Everything at St Joes eer mammymmnuh adiooi terrnt classes were held the first day oi Nicol the var ious clubs are in the process oi being iornied or the coming year and mm elections have already been held For the first time in years perhaps for the tint time in Joes history the mbooi elections were held without the traditional umpaign But due to the im portant sdiooi bushes at hand and the sometimes disregald ior schoolwork during campaign it was deemed wiser to hold the student council elections without any isolate The results oi the elections were Preiea Jim McConn VicePreiect Toni Collins Secretary Joanne Gar vey Social Convener Judy Moran Minion Representative 4andra lbdd Sports More senteLiva Ann Corbiere Grade twelve representative Stella Colicaux Grade XI Ban ry mmhuli Grade Elaine Daltin Grade IX Susan hlur phy Grade IX Jamie Saso The Student Council quickly get down to work having at ready planned the Initiation oi the Grade Niners This event will take place on Friday Sep tember ioth The students will learn what their costumes will be at assembly on Wednesday Our annual Field Day is an other event the Student Council must soon plan Some 700 stu dents will take part in the iield day as this year Whitby and Oshawa will join Midland in their bid to deieat us So the student Council for losses will certainly ilUTllMN HOPS ARE BACK down the lastdays oi answer to the beat oi the Ardells beiore the opening oi schooL Mimis back and so are the autumn hops lierc him On Oct 15 Ml the Hills warrior appeared in drains and there wasnt word oi explana tion at the time Three weeks later The Ex press the Canadienhom Ber vesbrooks mass circulation newspaper said the chains would remain until Tory gov ernment announced an empire policy And there they stayeduntil Monday when The Ex re printed the Cnisader once more iree oi chains alihooï¬i prea sumany still in purstuioi his holy grail Beaverbroolr died June at the asset 05 Perhaps the Mr gest disappointment oi the vastly successiul publisher the last to appear at the Hall thuniner Photo bassy Halt dancers ahalie irom Toronto The group was Freshmen At Central was the iailure at his longsns tained empire campaign Sir Mar Altken Beavcrv brooks son and successor was said to be away irom laindon Monday Other Express oiï¬ciais leit word with their secretaries to answer no comment about queries about the thunder and his chains Are Hit By Confusion oy xmsrm moment We sang in the sunshine we laughed every day we sang the sunshine and now were on our way school was tilled with coniusion or grade oers Aiter slaving all night over two hours of home work they are iorced to come back the next day and search diligently ior their next class last minute dont iorget the Key Club hook exchange located cross irom Mr Prices room There is great demand ior grade is books so any oi you graduates with books to sell mated that ior all Canadians to have adequate housing some 3000000 dwellings will be re quired and at these wont 1000 000 should be made available ior low income groups both and old Frieday president oi the association said the appoint meal oi federal cabinet min ister lor urha aliairs and hous lng is desirable be bulk Our school has not changed Once seam mammalian to physically this year but certain the members 19 5mm ly it has grown The stall cons mum and Ch mm sists of some 70 teachers and my make grade nino alone boasts l0 class mm mth es The curriculum ior Central at 5° varies widely also as the tech TnioeiJamiinniiiitcioial ciassa grow having spleliiinngirgiis am prose inp an em in and trigonometry alien in class FESSM 31m rooms side by side For all students who have As usual the iirst week at left getting those books until the room Despite the glaring looks and wrong directions given by senior students they all seem tohnve survived should mosey on down to the Key Club book exchange Thats about it or the iirst week oi school but dont lor Even otter only one week oi K81 to watch for the new re schooi Coach Davis is out iearh Porter and new oi clubs danc ingtho boyssomorrctty Jest 93 ill Mm old tm plays Footballpiays that Is and were all hoping hcis as sub 16 Missionaries Sale in Congo Canada last awe NORTH summertime MISS SEPTEMBER The beginnan ot another school term brought Linda Glgg the honor at being selected as The Barrie Examiners Miss September Lindas pic ture appeared on page one oi the Sept edition of The Ex STUDENTS AT WORK Start Peace Corps ToHelp The Indians WINMPEG CF Keitii Jones and Jim Hunter are two Winnipeg students who hope theyve started some thinga peace corps to help Canadas northern ln dians Thé pair both active in the Greater Winnipeg YMCA spent two weeks this summer teaching swimming at re mote ndian camp in north ernManitoha And the Winnipeg al ready is working on plans to expand the project next sum mer Keith 19 is secondyear aria student at the University oi Manitoba and Jim 17 is in his last year oi high school in the Greater Winnipeg city oi St VitaL iney volunteered their time for two weeks in Juiyto work without pay at settlement at about 10001ndians on theIs land bake reserve 250 miles northeast of Winnipeg Although hampered by poor aminar She is student at Barrie District North Colleg iate and lives IVS Queen St Barrie weather and lack oi iacllities the pair taught classes oi 40 to 50 young Indians At the end oi thelstay most of the pupils had learned to stay afloat and about 10 had be come fairly good swimmers Although the Indians in the area are ï¬shermen and trap pers who depend largely on the water for theirlivelihood they dont think of the water as source of recreation and almost none ean swim But Keith says that reports from the camp since they left NRONIO CF Sixteen Canadians missionaries and their iamllics are in the rebelheld Stanleyville area at The Congo the Canadian sec retary oi the Uncvnngeliud Fields Mission said Monday Ilev George Thomas said he received cabin irom tho ex ternal aliairs department in 0t tawa which said the department is trying to gelpermission or Red cross planelnfly into the area lie quoted the depart ment as saying that as far as it knew the Canadians were sale Mr Thomas said The situ ation is dangerous but the aim tiles are not in any more dan ger than any oi the other whites in the territory IIe identiï¬ed the Canadians as Mrs Marshal Southard Fort William and her son Larryhi who are in Stanley viile and Mrs David Grant Saint John NB who are in Baniwadi 50 miles north oi Stanleyville Mr and Mrs Chester Burker Calgary in Boyulu about 150 miles east oi Stanlcyville Miss Olive Bjerk seth Three Hills Aita in Stan leyviiie Miss Viola Walker stoneyCreek 0nt in Stanley ville and Mr and Mrs Hec tor McMillanoi Avonmore Ont and their sixpons In the House of Commons Monday External Aliairs Min isterMartin said the McMillan iamin is in Doyulu Mr Thomasnaid rebels have decreed thatjreligious teaching Students Face Buoy New Year About 2700 high school siu numerous sports and club activ dents poured through the doors oi Barries two coileglates this weeksnrnexeius1iingio iamillar lies as French Club Key Club ground and others making the scene or the ï¬rst time For everyone irom yade nin lties inwhlch they can partici pate included are stich activi HiY Chimera Club InterSchool Christian Fellowship as well as basketball ioolbnli volleyball er in the grade in students the and menus other team and year ahead isnot only iilled with academic studies but with wriad oi extracurricular activities For the boys ol both collegi aies its back to the gridiron with disappointment for those who dont make the squad and elation ior those who do The greatestadiustment is or individual sports Claim Bomb To Be Clean ANN ARBOR Mich AP lhe iirstyear students who have The hydmgellbomb MW is so passed from an purine school clean that man could walk level to the nail step in their education into its very crater without harm alter its amiosion says For thorn collegiate is an en Dr Edward T211 tircly diiierent world they must to hams called other oi the IIbonib become accustomed Tdier physicist sometimes taught by several teachers and told the Michigan section of the caught inthe traiiie American Nuclear Society Sun in in the halls when it comes day night that the bomb now time to change classes Gone the leisurer lunch hour is has no radioactive iallout °r Teller criticized the govern moro accurately the hour and hali public school students wténhxcgagsegnï¬gege are accustomed to Once at collegiate student bomb in LowIncome Housing Project NIAGARA hmhont or Canada is the last country in the Western world to embark on lowincome housing pro lect Protessor James Mur ray oi Tomato toldthe Ontario Association at Housing Authori ties Monday 1961 survey showed that oi 1a000000Capadians in $500 000 dwellings 750000 wereln either silostandard homes or paying more than they could aflord or housing he said By 1960 it has been esti Have YouTried The FaintliYoursoii VELVET ART Genuine on Painting On Velvet HallmarkNew Revo lutionary method is simpler than the us ual palnihy number HOBBY CENTRE Haroldand Isobel Bristow no Dnnlop venom lot53W SAVAGE HILOS and commas Cloud Hoppers tell $695 to $995 WW1 in new ss DUNLOP er have just little over half an hour in which to eat but what they lose on lunch hour they indicate their young pupils havecontinued to swim for pleasure The project was sparked by Peter Lararenko owner oi ishprocessing plant in the Island Lake area He approa oil theGreater inni YM and told them Indian fisher menin the north had some timesdrowned because they couldntawim lie also sug gested the YMCA might help the lndians to develop lead ership program Mrs Lazarenko flew the boys into island Lake and pa cost of their stay addition Syd Gleneslr to Winnipeg YMCA physical ucaiion jdirector spent his twodweek vacation concluding program at Noniny House 216 miles northoi Winnipeg llis and tour children went With At Isiandrliake Keith and Jimstayed with the Budgie Bay Company trader found that the Indian chil dren who attend Romm Catholic mlssionscliooi all spoke English well The Indians said Keith were quieter and hello be havedipppils than the mesh is edto tenchin In Win nipegYMCA classes they paid altenflo well is forbidden in their territory make up by getting out of school mnmmom tes oiier students CUFFLEY England JohnBowler 7A is planning moomile journey to India by bicycle He is taking light tent and low ouier es syvmss oisNNLioqo Dunlap St Casual Styles For The FuIISeusonï¬ own Tu Sport Coal English super iine flannel button stylingin the Robertsqu FlillillliS Barriets Dohgs Fashion whereythe rssiis TALK alter new all hues Sizes $3495 Vestrv To add the iinal touch to well balanced wardrobe Addablé in plain check oriancy patterns $1095 Dresssh Ivy traditional styling in long point buttondnwn ino dcl Available in whiteheige maize and blue ma terlal soil pebble oxiord cloth $695 Slacks By Teenle and Riviera 100 allfwooi material icaturing permscrease the crease that Will never creaseinplalnsand esant colours gt $i695 Piper Shoes by Pedwin Handsome gralning with trim slimpolntï¬ench toe Stylinstnpleas the young man on the go DISH Exchange the Refunds cheerfully leeii DONT FORGET To chick Your Teen Club Luclw Number enrol animals MEET WELENJQY roux STUDENT NORTTT LLEGIATE WIDE as canons so cannot