TOGOOD HEALTH Thromhopltlébitis Inflammation Oi Vein mm Morass tsp Dear Dr Hollerx What about th ehitls as to cause nth sn mien or match nity treatment duration and iioothlegscanbesiiectedat the some timei Would sn scute attack oi sn thritis with tent rsture oi to have any hear on the condition lhmrthophlehltis Ls inflam mation ol the dining oi vein an ailment which can be dis abling and serious The ptiufipal tags are slung sh circu at on ury ï¬lo and much less oilenl complication imm some ser ious disease douhtthat the arthritis would have had much to do with this attack except that it perhaps restricted acti vity oi the legs Varicose veins result in con gestion which is one oi the common causes oi thmmho phlebitisand one reason why encourage their removal And of course veins wills mngested circulation will he muds more yuhterable to an tnhtry Nine out oi to cases oi throno hophichltis can be prevented it proper ste are taken good many oi em now ARE being prevented with both surgery and maternity cases early am bulation has done great deal oi good Get the patient up and moving as soon as possible in stead oi keeping him or her ly ing in bed while the circulation becomes more and more stagr pant ii patlent ia conlined to bed lag rmtton is still to be en couraged Fcet may he elevo ted and sometimes the legs are TELEVISION Channel Barrie IUflnAY Imam rs assrat stoma Hassle naut wrapped with elastic bandages especially ii varicose veins are For people on Mir eet round garters or other constriction shove the knee Inrt bit flaw shuts ura on cannot he predided exa Many cases largely dear month or lhereahouts bu tn variably some degree oi awai ting d111 tn thohlell espe person an the feet or say length at tlma in severe cases the tints may be mud longer Treatment involves rest yet still enough movement to an coursge circulation antleosgu lanLv blood thinners to nun imlsa clotting and anti in flammatory drugs Phenylbuta sons and cerian enwrna prod ucts also are eiieotve All oi these are highly specile medieatlons and mat be close iy supervised by your doctor lhromho idoltls oi course can occur both legs at once but this would he rather matter oi coincidence Dear Dr Molner Please ex plain cholecyaiitis and oholelh thlasis flte iirsl means lnlectlon in the gall bladder the second that gallstone or stones is present 1mm ulta usually go together slthoug either con dition may be present sepa rately Dear Dr ltlolner la erson born with cataie sy or es it develop later in tin What type would be most likely to have itt What it anything can he done Catalepsy is condition in which suiierer assumes some PROGRAMS Channel Toronto TUESDAY mm oo tattle Mouse cum maul xu Aquanstlta Nsslr Wastau sports Camfld Camera Mike Hammer Jack Benny Show Sea ltlni Five flclnek hillbil Crash Lending News weather Sports The Loom Hobo Mta Siltl Out Petticoat Junction Danny Kay snnw Front Page Chaitellle Cine Club cm TV News Wu er News Sports Elna at war wanasnag summon so Test Pattern gue cams es 93 mm hlnvle tLady in usa Dual Super atngo Al The World Turns Tails Secret storm nauta Dania Forest Rangers Music slop Mr and Mrs North News Weather Sports tr Oclock lillh anannnn Red River Jambore Perry Mason 1n Fantastic Atrss its Tomorrow CBC News Weather Sports Nswa pr xtloara THUNDAY Oman mo Test lattem ll Heres Garrowl 1100 Pnpayes Party sun Noondsy Report Loo Movie Trentl 14st Case 130 Super Bingo and the World Ms Take 10 Sec Slams nun Danie Woody Woodpecker Maverick News Weather spam Mr Nova Easel Serial Th Ddendfll still er cac rv Nun IVliteltlael Spark KIWI nv Mua or en Emil Channel Buffalo mason sensitised as too The Secret Storm have It To asavsr ma Oclock anew Return irons the seal News and Sport cos Evening Nasu 1T1 in spay lursss Word War Rod strenun Hour Petticoat sunstton rns Nurses News Weather Sports 1110 Show Woman in Dressing om EEEeeeege 3283828323838 10 5828 ¢=s er sinP asseéss 23 EEEEEEEE Russo lineman so The secret storm Leave It to Beaver 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individual may hold his whole body rigid or long time It Is acquired and probably is see most alien in cases oi mall13mm distuï¬tance hysteria may be an ailerrruth oi some types oi encephalitis brain Inilsrrv matiaul or even in Parkinsons disease although this is rare Treatment depends on the un deriving cause naturally ll it it lsmentai than psychiatric aid is required Congratuiatlons to Mr and Mrs Jack rtell rirsi oi son Stevenson Ms rl Hospital Alliston Also to Mr and Mrs Forbes Graham Noe Bells An neilt Strand son to in Royal Victoria Hospl Barrie Mrs Roy Graham Mrs Mooney Mrs iletsoa lire Henderso Mrs Mny Den hay and lllss trans Denney spent nsesdsy sltemoon with Mrs Lil lian Jennett Thornton speedy recovery Is wished tor Mrs Margaret Byer dent in Stevenson Manors Hospital AIIIann CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER North dealer Both sides vulnerable aroma axsm ass 00 autos an ass vmses ssoas use WAC93 QBMH EQID was one get motoring Irma Eut eootn West PI Pas aa has Opening lead iacir oi dia monds it is quite relaxing to play against opponents who never ialaenard rl the deiense Honesty may be the best policy in everyday lite but at the bridge table it Is iar irom wise to always tell the truth Lets say youre playing sir spades and West leads dis mond At iirat blush there seems to be nothing to the play oi the hand Apparently the thing to do Is draw trumps and then lead heart towards dum it West bus the ace you make the contract even though he goes right up because you can then get rid of club on the king oi hearts But it East has the ace You lo down because he takes the Irlng and his side later wins aciuh trick However there Is more to the hand than meets the eye There is possibility oi making the slam even though East has the ace oi hearts And oi course this possibility should be inves tigated After winning the een oi diamonds you lead the ng and another spade East shows out and discards the nine oi hearts What you do next depends on how well you know East it he Is the kind oi player who never ialsecards then you can he sure that the nine oi hearts is alg nai to show his partner he has the ace Once you arrive at this con clusion it becomes clear that heart lead to the lsing is losing proposition You are bound to go down if you play heart So instead oi leading heart you adopt different method of play which at the very least gives you chance to make the contract You cash the AK of clubs play trump to your hand cash the AK oidlasnonda discarding two hearts and then lead heart East wins but he is iorced to yield mi and discard and you make the contract Tomorrows Exception to the rule DAILY CROSSWOBD ACROSS clayey Brisk Entire 11 Inilrrn amount 12 come forth it ielis 18 Booth ii Wall nous 14 Stick marluau together loJIlgh LGrealr craggy hill letter 16 Dullpdn Fillloot 18 Type tamed genus shbr 19 Emphasize 2L ships kitchen 14th in debt 21 Complies 381mm of Prevari cater slalom less gari ment 23Cltllrch season 15lisiy 263tunder 23rlckly herhl 291avern SLPigpass so 88Weatwlrtd Maximo cues IIIIIIIIVAIIIIII 80310an thegunv SLhnlmllW l1le tabsto Soot Summit masher IIIIIIVAiilll new glutenMum ï¬llllwlsflll valMin Ill Fairylilre Mysl VAVAHHHlllï¬VAVA JULIET JONES DONALD DUCK THE GIANTS mii HEM ARIES WI TED TATE MSTDDFF ts ms wusrmxs Woiiitiiniiiti mmouc names WI WINE DDCIDI HE YE mmn HEP JULIE MEREATLEAETMMN on we broom worn me tlS WILL tt JA tW OM47 JUST SAY CHARGE AT and enloy Discount Pr cos Too MENS 8s STUDENTS WEAR MAIL THIS APPLICATION TODAY Mostyns mens and students wear It payments Name give the option at FREE so DAY CHARGE or montde payments to suit your budget It DUNLOP ST Address City Employment flung Credit Reiereuoes Yes would like to receive hiostyn Chargeit Account which entitles me to the option at irea today charge or month BLOrdDIE VAï¬ï¬‚fll IIHVAVA Meagan Your TWO DOLLARS FRED YOU MOBNYALLY BROKE VASE AT GRANDMAS TALIlt¢O momma WHAT WAS THAT MY PARTNER BET ME macaw Two DOLLARS NEVER SELL THAT HAT rum MERCER mu 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