St John Mrs Robert Lindsay captain Mrs Roberts Mrs Owen Mrs Aikens Mrs Batstonc Mrs Wheeler captain Mrs Richard Austin Mrs Jack Duval Mrs Oshnrnc Mrs Arthur McLean Mrs Ralph Carson Mrs Hugh Mon rison Mrs Hare Mrs Stephen Mills cap lain Mrs Charles Newton Mr Sid Roach Mis Kells Mrs John McGowan Mrs Palmer Mrs William Dyment captain Mrs Gallauyrer Mrs Monty Barnes Mrs Ernest Burton Mrs Rod Tomlinson Mrs Howard captain Mrs Smith Mrs Silk Mrs Dan Madscn Mrs Charles Tierney Mrs And erson Mrs Sanderson Mrs Diggle Mrs Geoffrey Davies cap tain Mrs Lyon Mrs Cameron Mrs Frank Padrard Mrs Sinclair Mrs Wainwright Section Four Division Leader Mrs ihom as Bobier Mrs Terry Harris captain tilirs Stephens Mrs ï¬rwaountain Mrs Eacott Mrs Ed Taylor Mrs Bishop Mrs Don HarnettMrs Gibb Mrs Duiiield captain Mrs Nawby Mrs Bruce Edwards Mrs McDonald Mrs TLeach Mrs Carter Mrs Garland Mrs Han cock Mrs John Corbett Mrs Ferris captain Mrs Glen Brown Mrs Lewis Graves Mrs George McKenzie Mitchell Mrs Mrs Hicks Mr Wes Bishop Mrs Frank Humphrey Mrs Jack Clark Mrs Lang WARD THREE Section One Division Leader Mrs Tom McConkey Mrs Hurtibese captain Mrs Dinsmore Mrs Don Tupling Mrs Ted Bailey Mrs Clarence Jones Mrs itsMc Leod Mrs Seagram captain Mrs Bart Simmons Mrs John Borysiuk Mrs Norman Dough erty Mrs Noel Stephenson Richardson Mrs Davidson Mrs Jamieson Mrs John Stewart captain Mrs Murray Mrs Will iam Dash Mrs Arthur McKenzie captain Mrs Morrow Mrs as Mrs Coch ran Mrs Mrs Campbell tain Mrs Lloyd McCloskEyr Mrs Fred Wall Mrs Ross Rodgers Mrs Ken Cathers Mrs Chretlen Mrs Douglas Wilson Section from Division leader Edmunda Mrs Cecil Cookcaptalnh Mrs Jack Kirk Mrs EpplattuM Noland Mrs Emberson Mrs Ross Stephensr Mrs Jack lraub Mrs Paer Wea Mrs Scanlan Mrs Bria Mrs Stewart MrsvG McKenzie Mrs Norman Rankin cap= Maurice Murdock Mrs Nixon Mrs McNiven Mrs Gordon Roach Mrs Clark captain Mrs Ted Fraser Mrs Fair Mrs lekala Mrs Frank Vysc Mrs Ted Nettle ton Mrs Beckett Mrs Charles Walker Mrs Woods Mrs Hunter Mrs Eric Dewsnap Mrs Hap Lowe captain Mrs John Winchester Mrs Rod Snider Mrs Walter Hum phreys Mrs Yates Mrs Burt PopP Mrs Alan Gundry Section Three Divisiin leader Mrs Harry Young Mrs Clitt Elrick captain Mrs Frank Etherington Mrs Simmons Mrs Parcker Mrs Halbert Mrs Mark Walton captain Mrs Gallagher Mrs Mills Mrs Moore Mrs Alan Beach Mrs Bob Rumble Mrs irapncll Mrs Cockburn Mrs Hinton Mrs Alice Cook captain Nathaniel Graham captain Mrs McArthur MraxM Mc ean Section Four Division Leader Mrs Den nis Moran Mrs John Ellis captain Mrs Davis Mrs Daiey captain Mrs Helen Cook Mrs Dirk Roecaptain Mrs Lee Mrs Harris Mrs Denney Mrs Bert Younsoaplalo Mrs Pat McCarthy captain Mrs Vernon Adams capta Mrs Clark Appleton Mrs Applegate Mrs Colbert Mrs Jory WARD FOUR Section One Division Leader Rentner Mrs it Stoneham can tain Mrs Torditf Mrs Russell Church Mrs Wye Miss Alma Bebb Mrs Hubbartcaptain Mrs Araenault Mrs Thor mas Mrs Carter Mrs Brice Miss Helen Webb captain Mrs Walter Baylisr Mrs Scruton Mrs Glen Jenkins Mrs Rentncr Mrs Mel Howie captain Mrs Saunders Miss Wendy Boardman captain Mrs Section Two Division Leader Mrs Scutt Mrs Knicely captain Mrs William Furzecott Mrs Don Blogg Mrs DArnhrosio oaptain Mrs Stephenson Mrs Otter les Pack Section Three Division Leader Mrs Jack Webb Mrs Webb captain Mrs Holman Mrs Mc Lellan Mrs Gaulah Mrs Davis Mrs Campbell captain Mrs Douglas Homer Mrs Kay Keeler Mrs Jack Batman Mrs Dorothy Skrypnychuk Mrs Johnston captain Mrs Cook Mrs Reed captainrMrr Arnott MrsG Cairns Mrs Krouker captain Mrs William Elson Mrs Mrs diaries Spearn captain Miss St It will pay youto lease your next car from about our low rates modern tam Johnson Travel IMCOE COUNTY EWS NEWTON ROBINSON ByMRLLALEESON Mr and Mrs Lloyd Coborn Paul and Peter spent Sunday with Mr and Mn Mme Cle meat at their cottage at Pene tanguiabeae Mr and Mrs Grenville Hal bert Gail and Larry Visltnd on the weéend with Mr and Mrs Howard Constable of Hunts ville Mr and Mrs Allan Smith of Ottawa and Robert Smith of Barrie were holiday guests of Mn Leeson Mr and Mrs Jim MacDonald and family of Toronto spent Monday with Mrs Russell Rowe Congratulations to Lloyd West who was declared grand champ ton livestock showman at the Barrie Junior lair mr sympathy goes to the totally and friends at Mrs John Boyce who died in Newmarket hospital Sunday BRAZIL TOPIC Mrs Douglas Stewart was hos tess tor the UCW in the Sunday school room Wednesday Mrs Grenville Helbert was in the chair Mrs Russell Rowe and MrsW Rowe had the wor ship period Mrs Lloyd Coborn gave splendid Thanksgiving mrssege quorts showed the UCW were very surcosrlui at Cookstown fair Mrs Rowe reviewed the study book and gave an interesting talk no Brasil Mrs Grenville Halbcrt read an article on saying grace at meals Rev Mr Jackson pro manned the benediction Alter naonteawosservedbythehoa toss and oonnnittee IVY By MRS WILMER WILSON its so aloe to once again have store in the village The local store opened its doors Oct Best wishes go to Mr and Mrs Shewell the new store keepers Mr and Mrs Howard Major Tomato spent Stutday with Mr and Mrs James McDermott Mr and Mrs Bert Malena are spending month with their daughter and soninvlaw Mr and Mrs Roger Bough on Miss Ella McLean iloron spent the weekend with friends here The trophies won by ivya three baseball teams are on dis play at the local store ivy may be small but it has some very good ball players Lets hope they do as well in hockey Mr and Mrs Kenneth Suth erland andGary spent the week end with the latters mother Mrs George Wilson Mrs Earl leons spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Jack Hirons Scarborough Miss Dunnill spent the weekend with friends in Men lord Mrs James McDenrnott spent Thursday with friends in Toronto Congratulations to Brian and Ann Banting on the arrival of son Oct Congratulations to Shirley Dix on Thornton and Carl Banting who were married Oct Bruce McVanel is borne from hospital Mr and Mrs Murray McVan ell and family Miss Marion Mc Vanel and Mr and Mrs Keith McVanel Toronto spent the weekend with iriends here Mr and Mrs Jenactt spent the weekend with their daughter Mrs Frank Fhair Port Credit Miss Eleanor Carrathers Or illia spentSunday with her par ents Mr and Mrs Lorne Car ruthers Mr and Mrs Jack Hirons and lamily Scarborough spent Mon day with Mrs Earl Hirons and Mr and Mrs Jack Ellis Utopia T0 PACK BOXES Ivy WMS met at the home Mrs John Hammondwith nine members and three visitors Church calendars are being sold by members box will be placedin church Oct 25 or canned meek ior Evangel Hall and winter clothing may he leit at Mrs George Carrutherss Mrs Gordon Cochrane gave report at the sectional meet ing atAllistaa Mrs Coch rano had charge at study FOR jcookme fat WATER HEATING APPLIANCES For Details Cali BAltltlE tit The lint meeting at Strict Church Junior Auxiliary had in pruent Mrs William Newton was appointed leader with the following assistants Mrs Elwood Jennctt Mn fllomu ice and Mrs William Parr Mrs Elwood Jennett read the Bible and pray era for missionaries IndJA prayers followed Mrs Hewton introduced the study book New Flags Flying Three children were dressed in msturnos to re present the United Nations and discussion followed The project of making plastic Chrtstmas wreaths followed Games and benediction brought the meeting to close Next meeting will be the electionof otiicerlior BEETON runs warour Mr and Mrs Joe lrwin Bam ilton spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Sidney Kearns Mr and Mrs Lloyd Lilly Tor onto visited at the home of Mrs WJ McCaguo and Mr and Mrs ElwoodMcCague and at tended the fair Mrs Mde and Miss Anna hicDerrnolt are patients in Stevenson Memorial Homital Alliston Mr and Mrs Nell McCullough Toronto visited Mr and Mrs llsh and Mr and Mrs ouch Sunday Mrs Jamu Jardine and Mr and Mrs Ed Currie of Coiling wood Mr and Mrs Earl Bow en andEd Appleton Toronto were guests ot Mr and Mrs James Watson Wednesday Visitors to Beetlon air includ ed Misses what and Lea Emd on Schorrberg Mrs Douglas Boyd Toronto Donald Smith and Edward Dames Melton Mrs MoOirdy Alcona Beach Mr and Mrs Wright attended thrvest Thanksgiving service at St Peters Anglican Church west Essa Oct Morgan Reynolds Hamilton spent the weekend with his par ents Mr and Mrs lrwin Rey nolds of iectnnseth Mr and Mr and Mrs John Watson Toronto the week end with Mr Mrs Wilfred Watson Mr and Mrs Verner Bol ton visited Mr and Mrs Mile ton Reynolds and Mrs Wiggins Wednesday Mr and Mrs Baker Barrie spent the past week at the home oi Mr and Mrs Tails Mr and Mrs Charles McCor mack Toronto spent Wednesday with Mrs Heuchan Mr and Mrs Reg Barton and Mr and Mrs Ross Armstrong returned home Saturday frprn threeweek motor trip and visit with Mr and Mrs Gilbert Baker and family of Netherhill Sask ihey retumed via the States Beeton Womens imtituto had memhm attend CookstownWi meeting Oct when rive neigh boring brandies heard Dr ives of Stayner Harry Campiin Ernie letts Bernald Weathelup Gerald Fas ver and Jim Weatheer are on twoewaek hunting trip at Hearst northern Ontario Mr and Mrs McDer mott JeanCarol and Neil spet Sunday with relatives in Tor onto Mrs Sidney Kearns is visit ing friends in Hamilton Mr and Mrs treland of Severn Bridge spent Tuesday with Mrs Wiggins Mr and Mrs Murray Porn eroy Ottawa spent the past week with Mrs Ernest Harvey and Miss Aida Robson ransamarrou presentation and euchra party in Burns school Oct honored Mr and Mrs Rite chie neaNorrna Jean Monks who were recently marrim large nmnberofrelatives neigh bors and iriends were present and on behalf of the Eurns people Mrs James Crosbie read an address andOrvilla Miller presented Mr and Mrs min with rocker electric toaster and several other beautiful on usetul giits lcironcrmi 31 has snowman Cow owned Ti murdtill tor first time Cy ril Spence in la dingo at her welfare and that at her beauti lul twin calves Congrltulationa tn Kenneth Raidon winning the third prize in the hog carcass class It Barrio ialr The Constable families may ed the hospitality of Mr and Mrs Kenneth Graham at their Billdourg farm homo Sunday The ooumon was Emily re union Mrs Don Bcstty spent last weekend in Hamilton with hot daughter Caroline nursein training HARVEST SERVICE St Peters Anglican church observed thanksgiving for the blessing of harvest Sunday Oct The church was adorned with me mils oi field and gar den large congmgotion at tended in the morning to hear Rev Peter hant rector speak 31 am the Bread Life on persons portoo nom mtutlon Rev Woolioy oi Bradfrd and Rural Dean stoke in the averting St Peters choir under direction of Miss Mary Sloan and assisted by St Pauls choir contributed two an thems social hour was cu oyed allowing the evening serv oe MIDHUBST Mldhurst Boy smut group oom mitiee met at the An glican Parish with eight monsters and Mrs micron Rug man presiding Plans were made to sell apples in the area to raise lands The Scout troop will take orders during next week and the apples will be delivered by the ouh pack and members ol the group committee Satur day Oct at Cedar View School Association will hold their meeting Tuesday Octii at 815 pmatthe shod Final plans will be made for bake sale at the GA store Market Square Friday after noon Oct to Robert DAngio oi Baxter spent Wedmday with an par ents Mr and Mrs is DAngto Mr and Mrs Ernest Gibbs and Mr and Mrs Gilbert Gibbs and iamily Braccbridgc spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Herb Palmer gt authors By ms CAMERON HONOR COUPLES large crowd gathered at the Contrriunity Hall last Friday night to honor two recently mar rled couples Mr and Mrs Allan Walma tnee Agnes Campbell and Mr and Mrs JohnDaniels nee Hazel Campbell Follow ing few games of euchrethe two couples were seated at the trunk of the hall Miss Phyllis Campbell read an address at good wishes to Agnes and Allan and they were presented with card table set and entice table with matching end tables iron the community Hazel and John were given miscellaneous sho wer atta an address by Miss Edna Besse and received many giits bountiiul lunch brought the evening to close Mr and Mrs Lloyd Sampson spent the previous weekend vtsi ting cousins at North Bay Misses Catherine and Anne McCuaig of Toronto and Miss Gloria Rattle oi Bowmanvillo spent the holiday weekend with their iamilles here Mr and Mrs James Camp bclliand daughters of Powassan yourttoukstflomnnas HOME uterine ctorussnitvtue tIGiitlN rustic hittitltSCOMMlSSlON um matron THURSDAY octom Congratulations to Iir and Iirs Barry Bmokfl the birth oi son Oct it lint grandson guru sod Mrs Camp stiri and FIrsgher an amlly spent the rreekmd with Mr and Mrs Cameron Sunday visitors at Mk and Mn James Calderon were Mr and Mrs Mdcrson Harvey and Elaine Ind Alan Walker of Goldwater and Fell oi Orlllis The Mchalg families were guests at the wedding of their cousin honrd Duckworth and Miss Carol Quinn in Barrie on Friday evening ntInbcr of local men spent tiny at the intemltional Plow ing Match at Peterbomtgh last week The opening dance tor the winter season at the Community Hall was vcry well attended csrlosd of ladies Attended the ihankotierlng meeting at Oro Station last Wednesday eve ning and heard an inspiring ad dress by Mrs McDonald ol Orilila and solo by Mrs tolstrom of 0m The tunior dioir of Guthrie tnovldcd special music at the anniversary service at Oro Sta tion Sunday Mr and Mrs Ross Cameron have moved into their newhoma on Lay Street in Barrie Mrs Rose Miss Jessie Gil christ Mrs Robson and son William all ofAToronto visited llira Norman Campbell last Friday Mr and Mrs Campbell and farnlly visited Mr and airs Jack Hurl in Orillln Sun HY ARGYLE 0R0 By MRS BARTHDLDMEW Mr and Mrs Anderson and family Oekvillo Mr and Mrs John Coyaa and family Guelph visited Mr and Mrs Grap man over the weekend Miss Carol Jacobs Barrie Home Economist visited Argyle trH Homemaking club Thursday night at Mrs Jhapmans Mr and Mr Roy Austin and sons spent the weekend at Maple Lake Misses Marlene and Sharon Miller Jamu Laytar all of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Robert Miller Some of the neighbors attend ed the GraySmith wedding at Hawkastoae United Church Sat urday Mr and Mrs icon Vaiencourt Welland visited Mr and Mrs Viuor OBrien over the weekend Mr and Mrs Eric OBrien spent the weekend in Thronto Paul Bush visited his parents Mr and Mrs Ken Bush in Par ry Sound on the weekend Master Michael McConnell spent the weekend in Grillia with his mother Mr and Mrs James OBrien visited Mr and Mrs Percy Wil son at Sparrow Lake for Thanks giving Mr and Mrs Lloyd Barthol omew Brian and Judy Mr and Mrs Wayne Slessor and Mark of Grillia and Mrs Laura Roe were guests at Mr and Mrs Roe tor ihanks giving Sunday Mr and Mrs Lloyd Barthollt omew Judy and Brian visited Mr and Mrs Cline Rawn Stay lJEl Mr and Mrs Elmer Shela well spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Vincent Gaspar of Fredonia New York and visited ves in Dunkirk NY and rstead Sor to report Mrs Frank McDonnell is in hospital speedy recovery is wished her Mr and Mrs William Bell and family Willowdale visited Mr and Mrs Norman Roe on the weekend turkey supper will be held at Hawkestone United Church sponsored by 101 sot Oct 217 BONDiilJiD Edward Stewart has 2d position in Montreal Whit for there last neck Mr and Mrs Edward Gil more and family spent the week we we It Beilnvilie Commutation to Mr and Mrs Harry PM on the birth of anteater Mr and Mrs William Rey nolds attended the wedding of Robert Meyer at Dtmvills Satuny Mrs Neish Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs Reynolds and they visited triads in Dur ham Sunday Aivrn Weddell ot Halleybury wu home for the holiday Misc Edith Morris and Ruth Meredith Toronto and Mr It Mrs Harold Bertram 0m Station spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Alvin Srnitb Sympathy is extended litri Keith Reynolds in the death or ill father Garnet 59$ of see Mr and Mrs Hermit vcy spent the weekend at th cottage at Parry Sotiod audit Emmi it lt head wedding Sahadsy KNOCK MRS roar Rem visitors to the maids last neck were Jogm mac Don and Margaret Cochi rane Ehner Hunte and Bow man Ailao Mrs Leblaw Mrs Little and Atterley all of Aurou visited Mr andMrs Bowman Allen last week Verne Wite spent ihanks ing weekend with Mr and it rs Cochrane and family Congratulation to Margaret Sturges and Don Fountain on their recent marriage Don and Lois Slrannon he leltonathreedweektrlptow era Canada Milo aï¬ubbert hdaa returnï¬ rne er spco ing sever days in Barrie hospital arm and Velma Wine spurt Thanksgiving holiday at the Spearin cottage north of Hun ville On Wednesday to tea brats both their marriages years ago they will go on motor trip around Lake ï¬le with Velma and Eddie Gibbons CONGRATULATIONS On October 17 Mrs bdrhafl will celebrate her 96th birthdgy The oorrunuaity is indeed proud of this grandlold lady who aI part from iadlng eyesight uni Joys accelleat health She does allher own housework and still entoys getthrg meals ready for her boys Many happy ro turns Mrs Locldtart RUGBY By MRS JOHNSTON lhose attending the ploughing match in Peterborough from this district were Don tthAod Mel mam Mr and Mrs Jhn haagman Wilt Johnston Mr and Mrs Berna Johnston and Mr and Mrs Albert Horne Herb and Tyson Langman are on motor trip to the western provmnes Mr and Mrs Jim Laughtan were in Myrtle station on oi weekend atlendhig the Zihwed rung anniversary of their corn sins Mr and Mrs Albert Eyera Mr and Mrslilom mus Mr and Mrs Torn Surgenor Toronto and Mrs Robert Pain law Orillia were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Clarke Horne Mr and Mrs Ed Robinmmliit abet Square called on the Hon neg FINN CHURCH Anniversary services will bd held in Ebson Presbyterian diorch Oct to at it amand 730 pm Guest preadier Rev Rn Adams Barrie W2 music by likierivala quartet and the Stone sisters cordial in vitation is extendedit alL Armrsnrodrssneuron Offers FREE Pan Ready Servicq with FRESH Fish Purchase New srncrenrv Mackerel Sea Herring Smoked Fillets Finds dock Sole Floundus Cod Halibut Fresh Red ring Salmon Rainbow Trout mo Shrimps Pickerel Smoked Eels Herring Fianna Chm Haddie Dover Sole to rtrrtortarssurr FRESH OYSTERS in The Shell nsu units Take OutService ITS ran HALiBUT annaarian THAT MAKE OUR FISH TASTE BETTER ravvotin osttctous ovsrna sraw l09 BRADFORD ST Frank thlndbnll Proprleior OnenMon to Salt Sunday pan tolidupm rteom or 1130 am