Ellie barrio iExamtnrr Published by Canadian Newspapers nailed to Baytield Street Barrie Ontario Wlila Publisher ll Wilson General Manager TUESDAY SEPTEMBER PAGE No Gratitude Expected By Britain And The US in days of old when Britain ruled the waves and the world it was the Brit iah Empires tacit task to assume the great and costly burden of rotecting the freedom of weak states eatened by predatory powers Within our own time the United states bestriding the modern world like colossus has taken on the like protec tive role Now however the beneficiarim of British and American protection are throwing their weight around Thus the president of Libya has an nounced that Britain and the United States have agreed to give up their mili tary bases in his country The announcement seemingly lacks confirmation Egypts President Nasser has called for liquidation of bases in Cyprusand Libya claiming both are menace to Egypt In itself Greek prriots have stagedycyrel another march calling for British and Ameiicans to go home linhum If it had not been for Britains last ditch stand again the Nada on the west ern fringe of that country and Libya might today German colonies and Nasser might be barman in Ger man army mess Had it not been for the United States with its Marshall Plan Greece might well have fallen to the Communists and it would have been an easy chore for the Reds to have overrun Cyprus and com missar might be right now telling Ma karios what to do Or maybe Makarios himself might have got the job of commissar or of shining commissars boots The just and the generous it seems should never expect gratitude Atom Produces Fresh Water Atomic power as an agency ofwar in its earlier days did cruel damage to hu manity It is some compensation that in times of socalied peace it is bringing benefits Now at Geneva experts assembled for the third United Nations Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy are viewing with keen satisfaction the rapid advance in the use of atomic pow er as means of replenishing the worlds supplies of fresh water from the salt 5935 Large dualpurpose atomic plants to make electricity and desaltwater are already technically feasible They seem also on the verge of being economically practical The United States in particular is preparing to move ahead swiftly with this development how 100 YEARS AGO lN TOWN Barrie Examiner Sept 23 1884 This newspaper along with all other support ers of Reform deploresthe withdrawal of John McMurrich from the election contest for Saugeen Division of Upper Canada His opponent Mr McPherson seems to think he can purchase his way intovParliamentand has stated he will spend fortythousanddollars to securei his return Members of Browris Church Wes yanMethodist on Essa Road are collectingfunds to complete their building The minister is Rev Mr Langford and leaders are Thomas McConkey and Charles Dyer Angus Morrison newly elected member for the rotten borough of Niagara has been stumpingmain1y through the taverns of Simcoe County along with four pip ers on behalf of Mr McPherson Many local people enjoyed the excursion to Niagara Falls via Northern Railway to Toronto but the stomiy trip across Lake Ontario by steamer played the deuce with appetites of ladies and some men Sons of Temperance gtmet inlaw of ficeof Messrs Lount and Boy County Court concluded hearing actions OTHER notionsvirys CANADAS RACE PROBLEM Guelph Daily Mercury Canadians who have read with horror and bewilderment ofthe racial violence in Rochester have no reason forconi placency Canadas treatment of its In dian an Ekirno populationsi offers neither room for pride nor basis for is he anthou attitude toward pious resolutions thani to raise th livin Wehave excelled more 11 long existed sion among the indi thata chiefls son fad essin the Na May The Barrie Examiner shuntills hecond cim POM Oflicl neplltmlllirott and fo pnymerit of postagein nu unda and Statutory folldlyl excepted wanna Publisher vrcroo rcwrsso IIHAIMIIIHI Mcritzasoiv illranging ldilol navro rims neurons Manager Muuharw runs Accountant hrrcnasr DONNEIJ CiflIliltfon iiiham sirensr arri If II on MA Il soaix alanine ylh month Motor rowoff Outside Ontario onnenim om cart simt Vancouver liiiiimwl iii Alldii ooyaartldlbomntnmslfh moo Outside causal arm in me Ano ilocal new pilbl EMORY LANEX Last July President Johnson ordered the Department of the interior the Atomic Energy Commission ABC and the Office of Science and Technology to lay out fastpaced program to make nuclear desalting economically prac tica report due after this month is ex pected to expand an earlier government study that last March suggested 10 to 15year development program This plan was aimed at developing reactor that would produce 8300 megawatts of heat This in turn would be used to make 1400 megawatts of electric power and 600 million gallons day of distilled water Studies indicate that such rplants would be economical But Ame can experts caution that thereis much development work to be done before anyone is ready to build them William Sproiile vs George Warnlca Thomas Jolliffe vs Charles Magulre Walter Todd vs Robert Manning It is reported that Cardinal Wiseman has been cured of diabetes in simple man ner of taking fresh bran oryeast three times daily along with free use of Dub lin porter and all solid food the stomach can digest Dudley Kavanaghdefend ed worlds billiard championship in New York against Philip Tieman of Cincin nati American Civil War news told of General Sheridans victory overaouthl em rebels at liarpers Ferry From Militia HQ at Quebec City came order promoting Major Stephen of Col hngwood Rifle Company to lieutenanb colonel Sheriff Ben Smith ofBar rieannounced Sale of Lands postponed Complete list of property taxes unpaid publ shed in this issue with another monthto pay Deputatiori from Brlt ish and Foreign Bible Society waited on Lord Russell at Londonto protest treat ment accorded missionaries by Turkish police George Lane one of our prominent citizens is home from pro tracted visit to Europe for his health William Boys and CMorroiN their exams at Osgoode HalL passed tionallndian Council few days de clarcdrthat the average white has 12 times as much prospect as the young indiancf entering universityi anodis chances of attending high school are four to one Urged young Chri Adamj son The main aim of the con mi should be to change theoplnion bites that the In an is mentally inferior rail to the Negro population of the ed States and some two millionth dianswere ammed into our es under the conditions of extreme poverty and squalorfih which the Negro tenth of the Usrpopulation exists we might long since have esperienced the violent out ps Cam That ybe ecauseour Negro population rela tivel small and is concentrated moat inthevUS border counties of They Wer the terminusof the historic underground railway via which slaves who escaped fromsoethem plantations were smuggled northward dthen into Canada by ympathetic hites Possibly the determination which rave the ctrslaves vto riskthe ue punishments of recapture nd the he enroute resultedvin can comecheaper than IfACanada had an Indian population in OTTAWA REPORT Need Disciplinarian For Naughty Boys ly PATRICK NICHOLSON mamm naughty boys of Parliament Hill need mo wagnow funnotaefeningtotbose When lugged that our liPs should be put under new discipline rise to the fro quant infringqnnot of the min gtammmom KHRUSHCHEV KOCKTAIL Dispensed Openly jTo Addicts Iri London Axed LONDON CPiAt lo mire utes to midnight any day of the week patrolling London hobbies try hard to ignore the knots of nervous whilefaced men clus tered outside the allnlght drug store in Piccadilly Circus They are the droga of Brit ains second registered drug addictsaha ones who dont one any more They recognise each other but shrink from strangers they could be from anywhere in fairly safe beinliow ever that Canadianm portion of them are Most of Ltha addicti hauhtlng Piccadilly areinenrinitliclr his M11 pm they pass their prescriptions across the coun ter lhencomes the most ago nizing halfhour of their day Not until Big Ben strikes la is the pharmacist allowed to dis pense the daily diet of heroin and cocaine Sometimea addicts are so desperate they try to inject shot under one of the stores counters or in passageway But usually they make ition cubicle in the mens washroom of Piccodiilysidrway station ran suor omens Theie using necktie or pieceof string as tourniquet and water from the lavatory pan they inject straight into protruding rarm veto They get an immediate Jolt and may retch Then they feel just fine brimming with false energy apparent clarity of mind and good intentions Thus sordidiy but legally andunmolested British junkie begins his day irian who hasnt taken drugs for two years describes the cravedfor euphoria as no more exciting than the sensa tion the average guy gets when he suipr down two double ecotches ironically inBritain he dose costs only two shillings wtha standardcbergo any National Health Servicelpra scriptloh In the welfare ata milk of magnesia andmorph cost the same so years British noon have mainteinedthis enlight ened attitude to drugs would Finally the British addiction problem received its worst iolt in 1960 when group of Cana dlan addicts arrived in force to take advantage of the more humanitarian laws hero Said one pharmacist of the Canadian invasion it was like typhoid epidemic The Canadians areatill com ingsome inst to get steady supply others genuinely hoping to be cured under the favor able conditions they obtain here TREATS ADDICN The first thing virtually all of these narcotic refugees from Vnngouvcr Toronto and Atlantic real do on arrival in get in touch with Lady lsaballa Frankau Wimpole Street physician whose name is by word in theCanadian addicts jungle Since 1959 Lady Frankau has treated more than 70 Cana dians freeing at least 10 of them of thehabit ng them off drugs is nothi gahe said in an inter view lta helping them sort out their personality difficulties and stabilizing themselves thats the real problem Other wise they will almply relapse Lady Frankau an elderly whilehaired nilnonsense type of woman became involved with narcotic treatment acci dentally seven years ago Be fore that she was psychic trist specialising in alcoholism After several eariy mistakes she now can quickly tell which addicts are worth treating and which are not The patients who have not done well are those with crimi nsl records in Canada she otters one instant Notable Co vent prevent theaddiction prdblem ever getting out of hand No they are heginningto wonder Certainly there is stiano jor black market in drugsN pusher can hope to Icompete against the states prices But the rate of increase in addl tion although inf tesimal compared with rates if the United State on ma CARMEN is using grave loncarn Aooicrs oouaLn The number of réglstered diets has more than doubled in thelast 10 years Police think there may be several hundred more not registered on the Home Office listThis is be cause neltiier doctor nor pa lien is legallyobllged to regis ter although all addicts can be traced eyeptunlly through scriptlons Moreworrying is the increase in known to addict i959 there are so leaat 15 Anthon ties are frightened that dent spree with ill Londons juveniles lead some to try the real tuft Also on the increase is iuona smoking largely beams of maisivo immigration of west fouriway fig said lilostoof them have been deported Those worth treating are men who hold Jobs confine their drugtaking to their own homes and dont reveal that they are addicts to their friends or business acquaintances Lady Frsnkau carefully con trols the amouan of drugs she gives patient until she feels she can inist him stabilizing period follows and then the withdrawal treatment begins With modern aids and careful psychiatric guid ance with drawal can be relatively quick and comparatively painless Lady Frnnkau registers all herpaiients withina sensor liceJilte in their own inter est but strongly opposes moves now afoot to stamp the pass rts of all nddicisand forc them to carry cards ldent tifying them as patients under treatment That opens the way to black mail and completely destroys the therapeutic factors involved in the treatment she said Lady Frankau is one of the few Biitish doctors prepared to take on drug addict There are some doctors she says she could cheerfully murder who simply prescribe whatever the addict says he wants She is she will continue to treat Cahadians as they come intharo have been four in the last fortnight because somebody has to do it lrn certainly not in this for money Can drug addict ever be permanently cured Lady hanksu shrugged and said if you catch pneumonia and are cured that doesnt mean youll never catch it again ions eitiow untll lhefinal day But then there was Colin Campbell the former Hepburn cabinet ministerhad been in palm Then on the morningof Frost asvictor over Leslie Blackwell This was notable be causethere was such close cause it really marked the start otthe age of hoopla aOn fario polltlcaloonventions it saw geaand banners candidates booths snd other gimmicks patterned on thefts politch style prominent hers forthe first time Thenof ooursethere was the second PC contest whichsaw Frontier Robarts win out afevr years ago it was marked by the closest we have ever he and also new extremes in hoopla It was as much carnival conven oun useful There have been four rai nventlons and news outstandin efirat was in 1997 and this robin jfor one rroasong nominations the main candiv daiewoke up and found he had opposition campaign man ager Mr Campbell hnd tic cided to run against him Next there was 1191950 eon niion which was notable principally because it elected Walter Thomson who thenaxt you ran one of the loudest and worst campaigns ll Qntario hir and intent fight and aieobo llowing Mr Thomsons de Mr Oliver was elected And this convention was sol un mpressivo we dont even remember who ran against him Then of course there was 1955th the best Grit conven tion of them lhere were wo candidates of exceptional std hire in Johnwintenneyer and Walter Harris and close and distinguished contest which will be memorable inthe party an on in this Hoonvent there has not been candidatewlth the the carnival line And it may also stand out foi having elected them strong leadorpreallyo years ahead can tell nich Mr Olivers cam tothe immature standard of demand in the dumber drown by too many MP1 lien is typical oxarople from locust day During the unreasonably protracted on tion period one party leader and two formar cabinet minia tm naked attentions vdiich were out of order beeches they did not mum up to the rennin immï¬midl told on nee have bear nibasittarrlflu mitt questions as ea psmn While those questions were being asked the queotionera almost inaudible owing to the buuof oonvarIetion Imong odiei members much of which was picked up by the onion phones and armlifled POPULAR SPEAKER The maintenance of order in theiiouseiathedutyoflhe Speaker lion Alan Msenaugti ion This slim dignified Molli renlor is dullmin man an able lawyer and very nieces ful in private life lie deserv edly won acclaim an adndr able chairman of the important pidilie acoounta committee in past sessions But hiswarm Musthake Care Of Pupils Eyes During School VANWUVER CPIThe re sumption of school calls for ex tra attention to childrens eye sight says the British Colum bia Optometiio Association Association spokesman Wil liam lifcRoberts says inade quate homestudy facilities can affect both childs vision and his graan Each child sauna hive study centre set aside for him as soon as he begins to look at books and Ill crayons The study area should be well lit well ventilated and reasonably quiet Lighting decorating and fur niture arrangement should be coordinated to keep brightness glare and contrast to min imum The student chair should be of size allowing the child to sit in natur and balanced po sides The is top should just meet his elbow or he leans for ward The table too should be adjustable or sloping drawing board provided tipped to no degree angle for reading writ ing and drawing Students shloduldnt lie down to read he an And finally the student should take Liveminute break after every half hour of concentratcd shidying BIBLE THOUGHT If pleased meal should not he the Galatians lilo Whatever you do aomeona wont like it The only answer to fickle public opinion is con scienca clear towards God first and only J5me Wistcrl friendliness makes him too kind to MP1 who overstep Ibo ruin Canadians visiting the public galleries hm expressed their at the lack of orderio the member whlda at times oceans more like adioolnom of unruly teenera strong Speaker wwid halt thil Indhc would marten up hfPI friendly private wold with whose conduct inattenllvcntse and even dress does not meas ure up to the dignity of the moist assembly of the land iherc is one partluilarly un disciplined grow who talk to gethei read newspapers solve muwoldl drew gum aim and generally pay no attention to the proceedings they look very bad indeed from the gil lerlea Mr Speaker Mauraugh ton sadly refers to them as the ratpack in private but does nothingtn public or in private to ornsrten than up mamm woaiimo dont believe that Allin liked and Iduiimd by Ill iiiPa thou he is really enloys his poslton his qualifications would have made hlrn more own as cabinet minister department fbo cabinet worried about its stunner of handling the House and may MP are very dis tresaed by the bad 5W6 he has permitted it seems probable that he will not serve anal parliamentary session for the nearly five years of nor one reason or another Sooner or later liIBpD later Parliament is Speakerjs chair will certainly be filled by his deputy Lucien Lemoureux from thmwall Lucien good looking youngster of 44 LI sitting in only his mind llameot but ha is well versed in Parliament Hill customs hit lng previously served on the peisonal staff of that disting uished fonnér ministu out Chevrler When Lucien la presiding ovcfr the chamber as deputy to Mr Speaker Macnaumiton hehas given evidence of willingness to insist that the rules be of served and decorum mam tained He has won the respect of all quarters of the House and with the added authority the status of Speaker he would most likely bring the Hodge back to the disci line and the slick smooth oon uct of itsof fairs which it has not Wu aim the days of that great speaker Ross Maodonald now Senator htaodonaldibetween 19091953 Negro Church Home Bombed MCCOMB lilies AP Negro church and the homaof Negro civil rights worker were bombed here Sunday night and angry Negroes storied police car when it arrived Police said 2000 or 3000 No grou attacked the patrol car with bricks and bottles when it drove up to the wrecked home of Mrs Ayleno Quin Negr leaders said about 150 were the crowd The patrol car roared away from the scene Jess lfariit project director of Negro voter registration drive er horted the crowd to go at it peaceably Mrs win 41 Operator ofh cafe and civil iights leader said her hive children were ill jured by the blast but not ously The Society Hill Bap at Giuich just south of litcComh was blasted into rubble about an hour after the explosion the Quin home The church empty at the time TH SARJEANT C0 Spréad your incl oil paymentd evenly over many rnonth Avoid heavy midwinter hills when fuel consumption is high and other expenses are generally heavier Call listedsyl NOW The CurrenILMaiIket Price of Fuel Gllitillril 11 ton 911 Par Gal no PM noise user SERVICE Includes FREE humor Ser vice Conditioning Mflr Emergency Service Co Ltdu no 11gt namit