STBOIID WWWINW inellelanes it naprnooslpieemnto hellrestlastweekattbe ThistleCitlbBlrrl¢mM ofmemberswhoserootsm planted theBrithldn miniatbelaodctthe hit busload oidub meni berspinntoetiendtheScottlah WhitalfeetherOooeertInMu eey Hall Sept 11 Fells Bfloehridge an the oldest being brass routed Ford with straim fenders An htaeeetfng feature was the bun dreds of oldtime cosbmm word Olen Nonsmcleturcs of those seen irom Innisfll were moard Henry Johnston Codi me Wflimiehby Neil Williams Plpher and Nelson HAPPY BIRTHDAY September is brings around the birthday anniverï¬srurysof this ioumalist Impkin Swanson Notes the column to which everyone turns firm to see what has come into the stunts of his news blundorbuss To Mr Shnpkin whosewrltings one cant afford to be causo one never knows what hes igoiogtoeay next we offer many happy mum of this an niversary day He has always had the improvement of this community at heart and has lent his pen and power towards Its acwmplldxment Miss Sadie Woods and Abro thcr Ernest were presets us so at the silver wedding cele tlon of Mr and Mrs Jack and Toronto The suppu was med in the flower bordered grounds at the rear of the couples home handsome cake embed the table Gifts lnd bestwishes were tender the celebmns ALLENOWENS Congratulations and best wish es tn Harkey Allen and Mrs Owens who were recently mar ried They will reside at the grooms home 70 Henry St Barrie CONCERT TOUR Mr and Mrs Earl Halford RR Stroud will leave Melton Sept 12 to fly to Dublin Ire land with party of so barber shoppelS and their wives This male chorus Tomato branch of the SPEBSQSOA have been chosen to sing at concert in Dublin followed by tom of the British Isles and visit with relatives in London Mr and Mrs Halford hold executive positions in the Alconn Beach Club the latter being conduct ress oi the weekly cuchres there On Sept Harold Armstrong commenced technician course at RadioCollege Tor onto Mr and Mrs Mel Ayerst and Mr and Mrs Nelson Wakoo and Iamilies spent Labor Day weeln Ind on Manitoulin Island TRIP TO NEW YORK Lawrence honoring on com pletion of his College of Edu cation sunnner cotsrse took twoweeks motor trip to New York He was accompan led by his grandfather An drew Cmnming Barrie Tlrougii more than halt century sop arates their ages they both were equally thrilled by their firsttime visit to Manhattan Radio City Worlds Fair and United Nations Budding They were guests of Carman hun ming New Jersey who is correspondent for the American Press 011 Sept Lawrence left for Ottawa where he team as English in the Rideau High School Carol Cumming whois nurseintraining in Victoria Hospital London enjoyed few days solder the parental roof before conunenung her second years course After seven weeks in Barrie hospital following heart at tack Mrs Alec Black returned to her home Sept SOMEROBINSON Congratulations to Kay llohin son and Gary Ransome who were married Sept in the Anglican Churdi 0n returning ram their honeymoon trip they win residein the newly com pletedohome the iitil line mum xiendcdto familyof William Auchterlony who passed away Septic Fifty years ago he came to Canada from Dundee Scotland Five years ago he became per rssuanent resident of Innisfil Town On Sept Mr and Mrs Charles Lucas attended wel come home tea for Mr and Mrs Becker Oaltvilie who haveretumed trom Ittweek trip by air across Canada south on United States thewurlds liar and to Europe some as one Earl New Linda and Doug Campbell and John Mayes at tendedtheCNEandtookpartin the Junior Fanners compati Hons John and Linda were prize winners inthe livestock ampetition in which there were bridge Sunday Hughes Emitters Ire barrio from the inhibition with winsthalkndupfarthcirhoms also at which were tints They will be busy thk fall running meutheeeculmoflfr WMMM Thorndike CollnStenrt IndCardspast the wedged whhlnï¬enrhkqolelb arahlls mass or ems oticswosra Mr and Mrs Doyle is are visiting their son Dfiownand and Ontario Fairs This Week their lsPortP Burkl Oriilis Ontheoccuionofher birth dayMn Hitchimonwns fetedetthsnlrmnarresidmcsat Bass Lake of RC Ind Mrs Hutchimoh By MR8 BERT MULEOLLAND Visitor with htr and Mn Calvin Boyd over the weekend were has and Dome Sutton and family from Oakvllle Mrs Reg Ball and Garry Mr and Mr and Mrs Shth inmily Midland and Mr and Mrs Green Barrie visited airs land Mrs wAeléfld Webb dur past Mr and Mrs decr McFar land oi Moimt Albert visited relatives on Sunday BANE The UCW of strand entered for the teachers and school board of this area nurnbering about 46 turkey banquet was hmmi it or evanng was the first day of actual and meeting followed the meal SURPRISE Mrs Helen Muckod Big Bay Point had real surprise when her niece teiwhoncd her 1mm Scotland saying she wu noon logforavisitandtomeether st Melton This was just like talking to her neighbor the lines were so clear ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs Bert Mulhoiland and Bill entertained at the 5th wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs llall Phelpston Saturday evening at their large farm home with dancing on the lawn The reeve of Fins Township gave an address and neighbors pie scaled gifts Over 2130 eni0yed that buffet supper and wedding DALSTON By MRS EPONAGLE Mr and Mrs lorna Handy and family visited Niagara Falls Thursday Mr and Mrs Francis Williams and Morris attended the christ ening of their granddaughter Ruth Baldwlck at Trinity Ang lican Church Barrie Sunday and later joined other guests for sup per at the home of the parents Mr and Mrs Maurice Bald wick Utopia At the anniversary services to he held in Dalston United Church Sunday Sept 13 the soloist at 11 am will be Ross and at 780 pm Alvin Thomp son Holiday guests of Mr and Mrs Mark Sponagle included their hrntherinlaw Fred Cro well of Windsor NS and he phew Wayne Smith Hamilton School days are here again The hell rang at It Best Memorial for the public school pupils in this area and at Bar rie North Collegiate for the sec nndaryï¬chooi students Myron Sponagle has returned to Hyerson Institute Toronto to begin the senior year UNDERTAKE PROJECTS United Church Women met at the home of Mrs George Sal isbury Monday evening Mrs Thorpe led the devotional and Bible study period Mrs Dicker read from the study bookilranch of the Banyan It was decided to sell refresh ments at the Jury sale to enter exhibits at the 0m Worlds Fair and to assist with the Pension Fund delicious limb was ser ved by the hostesses Mrs Dick er and Mrs Jory monusss By MES MONTEITM Visitors during the week at Browns were Mr and Mrs Langley and leona of Goldwater Mr and Mrs Batt and Miss Bait of Midland and Mr and Mrs Brown Barrie Midhnrst iiirLGuides with bold Sen Mr and Mr Sanford and famfly Mrs bbard and family and Mrs Andross visited Santas Village at Brace Mr William McNeil of Barrie Miss Carol McNeil and friend of Tomato were Sunday visitors at Pat Collins Sr Mr and Mrs Rodway and daughters of Toronto spent the weekmd with Giarles Bowdery Dr and Mrs Eric Channen and family of dsor spent weeks hoiid ithr Mn ahd Mrs Channen Weekend visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs DAngio were Mr and Mrs core Jr Mrs Munt Lorry Cole man Toronto and and Mrs Vern Coleman Beéton Many friendsand relatives at tended the open house Satur day tMraneraEChIn Duckworth attended Steam Es It slum Saturday Mrsners GloriaMot crait St Therm lmthe weekend with MrIneraEl donLntlmcr Mlssï¬amoEatonhl tr lattinRUleViaomH Ii Barri Alfred Knidit is Vltimt in Stmnybrook Hosiptal Monte so it we vusary services It Greufcl Sunday is Mr hunt is aiormer or at Touch Mrs George Bridger Douglas and Robert Miss Joanne Gor $1111 Yaw and Mrs Arthar were Smiley with Mr and Mrs Gerda Syncnu extended to Mr and Mrs Allsson In the sud den passing of Mn Ailasonr brother at Truro Nova Scotia Rev and Mrs Robert Lacey and famiva Ibronto called on Mr and Mrs Hammond Smday on their way bone from Swill maxi Mr one an Mrs Roy leimer on the birth of baby girl Wednesday Sept at Royal Viaoria Hospital Barrie NEW PLUS BymAWANLESS Mrs Elvin Pearson and dsu rhtars Mrs Lloyd New and AROUND SIMcdn doom am lmeAIltllfl mwwhsdw Cole visitai liimds attended the Throotn more Thursday Rem visitors at the Mr and Min Codi Reynolds were Mrs Darryl and Mrs JohnyLarlgmon and Mark of Tilnmtan were ms Thursday of Mrs At Mr and Mrs Elmer Atldoson and daughter at Deep River spent the holiday weekmd at their form here Everett Edwards had the mic fortune to break an ankle in three places when the wheel came off his race cart He was in Penetang hospital for nlmmt week Mrs Sum Allen and Mrs Har old Smith spent Thursday and Friday at Waverley attending the leadership training school The Cereal Shell Several families from here at tended the wiener and corn roast Friday evening for members of Knox Church Crossland at the home of Mr and Mrs Jack Cowno Mr and Mrs Reynolds Penetang Spent the weekmd with their soninlaw and dau ghter Mr and Mrs Waiter Hall Mr and Mn Jim Miliigan Frankie and Jayne spent the weekend with friends in Toronto Mr and Mrs Cline ann and iamin and Mr and Mrs Steve Bawn visited Sunday at Hawke stone with Mr and Mrs Lloyd Bartholomew Mr and Mrs Harold Wanless Bruce and Swan of Egbert were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Archie Wanlcss Mr and Mrs Lloyd ckerlng and family lmndooï¬vuitcd nn Sunday with the forrners hm therinlaw and sister Mr and Mrs Alex Finlay Mr and Mrs Archie Wanless and Warren spent Tuesday in Toronto Mr and Mrs Archie Malcom went toMalton Airport Tuesday to see their son and daughter inlaw off on trip to visit rela tives in Scotland and England NEW FLOS WI New Floss Womens Instihlte at Tuesday evening Sept at the home of Steve Rawn Ten members answered the roll all My favoritcflow eri Three visitors were pres en This was the Grandmntiiers Meeting and each grandmother was presented with small gilt Archie Wanlem read ute to Grandmothers for Mrs Archie Smith who was unable to be present Mrs Fred Viney had can test for the grandmothers Mrs Alex ï¬iï¬nlay held contest on mothers day The winner was GlinezRawn Mr Mrs Harold Smith Misses Su zanna Finlay and Greta DeGor ter LH Homemaking Club members gave an intcrating account of their trip to Toronto and the ONE Mrs John DeGorter and Mrs Wanless were named to the fair cmnmitlee Mrs Alexllsm 11 Mrs Smith and Mrs Cameron are to arrange for sale of the piano at litttbs School The teacher Mrs imgheed is to be given $5 towards the ar pcuses of the pupils capes flower show was held the winner being Mrs Fred Vinny for sick room bouquet anths Cline RaWn for corsage Mrs Alex Finlay5wlll he lion toss Tuesday alternoonaOct 13 Members are asked to bring WT Mrs Maggm and Janice andth Petflgrew visited Hands in Colitnxyood ursduy Selby Dobbs and Jilth Mc ietiï¬dkiï¬i Mr andMrs and family moved on Monday to their new home on Paris Sheet Beeton Mr and Mrs Earl ilanonrli and Mr and Mrs Ed Boynton and Mr and Mrs George Lisk attended the CNS Thursday Visitors at the home of Mrs Wiggins Qednesdaywere Mrs Lorne mum Mr mi Mrs George Fawcelt of Georgetown Miss Matth ews and Mrs Lloyd Futon oi NEW loweli Mr and Mrs Shepherdand Mrs Wray of Allshonn Mrs Wiggins span Wednesday visiting Mrs Hill of Bernie Mr md Mlm Mason vis itdsyd friends in Orangcville Mon Mr and Mrs Cecil Farrier ol Sundridge were in town during die week Mr and Mrs Shaw of lloronto spent theweekend atlhe home of the latters miller Mrs Thom asihlrst Mr aners liver English and family of Kitchener spent tune weekend with relatives in ByMRS reactor This community offers deep est sympatlw to Mr and Mrs ï¬rhlthgmoféhAnten Mills III oss il tighter Mary too who died Sunday in Royal Victoria Hospitalfoilowiog an accident Friday evening Mrs Robinson of North Bay span holiday with Ros anne and Heather Downey Congratulations to Ell Craw ford who won the Premium Tro phy at Ottawa Fair for his sheep winning in all ISIS three champions and two re serves Minesing is proud ofits base hall players this season Both seniors and juniors won tropic number lrom Minestrng from the unite of the can MranersCsriItoh of Toronto visited Mm aiiti Sunday salami 31 MRS CAMPBELL patient in Barrie hospitah Welcomeis extended to oewtarrdllesinourcommunityx ivyable From there she flew to mt VISIT BY DUKE OP YORK AT Bilitillï¬i STATION seen at in railway in tiooonvisitby Dukeonorit Canadas cyp Establishes Positions rename Cypnla 6P Canadian troops of the timed Illlions pesos forms have use tabllshed iour new posidous near this village in norihssn Cypnn where Wally can piosive situation is developing our by Thridah pr riots to road to St IIii srion Castle their stronghohi in Ms Robert Thulimit Quebec Qty commoder of IL corinpsny tst Battalion Royal and Regiment oonfhmed Thulnday that new positions werosetlmtotrytokeethak iflr and GreekCypriots apart Illa deealbed the ï¬xation here as very tense sonic Maintains from the eas tle 2000 feet above the coastal lowlands CBS OCCUPIES till THIRD PLACE BALTHIIOYLE APPCBS was in third place inthe American League standings Thursday according to the Baltimore NewsrAmerican The newspaper published the name of the broadcast ing system instead of the New York Yankees inboth the fuil standings and pennant guide of the lost three teams Gaels Reinforce Cup Deiense Squad OSEAWA CF Oshawa Green Gaels left Thursday for the Canadian jilnlor lacrosse Minto thrp championships against New Westminster Sal monbellies in New Westminster BC The hestofseven series opens Sept 21 0shawadelending Minlo Cup champions and this years east ern representatives eliminated Aiderwood Terriers inthe semi Wientheroadmiibetba liter King George mmut ota con ay ng Kyrcnia with Nicosia the Worm capital spokesman for the Iulrlsh Cypriot oonununity said Thurs day the read they are atternpt tag to build is intended primar ily for the purpose of supply log me Motion of Tsmhbs have ex LtéOol Andy the lame He said used to post armed men in the ylllage Ternbloss population now is abort soo many of them refugees from abandoned Tink tsh villages nearby him he told here rus Force lst Battalion oonnnander said talks are in progress at high level in an attempt to settle nystillhas small mm left after mining its new out wwulduohereiniorcedif hood plmty of marvel on other side of the min battalion headquarters near Ky renla Poss We hope it wont be necessary to nova thorn From Frank leaner Barrlsl mm were ADS CRANE SERVICE Cement Hoisting Steel Construction Clam Bucket Drag Line sxcsvarmo GRADING BACK FILLING BITCIIJNG wsomo surname STEWART CONSTRUCTION is Eccler St Dill P0 Box 34 7mm Barrie Woodcock the at PARK MOTORS onsnm 1953 CHEVROLET The price is right on this fine door coach Finished in white and red economical cyl inder engine foldeep transportation You cant beat this car See Jim Dickson nowf $19 no DOWN on Your encompass N0 PAYMENTS UNTIL NOVEMBER PARKS FLEET PRICE linalsahd BramptonArm strongs in the eastern finals by four games straight in eadi se nes Three players Bill Young and Doug Favell both of St Catharina and Bill Armour of Hastings Ont joined Oshawa to bolster the team The club is expected to are rive in New Wutminster Sun da holster sitarrspending July and gt August in Irimshaw Alta Mr and Mrs Raven held fondlyreunion attheir home here last weekend whldi their three daughters and husbands and famiiits attended Mrs Jack McArthIn had few friends in lat Wednesday evening to visit her sister Mrs $11 Scents B2 Vim EM wsday an famiiy and Mrs lied their uncleMr Mrs Enron has returned from Vancouier Regina Mrs Walker of Readily She motored home with them from Regina Mr and Mrs Oran and Susan were weekend guestsat Little Diaborah was is Mr and Mrs Merle Stunt of Minden who are in the strong house fonneriy George Pearsons Mr and Mrs Stafford of Toronto in the Earss house and Mr and Mrs Alex Mini and um children of Toronto in George for the program and hells apartment Mariamsu 1959 AUSTIN CAMBRIDGE The price is right on this little beauty it is deluxe door finished in enamel Alive with power See Don Dalton on this little beauty mm FLEET mszn gm Dith on your assessor can No snviunnss 1mm nochnnn entrances Elï¬R Sillo put unins 1959 FORD FAIRLANE Dont walk run park test drive this door sednna toned triumph in green enamel economical cylinder power standout vehicle See Geoff Gloria nowf FLEET $5817 no DOWN 0R YOUR PRESENT CAR N0 PAYMENTS UNTILNOVEMBER PANICS I959 METEOR WAGON Reach for the peak in driving pleasure in this Station Wegun Ruggedly built for carrying large cargoes of people etc Do luxe model brown and white with vinyl interior Ask for Art Fairhorne FLEEI $590 no DOWN on roua artisans can live rumours UNTIL novnnnsn KQNZALL cities rsnns onnr sum arson arrowser FOBMOLD AR