Vacancy Blues Vanish When YouUse Fast Acting Rental Ads 728 2414 121112 BARR EXAMINER WAY Mm ANNOUNCEMENTS ARK EDEN NURSING HOME Built inr Ihlr Work Account datioua or bed and up patients Male and telltale good loud television Reasonable rates Cali Stroud 4361481 WANTED $874000 FOR BARRIE UNITED APPEAL Have You Givén Your Fair Share BIRTHS massmo Tamil up in Him with our only Ne let or the Inn new om mailer ll Ind wannlNds Noum or thu events era only ms am them to me Cimined COulI er or tel none Th Iann hammer mu GEMTm Enrol Elna street lnnnunca tn arrival oi tori iJohu An or at St Josepha lorplla route on Sunday September Elstonin winds roll in ma nRAnAlIIAt the Royal Vlelt tpn Rorpitl allHe up many snalember ll lost to In Mrs Pnrbel Graham an stroua mum no brother Io GRmnlN At the Raul Vlclt toril Ilorpltll on Rid rr ll loll Mn rlbblo la welllprlon st Well limit dlulhier ri if Ramp tr er RY ree auli Silvano so ember on me Ill non VieOrla Hospl to an hmtnrr Paul ond Allison Psalmum and Penn MIIIuI Pleased to announce the arrival oi their chosen inllnt Don Raymd Douglas wliifloNClalr and Mary Ion Ila wmrnrtpn st West are pmud to unotlnca the arrival or their oo Daniel Donlav the 14 on en Royal Victoria Hospi ltsl Barrie on Thunday Septam ber 17 me Specsl tnaniu to Dr Allen ENOAGEMENTS htOSSNOmlANThe mm naenl ls Innouncnd of ill Mhuh can bios oi some in Mr wnnuu Nonnu son or Mr and Mrs Norman or Blflle lrns wedding will tm plate on Saturday 0mm 10 19 at seven Loclock In St Gnosna Anglican Olulch TYSONRoan Mr and Mn 1th lohn Ty nounco comment their daughtcr Ions rtlrllo blr lam George Rom no or him vMI nrle Homdl Torvntoihe rrilge will take place Saturday tohei IVBI ill ire Oclock the Christian and Missionary gm ioznYonkh smal Tor on DEATHS ANDERSON GwendolynAt ll ROYII Victoria HDFpItII Dame on Sufidly September 10 IBM Gwen doynCox beloved who or Anderson of Lefloy Hater ui will Mm Stanley Pocock Toronto Duall Co of Part sand Acid Alfred no lcla Mrs Seliznalrl Calliomil ln her Ghth year Resflu It the Pethiek Funeral Home 177 Blyï¬eld Stine Dania Service in the chapel chA incl at pm then to Sandneld Iican lbumh or senrice at 7n and interment CARDS OF THANKS ROYAL Victnfll Hospital uxliilfle sincerely thank the publlc Ind III who cnntdbuted In IDYWIy to their recent successlul an my AnaMs her Ind Mas moon Adam wish to thank their man vlrlendl Ind klaflvea arr the love Ly unis best wishes and out sc cetved on eh occasion at their 6th anniversary COMING if EVENTS NEARLY NEW SALE Tues Wed Thurs September 29 30 Oct 9amt09pm iTRINITY PARISH HALL ZGood used clothing and miscellaneous ariicles jAusrlcRs TRINITY GUILD gusxB7IIIl9 MaltesaFlight REAI ESTATE PROPERTY FOR sale CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone mum 93 Dunlop St In land 1nd gymna nan On or non paysn will buy your parent In and 1M nettle may iuRsnA mulls wla minus Tau lossv ancuuhriu mom can PZtlmnsouw Alilaion RR No EMORY MILLER Photo hiLS Realtor I9 Collier Si 7261881 IJUST OUT OI TOWN 315900 Attractive loyearold bedroom home with attached garage paved drive On two acres oi heautilully trced land Many extras Taxes only till amid be subdivided VLA ap proved For full details call Rita Scandrett OOPPORTUNIITB An attractive popular priced home on Shanty Bay Rd gra cious living or thedlscernlng smaller familyHeld vacant or your convenience of immediate possession is this modern hun galbw with garage in A1 lore tiou tour bcdr home at Iliuets requires hal cash Estate sale of older brick home in good central location Cali Emerson Wain lior details on these 35000QUICK SALE bedroom bungalow with piece bath on lo acres of land only tit miles irom Barrie Call now Emory Miller Evenings call Rita Scandlett Emerson Swain Percy Ford Karl Marshall Emory Miller 775055 Members of Barrie and nlllrlnt Real nuts Elonrd himla Inquiries Invited FRANK NELLES PHOTO M13 REALTOR 79 AYFIELD ST 261405 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION bedrooms in quality planned lo cation Seldom can we recom mend home as highly as this lovely property Planned lor the ultimate in living comfort Every room is exceptional in size Garage paved driveway Waliviowall hroadloom luxuri mls throughout Located in an area of prestige homes For appointment to see call 7261405 7134965 7268505 W793i 739917 iMlliEDIATE POSSESSION Owner must sell or rent Price greatly reduced Drive by 193 Toronto street and call any of our salesmen or key to inspect FAMILY HOMES homes now vacant For sale or lent Witll low down payments Call any of our salesmen ior appointment to inspect EVENINGS mlc DEWSNAP bus rues ERNIE II CHUCK ColIAN TRANK NELLES mass Member or the Dane and District Real Paula hoard HAROLD AND COMPANY Photo MLS Realtors to BAYFIELD ST 72645453 WE TRADE MORTGAGE FUNDS AVAILABLE TRADE NOW Thisla the time to improve your standard oi living No problem No worryl Call any of the courteous mem bers listed below for all the de tails which could dlange your entire life You could live longer and happier EVENING can Curly Kloostarmp Gloria Kosuta Trestso lzelsos Helm 7239919 mug 7252174 mam Moot Tania 7mm 1mm mails Wllrna Dldweli Elaine inmu Adela Hayre Irena Forbel urn 50weu Street Member pupilHa ntrtlnet Real allwanna MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE AT REASONABLE RATES Ralph noise REAL ESTATE SHELSWELL PROPERTY FOR SALE nd WILLSON Photo ILLS Realtors COMPLEIE MORTGAGE SERVICE I13 DUNLOP ST 7204422 or 7264423 APPROXIMATELY ACRE Nine miles irorn Barrie Full bedtotmh NAPIHI STREET bungalow lame large barn good on land Ideal Inner Sacriï¬ce at 500 Call Daredan forhoobv pandleduvhgmdiningmmblba tdzen tion Extras include patio attached brcucway and garage lot 10m 150 Ownerwili holo mortgage with low down payout Call Deed more m7 7mm maul upward Norris Dick RIMenou 07 Turbo at RueII Amman Nunn abalnau aloha Vlth tvonlt Shelmtl on CAMPBELL Real Estate and insurance Photo 32 HIGH ST Mariam Funds Available BRADFORD STREET Oorrmercinl property earner lot esxies idea location Contact Cole CLOSE TO BARREE inrm salesmen Mrs John Lang723mm Del Cole7mm Don Campbellmm Joe Longlin limb ROGERS EVENING MacArthur 7260637 William Hamilton 7285325 RogersHMssaa PHOTO Mus REALTOR 58 WORSLEY ST Mortgage FundrAvaiiIble ALSOPROPERTIES FORRENI 7W1 PRICE REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE acres on Shanty Bay Road Has very good house with all conveniences Also born 18 aoo Dont miss Seeing this one Ralph Doalle LARGE MT 168 218 at Craighurst with store audd apartments Make oilcr Ralph lanakc OAIOIEY PARK SCHOOL EA 12 ORESWICKE COURT Many extras includinga pau etled recreation room Carries or $79 month at including taxes Be sure to see this beau Synnolt 726M mam 1mm mslal 72mm IIItoss Nana not Happy PI hlnl Iiier Morrison Marshall Photo Realtor 15 Clapperton St 7282592 MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLEvAND ARRANGED IMMEDIATE POSSEION Modernbrick home bedrooms living room kitchen and dinette $92 monthly includes taxes Rea sonable down payment $0000 FULL PRICE bed room home large living room piece baflhpli electric heat Taxes $113 AItRA Wildlime HOME close ftp schools Carport bedrooms finished recdoom out basement Farms or sale Ask or tails Wm Bill Puma blanle 72am spins ComlnlEVentlpï¬c per Word 7260241 mu loan in tiiul hrlck bungalow Cali Norm outh mun usin MLS RES 4875274 96 33 oi Value sevenroom bridr home Elghtroom stone house with bathroom and oil impact barn M70 milk noise bulk tank Rood milk contract Call spectlon or furthes lulonnaiion We have good list of terms in diodes irom Call in and talk over your needs with one at our Ihk oiiibc ior In Charles Readmm Ills Loreen Rice4312213 Dill Ram7259451 77345 Bl Bani ludjiltriet Real but Bond CONNELL PHOTO MLS REALTORS DUNLOP STREET EAST At TheFlve Points PHONE 728 5568 11 MOUNTBAIIEN RD VERY CLOSE TO CODRINGTON SCHOOL 5000 Garage attached Abedroom bungalow in highly desira ble location This spotlessly kept home is centrehall plan with big trout kitchen Basement is divided into rec room laundry room storage room and large inlit cellar Owner transferred ol iers quick possession and excellent terms CALL Mrs Norine Rngcrs moan Prod Eplett 7289793 Council 7239755 STOUTT AGENCIES LTD 10 CQLLLER ST BARRIE 7285901 Central Ontarios Largest Real Est Brokers vPhoto MLSRooltorr brainy can alrrv and this Gouldmam Alex lumen7234255 cord Spencer71853 roun nouns Houselnsulaied by dm runn water to Lilli is it by at mile west or camp Romeo village Terra Nova run price moo mp Apply Sllpdlbst mu Creemoru PRIVATE aau New three bed rnom Iplit level corner lot Mutt he been to be rcchled Ball dorinl Itnnns an mens and all luxury extras timoo moon to exktinlmuriKIIE sins per month calIla grinpr interest teele zoom MOVING TO Toron vs heuresnaynd iii pinch02mg rope Ly or trorn pram Mingle down ply ment to one open manure an lucky Telephone noeln Fred slundm Real mm Broiror in venue PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT Iwo nannoou House furnlahrd new on sumace III conveniences ï¬nale lo miIel south ol Rialrip on nuln load can monthly Tele phone Lid2N1 FARMS FOR SALE FARM on highway our mile rum Barrer Approximately loo acres clear balance born Ina pasture Good bulldlnza and water rupply apru Elm Examiner fCLASSlFIEDr ADVERTISING TELEPHONEI 72e24l4 Classiï¬ed Idvbfllaemant onuotl eel rol companion be re eeived by pan day Plecetilnl ublieatiou wth the else than or ELIulnar Dlap Idve appeal which must byVIZW pxefldifll day gt24 1W0RD hlleUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ClshnDiscnunhRItes apply if paid IE gay All per wnrd per ram or one or Three consecutiva Inluflo Vi relword per insertion total sass six consecutive insertions So fer Wold per insertion total 32 Iliditlmi charge is not paid on In seven dull Sun ect to culcellatiou when ntlslaclory muiu obtain BLIND admit BOX Realms lnlorlmtlon regarding advertisers BlindJIetIaT Box Numb as is held strictly court outlet Ropllel to LeIIeTDOxu win he held uni In any altar in da ol pub cation Adve using Inox Number will be chimed 251 srlscIAI Nonless Imum charge 175 Birth Illd Death Notice $175 Inr up to words over 75 word 52 extra ward in Remmam Nu mm in verso moi per line extl oi council mo All Phonl Inertlnmordcn In no eepted II convanlenea tozlhb ulvultury chime till Ciluillefl Aaverllrio Th xuiliv Till Bl lIIEIr advertisement lollunholy alter nm Insertion in orderthat any Emfl DI nlltllaialu ml he reported some order that same may be rectiï¬ed or the Open it bu tin Tb p°lytlthl lï¬rï¬ohm Incorrectly fluted lnuh IM advert mihhizifflii mammonument REAL ESTATE Itll mm DOIIIORWII SUN 50 TN EDIFItE W10 was TO FACE EMT niche MORTGAGES NEW LOCATION MILLER Mortgage lnvestmenls 23 Owen Street Isi Or 2nd Morigageloans on City or Rural Property IMMEDIATE CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE Telephone 728 960 ha IMMEDIATE lst and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anwyhere ON ALL HOMEPAITMSAND couuuncw TROPDITIE Rates as low ns IF YOU NEED MONEY To consolidate dents oil exlsllna mortngea omitre coming on can in rovamenta Any wor willie cause Write or Phone 7W1 Mprtgage Funding pvt Sim sunSears as am aréierrmmm WANT MORTGAGE First or Second at low simple lnierest up to 30 oi your prop arty value Low monthly pay ments up to tilteen years in Ta pay For any mortgage problems see COREY Real Estale 93 Dunlop St m2 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES essentialist1p not hurt at downtown Dan In to limb Iltinu mo monthly inclu equipment Ideal rol couple with restaurant ex eriente Telephone samu lunsIlur mom INSURANCE MOVING Dont forget to transier your INSURANCE and it you need extra coverage of any kind SEE STEVENSONS ll Dunlap St East 7151301 MOVERS MOVING For acumpieio moving service saier and easier call COOKE CARTAGE osToRAGELTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT minds li RENTALS HOD as T0 RENT rmle MIMIAYAIM DPEIHII 7A 190 Two BEDROOM Home or rent on Cliff RoldMInItI Point Hot and cold ter so monthly iycllu RpadForIteat sign window st ROOM Dupelow hot water uw decorated mu mam 13ml now onodly ys OII Ila liltvi°°t llrtllt rv lectlon lo°om chi Phone 1mm mun nsnnduln Donal ecrea Monvrooln yard Near central location $110 monthly Tel mo evenlnu no in road Shanty pulp7 TWO OR THREE Bedroom noun required by NuvamberL Clon to noon ureterred Apva toriiipx a1 Danie Examiner APARTMENTS TO RENT UnruanaRuntble room ap loenl rilll contained heat SJ Bille one bedroom Iplrtmeut ed by You October Te epnopo Izpcl pm zRENiALS APART sNTs fro RENT rh sssz Roou anIlr apartment or rent huleo our Telephone mom liter mm liFOOT two bedroom noun trail or rent sellcontained anod location on private lot Ila Telephone Anlul THREE LARGE elem uulnrnlsh naps rooms and private bath Willi tmuï¬m rv es an ar Iunimi Street bedroom limit or rent centrally 10¢ ed whip facilities Inn lcrvlce parkiux space re orator and stove Telephone 7156091 rmnoou unrumlahrd up hills apartment healed relscou IllilIIl ii immiitriiim cs 719134 Lanna Living Room bedroom kit chenetle wllh olnLoe am lion and refrileratnr Central location purine Bu la preterred phone masl alter pm FURNiaKBn hedaltl hit men and Dlthrnomihllepultu enlt trzloce hohnmSk sultalblplrolr talen or us ess cou as on vaults 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cenhll 1110 monthly 778 RENTATRUCK and MOVE YOURSELF Call AVIS 7261412 7156171 Eredr Saun er JO noon ND aoARD hos PGEIrilsuiminl on as motes ROOM AND BOARD WANTED WANTED Small furnished indiu lor apartment or Inn haulelrcep ingrown Central location Requir business iirl Im alter mlsfb ZRENTALS ROOMS TOLET cum Boaamid Boom uh ep miles On the but mu TetPeon misc mlxum bedroom ino well he homo lien only perIna one man max furnished househan room would floor uphill ant flute on refrigerator and laun dai plfllnl TelPhat mom or tom with lth ll niriserIlqtzgprtlntnib lieno aoupm preterm Tmpbm mm Room club and swim Just north Woolworth stare Will mept proï¬tI bin in Madness App my at in DIIIGM 5L rrle amacnva hirnihhed mm In moon adult ham ma location hnlklm Included plus kitchen privlle Sultanie Tor bullpen or role MI warm Writ pox taur1 manner anal cum furnished com ninalnn smell tall Modulus ii timer 1111 In lunp wee onveue lo Allandaie or central Worms one mun Apv ply II at ARTICLES FOR SALE PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner it you would like to have re prints oi any news pictures taken by our stall photographers plcase call at our husiucu oi ilcc We are sorry we cannot accept phone calls NOWI 48 HR SERVICE GLOSSY PRINTS 125 8x l0 150 Pills In FOR SALE New and used TV sets Vacuum Cleaners complete stock at hoses bags belts brushes Re pairs to all makes Authorised Hoover Sales ADVANCE TV dc VACUUM SERVICE II Mulcaster 7W atmmo saunas Doors in down Hot water convector no lorr bathroom lumping Lure Telephone 54 RED FORCED Alf HWIM hi on and used cums all mm was Oidhmohile All in excellent condition Telephone 7151111 PURNACB AND boiler reuaov also luel hll ump ouu Reuorh able rain Te dphom HIM any nxmmram manor or all apartment lire load condition bench included Duh color me phone ktrny issues alter pan Tor QUALITY near trout quar ter 29 hind quarter 52 in ride In in Park aides in In gï¬kl Food Market telephone 718 RDAJ Portable Tellvislnn with lid lour months old 59 ell immediately Telephone owner mam nunnsn ITAMPE and Numbriot Machines III mupmada to Order Dlpandrhlo service rut prompt do very Contact The nxunlper Commercial mum Service Is Bayllald street genie 1min com or lane roomlnl house New Mount Gas stove It used elfllt months washing Ma to ch W19 Two Lillamen ace Heaters one used Chryllal Tell Oil Tired Blqu lowed air 25mm DTU one Is tired water tank lilo one used tank Apply Nomln prison or cannon Plumbing and Healing Dunlap Strelt Walt Telephone Wm lne wring many other items 17 street Telephone no BUSINESS ARTICLES FOR SAL IPAB an Rm MEET mud sun or suns mm nmr us pan II DAD itnlca Map new condition no hp unheard Mom Surina quick sale App 0m III or telephone mm urnossmr hint materials complete somle range For rush teens service and ma emulate under no obllntlan niephou sollo GARDEN SUPPLIES ml nrmn Lawn um aprlu to dress your lens an ill Peal lam lo bushels truck loos III Telephone will In no deuvery DOGS PETS Ilsa laws Terrier roams Canadian palmoo atoc vac lied house broken also Ielepbo Elrfle maul IAMOYEII snow white onset or nle two month old male and male Reasonhie Extrem Lv lriendiy can Tellphbne no em anytime BOATS MOTORS can noIll not cable can Ioter equipped tar mg In my motor omen sails lei It has held nonl Tuvalu allel Ii p111 ARTICLES WANTED urine usm Trunk wanted in good condition Telephth mms alter pm wANm To nua Good uuo Plano Splnat model preiemd Telephone ulor sumo Camp Borden aoz m2 iii PM IIAJI Wit we or ea ac with or without motor Id to hacker er av Rer In Parker Iluver Lumber Co 5FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid tor dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed tree For Tast service PHONE RARRIE 7287751 Collect or ask or NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE hoursadiry ldaysaweeh RE Foxmead Ontario Licence No M064 NickyMontaguc also ran BALE woodenla il est Telephone mule mull FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Servic Case New Holland David Brown Realty Farm Equipment HARVEST TIME IS HERE NEW AND USED Combines Swathers lhreshini Machlu several good used hinders 176 BURTON AVE M2373 CASH TRADE TERMS HANK BROWN DE LAVAL SALESVANDSERVICE 25 faster rnllklng with neyl De Laval loo Series Milken Barrie Holly Hwy 27 7W ONEWAY mac cm lonn shen down tohpbonn Aid474 Chub wn CORN FARMERS New Idea one and two row Superolckerl now on tII lay New hill nllKIed mapgilul so with patented mo rs keeps you moving here alter oust without Iflllinl Heres Iii capacity chin evun In down and tangled corn hiesley uiynienl Cm Pail New idea MI ee Deli er so Ilwy he do Conlmown Minimum Bhrrie Tulane SERVICE DIRECTORY4 TELEPHONE 7282414 Aslr about Low Rates by Month or Year BLUEPRINTINO mm BLUEPRINTIN Blueprints Whiteprlnts Sepia Intermediates lhaeing Papers Drawlng Materials 40 MAPLE AVE 7284721 INSULATION Now Is THE TIME SAVE FUEL Rockwool Blowing Method gt Free Estimates Airtite Insulation SCOTT MUIR 7734267 JANITOR SERVICE ABC CLEANING fINSIDn AND OUTSIDE Industrial Commercial and Res idential Also Garden cleaning etc PHONE 7287133 PRINTING WHATEVER YOUR PRINTING NEEDS WEDDINGS snowDARDS FLYERS MENUS LCOLOUR WORK PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting andPaper Banging Spray Painting Service Since 1920 on Barrie mast PAUL HAIDLE AND SONS Pelnting and Paper llanging Spray Painting years experience RRVI Oro 4875 SADDLES ENGLISH laudWESTERN SAD DLERY of all kinds atreason able prices Western cloth hats boots etc SIMMONS Highway 93 at Dalston Telephone 7264696 TAXI 7285555 gDay or night rain or nine snow or sleet The lmc is right Toca CENTRAL TAXI 7285555 UPHOLSTERING CHESTERFIELDS md CHROME CHAIRS Recovered Reasonable Rates Free Estimates also lV Service WARDS FURNITURE Iiarrie 7204821 niior