Mill Ioulse Colley chats with Jun Hughes on and VJd health at Blidllloflllll Man held in her honor SPEAKING OF PEOPLE AND PLACES MUSKOKA aousne naNca The opening dance of square dance week was held Saturday averting at Bangor lodge Brace bridge with Dave Taylor or Do troitand Earl Park at Saskat chewan as callers and Marg Rough of Toronto oonvener The party began with steak dinner served in the lodge dining room and dandng allowed in the heautilui new dance pavilion Among the square dancers were Mr and Mrslaclr Crawford Mr and Mrs Coldtoo oi arrlo Mr and Harvle ebcr Miss Mae Ferguson and Bill Wright of Stroud Mr and Mrs Gift Beaver of Camp Bord en are attending the entire dance weekssesslons BRIDAL SHOWER Miss Diane Phillips Septemtr gar brideelect was guest of hen or at miscellaneotrs shower held at the country residence at Mrs Harblnson Oro Station Shower hostesses were Miss Kar on Harbinson and Miss Libby Bowden of Toronto and Miss Carol Hodges oi Barrie Miss Phhllps will wed Wayne Thur low son oi Mr and Mrs Murray ihurlow oi Barrie Sept in Trinity Anglican Church Manrrona GUESTS Mr andMrs James lay and son Ricky have return ed to their home in Brandon Manltoba alter spending three weeks with Mr Marleys part ts Mr and Mrs Morley or ckworth Street MOTOR HOLIDAY Mr and Mrs Fred coulsonot Rose Street returned to the city Sundaymorning following weeks motor tour of Northern Ontario and the lakehead twin cities Travelling via Kirkland Lake to Fort William the cou pli returned via Sault Ste Marie and Sudbury Holiday highlights included tours of the paper mills inthe model town otKapualras Northern Wood Preservcrs FortWlllinm and the Algoma ti commas nuasrs Hospï¬ï¬ldzwaterr Till Herons mm RESIDENT at the home at her hostess Mlle Sloped Godrlnglon St Miaacoileywasnrrectornt sirnooe County Retreatlon Sen vim tor period oi 11 years were Mr and Jack Iere Anne and Robin son Tom Aylottot Catharioes parents my Mrs George Wieland and 333 Aylott miner sports dauditer Susan and Miss Sally nvrucarn BRIDGE Mr and am comes Parsons gramme were NorthSouth winners at the duplicate brldg Wed at the of linwlrestooe have announced YMYWCA Wfllnfldll HP the engagement or thrlr daugh lngEaatWeatwlnnsra were Mr ur Janice Peacock oi Barrie to Larry James Garner son or Mr and Mrs William Garner or Shanty Bay mu home this week alter months imfwugfncb 5mm Sm 19 holldaylnllarrle Miss Britten and Mrs llm Dewar WESTERN fllESl 1° 54 Chuieh am will be the set ting tor the wedding at bliss Doria Maxine Thinlow and Dr Johnston of Highland Avenue UBC STUDENT Miss Vickie Tomiinson is visit Maid flirtatopher lag her mother Mrs Herman Sept 19 The brideeiect is the Tomlinsontbis week beloraleav daughter at Mr and Mrs Wil ing or Vancouver She will he llam llmrlow or Barrie me taking post graduate public bridegroomth is the son oi health course at the University Mt Domthy Meetings at Paris Ontario and the late Christo pher Hastioga gt oi British Columbia ATTEND CNE Visitors to the Canadian Nat loaal Exhibition on Saturday were Mrs Vincer daugh TODAYS RECIPE Maesme lClNG Lacup white sugar egg white 14 cup corn ml heater the Barrie Yacht Club on Sunday following the annual sail past lheLadlea bmrniitee ot the vener otjha tea was Mrs Har old Brett zPeriorming thovtaa honorswere Mrs Rowe Place overboiling water and but am mum Wm giro Mercer Mrs 3le WClub oi Barrie ME Home Ms mm Mrs heroics McDonald Mm 10de She is new terlng her see and year at the University at Wisconsin vihere she is com pleting her PhD Examiner Photo lou Absm all Shannon Street Mr and Mrs Frank Perkins St Andrews Presbyterian Hastings Climax Occasion Sail Past Events Anallemoon tea was heldat Club served tea in the lounge and on the new sun deck Cons The hostesses were Gre Mrs Ali Enlighten and Saturday evening members tbsp icing sugar cup mrgartnE eups floor all purpose rolled this into rails and we an Magma at sad su gree oven to minutes Put to gether with iaing and PWLiubolEarrle VisitorsinBarrlannSahsrday Miss lime Caldwell and guests gathered tor the Sail Past Dance Among the guests atiend lng were Mr and Mrs Burt Gerrana Mr and Mrs it Presi ton Mr and Mrs Powell Mr and Mrs hysahlld Mr and Mrs Brett Mr and Mrs Holtzhauer Mr and Mrafl Toler Mr and Mrs mane Maciaareo and Foster Mr and Mrs Ellista son Mr and Mrs Haughton Woodlock ms Mr and Mrs hon Gremo Mr and Mrs ran Mr and Mrs HarmonMr and Mrs liar bron Mr and Mrs Moore Connor Miss Longburst rick Mr and Mrs Mannhest and MapW Bedlamlitrrand Mr and Mrs Vice Commodore and Mrs Jack Bonney ML and Mrs Me Crea Mr and Mrs Filzpatlt er Mr and Mrs PMCR8I Mr and Mn lliBrunner Mr Mrs Nay Mr and Mrs Wallis Mr and Mrs Brenne man Mr and Mrs Holter write this letter Perhaps can Mr and Mrs Poole Mr and Mrs MnAlllster tom am now sullering modoreanersEMercerMr and Mrs Maodonald Monkhouse Miss Macdonald Derbysh Women EXécuï¬vesiNeglécl Anneli Medical CheckUps am going to sit in the lobby un iigéfsl rig £5 is SEES Cut NI that into the enlnei with hot lulu water Wipe the top and allth trays altar ends meal Think the oven as cook ing pan whim needs to be washed alter each use when noel remove all shelves and racks and let them soak in sink or waahtub lull ol bot suds lhis makes it easy to reach all inside surfaces nooks and tune ales with welllaihered cloth or sponge POUR OFF GREASE Wash the broiler alter and use pourng any grease while still warm When the pan is cool soak it and the broiler grill in hot suds ihen scrub with stiti brush rinse and dry lh loosen stubborn greasy iilm place bowl ol rudsaad ammonla in the oven or broiler overnight lhen melt away the soltened grease with clean hot ANN LANDERS as is assess Foodspiila will bornthem selves oil the units at electric ranges but the burner rims and reflectors or drip cups need to be removed when cool or wash in in hot suds 1t there is deepwell cooker keep the inside scrupulously clean removing the liner lor washing in hot suds vacuum cleaner attach ment is handy or sucking mlan item the bottom of the we noninsulated cover can be immersed landsy water it in sulated the cover should lust iglbwlped clean with audsy Who Needs Honeymoon Ii Groom Prefers TV Dear Ann Landem am writ ing this letter on my honey moon Ev and were married yesterdayaltarnoon We checked into this motel alter beautllul church wedding IN looked around the room or the TV He didnt see one so he went out to the room clerk and asked where the TV was the clerk toldhimmanyot the TV sets were being re paired and he was sorry there was shortage Ev said You advertise TV set in every room and want one he room clerkIrepllad figured hoï¬eyvhoonerswould this TV less than other talks but maybe was wrong in your case Ev readied over to hit him and one oi the bellboya pulled Ev olixlpleadedlwith Ev to com to the room so could talk to him He said No til get that iVaet Ann he satpthers until 330 Ian and cried all night This morning Ev started in withtha room clerk again and am writing this letter be cause dont know what to do or where toturn Please wire your mummiï¬ed Bride Dearlrtde As said in ray telegram it Ev is still sitting in the lobby when this message arrives take train plane or busand go home The groom needs pretensions help He used the TV as an excuse to avoldvthe role of husband Ev refuses to get the help he needs speak to your clergy man and lawyer about an an tatlment worsen IDsAnnth amatill in deepmourning but Imust spare some other wile the grief George and were married 32 years We had good lite to gether we produced tine ehii dr and we were lovely manila tram nervous disorders President or heriowndim grandchildrenï¬eorgeowned successful business and made good investments lie paid all the bills and gave me cash allowance every two weeks It neededmore money he gave it to me George never talked to me about ï¬nances and never asked him any questions Two weeks ago George had cerebral hemorrhage in his ol line He was unconscious when they brought him to the hospi tfl lie died three days later Georges lawyer is simmer to me must take his word or everything Georges will warm years Aold7Fore smart man he lelt things in terrible mess He had stocks and bonds in vaults out of town acgord ing to his tamer business part ner and now we are trying to llnd them Soldlikstoaaytoyou women dont let your husband pro you as did Sit down with him and Ask him It you died tomor rowI would your attain be in the shape you want them to be in wish hadDame THE STARS SAY By WA Another good dayl Empha aile teamwork now since your best results in job matters will be brought about through co operation with others Marital relationships diould also lotulsh under present in fluences Inoktor some men peotedly good news in the sun FOR THE BIRTHDAY It tomorrow your horoscope indicates that where joband financial mat ters are concerned ltturpat tnrnwilihe somewhat varied one during them 12 months From now untilmidOctober it would be eri to be especially conservative in monetary at mom encen vejrygg cy oag thessllnes until Novemer men iaposaible insulin in thenui month you may have an opportunity to inaease your earnings since job aflaira will be stimulated but you wont realize the full beneï¬t of them beloie November Other good listhi periods be sides tiovunher Iwill oowr dun ragthe printthree months of 1955 also lime Sepbem range Job androrbusiness lento which more bring realistic china introducing Feacorvn maroon momsespeelauyhesignedrsrvmmgaaunu stretch strap baodéauor fLyora wholes unï¬nished mucous mun whole new concept in Put regular nontour style or seminon urstyle Sines so inAA ABgoups Eontonr