atlasess errrsawllsrrrrrssyllavr same wanes attending the show included Miss Anita saith ion and Mrs Robert Serrano ltelruhnrents were served attire beginning of ecehoiihe twoahows Fashions For Coming Season Feature Relaxing Designs rrrisswz Putting their best tool for wardinto fall models It the Fall and Winter Fashion Show rponsored by St Giles Womans Auxiliary wore the latest fash lons ior tha tiniest tot through to the mature iigure Fashions for Fall and Winter seem to bark back to the laws in more ways than one They are slim nonrestriciing supple and easy They fit the should ers and emphasize the waist There is so much use of red and white that other colors can be counted on the lingers of one handteal and royal blue taupe to chocolate brown the evargtavorite hiaalr Tweeds appear to be very puiar as well as practical for Ea school set Jumptra shown in variety oi styles and mat erials were led by the Mine style which can be worn by the first grader through to the young adult JUMPER STYLE grey tweed jumper worn with long sleeved red cotton shirtmairer blouse would be won deriui for classes from fall through winter and into spring simply by adding change of blouses to the students ward robe Pile coats nnd pllelinad oosts assuring extra warmth for the long cold days ahead were shown for young girls and boys Teenagera coats too In full and tlrreeouarter length styles featured pile lining and many were designed oi lamin Ited Heels suede apogï¬tensemhi or dine young group cause coat oi suede designed with beltod back double breasted hare rsrr front and notched collar worn with chocolate brown alims and new suede threatened sports boots ln sportswear Marng Gra hams costume emphasized the layered look Her Vneclr vest of Mediterranean blue topped white turtleneck sweater worn with grey flannel slime Coats with eased on Rateni Leather Rellecls New Look Gleaming genuine patent lea ther shoes reflect the new trend in fall fashion the feminine look The flashing ireshenss oi gen uine patent leather has made it footwear favorite with females or every age and attitude with the current emphasis in clothing on delicacy and sheer prettiness patent leather shoes are nat ural to tit in with this concept at the presentation oi tall tashionlast evening patent lea ther footwear was revelation to those whoatili drink oi pat ent in terms of spring land fblaclr Patent tor yearround wear patent that will stand up without cracking to extremes ofcoidand danrpnessia in the news Sorority Chapter Opens Fall Season xi Beta or mariaor Beta grna Phi Sorority held its iirst meeting of the tail season at the honra oi Mrs Jack Fair Shirv iey Avenue Mondayavrning Presentgwere Mrs Franklin eey Mrs Max Judd Mrs George Miisita Mrs Bert Popp Mrs John Lovell Mrs Jean Baitersby Mrs John Mokreo narrsazeeny aners John Merrett were shown in variety of ma terials from hubby tweeds to lush motrairs and imitation urr Marry were tashioned with fur ccilars while portrait and wedding ring collars ilat tering to most women were lecturer of dresaiar coats KNITTED SUIT Knitted suits ara once again on the fashion scene three plece double knit suit in cran berry shade worn by Mrs Carl Greenough would be the par iect addition to any vomnnl all wardrobe The suit feat ured collariers boxed Jacket and slim skirt with short sleev ed overblouae with ar hiya rounded neckline tier access ories were black The blazer lookin suits was shown in variety ot styles ranging from twopiece cor duroy mitto navy blazer worn with red shirt and print od blouse in complementary shades Mrs Cecil Marshall modelled red wool ahilt which com plemenled her lovely my hair aha shirt had its own belt and covered buttons mardrlng down the front tam style ielt black hat with how at the back complemenied her costume brown brocade sheath dress worn by Mrs Vance was designed with rounded nerk line and short sleeves per fect ensemble tor the mother of thrjbride For long time there was nothing for the younger man about town in the range be tween deans and dress pants Now the younger gentleman has variety oi easytocare or machinewashable continen tal style pants in many shades that are easyion the budget Striped shirts with button down coilars in short and long sleeved styles were worn with continental pants topped by wirildbreairers in shadu or bright re auruarrv sarrrrvn The Parish Hallvwas decora ted in5ahrtutirrnn thornc with autumn leaves and flowers forming the background The rampwas surrounded by ferns and pots of vivid yellow murns accents of red glsdioii and white mums flanked the steps leading up to the ramp Fashion show convenera were Mrs ileta Jay and Mn Will iam King Mrs Cecil Marshall Argued advertising and publi Mu it Muir was in charge or decorating and Mrs King prepared the tera Flowers were arrange by Mrs Johns Music and dessert con vener was Mrs hourne Conuncntator was Mraicarie Wood Fashion supervisors were Mrs William Frecheite and Mrs bowry Models included Mrs Brown Mrs Vanceera Marshall Misses Mary Pat Gra ham Joan Carter Gwen bow ry Rhoda Mae Shannon Carol Weatherail Marilyn Jay Mrs Barbara Browning Mrs Doro thy Bradley Mrs Ann Weill Mrs Carl Greenough Mrs Joyce Oliver Mrs Barbara Mc GloganMrr Lorraine OBrien Miss Nancy Hauling Ken Russ Willfll Childrens talhlons were shown by Jill Emma Jane Ner blot Mark MoGiogao Donna Ballantyne Janet Law Roddle Claflr Debbie Booth Gwyneth Wilson Doug Roberta Bob Browning George Kauanowshl Sandy Weatheraii Siren Wea thersli Susan Wilson irena Color Ann Scott Barbara Law Lyim OBrien Kitchener Woman Named President 4EDM0NT9N CH Fifteen oi the 17 national executive members oi the womens aux iliary of the Anglican arurch at Canada Were reelected by ac climation Fonday at the auxil iarys 79th annual meeting Mrs John Robertson oi Kit chener was reelected tor her third term aspresidentl of the organization which has about 10000 members in an dioceses across Canada Norma Hall or Araprior Ont was electedchaii1rtan ot the junior department Mrs Askew oi Toronto some of the smart new ways to look in sweaters from our greatest collections everi The new rum Iorit botany wael pullover sizes medium or large in white black was turquoise sizes THE shooso swesrrs neonm ind botany wool cardigan geld Iain rim medium large in willie biotin or double huari impeded wool rials Since this chapter was newly dormed last springueveral rules and traditions were discussed and established one bath the selection of an annual of the Year Chapter members were ndvl ed oi Sorority Conventionho in held at the Siatier Hotel New York City Oct and Plans were discussed regard ing ticket saie onrarharble doll wardrobe at Christmas time wiener roast iahelng an ranged tor Sept liiort mean bersand husbands and Alpha Phl Chapter in red or imperial hiua so choose younrrew while selections are heal 51293 hlorer mater oi dimmer large $1498 any measure mm dreaacanbeworowlthmttbe visit each tnhlIpereonaiiyhe models navy blue sailor style dress at gabardina trim med with white braid The sailor which provides on dresses or the price oi one The twoyearold miss stole the show when she decided to ran aanrim maroon mmnar son 17 nu mum PEOPLE AND PLACES Phone Eileen Disco or Audrey Coulson Mr and Mrs William Mar thichrlde oi Clapperion Street arrived home yesterday from vacation trip to Vancouver and VietoriIrB ii travelled west on the CNR su oer hatinenial and on the re hirntrlpon the new Panor ama NEW BRUNSWICK WNW Mr and Mrs Marc Filler have taken up residence at Fred ericton where they are errrolied at the University of New Burns wick Mrs Fisher the iorrner Elmetir Cameron is taking postgraduate course towards her blaster oi Arts degree in Canadian Literature having ob tained scholarship fromCan Ida Council and another imm University oi British Columbia Fisher is doing postgraduate work towards Master of Arts degree in Canadian History hav irrg been awerdes UEC Fellow ship NEW HAMPSHIRE GUESIS Mr and Mrs Lloyd Johnston one son John at Merldltlr New Hampshire were weekend guests at the home of Mr Johnstons parents Mr and Mrs li Johnston of Wellington Street East POSTED ro GlMLl Oiiicer Cadet 31 Kennedy son of Mr and Mrs George Kennedy Brookdaie Drive has been posted to RCAF Station Glmii Manitoba an jet train aiid Mrs Donaldson oi Simcoa were nominated for the allies of girls department Election results will be announced Thursday ehOoiinrhlaiiiey for ilih Century Ehrgliirévlidro log lie Joined the RCAF year ago and was iirak tionod at Centraila Ontario as posted to Paobold Albertl when hehas successfully pass ed hlr basic flying tests TEACHING IN GERMANY Miss Joan Fisher daughter of Mr and Mrs Allen Fisher of Simnidaie Road idt the City inA tt nudism ï¬ctitious school at Baden Germ tore returning to the dressing room Fashions were shown trorn Walkers oi Barrie Ex aminer Photos waits ICOMEMNGS CANBERRA flatten Amalia ia importing souvenir Mugs from Japan it was learned Wednesday Senator Sir Walter Cooper asked in the Sen ate whether liters is any eon irnl on souvenir irrzroria irnm Japan and was to that the goods need only have the name of the country oi orllirr marked flrs neat meeting will be held Travels Recall By Inner Wheel Mentors at the inner Wheel ma Retardation held has party evening at Holiday Bowl Ii bowlers tum ed our for an enloyabis even lnr Plus undu Mowiag the genres tha numbers adiourned to the nidaia Road home of Mrs am Gibson or bruinesa meeting Rimming lire meetingwaa mum at the recent trip Ia Nope bymetrrbera oi the lie hry Orb and their lamiiiu Hugh Gibson hld kept fly today diary during the intros and the reading at this record provided an interesting and has rmroua recollection oi the san opean travels Only hail of the diary was read with the other hall to be completed It the next meeting At the close of the session libs Gibson served hrncireoo assisted by cohesion Mrs John Stevenson FERMS T0 1250 Arrange In pp in ment with one ot our rItorI today on 10de Man is an or up 14 an on cloud wenu as KAYS beaurs assom BARBIE mo Dunlap at mrorr Stan Peacock Pro 091th the exquisite fragrance at JE REVENS Will Ref turnl with both precious perform and oau do eel one In original aliens glass made packaged sealed in France Available exclusively Downtown At CALDWEllS PHARMACY MIcKIy rm Dunlap St am The Id lgltt to give or receive is gift el linen for welcome pl glitglvlng any She will teach English for the next two years Mr and Mrs ilrornaaMiddie bro and larnliy have returned to their Ottawa resldaroe aiter spending the mower It the home of Mrs Middiebros Par eats Mr and MraW Allen Fisher Mr Middiehro is on the the staff oi Carleton University FROM JAMAICA Mr and Mrs Keith Forayihe at Kingston Jamaica were house guests oi Mr and Mrs James Simpson Sunnrdals Reg for several days last we CAMP DIRECTOR Miss lpzrid Klaes director oi Woodeden Camp for Cripp led Ohiidren London Ontario was guest ihir week at Miss Lynne Walls and Mr and Mrs Walls Theresa Street aaauxm some The second Rairesher Night for members of the Beaux and Bella Square Dance Cirdr tab as place this evening at John son Street school beginning at New residents to this area who have completed basics in square dancing are invited to join the club merrrbers ior In evening otdanoings you ha maentertuture gl is problem nestle rlnrete pi miivi Wheltsr graph at such welcome savings All denghflany slithered tor Luuorrnoa arm Assorted ohm neg 393 341 DAMASK Immersion SETr mm 1mm damask mom and matchin snowy napkins Bleached lte Cloth sire approx imately 52 70 SHEET ldorrblehedaheetrrimmedwitir eolorfnlSehifliernirrtiduy ioped gt m747 EX UISITECUTWORK EM BRO ERED PILLOWCASESr Floral embroidery motifs and out work all hand worked by Iidiied Chineeensedie womAaaonedde dealers 199 rm paid snowman armor SETxCenr lastia s2 gnome madamw Joes lPIECEBEDROOMEN SEMBLE Plain nylon mega memoranduman