mainstream aim was our port 1130 uni This attractive four bedroom liquin zooi They are available in Canada Ranchhome meets the needs by return mail Ontario rut of large family Livingdlning mans portion is completely separate firm the sleeping area Master bedroom has twin cimets and fleeces to rear lavatory All otherbedrooms have extra large closcls The well proportioned living room features fireplace and built in bookcase Entry is spacious and well protected Traffic flow is excellent Design No Ctr60 islo Sq ft Stan dard Blueprints for this Design No 630 Net $15 for the first Iï¬ï¬ndï¬forlddilionuuilL The Building Editor The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ont dents must renill per cent sales tan Enclosed please find for which send me the book HOMES Please entitled SUBURBAN AND COUNTRY aka remittance payeble to me Darrin Examiner NAME ADDRESS liID FOR THE HOME noose warmin ODOR IN LEATHER One of the leather chairs our company sold has very strong leather smell We have been making leather chairs for over to years and nothing like it has ever happened before Can you recommend chemical to spray it with to counteract the odor Odor may be due to chemical that went wrong in the tanning of the leather Net know ing the specific chemicals used in tanning this particular pieco of leather only suggestion that can offer istliat you contact the tanner from whom the lea ther was purchased for recom mendations as to treatment of the leather or its replace ment as an unsatisfactory pro duct WASHADLE WALLPAPER szi would like to use the propastcd washable wallpaper on an area above my stove Later on would this be very difficult to remove Not much mm diffth than removing unwasheble wall ï¬1sper The only difference is at cuts must be made on the coating on the paper to brenit the wate roofing film This is easily ach eved by rubbing spots with stool wool or aandpt ror cutting with razor bin BRASS TROMBONE What is the best method of removing old lacquer from brass trombone What are best materials to use to clean and polish the brass and prepare it for lacquert What lacquer to use to impart the gold Ip pearnnca of new instrumentl Th remove apply lacquer thinner to the brass with cloth Then rub off the lacquer with Iï¬Ã©nyarsa tcloth yazhyfn warm li Eli soft clean iintlnsa cloth The brass can be cleaned washing with hot vinegar ution in whim as as it as possible has been dissolved Rinse with clear water and ripe and polishing preparatipneare available at supermnrk ta storm follow label careiuliy CRACKED DIRD MTK The bowl bird bath cracked whenlttv an cidentally knocked of estnnd How can the coders be re pairedi citing con crete to repair an concrete cracks Available at masonry supplies dealers iarga bard some There is hard star in the area of our weekendjcottaaa We usually have water in our tea kettle and as Still there is now hard dcposi inxtbe bottom of it How fine in kettles too Also elimination preparations are vailable at some houseware hardware dealera=0r till kettle with water mixed with cider vinegar one cup of vine garto the quart oi water and hrlngto boil Allowthe solu ttoo to remain in thegkettlcmven night Another old time cure is to mash three or four raw potatoes with little waternod allow to stand in the kettle tor several hours Then add more watenand bring to boil DltlED CANE SEATS have pair of wood frame chairs with woven cane mar seals and backs Thcra are its old and the cans in get ng dried How can the cane be restored or replaced The cans can be restored linseed oil thcn wiping off all unabsorbed oil within half hour to avoid formation of gummy residue on this surface This is almost impossible to re move later Or rub on pure fresh white shellac thinned halt andhnlf with denatured alcohol or thinned spar varnish or are ply clear plastic spray For replacement of tha caning consult the classified telephone directory under Chair Caning associations for the blind usual ly have skilled workers availl able to do this type of furniture repair FINISHING CHROME lhava acquired an antique round parlor furnace Paste stove polish restored the rum black iron finish beautifully But what will polish the chrome rims and decorations There are dark spoil which look as if the chrome is worn off and little rust hesitate to use plastic chroma paint due to the intense heat of the atoves there any way to restore or refinish the chromgtj The ay to restore worn chrome is by having it re plated To remove the rust try fine steel wool and turpentine nibbles carefully not to scratch the metal Chrome polishing and CP insurance panics Ire endorsing bat err deal for the car driver which will include corriprehen slva automobile accident cover age rcgardias of blnrne At the annual coniarcnca Wednesday oftiie Association of Superintendents pfdnsurace of the Provincesot Canada the proposal was unanimously passed without discussion to in clude the accident clause in general automobileinsurah Superintendents will studyihe plan for the next year and it lsexpectedto be presented to provincial legislatures lor en actment by to Ontario nnfiiiterviaw wednes day lhat introduct at the on Insurance Car Diet Holds Pay Cheques UiiAWA Cit Opposition Legs Dielenilukas hesh not en are aqua since MPs may in creased over his strenuous ob by brushing ft generously with ti so can year ago it was learned Thursday This means that by Oct the Conservative lander will have refused to accept 5000 from the treasury Under the increases voted by Parliament last year the leader of the opposition is en titled to $12000 indemnity and $0000 expense allowance like other MPI lnaddltlon he re ceives tis000fndemnity as opposition lander and $2000 automobile allowance An informant said discussions are under way between the rev Ann anus department and Mr Diel enbakera office to iron out two com licntinns Meantime he is hold ng on to his monthly pay cheques and living on his par Ional savings The complications are that the opposition leader is barred by law from returning his pay cheques to the government and that he must pay income tax on his salary whether he cashes his cheques or at cleaning preparations are avail able at many housewares dani em if directions are followed carefully these usually give good results if the metal is not too badly orn epics Endorse Better Deal For Car Drivers plan was due to general de mand for tbisaort of nation wlthoiit fault it is also becoming more and more difficult to assess fault in nocidentai be said Under thaplan immediate payment could be made in steedrnf the lengthy waiting pe riod presently experienced due thdlnvestlgation Mr Richards tlcf izpercent incre in tllnhlliiwrin compen nsuranoe companies Pelt premiums at public suranca dad on Mliit and Milk Products Ho Witter OAR TRUCK RENTAL CO BLAKE ST BARRIE The Canadian Name In World Wide Car Rentals For Date Cell BARRIE PUBLIC 15 Bayfield St the course in their communities cumin Harold Delta in up scram an rs III has um Mr and Mrs Norman Coni non Toronto viiich Sunday with Normans tisterMm train and In Aw worth Several metaber of United cbiucb attended anniversary at Greiiel ch Boldly Mrs Douglas Jeitson in pa lent in Royal Victoria Hotpltal Barrie Mrs Eric Carson is also patient there Mrs Raymond htlmer and daughter cnma wmmndu fromthe Barrie Miss iudlth Duals returned to hotill with an gran and Mrs Gordon Bush Mrs Frank OConnor return edhome Friday after visiting her daughter at Hernptvtlle Mrs Ethel Willitis Newmar ket and her aon Dr Donald Wliiitls v8 Mount Albert visited last wet with Mrand Mrs Gordon Bush Angus United Church anniver nary services will be held Sept at it am and pm with Rev Lee the speaker Rev and Mrs Frcd Wicks Arneiola Mr and Mrs Dalton Williams and Mr and Mrs no bert Book Kitchener were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Harvey Robinson Sgt and Mrs George GouldI and an Patsy Centre St have moved to camp Borden iiiiGYLE 0R0 Hy MRS WHOLOMEW Miss Sharon Millerleit Mon day to oegln her nursing career at Weston hospltll Miss Wanda McArtiiur Tor onto at the Weekend with Mr an Mn Donald Mennth nnd Susan Mr and Mrs Burgess Barrie Mr and Mrs Albert Kennedy Mr and Mrs Dick Mouse ot Beamsvllle visited Mr and Mrs Mike Mahony Mr and Mrs Robert Johns tons attended tile SlessorJudd wedding Mr and Mrs Robert Sicssor and family of Grimsby Mr and Mrs Bert slessnr of Grillia visited Mr andsrbfls Jobostone Mr and Mrs Reg Flemming Toronto visiied Mr and Mrs Victor OBrien Some of the nei attended brld the no llo Iii lul all to women shower for Bush priorto liar mar riage to Eric OBrien in Hnwke atone Brian Bartholomew is home from hospital after havtng tonailectomy Glad to report Ray Stielswcll is home from hospital Several attended Ora Worlds Fair and came home with some prlrea Congratulations wastes BEACH aim cfmisitia HAYNER INHHUTE The first fall meeting of Say nar Womens institute was held Friday Sept in Stayner Lt brary President Mrs Cut ham was in the chair The re cretary read an invitation to attend meeting in New Lowell Community Centre Sept 23 When report of the institute Convention held in Wclfvillc NS will be read class in New Lamps for Old will be held in Stsyner Qct and This heifer lenders whoare willing to teeth Jr do Do wit The Womcns Auxiliary ot Collingwood hospital is holding Membership Temnt the home plMrn Mitchell 72 Third St Collingwood Oct 16 from 36 pm It is hoped for good aitendnnce from ladies in Stay ner ind Wasaga Beach area as may new members are needed Incan on the work Adeles was read fmmKlng Kong the Chinese boy Stayner lastitut in helping to keep to fly Mrs urkiioider reported the Hi Stub is to have course Yell unions nnnrbul Charlton Mrs Dougherty oi Geo etown visited Mr and Snider last wcelt Mr and Mrs Fraser Carr and Susan Toronto spent the week end with their reintivu George Sheitiald had his fairi tiio Ca Country Mr and Mrs Gross spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Bradeilrld at Gookavills Mr and Mrs Norman Gil more and Mr and Mrs John the lormerlcousin Mrl in Bowmanvtlle Tuesday Mr and Mrs Ted Corner and family have moved into the home wood by Dave Holt JACK REIVE Sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs Jade Relve and family tn the passing at husband and father Jack llaiva Margaret Hospi Scat it be pin on the in Idded to 3511 by good odncsthm ralharthsn on better bad with more education Mrs Golden Murray was thanked by CRAIGHUBST MRS 13th Miss Kay Siannhen left Mon day foirTbronto where she will lining at St Mlclinell splial Sorry to report Harvey Bald iaiis patient in Barrie Hos Jank East had another are ccssful sale Saturday Miss MaeAllleter Ind Don at Coliingwood and rev tbur Ind relatives with him Suriv day and all attended service in St Johns Gairdi The beauti flowers on the altar were in wwnory or Mrs stretileld Sign ngmlnfl it will en Sept 13 Walter Holden The funeral as Mr Holden had made his home in the village for several years He was line old soldier was in streelavillc Sept LEPHOY Mrs MAURICE nan Mr and Mr Mrs Find Farrier and Mrs John Sy ltlek of Orltlfa 1nd Mrs rank Little and children of Camp Borden were vialer with Mrs John Farrier over the Weekend oomatidauonstonadney std Bell who will graduate from Carleton College Ottawa and receive his BA out month also Verdun Held on successfqu passing his exams in his second year for on degree Mr and Mrs Roland Comer and Mr and Mrs Alf Cor ner and children spent the week end at Isabelle Lakc Mr and Mrs Corner Miss Marilyn Corner and Doug Gun is Mrs Frank Corner Et aine and Shirley attended the Weighiman Hossnuptials in Albury and Walt United Church area to with the reception in do room Town and via attended the funeral of Crngo died suddeflly $8333 Nrwroii ROBINSON ay wins season Mrs Walter Andrews atten ded the moral or Mrs Sam McKee formerly Mae Jesaop of our Recentvaa with Mr and Mrs Lloyd Ooborn wereer andMis Mme West and fam ston Satund ot ibronto 1mam Miss May plesaant pm of Suns day morning church servicelwaa lSl its brlm noisi moon Problems Not Unlike Those Of OldUIsrqei Windbl We base tbenmbiemol the election of leader some many emailslea face from time to time website the problem or an outdatedsub lect and we have great man moving lnentln nation with powerful address as frequently happens today Jarall diam3n dicoc raq men wan not brought about by revelation from God but by the peoples desfn for cbnnga Though content with the indgeshlp of Samuel be was an old man end new ruler was Inevitable The laraalites gave Samuel two reasons why they wanted king Samuels sons bis nanrel were corrupt turn ing aside for lucre taking and pervertlng hidg meats therefore being ins wortby of mending Samuel in the Iecond place they wanted king so they could be like the other nations around them probably meaning they would become nation great and powerful in war and per haps rich Ind influential some feels that the people have rejected God as their king and in disappointment prays to God He in instnicted to give in to the demand of the people and find king for Israel However neiatowemthapeoplsoftna evils of kinlihitl Ind what this change at government might madam nrn ng hlcb anmui accordingly delivers has some remarkably accurate details of exactly what did ocmr in II raels history and is ably reflection of the op one of the Biblical historianwrltlng la ret the Imetae did find to regret iclr demand to king is proved by tbefact that only three kings ruled over the united Twelve Tribes Saul David and Solomon Thesto ofsauilsllbea Greek tr gsdy Basically good man Saul has tragic flaw winch along with out ecircumstancce brings about his downfall The son of pmperous fan the christening of Sandra Lee infant dauger of Mr and Nth Ronald Goler of Huntsville aindly lunltn of Mr and Mrs Dee Chrntler and attend ing the christeningot Sandra ice were Mrs Noble of infroy Reuben Liters at Churchill Mr and Mrs Bert tblernan of Cooks town and Rev and Mrs Jacft non of Bond Held Mr and Mrs Claude Owens of Wiltowdale were Sunday maid of Mr Ind Mrs Walter rows Shop the hundreds otmonnyuvlng brie complex and Mdï¬eiflhoffluilmln described not be wundiiect to fits of metancbolle the my dbll passionate an on which held within itself the seeds of despondency and mad On mission tcftnd his lath on one PalestineSaul Wad vioe of Samuel God mean while on toldlkrnuel that man who comes in the one chosen to baking and save thn people from use Phillstlnu When Saul arrives Samuel hanorsbim with feast tells him he in to be king and anoint him with all nine gives him three signs as natur ance tha tau that is happening is the will of God Wises all three bava taken ï¬lace Saul is to meet Samuel Gilin and they would offer burnt otferlngs Ind peace offerings CHANGED BY GOD Upon leaving Samuel Souls out was dinnged by God He began to prophesy but did not announce his selection as king Mini ii The new kings lint official act was to attack and defeat the Anononites who wen besisging JabeahGllud in this great hour of victory when new hope courage and confidence came to isrnel Samuel called the people down to Gilgnl where they proclllmcd Saul king and otterad sacriï¬ces tolcbovnh and rejoiced in their new na tional life Golden This Blessed in the nation whose God is the Lord and the people whom He hath chosen for his own inherit anceanlms scan lill Dank Vlbenrd Dan The Deal rooms All RANGEMENI IN ammo myer long term credit arrangements was be payments arranged with monthly seer Cottages Horne Additions Remodelling WE WILL IRE THE HillL YOUR HOME OR nDDlTiON or com plate ah PHONE 7285951 PAINSWICK ONT ii have ready for youto ko horn From hardwai to readyto hang storm door and windows our