immow Ruffle Your Feathers 75 12 wig eat gs it s5 egg Eli 852$ 31 3E 55 it as 155823 Arson xi was THE moms BANQUET lvtembers otthe oosnmltiee in charge of arrangements for Itneettheteachere banquet held by Barrie Public School Board Thursday in the Con tlneotal inn are from to right David Mockmot board member Mrs Rory ODonai convene and board member Angre McKay neoerlntendmt Mpubltc aelroola hire item Steel School Study Educational PIOgram To VRehabilitate Elderly For ll years the problems of the aged have been the locus of project ol the woumem bcr National maul of Jewish Womur it began as simple plan to have council members organ ize social clubs for people over so Today there are 16 such duds But in addition to serving aged personally the council is promoting an educational pro gram to help turn out more specialists in the problem at old people Sinee toss the groin has given 21 fellowship for the study oi social and medical care for the aging Last year it provided money for two we cial courses in the rehabilita tiï¬oi the elderly new aspect oi the whole program that is still in the ping stage Is the organiza 31 oi placement bureaus to firth jobs paid or volunteer work ior older peopre who want them Julia Schulz of Toronto neo ulan secretary of Breeounsil lit her organization is taking cueltrom pilot placement Inng tried in US city by research group It planed 1M0 persons in community vice work field in which ere is chronic shortage oi personnel I0ur society puts people on the shelf iur really no good reason Mrs Schulz said We mitt set them back We to ur atforrl to lose all their skills slid lite exp and let em deteriora ha councils first recreation was tormed in 1950 Stafied by council membes 15 non danontiraslonal era ps now in operation are in ed mainlylto otter enter tarnment once or twice week council booklet that gives whgestions on how to uize lclub emphasises that the dill members has encouraged to do whattbey want and not merely have things done for them Some clrbs now have gone beyond their original idea oi simply providing recreation however Recreation ls line or group of people bu is not whole answer sard Mrs Schulz The older people are as much individuals as anyone else We havato have diversi lied plans Toronto is planning to diver sity by adding series of courses for example cooking or writing armchair travel and irelpothers projects There is different philoso phyhehind this program It ot ters more than lriendly hour or soa Week For instance many older people have had in terestlog lives It for nuthi eiaexlhey might learn to write it down or their grandchildren The making is basal on cooking for two good nutrition on small budget When It was suggested had the looting iiratithesa wamaa have ranked all their lives and wouldnt be interested We had trial day last pringlrowever andwe couldn ck them into the kl ren As the first clubs were being started it became apparent that in Canada there was little organized knowledgeor experi anon on which volunteers and professional social workers could draw Mrs Schulz said the council decided to try touget at the roots of the problem and the idea of fellowships in gerontol ogytha study ofagrn born has fellowships were offereld to so Wéenlor penpe in schools of social work in hospitals with geriatric services and in government public health departments The 21 persons ram 10 cities whoreneived fellowships want to the United States Britain and Europe to observe and dis ruse techniques and develop mentawhlch could be adapted tor use in their own lielda in Canada Some oi the fellows guided by experience since their re turn suggested still another idea They said there are not enough people trained to work with the elderly and added that the field otphySical rehabilita llon would be good place to start tension departments oi the Uni versity of Manitobahnd Mo Master University funds to es tnbllsh special short courses for nurses and therapists who do most ol their work with the Bled Barrie Resident Marks 85lhYear One of Barriea olderressid onls Mrs Wendell Graham at Coltier Street was pleasantly surprised by friends and neigh horaon thooccasion at her 35th birthday For the occasion decorated ealra wasmade by long stand ing triend of the ianrlly Mrs Raineywho this year will celebrate her Both birthday The celebrant was the recipi ent of many lovely cards and gifts Some of the friends andneigh bors whocalled to offer con mtulationa were Mr and Mrs Robert Graham Toronto Anna Ross Mrs Partridge Mrs Robertson Mrs Leduc Mr and Mrs Fred Rowe Mrs Rainey Mrs Drake Mrs McKinnon Mrs Graham although un able to be too active still takes keen interest in world and local ellairs we mosses The council then gave thsiex and tug They imitate sounds ars pedunhablsJtsas andli were you ld forget all about EFAIB boy friend is 17 We the other night and be his fathers new Ford just got my drl license and was real excited about Insde it hed lat me take the wheel and he said 0K The car teamed on faa Chevroletand wasnt occur tamed to Ford Dont ask me an location thisyear was Delawana lnn Honey liar hour which proved to be pen studiedt Doon Mexico Maine Buffalo and Montreal She is currently an the nifty slat ior Guelph sehoola an teaches wwkhmatn Bomber Valley Art Club and at Guelph University recreation course The aunts were most enthus laslic Bhout their lard felt that they gained agent deal well as havinghnda very happy weekend The ideal aettipg rot Delnwasrn Inn which its manywindows andthe eo other sheltered spits in of the partiurlarly bad wen rue mam national silver shuws hm hibited the Matthiaslb Tumm HL stayed Saturday night and left Sundaynnmlng itVnsryonewhocan Maharashtraqu as Framed WousuPAerl ADDER IRRITATION II II many woman common If Inna henna Wham ru saunas my gm earned auraae Mlllllflflfll 341 TTFIRSI lllldll SEAMLESS ten RéiETLCgu byl ADJUSTABLE Thyoywenllultlong Ifhslossacllenelr so lnowurowu and nasal PLAZA