Eli Titian titan ic wins Publisher noxniv ocroess if in Unified if Wilson mopsuh lb race Queens Visit Welcomed On Historical Occasion today Queen Elisabeth and Prince Phi will be aylng longed ticlpated via its Cane and all Canad ians worthy of the name extend hearty welcome This royal visit is one of historical ag iilficance in that it will honor the ga erlng of the Fathers of Confederation at Charlottetown Prince Edward island one hundred years ago Tomorrow aft ernoon Her Majesty will formally open the new Memorial Building and unve plaque commemorating the great event It was at Charlottetown that the re lect of confederation of the Br tlsh North American rovinces took shape it was there the ending public men of the provinces discussed union and this igrgffrence resulted in confederation lri Included in the brief tour will be visit to Quebec City where the Queen will attend aceremony markin the 50th anniversary of the Royal 22nd egiment of which she is colonellnclrief In the capital of Quebec she will also address the Legislature and ï¬nally will visit 0t tawa for two days in view of some recent unpleasant hap penings the most stringent safety prelt cautions are being undertaken Five years ago the Queen rode through the streets of Quebec in an open convertible to the hearty cheers of he multitudes However there are lunatics and dement ed malcontenta at large in some places these days and we must be sure that Beginnlnï¬ DOWN MEMORY LANE 40 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Oct 1924 Best eVer held in Simcoe County was ac claimed ot Barrie Agricultural Societys fall fair Grandstand show featured acrobats aerial artists Comedians danclt ers and Barrie Collegiate Cadet Band Much attention given to showinghol sil ver hlackdoxesvand other fur caring anilnalsraised by local by ed iossllvngy hardso Mchnne of SepL30 Police rder fortune tellersout of charges of pickpoclreting tives arranged raliyin Collingwoed to hear Rt Hon ArthurMeighen Mayor John Craig and Youngrepresented Barrie at Highway Association meeting athome of Thomas ERossMP Oro Townsh Resolution called for warning lights Barrieorillia also gravel pedest an we at sides George Hendrde Stayner elected dlr tor North Slmcoe United Farmers Dr and Mrs Brereton accompanied by Mr nd Mrs lbw Black of To ronto returned fromilï¬tl mile otor trip through Northern Ontario Michigan and Ohio Walter Sarjeant president Temperance League reported shape for coming pro rbitio yet but warned againstindif ferenc First pipe or an made at Warr Organ Company arrie was 0MBUDSMA EOR ANADA Ghatham Daii Nebst Th experience of the Sea countries seem to have iris Ireda spread idea Vthat justice might be welll serv by setting upof ombudsman flu try llrisc nkyh many asit an landscape is With unnecessary and expensi and rganizations whose app ntment washeraldedas aswiit cited to produce benefitscommensur ate with their cost Now we are assured that in New zeall The Barrie Examiner ocean $4552 it sheared ind for at Dally sunsy and statutory mum wanes mains were meow flanfl nussue Marmeow Mnsuglng ecu ypawns mi Advertising Manager Munch seeairplane rueasaer WNNILLYDireIlItIoia laminarr rindto by Harrier no ur co mail in Dhl stay strewn nï¬ir° row in men ear odeid Cut Is an unit Mantras simmer run is acidity entitled In the when on atohu In this ollll or The Acne iteu Press or roeel we published therein For urchins Want Ads Teleph noninunrber to call for In TA Izaal Mil circulation My lithium ho rds commissions and officials nswertov olrr problems but which have notoriously parts it cernedwlth them power in the ombudsmaninns none can at near Her Maleat For Canada is most Music and Std situation which must be cleaned up But Le Soleil of Quebec comments Considering the facts that are now pub lic about precautions for the Queens safety one must conclude that the autb orIties believe every Quebecer is an arm edterrorlst just itching for thechance to flin bomb at the royal car in which ville wt make her rare appearances in the streets of Quebec City and on the way to the airport The Quebec pee in feel coliectlvel humiliated by the st tude of the autho ties They are morally certain that all this deployment of forces is useless and blown out of all proportion because of its presence of few hotheads Decl sinus of this kind will not help to resolve misunderstandings or to reinforce Qan adlan unity Just the some neither the Cahadiaa Government or Quebec authorities can dare take the htest chance But it was im ortant to anode and to Quebec that th visit not be cancelled it would be very damagin if this nation has to say that it is rule by cowardice and sep aratist hooliganism The importance and meaning of constitutional monarchy must be understood as an institution rather than as an individual While only small part of Canada will be able to see Her Majesty and Prince Philip in person there will be good tele vision coverage Let ua welcome them royally lauded for tonal quality and responsive action by newspaper critics at Belle ville where it was installed in Belle Theatre Harry McGuire PT direo tor of Hamilton addressed Barrie Ki wanis Club and advocated walking for health Rev Beverley won clos QUEEN AND PRINCE PHILIP IN INFORMAL POSE OTTAWA REPORT AntiSocialization Hits Political Stage LONDON democratic wave of antlsoclalization is let ping round the British political stage Britons generally are react ing to the clash of the election battlawltii yawn The short tier of Parliament on Sept 25 iairipaign with the dlssolu lyAlRfle NICHOLSON wageeamer must pay higher liaxes And angaulnwliï¬tlgn ay are so an they act so dIalncebtive why strive to earn men If the gov ernment will talra the bulk of that more lwey frosn you namesnun risnvrrmn Among the public debate over national issues the election in ing tournament at Barrie Tennis Club Indvoliingamerezodeyelater Britain in hours remarkably Barrie lawn bowlers skipped by Pete nrdh Clarlrvancl Charlleiliee flrophyfrom Aliandale Victor Knight and Worldriinown hoiidd Chorus prese Methodist Church pitol Theatre feature movie of as Unguarded Women starringBebe Danels Dirt and Mary Asto ï¬xed to 28c gallon Appointments eil Yellowlees expert planet tuner may be arranged through Keenanls music store DrAifred Holly Dyer is opening dental officeintown on nksskippcd Walker elsh at at Centre on Oct isia much shorter lnci of oretha 1600 dates hritaln is being oldrtater enom US and the igrowlng opinion iahldnifhia on so WM hinatJhe Gear Urry met with painfulacd dent at ttle Lake ania Reginald Godden accompanied ingers Mrs OgdenV Mrs Parlr Mrs Walker and ZMlss3Dora Knight Grain traffic from West isheavy on landale CNB divrsi in days OTHER muons day after vbmlonslnt enriched far mer Bruntod The belief that it ex enre diftlcuIt in New Zesiend for an ordinary citizen secure redress where government partment has exceeded its legitimate rights has we are assured ublic consciousness slrrcethe introduc tron of theNew Zealand ombudsman less than two years ago The institution of the ombudsman is copied from Scandinavia 0n payment of small fee any citizen may commissio the ombudsmiuto inyestigatie gri ance rnvolvlng the governm ntadminlstr Sir Guy owles theNe Zealari orts onlytn Parlia has toun that comparative small percentage of grievances are jus tied The departments concerned he re acted promptly torecttfythes The ombudsman it should be emp sizedhaa power to investi ate only offi iai acts and decisions no officials con There is nodpunittvé etion rit itself solvesjrr mg if etweerr nations is great enough they 11 fight each other Withsticks stones if nothingelse is available Toen sure peace some poiiticah concord must be found iIiatmakes nuclear weapons trivial rathervthan cru a1 factor in receded in out vement here be room outmoded Van effectlv champion of the worke policies haveno olrang left toward up Wte liar worke killed MP on the nowdlscredltcd concept of the total welfare state other tvorkers now agree there was andstlll is duty protect the needy there is no tax wage earners welfareservices for its are not inneed with 44 per cent oblirllish faniiliee how rich enough to yawn the homes in which they live there is naturally groove trig disenchantment with tJI lowgrade unlvertallIy which blue collar welfare state brings with only muses menand womenor less vlhan oneand halfper met the labor Vforcewithout jobs Elbe newly prosperous workers helieve they can spend their re rd earnings on their own re lremcnt more appropriately anclvil rvanla caln dofor 31 hdlhe ustlngs shim revut highligth by these two cur rents ii newthoufhtuwbleb par perha too far The other that time has tork einment to restrict 1y recentlydeteoted anew wave of small conservative hasiswuna any ï¬n lh eecton comforub deserved credit urioiis rope KVP And he ound it had some directors of prominence One nfihem was llon Leslie Frost another Beverley Matthews lawyer and partyblg prominence PC min Whlcli Drovtded good enough explanation MORE ATTENTION By having the premier tog stead of KVP make the an the government some lhdirect it up aIaLr=Tiiouciir veo thou art Lord thoir liart rude hodvtois the henna oi heavens with all their artby and all things III therein ms 11110th inward and tho preservest then all venwon our loving heavenly Father la the almighty God Creatorof earth moodtroilt rovld lup out and Tme ever did call on the hot some besale would answer it which amid suit In it bohInfl ii 11 whistle atop torn revived in Canada uplonags lalhAstyle of glamourous trains of old rum DAY OUT The flrat day out from Warh lngton Barrya men discovers ed we had beautiful spy aboard engaged In political se botag for the Damooratr She is distributing er clandestine my street called Wh Stop containing bad newa about harry Sh waaMolra OConnor 51 and uch loo lovely slay undercover fer long She was sentenced to train just TODAY IN HISTORY Oct ll Christopher Columbus disp covered the site of£ sta Rica so your agotodsy in 1507 Columbus is be lieved to have made the dis covery hduring his fourth and last voyageto the New World On the Caribbean shore the Spaniards found the gold they sought and settlement was planned small gmup of Spaniards headed by Columbusl brother Bartholomew was alladrod by local fndians ande number of Spaniards were killed after which the Spanlards sailed farther down the coast and rejoined tbe main group The name Costa Rica was adopted by about 1540 to years after country had been paclé in lndian chief Tecumseh waskillad in fighting between American and liritlshfndlen forces in female during the War of rear Com ser la uéii Offenbach our First world War Fifty years ago today in rm German annlea on the western front took it oifcn alve positions in Ar gonne areaand along tire Mouse River ltu sai an claimed that Germans had be routed in Russian Po an Second Wfllm wi manlyfive years ago lor day in rm Washington an rough as elation And KVP wouldprob strong dumped off the dawn on damp lonely platform at Park ersburg West Virginia lrrnedout thather herr war Richard ltick chief platter of mischief for the Demgustlc Nsd abu intrepid pair folio water special to Co irrrrbiuiDIflo nrcli dodged through police liner to throw lesnf lire nex edlllon of grows window of work seen In signs Goldwater Undertaker lm loo yours to die which appeared lnmld West up meadows slona ths tralns route American campaign audiences seldoiri hackle Theywm pla cards instead This tour of the traditionally Republican mid West has brought Goldwater some of his best audiences yet but than are undercurrentbf daerinl manly fmmdollege students and names And the placards dont stop here Bar were poor enoiith already and Goldwater ispoison None of this resins to bother Goldwater nrrsum He tells the students theyve been misled by paciIistsand un llateral dlsarmershnd promlses to keep them out of the army if theyll lethipr make America He ignores once the rules of prealdentill campaigning er tabllshed after the defeat of witty Adlai Stevenson thats men seeking the top job should not try to be May He uses cnide but effective wiseoreclis produced by nounced receipt of warn ing from the German new that the Aréresralzen steamer iroquo wr passengers was to be sunk when it peeredtha ILS coast Hirs sIa signed mutual assrst anee pact with Latvia giving Russia more Baltic ably get bitmore attention than if litmerelypassed the woidltaalf Actually olcourse there was nothing rehlly wrong withdolng this the way it we done Nobddysuliered and baits can proper spealt of ex pension in th province if he wants to However ifithepmul tlce being public office and supported by the public at Ilrge should be turned into some form oisuper PR agency certain lacontents Bar an snre nd opeily not if Roberts wouldnt publicly an important NLIIIIlh nounce expansion QUIET NOW ltwas year ago EIIFII day thatwe had our geher eertion in Ontario and it was three years ago thismonth that the Conservatives ad their leadership conventlhn There has been an eliciting few years in our provincial fleld yea mler Hobarta his first adrrrl istratlon face the public time And thorehave been matters of mountain usual interest suc as the Liberal leadership nlt ventionand the bill so dis Now there should be tune for while Unless an unexpected Issue such ds 99sbouldcome out of is we should be to forge of routine ln our political affairs until the nextgeneral lectlon expected in 1901 An investment Ihrsiinicron cirrus to vet Hubert Humphrey can talk my Lyndon tie Stop no hil non writer ohmas arva from ileum was so mu If Kh RAM so much power thl Demons dont know Inertia him or plug him tun words per minute with guests isp to us Johnlsoa dcalled hips ng ravng enragqu lags stepped up his rsooaluE lads on the preal iii pl it it in it on re rem °l or fortansmrough 10le monopoly la Texas Johnsons run llmert Horatio Hï¬ phrey says he experts in sympathy vote from the ml four who have unfortunate arid rile ames Goldwaternevan falls to El Horatio into every attack Hum Kmart protest fee Lyuwa ï¬ts eotlip caress 09 liberal senator nobody ever eati lioIIIoIIn1i ï¬gohi lsllt ea in we radical either but the bruan pubUcan chara an him lsihst hmwsaa fou of Americans for Dcmocrslio Action ADA liberal anti communist group which tude planned ocommylhilln the heat of Mr election campaign means socialism is the last step before the communists United Sta We libero winniinurtm cam we gourd sins truly pro clan He Is enjoy and for tire Dmcrstle in 1580 be we onshoaatrin Winn John en 116d hi lltheWaatVira who he awols will no binds 100000 debtianitai in umoilou Men Hit Bottle MONTREAL OP WrirIc then digging Montreals new subwayhave been hitting 1ng bottle literally Foreman Eddy Escher esti mates lili crew has turned up 50 iongempty earthenware tlea while digging in the Bleilï¬l Ontario streets area Mostofithemare pale tan color about foot high cylrv drical with smlli hurle and stubby narrow necks Some fro labelled Sellers Nassau lfd mayhave unce contained gliiLZ The men havealso foundo ver rliells in theater ihey speculated that rlvlr once flowed through the spot pasts tavern and that customu era tossed empty bottles and lIrellaInto the water Romeo Mondeilo director oil the city permits department conflrrned that angel strev once flowed near there His re search also showed that about 60yers age there was anbl tablishment called lllolcerld Payeth on the spot as iin iiiiii that onntzieryoii down AL Du