Dam pnmcsss cnowuro srarnrn Dairy Princess Margaret Harnny smiles as last years Dairy Princess Frances Stun Sudbury Magistrate To Assess Evident SUDBURY Gi Efï¬e Hm announce be will commit Mr Justice Maris LandreviilslostandkialonWednesday mimicipai corruption and corn Bpiracy diargcs or discharge In preliminary hearing Into the charges ogalmt Mr Justice Lahoreville anyor ol lrom January 1955 to Septem ber 1956 before he was Ip painted ioxthe Ontario Supreme QCourt was adjourned Waducs day until today altcrto day ol platinum The magistrate said outside the court be deterred his dc crion because he lime to assess thoavldtnos His decision was expected to be given at pm today mervliic pins sash on bar at Stlyncr Fair Miss Hamhiy now qualities as contestant dent Ralph Ki Farris at Van ceuvor to expedite the agree ment Two winscsscs were called by special 0mm Prosecutor Harvey hlcCullocn at Hamilton William John Powell lawn chair or nearby Copper Clili tulitisd that Copper Chit enlt Reds Lack Long NilTOfMiiitary mgASHJNGIWV Mightigni rts at To powersmllava concludcd that Russia in Mr Justice Landrcvllic is 30 charged with municipalgamp tion in the arqlusitlon shares in Northern Ontario Nat urai Gas Company for securing thc omnpanvs distribution tran chse here in July 1956 or sgning the contnact and tar Iconspirang with NONG Presi to kn proposed fleet oi Polaris mis siletiring mrfaco vessels Government sources told The Associated Press the NATO ex perts had Mached nanlmous agreement that the Soviet Union would not be able to keep track UK Party Leaders ijgnore Hecklers munch on Quintin Hoggs ntlthocull remark to hecklcr continhed to bog the limelight today and speeches by the major party leaders were nli but ignored Hugs tears in his eyes ex plained to London audience Wednesday night what he meant when he said Tuesday night it you can tell me there re fdigflercrs on tho iront cm eLabor party on gran talk about Prolumn He admitted making the state ment but attacked the Labor supportlug Daily Mirror for 911 Queen WWW CPD rQueen Elizabeth and Prints Philip lelt at midnight Wednes Vday alter twoday stay and so tar as Prince Edward is dandersare theyd ï¬e moreand longer royal vis Neariygh thousadd of waited on chilly Chariotte town dock to see thchuccns departure aboard the loyal new has dinner have ban raring an emerald gacen satin gown willie Canadian mink stole audio Marinas sunv ray diamond tiara that belonged to Queen Alexandra her great grandmother the Queen waved tn theorem and they res ¢ponded with mated cheers The departure was marred by near accident when the gangplank otthe royal yadlt shiilcd positionmomenta hclorc the Queen was to walk up it hut police pronounced the visit putting misleading headline on its report of the speech The newspapers dl in was Hogg blows his tophe makes lanlastic smear against the Labor front bench Hogs choked with emotion shouted against more hecklers and said meant that that kind of lilth should be kept out at public alfatrs The hecklcc had brought up Prolumo Thaday and Hogg 11 said his testy remark about adultery among Labor meant only that the heckier should have realized noparty has monopoly on vice to Slimmerside pm and Charlottetown success TlllBll compass ROYAL1 Winnnu vLONDON EThe Daily Mirror praisa the Quest to day for Her Mnicst good bumored remarks in Canada aboutthoaidamgiherc Was it an Old Man and He Had an Old The Quotas sci inhlalnoe Edward island that she holds the song and no make the 9mm whistling honk lng and snorting noises that arean hrlcgral partpl it darcnt do so when she wearinga tiara This surely is our oi the cidefnt in the National Dairy Queen Contest and will compete at Canadian National mm on Dr George Harcourt as slstant general manager cl the international Nickel Company oi Limited at Co Clitl said the company rea ed an agreement with NONG in May rose Range Bombers Linens Claim at 20 oper ated mimic ships maisiag at run om in almost 4000000 squ miles of the Atlantic co and Mediterranean Sea Critics oi the proposed NAN nuclear iorce have questioned whether it could survive in war situation long enough to launch its 2h7smile range Po lsris missiles at Communist targets ofï¬cials sail lehue NATO nryexrertsu est en dorsed tho forces survivabil ity alter Sinmalls study The Royal Navy has been among the critics oi the pin posed NAT forces military worth But the sources reler once to unanimous agreement on the study ï¬ndings indicated the British rqzrcscntative also upheld the forces ability to sur vsve Oflzer countries taking part in Ihc military study were the United States West Gemiany Italy Belglllm The Nether landsGreece and Turkey MIXED CREWS fleet as originally cu visaged would he manned by crews from many NATO na tions Most opposition to the plan as com 1mm Britain The NAiD fleet concept calls for constructing 75 metdrant type ships each mounting eight of the longest range Polaris sdes Departur mono and her husband arrst aLQuebcc Saturday evcr madc in publi Nutroa says in an She ought tomake more admire the Quaen for going ahead with Canadian Iour despte threats in her saletyAod everyona will her for OPP FA COiHN INQUIRY Lawyers Differ On Key Point QUEBEC or The no Wilbert Coilius two principal dclencc lawyers contradicted each another flatly Wednesday on key point as the Quebec royal mounlssloo inquiring into the Collin case rolled to close The contradiction ielt itlr Justice Roger Erossard who is to hand in report to the Que bec cabinet by Nov is saying he hopes ProvidEnce will help him distinguish the truth mm the lies in the oltencontradlc tory testimony at some 220 wri nesses since Feb 20 lranmis Gravel 39 testlilcd that both Raymond Buddy blohcr Collins other main do lance lawyer decade ago and Makers secretary ican Guy Hamel told hhn thry had splr lied rifle away from Coilins camp in the Gsspe late Aug 27 1953 and disposed or it But Mr Muller it and Mr Hamel so now house painter denied this Mr iilaher earlier had testi iicd he went to the camp that night and tookaway pack age He saldtha package neither contained riflenor Willing incriminatmg tn Coi Stippdrt NORTHBAY CBThe One tario Federation of Labor wound up its mreeday annual meeting Wednesday with trash call ior trade union sup port of the New Democratic Party Bill Joyce an auto worker tram Oakvilic said too many union members are giving mere lip service to use NDPlhey should be out working to elect party candidates But Ihars was criticism oi the labor backed party as well Roy Stewart of Milton member at the Machinists union said the NDP is not re turning lhe support it gets lrom labor and this was major rea son ior tahors declining inter est in the party He criticized Ihs staging at an NDP convention at Torontos Royal York Hoteisccne at bitter strike two years ago and told oi an NDP seminar at which one of the topics was Why do unions discriminate against working wives Another delegate complained that thoND played down its labor connections during the On tario byelection campaign last month in Toronto Rivcrdale morning and fly to tillawa lath in but he rcluscd to say what was in it Police witnesses told the com mlssion that Sgt Henri Doyon oi the Quebec Provincial Police was told by Collin early Aug 21 that thc rifle was at the camp But there has been con tlicting lcstlmnnyabout why it took police 22 hours to gel to the camp is limlnute drive away from the Gaspe QFP Past OTTAWA CPiA giant mon itor has been built by the radia tion protection division oi the lsderal health department to obtain quick readings of the amount of radioactive mate rials in the bodies at Canadians The monitor known as whole body counter is at the divisions new twostnny lab oratory in south Ottawa oili cially opened Wodnrsday ks won hyNDP candidate James Ranwlck He ssidhe was toldnthat the party did not wish to alienate antilabor voters of the riding Lake criticized the fact that Donald MacDonald Ontario leader of the NDF was not in troduced In the 1000 delegates and guests at Mondays opening session at the convention it was most unfortunate Sunday Most of today will be spentkon the Britannia in the Gulf of St iawrence out of sight of land calling him dua north towards Gaspe ycr escorts bolne Niptgon st Laurent and gt HYukon light mods and shine were forecast tor bodys voyage QA ï¬reï¬ght aat ueans was pmooud Gaelicmt the state banquet Wednesday night Four fromthe Canadian Guards irncot played Munich At the ball this lolhlwod 15 Queen Pllnca Phil andgilso nth coupler inost ollhe in evening divs is Why not aing thesnng anyway And blow theitiar waltzos and REAU Doc Antes of Kirkland be LOVE mamas mars wmoow XMNNAH iAPllovo was flattering cxpcrienoc ior llyoarold William Blu Her The Mil knocked out glare gag Wednes 31 ï¬nd ï¬lm burglar alarm in drug store Police arrived and flu youth explained he was only attempting to escape from hisinlywold Igirl iï¬rieodd umped so an strum the window when she tried to kiss me the em barrassed boy said Giant Monitor Measures Radioactivity In Humans Human beings always have had ccrtaln amount of radio nctive materials in their bodies However fallout irom nuclear bomb tests is inncasing this amount slightly and it is oi lundamcntal importance to de tcrminc this quantity Radiation workers also occa sionally inhale or ingest radio active mntcrlals asa result at accidental contamination of air lood or water inzsomc cases is namesy lo dclermios hgiwimrohhas mum iau guide lotmedical treatment First oi lis kind in Canada the monitor consists of two large rooms with steel walls eight inches thick to reduce background radiation that oc curs naturally Eafh room is large enough to hod cot on whim an individual llea while his radioactivity is being mean tired Dr Peter Bird director ol the division said Wednesday it will several months before tests are completed and proper guidelines are determined ior tests on humans Alter this one of the first projects will be the determina tion of cesium131 levels in his AidedBanlrs OTTAWA PlJustice Mio Favacau was told he should radio his cabinet post Wednesday during an angry Conumns deimic tint saw him and the the oi Hal Boob former head of the Seaiams international Union at Canada Elk Nielsen Mr invreau denied led crnl government snails shady deal to help Mr Banks escape Canadian histlce tic raid the government pros ccuwd Mr Banks with deter mination had quest tor batl and had argued ball was granted it round be set at $50 skbmgh Crown cotlnscl not warn Mr Justice Trcmhiay that conspiracy charm are not oovcrod by Caradas extradi tion treaty with the United States the judge know this and Extradition was usually not dis cluscd dinlug hail applica tlhn Mr Favrcan added RED CANADA The molar union boss tired ulsw president by the gum locatme maritime union awfllng abs caring tor htsonnvlction onliio conspir hcy marge He had been re ionsed no $5000va Ind faced liveyear Jail telm The Banks que flared again last geek lollowing hiaabodiswcov Em ï¬ght it Brooklyn NY mam er his call lot speanl inoinry into Mr Basics flight from Canada Deban on the estimates and Finance Nasser Holds Tshombe Under House Arrest vCAliiO AWPresident Ga mai Abdel Nasser and Premier Moiss Tshombc stood fast to day with Nasser still holding Tshombc hostage and Tshom bas policc blocking oil the Egyp an Embassy in Leopold villa Tshombe tha Congos pro micr was spending his third day under houss arrest in the Aruba Palace just oumide Cairo Nasser had ordered him held thorn tnprcveot his attend ing the conference at non government Hailed or MarcC ll Canadabi OSITION TEL TOQUI PCs Charge Govt To Leave Canada did Mr Nielsens mm nut Mr Nielsen charged glint Banksfa dialed to leave the noun Mcmmenta cutting and Whinin llmui or otherwise months ï¬lms Maids might mean manhuntbackhand would wmchnlu out thcway bein rattan bar and newspaper dmica lb mammograms Liberal backbencbers from Montreal have close cameo isms wilh Mr Banks and tile He said there were other ru mors aboutSiUoontribulionsto Liberal oleclionicsmpaign tunds and backed Mr Dictap hallcrs call In Crisis ShadoWs UN Meet grams or Humbug ol an amp angs ï¬verNtbe sdgfediglcd mcctlirsg 16 raised mp Otdcials hue aims the meet tlves of to countries to exchange technical inlormatlon on United Nations pcacdreeping opera lng will not touch onany polit ical issue Thianeans for tm smog peac eemzmlsslons bbdlsmssed Olï¬clxliy twat statodthst the UNs contouring hnanciai crisis will have no bearing the meeting among represents tivrs of all countries cxnepttho major powers which have con tributed to UN peacekeeping opcratlons Unollicialiy it was conceded that discussion oi methods to improve these operations might be dulled by lhaprospec of the UN neverhelugabls them leVI ihoughtlle UNvSecunty Coun aiigncd nations Egyptian or lccted visito groups and police keptout all