Edit It GIRLS wssricsns TO RAISE MONEY Members oi the Kernpeo felt Drum and Bugle Corps color guard worked lrom am until late afternoon 5st urday washing cars in order to raise money for new equip nrurt The group is soon to compete in Canadian champ ionships in Toronto Above Suffer Injuries In Car Accident Perq Pawis 11 at shawlnl gan Ont was charged with dri ving without licence allow ing Saturday morning acci dent in which he ander pas senger Joseph Cameron oi Chippewa lï¬ii Dot were in jured The men were admitted to harries Royal Victoria Hos pital with head lacerations The car driven by Pawis but owned by Cameron went out oi control when the driver braked on wet pavement it skidded on the shoulder flipped and came to rest on its wheels The vehicle estimated at 75 was writeoli The Ontario Provincial Police report that other charges are pending The OPP Barrie Detachment also charged Joan Kraniec 43 BOOK STORE iho Barrie North Collegiate litY will open book storeat the sciiool beginning Tuesday at 10 am until noon ior the pur pose of buying and selling stu dents text books As soon as school begins the book store will be open on regular basis oi Drillia with careless driving alter her car collided with vehicle driven by Veiburt hill oi oi Scarborough Damage to the cars was estimated at Sm The mishap occurred on High way 400 on Saturday aiternoon Set Dates For Four Concerts Four conccrts have been ar ranged by ihe Barrie Community Concert Association tor the loss 65 season The first attraction ol the ser ies is the Obernlrirchen Child rens Choir which will appear Nov in Central Collegiate at 830 pm All the concerts will be held in the collegiate and will begin at some time The New York Concert Trio will be in the city Nov 25o The third oi the series will be David Barlllnn who will appear March 15 with the ï¬nal con cert on April 13 to leature the Caledonia Singers and Dancers TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compllzd by Ir rim snowman poor aridsa ma Seas Doro round Dom Eturcl Asbestos Abltlbl Alloma Stall Aluminium Alberta Alberta Ga Tr Arm Argus Pfd Atlantic Sulor his or Monk and Ns Bell Tel Brazilian naou am can Aviation Iv caagm or Call eav Width Hi memoir Inter utiiiiiu Interprov Pipe Joel Club sapii CI Po cai an outbursan on Paper Cons Gal ballad aetin ian Gunnar Blair uaiiipsr arr Labrador Lara pursuit Leneaurr Lorado Mattalunl sirat Mar Madison Cert Dal aia Carr Morin Denlson cm Glut Y3 New Rocco nvl Mosa am noon Fern Tribal oowaorsas NEW YORK AvasrAuaa 18 Hails down 41 Titanium Iaocx nature on Juanita ram Massey mammals down mom in iddeley Home 011 Hun any Miss Hudsons lily Imp rahcoo ammo MumMin or Dunlop St Harris Mae Pow Riv Massey rug Normda gar Org NOr can cry biclnPorc Paciï¬c Pete Pens Pl Pan may Power Cora Qua Not In Royal nanir Salads food slainoar Shell steel of can Taunam or Trans Can Tuna Mir Trad Fin Texaco Union Gal Walker saw Weston Zenith olbi 2A Normqu Northqu oPEmIIXI iimau om Shestit sleep Rook irihag lined Oil NICO KERU Wlllffly Wiltsey WIIIOIIu Utilities down Canada are Jane Earislr Gieryla Kelly Mary Jones Donor George Elizabeth George Dolly Jones and Peggy Zion Examiner Erato Guest Speaker Announced For Fall Meeting Peter Carter oi Toronto general manager oi CAC Real ty Limited will be guest speak er at the ï¬rst tail meeting at the Barrie District Real Es tats Board it was announced today The meeting is scheduled tor the Continental inn Wednesday September 16 and guests irom Owen Sound Grillia and or angeville are expected Mr Carter who will speak on mortgage financing has an impressive list oi qualifications in addition to his position as general manager oi CAC Realty wholly owned subsidiary ol Canadian Acceptance Comoros tion he is member at the Fellow oi the Valuers Institu tion oi Crest Britain corpar ate member oi the Association oi Ontario Land Economists and member oi the advisory board to the Ontario Govern ment in l960he was advisor to the government on problems of the mortgage industry and sub sequentiy conducted the inves tigation resulting in passing oi the mortgage limiters Regis tration Act investigations con troversial enough to prompt two attempts on his tile in 1963 he attended and serv ed on the Royal Commission in vestigating the mortgage indus tryin Ontario Nova Sootia and Manitoba He has total of 17 years ex perience in real estate apprais ing and mortgage iinancing so years in England and seven in Returns Purse Receives Reward Mike Mowforth 10 of John St Barrie is one lad who has iound that honesty pays Mike found ladys purse last week at the corner Dunlop and Bayfield Streets He took the purse to the police station Dutch couple in Canada only to days was in the station to report the loss at the purse which contained small amount oi money They gave Mike $3 rewar FARM PRICES BUTTER Butier prices Jamiramp Stabilisation board tenderahle wlots buying 40 score buying 39oeore 52 selling 55 GRAIN WINNlPEG CPIFlu was easier to moderately active aooarsrauauu whkh began Snaiay at Geneva Park in Drillia Nancy Synnott of the Barrie Central IiiY and Marilyn Jay presi dent oi the Barrie North IiiY Constable Ed Ziiioito oi the Barrio OPP late Saturday Hill was called to Investigate iluh ingredandmenllghtalnihs thy bur Ferndale but what he got there the nu were gone woman in the area wooed in the report as onus Two Barrie girls are attend log the Canadian iiiY assembly PUC offices on Hayï¬eld Street pm Evm 1m gum both at Toronto received laceroi Tour Bus Crew Is Exper Two third generation Ion don busmen arrive in Canada soon for busnrans holiday with diiicrence Ken Wames driver and Stan Marshall conductor who allure 47 years service with hndon Transport are to pilot notion doubledeclrer bus S500mllea across Canada Starling Sept II in Montreal the bus and crew will visit more lhan to Canadian cities during sixweek goodwill tour to pro mote the British TravelAaso ciationa Come to Britain cook reign or 1966 These unusual ambassadors visit Barrie September 29 Both Warm and Marshall coma irom London bus shyness ties their iathera and pater nal grandiathers worked on the capitals transmutation system going back to the days at horse buscs and opentopped tramcsrs Marshall busmad for an at his so yearswlll act as con ductor oi the ETA bus as it ex changes its usual No it routs ior Canadas Prairies In Lon don bus conductors job is busy one taking fares ac cording to distance travelled ringing ior stops and starts and looking alter the wellare oi the passengers You have to he combina tion oi psychologist information expert athlete accountant and comedian to be successlnl eon ductor says Marshall who has to keg track at 56 passengers on the upper and lower decks of his bus giva advice to tourists and oiten help people who think theyre lost Marshall who once had to ex plain to an overseas visitor that the London underground sub way system was not sub versive organization feels hes seen and heard everything trorrr passengers ANOTHER mNr Always call the ladieslgirls and keep smiling especially it TYLO Breaking Investigated Bame my Police are inves tigating breakins only minutes apart onRose Street Saturday night Thieves made alt With slide projector and some orna mental china 1mm one house but took nothing from the other On Sunday alternoon an un known vehicle forced Carl An dross 20 no1 Midhurst to drive into sparked car The car was owned by Lawrence Foster at so Dunlop Street Dam age to the vehicles was estimat ed at 1100 Two youths were charged following Saturday night brawl on Dunlap Street marg ed with causing disturbance artl Robert Daganaultand Paul Corsan window at Valley Taxi was broken in the scuttle ThetadriyonihoCrainEx change will be rinsing students roan across Canada attending the Inklong eoolerenos 15 EMERGENCIES Fifteen people were admitted to Barries Royal Victoria Hos pllai emeng ward durifll the weekend Seven motor ve treated by the emergency ward tunes The commissioners oi the Pub tic Utilities Commission wili meet Thursday evening in the the bus is bit late in the rush hour ls another Marisol blnt ior good oonductoring With london Transport ior years Ken Warns 40 says driving London bus is not dilficult ones you get used to the roll dwbicdecher is balanced so that it can tilt aide ways to todegree angle with out ialiing and all drivers under go sixweek training course which includes skid and tilt tests Wames who lists mechanics as hobby also points out that its impossible ior landon bus driver to deviate irom the usual routes because at the 14 toot height oi the vehicle Before starting new route drivers ride as passengers tor week to become familiar with turns and overhead obstructions Ills only problems on the Canadian tour will be learning to drive on the wrong side at the road and watching ior low bridges and hanging cables liis golden rule Keep coo nd have the patience of Job Both Warncs and Marshall firmly believe that the best and cheapest way to see iondon is iron the top at doubledecls er bus as it rolls past the cap itals landmarks The lowest are is fourpence live cents and the visitor can buy ior $850 him to unlimited travel ior seven days over Londons 4000 miles oihus subway anddooacla routes in each city on the goodwill hour oi Canada Wames and Marshall will hold open house on the bus inviting the public aboard ior rides and tovlew the exhibition in the mobile inior mation centre on the lower deck They will give each visitor souvenir ticket and British travel literature Planninghoard Meets Tuesday Two deputationhwfll rneet with tho horriePlapnin Board tom at pm at City Holl Ons deputation will concern reson ing of property north of High way 400 and west at St cent St developer is consid ering subdivision ior the site real estate ilrm laaslslng the board to have the comet oi Ecoles and Sophia Sta rs zoned ior an apartmént building Also developer Bob Harris will ask the members to con sider changes ior his proposed The board hasalready heard his plan for the subdi sion nrw ENHANCE 01ml Master ticket which entitles Steel PugetSt subdivision knew conceptin rate making has made it pos IhréééCdr cars Sends To Hospital thrower collision in Innis imo some persons and carried extensive damage to the vdricies Cara drives by Gary Bloyo oi her Siderold Inniaiil ur iously lniuring one man and causing lacerations to live others any in most seriously hurt with back and ahouider juries and dock era tiona nod mm Driver oi second car Harry Bower and passengua Michael Bower and Diana Whatky all liliued lacerations Michael OFarreli Norton driver of the third caraod five passengers were all uninjured lrailatfl polioa investigated CARELESS DRIVING Ontario ProvinciaL Police at Elmvale said James Williams oi Scarboroqu was diarged with careless driving alter he was involved in collision with car driven by Pat enotldo of Va Ont The accident occurred late Saturday afternoon just north oi Vlndsn Street Police report no to es Edward Drew of Port Severn was drargcdtrtthoareleudrlw trig alter an ossthwad car nurture Suvaa ybrhigo on highway it early MudII morn ioi No other yehiclowaa la solved but damage to the Drew ear wuieatlmaied at Victoria Victoria Harbour Ontario Pro vincial Police were called alter man duriolidied his the Mitigate Side rom was too our people to hospital mated with centers driving is Millard Braddock lol Linen mil Street Toronto No other vehicle was involved Huge Crowd0n Hand Ior iiir Show By Barrie Orillia Clubs Some 6900 people turned out yesterday at Lake St John Air portan miles northeast of Orillla to wstdr about too pilots Participate it the Eagle Exposmien Aircr was Lions annual itydn The ultratidrt limit boned in imm all over southern Dn tano Montreal and even from the United states Events includ ed an uhibltim hy the Barrie Model Airplane Club dire lighting display by the quart widamm mm con tests and plans rides The club prelidmtï¬Sqd lair Roland Dobsoo oi Bariie said die was pleased with the pres entatioo The weather was good for flying or the planes in the tIyln innarrs SUMMER FESTIVAL boardw umeét pm time and place for Pilsener 28 were homebuilt and word floor plane at the pilots were women Flyera attend the draws to discusaJiying tedrnlques with colleagues to examine other machines and to an elf their own creation The next tlyrin is slated ior Oct at the Barrie and Camp Borden air terminals GIVE REPORT At the next meeting oi the Barrie Recreation Corranlitee to be held early in September Mra Winston Blogt the iorrner Jana Winter assistant director at recreation for the oommitteo this summer will outline the summers recreation activities Golda down has Metals up 06 wt Who 17 Am amount of permanent insurance which niciy he oddadtoa baslcloiwyeost plan for the family must Ask forda THERE ALWAYS 11MEAND PLACE FOR PlLSENERHad tough devon the job Head foryour javourito tavern with semi ands and he ivelyJaggL from Labansl So you ckihetime and theplace Bu sure you always pick Pilseno For sparkli tasteithoras nothing like dno of four great Lshatt brews for JOY CANADIAN PRO FOOTBALL ON TV BROUGHT TO YOU BYi LABATIS experience to the Pet orgair