meumeircminemmmua announhmunmiimunmmimmm Rapids SM Handltrlchartesltadnm nealtr htaaereBert0iu Wmovdalewiihlr2lnd um minus in and um oniii Hm is El Power sterling nlimteo visited on the Monte with hlr and hln Mu REM mm necked With liu Came and iiuiiu Will Nm Ruby mm In William Smlih lhrente Barrie with hits Margaret an mï¬ï¬dfï¬mï¬fgiï¬g tar and its ltednr Smith nu ion with iris ESutherland Thu0d Mn Mr and Mrs ioe tini and dwhï¬ Wm unity loronta with Robert 3mm MdDonaid Mr and him Ai he Roberts sinusoid in if in fld imam their Ian and asugiieninuw Sandra he at Huntsville with Mr W1 mid cm htr and Mrs itlorie Allen David and Brhara atyBelle Ni Vlblslaflhm wealth David and anon oi Belle weekend Whiter when Mr Ville with Mr and hire 5le Benlee Grimm ter Carter sympathy at the Community Mr and hlrs Edward Spind is maided to ttlr end litre toe erid tilary tau ot Toronto Tomltelve In the death of ltlr with Mrs William Spindioe Reives brother John Robert and Mrs Paul Jagos Toriui Gilmore item at thinly who with titre Johnllnunitnn5r passed aheyin llirdiitoWed Clarence Goodieltow Torah naday Sept ld Funeral acr Vwith llr and Mrs Wilhut Good vice was held Sept to at Bullies allow Funerst Home Interment Sixth urnad Mn Alvin Hartman Lino Cemetery tunlatd coumcr amour By JAY BECKER Allan Green Stetr end Selty Ferns with Mr and lllrs Nor man Baler hlr and Mrs Drl Bessinzwï¬t and amily Tor onto with Mrs William Walk er Mr and hire Milton True Elmvaie tr and Mrs John tiest and hleruret Tomato with Mrs Harry taadley Mr and Mrs Ronald Gray Barrie with Mr and Mn Elise mere nldey Mr and Mn Damon and Nancy Patnswick with Mr and titre Dou Lem men Mr and Mrs Go An drews Hamilton with ltlr and Mrs Prank Webb Allan Whe eter Tomato viili air and Mrs TELEVISION PROGRAMS Channel Bottle LChannel forento Yuma Immll alimony Inmate re too Ill19 L30 Wldl id 59°11 nun nanny and Mr ii Teens 11m Jenny ut iii Ilï¬o Hillbillies Visitors to Motown tor the Fair child were Mia Donna alliance Mute with Mr and hire Lloyd Hughes hlr and Hariord Fisher Alcoa Boast Wallace Nth lhrooto Iilh Mr and hire Hector will hlrs Ray ttaclrett and Allan Meta with Harris ltliss Marjorie Eldridge Toronto with kfldridge Mr and Mix Col ecu Prince Toronto with hire and Mrs Georle Davis ti Ind ltln Doe tarnhert and rally Scarbormuh with and hire George nldey Mrs titel Martin and Hon tense Tomato htr and Mn wLiEr Jones 10a Voylsle In the in iris manner ihl ea LMSIIUMI Ni ht Movie Lei Sill On this Lou at Summer Hancock 1000 1h Avenreie cm ainviu unit an was his student reml iiia lleiro Hull car TV New ll Aiismrtna SIM Weather News dome mu aLNunv annuities fiiimiidn in human iioo Meta Prelcntl rriiuaaai r1 isiiiicnliiuzlioum an fm mt mum benign rannanh Female mm Cartoon come Cuunttjy mud run on mi Texltdrlntunp ni it riiynonu Nmntu Winnipen out not an Well nunay Hercule riuhtm Novk Ed Sullivan Man mm UNCWI Bonlnn no Lucy stinw Torch To Tokye nis nomin cacrrv Newl net Newl gather News aperi hVIl rm and noon MONDAY mien inn rt hkntnbiddxmadeadtwlli atltldeavuhirri in doubt eliout possible sure seven elnea North might happen to have the rtnht three aces Probably the mowdiaa liit adptayers on the hen were those Souths who contracted for six spadu and went down lhla unfortunate result occurred at inveral tahles when declarer played too quldtly and lost the contract Mirthfled Deniarei won in dummy with the queen North dealer Neither sidevtilnrmbi foam gal01 Moos +LK7 ea 31 ï¬mn°w mini equoaeiee tar nntn Channel DONALD DUCK unit niorlnni annuian too Marni News Min Helen MIT OVERSTKMNED 57 5mm wmsmmmn was tun Popy Nooncny Report Movie scum game is or lupin Wurld mnii rm rniny simi Storna mule Dante Muvlo South ni at hull Nun ivuuun some Nn Time For Sel llltu Don hleuerl iuoiu Show at in Week hariler hlen Comedy Playhouse in amounti ooc wuthir Sports News is Squad DAY axmiinllt Test Pattern tThI Hard Man The Mickey 88385 08 nonpu ltooin Playtime with llnell Scth TV in Janie Enid Show Toronto Today Channel Thratrl run at we bratdebr Four at Kind Penpll in Conflict nl You More Mickey Home Club Sn Hun ouucir nuttlnee trio BIWIiGhRd All Stlr Theatre Cara wuiiinu saiw rate Chance Dr xiieu crv National News liietm Final um Weather Muml ems on Thobiddtnlr North South WM issn ar Pea Opening leadthree oi neim Thisth occurred in ana tiorial pair championship As usual pairsuplaying the same hand with several hundred there were variety oi results The most popular contract was six spades bid and made by South However several pairs arrived at seven spades which and played the 5nd of Inades East grabbed the ace and re turned heart and that was the end at that Down one of course thereiSotitlis were unlucky to run into heart hrealr and ï¬nd the ace id spades in the wmngliarid besides but even auntliey had only them selves to blame me danger heart rult was quiteapperenteithir East oerest could the had singleton arid the situation called or whatever protective measures were available The simplest way of avoiding the danger was to cash the Hi of clubs andvdisclrd twa heart rHE GIANTS AM NEST WINDID MAN ire Mg M7IQNI JaMNAMic NMD roooes MSTABIGEE 0RRIMOHER JUST SAY and on oy F==spinv 599344 CHARGEiT AT Discount Prices Too Horll airmwu aneyel iurw Noonol RoPnfl anln £11 v3 irinrt um iii an World IIntl rm niiruv Secret storm Rania Danie nublli xu nanmu rim Weather apart cinaia Camera Mlkl Hlllltnet mi aenny shew Pieirl nertoo TUEIDAY aamaiunl as em ltorntnl New aio iiiiu Helen asn Romrer Room 900 Pin line with Uncle 1be true TV ulnaa Egg tggewamw The handle dillicultvto hid mo Chill Tlteatr with certainty especially Irorn lmiiemm Souliia viewpoint II Southtor Lui roiiiunis Iiriiiii example usus Btackwvod he learns that North hastthree 300 People in Contact mnny irm Show aces While this should persuade i000 htlcke Mouse Cluh Front cnnuem su dun iuo Clara Club Tliwehlvdflclmk Matinee 00 C30 TV New Crash Landinl 1L1 Westher NM IPW 130 New weather Spam mo Clnldl at War mi in Littlest Hobo DAILYICROSSWORD Chanticleerunis Petiteiii Junction Shelton lnrununv sshiii Thevtrrlrilan 094nm ENE Holt mm digger Popn Piaynouu Spaca Anlol Pu carnivii mier Guieii Draw McGraw Minty iioun iiiinane Linus the Lionhllrted gig llallnlll fll hey minimum ur evew Basinii Game ot the writ rm Countdown ta chkodt WilliamTell was hard tomalre without the ace of trump while other pairs got to only game and not slam The perieet contract at six natrump was seldom readied MENS iii SlUDENTS WEAR MAIL TiIiS KPPLICATION TODAY lttostyns mens and students wear live the option of FREE to DAY CHARGE or monthly payments to suil your budget EsE on them after which spades could be led with sefciy The failure to do this revealed basin weakness in dunqu play Those deciarers who went down shoiildhave asked them selves at trick one What can deteat met Had they done this the answer would have been obvious 0a Moodyr Anoflier Famous Hand Yes woidd litre to receive hlostyn Chargeit Account which entitles me to the option of tree Way charge or mouth ly payments 822 Irepen 333238 Name up Midi AGROSE£2Cbi5diLt in WW LNeiitJul 28mm American mintsy LNeodie comeaim dwellnae elgnat 51qu dflï¬ifl lIJLitlt gauge mg 8W3 Channol Buffalo iiiiuuoni annamnit ii ioo eiuuiicmn email Fe lx in cut intmu pen lteetor Heltlicnta miosu xns gentile Menace rv Builwlnkil Mr Wizard NOM football rterhaclr Clnh Lloyd Thlxton Show Superman Have Gun Will Travel Flipper liir htexuo Kenturiw Jones Saturdly Nilhl Heel ttiia iailJiteni and Weather The Fall at Rome AM Report SUNDAY IEYIBMBBR I1 500 mean Chgiï¬A in Have Holey Your volumh in Milan Cathnlic Hour Faith oi tern min 71 ous NBC hm Sundlcy in oiled MN $838382 BLQNDIE reimorraon 88525888 nl Headline New Spartan Uli Round Table Jackie Gteiaon Show Gillilaris Island air Brande Gunsmo New Weather Sport Me Bedevltled IUNDAY amirmnn at Word or Lire Poneyee Pllyhousl Lamp Unto My Fm Uncle Jerrye Club Churoti Service PFHHPPF 835838 amine dusk res 111mm newline sisiiigamun sienna zninnznninz Ellllzï¬lllfl EEIIIQEIIII nave same scene 3er um FFFSmw 22832532 Sunday With chk Bil Pillill Ellilt Gilliam Century inst an Lassie Favortn Martin Sullivan lily leiltl Doll 1on Bishop Show Candid Camera wn ll 14 II an £33m allfï¬ï¬lll ll 811mm awn hawll mm aplllzglll ï¬lllflflllï¬ SO SHE CAN TALKVOU LETYING Hell 60 WHiLE SHES DRESSING ETTAS BEEN our mo MANY NtEHTS SHES STAYING HOME TH Is EVENING SHES LATE FOE THE PAWWHY DONi YOU GO sit Dune aiii our Bnflllu rrpssssrsrn 888323828 Nancy am To at non Isneiioen no Secret storm Luvali To Beaver tna zoo Show lipchi Territory New inn Sports CBSJEVIIIlnl Niwr Phil Silvers Iqueloheam lthNDAl sariemu it Capt nah Yon Beer Th Rilleinan Today nee unnuuyarin simian Father Moridly mm aiovi Ask nay Girl iiniiwdiiii is non Ne vieLn Sports in 3999 3333383 The Lucy sliow am minimince smutyr Pebnlu rim wanker Sparta Tn im Show or Kind lhl sum ruasonv Imminent The Secret Storm Leave it To newer ltva OClnck Shnw Return from the Sea New and Sport cas meritsix News gar dd may um Word War Red akotion Hour Petticoat dunetiori gigNun rtl winninsiii Dieatria smut PHONE W141i Mm ron Autumn TIME 5ivi 10 on Ali SERVlC CALL Guaranteed service to All Malice oi lV tarmac men ancoiioaua gt mansramri ANDCAII iuiuio 525 Woodpecker The Killenxen Today ital Huntleyurtnkiey New The Datectivu Mr Nuvak Men from UNCtlil 7w Hell Teleplwn um pin Tonight Show Report =h2ees ===oaquauau was cage 852 BUZZ SAwyen