big change has been made man standing on the ground horse event other members ol in the print structure or heavy Hitched classes are tor horses his committee nro Scott horm nt this years Barrio xe frnlvlllllguwagoun Thefro are gal Ekcegteas lixlervyn mutton our or cusses or one son et an erson Nearly all halter classes have the large home categories Cly Webb Mike Myers and Arch been luminarg gm dle perthfsrognnrrgdgelginn Taomzu mono net node or htc ro are orso envy orse oven ed discs categories and three more spec take place Aug 28 which will Bill Malcornson manager lal categories or com ho lElridny xJudgingI lell blegin cm 595 am our cuss Iirchesglgdmtfclggsubenu mm mm mm hwy tor the competitors horse is almost 91200 The judge or this event will Halter classes klielol tonlllorna um Crovm all innit go tSheldon Walker oi Cameron shawnalonohe byhn by ac nnnn or envy all seal Mr vlco shoulder to the wheel and does it In past years Mr Synnott has becn vice president nnd pre sidcnt or the society as well no serving menus commit C5 OTER AWARDS Another malor nwolt made at cstcrda low allow an IPA Scott in togftrgggu lm sh award plaque and presented llorso showing atthe Barrie Exhibition Aug 27 to 29 may get shot in the arm from recent ruling or the Royal Ag ricultural Winter Fair entries in each class to max imum at 15 Barrie lair manager Bill Mal conlson said the made by the winter lair com mittee because of the length time needed to Show each class in previous years As prerequisite to entering horse at the Royal the exhl Change In Prizes ighSt Norman Synnolt or Sunnldnle Rood inst night become the Horticultural Society to be honored wlththo societys high est award the Diploma of Set Mr Synnott joins Johnson and Morrcn oi Barrio in being the third living recipient of the wnrd which has provincial The award was presented to Syrinott or his years oi sar Socioty sldcnt liord Rollonon who come from Toronto for the or cnsslon gt in his presentation speech Mr noilnson nnld when there is something to be done Norm Synnott is the men who puts his JOSEPH JACQUES THREATENS Royal Winter Fair Rules May Help Barrie Fair ed by the Canadian Horse Show Association Other organ izations have lent their sanction cutting ruling was living member at the Bar Jack Mrs lllldreth on it to the Barrie Horticultural immediate past pro points bllor must hnve won with the same animal It rst at class show or two llrsts at class 13 show The Barrie exhibition is rated class This man but those hop blt at the Royal will out and show here points log to exhi have to go in order to pile Mr Melcomson sold it there is any doubt those with highest point total will given prcierenco or entry The entire horse show at the Barrie air has been sanction Avvard To Norm Synnott hulpcd by the entire executive board Judges or the show were Mr and Mrs Morris Earl of lVJronto ower arranging demons tration by Mrs Doris Scott pro aldent and Mrs Henson ot the Midland Horticultural Soc lely drew large crowd to Trin lty Hall during the Susan Caldwell to at Shanty outed with the lrophy tor bean titer in all evening Bay was pro Harry Morten the belt junior compo shows thls year MOST POINTS Gordon Eeswcthcrick won the Eaten trophy tor the most 67 He also won Al Harvey shield for the hestllower in the show and the Law Ansoclntlon cup tor the host in the glodlolus class Mrs Hurry Morren SimpsonsScnrs prize or the most outstanding ower rungcmcnt whlla Frank Hale the Dorrie Horticultural Society prize tor the best house plant on display bcgnnln He also won nnls Club prize or an outstand ol sweet pens the ll Holden most points for Miss Helen Smith steelo Street rdod the poster in pendulous the Kiw tng exhibit winner out for the novice was or Maplo Avenue Cathy Shier of school was awn Joseph Jacques Lb owner or gaitrel ttoro in Baxter Mir ship unmatched lut night to go to the department bl adu ctlm in We if the Catholic school board could not tell him why his turn had increased Mr Jutland tight range ycn deg on to and that than year his taxes jumped an tor education tan yea and the year before ammll mo thll year they almostbe 700 represent lot at people who are dissatised Mr Jnc ixuu said rhcmn lust not the money in the ma that you peo ple think youre going to get out at it Mr Jacqui and marina op ernlor hid LnVlgne complain ed bitterly to this board about not being able to get hold of their locnl txuStce Rcv Guy Eamel ltl very rustrnlxng when youve got no one to tail to lttr Jacques snld Rev Hamel countered by say to various divisions ot the ox hlbltion toward the annual tions the era Canada NORMAN SYNNon the tion won the ONTARIO LIVESTOCK ar wna active at steady price all classes and grades oi si atockynrds today Hood 293050 commons zit2650 choice nlis means that points earned at the Barrie exhibition will go champion ships ol each or these associa Groups sanctioning the event be include the Western llorso As sociation oi Ontario and the Ar abian Horse Association at Eust societys top award come eligible to be entered in the provincetwine competi TOMNTOlCP Trnding ter cattle at the Ontario public Sinnghtor cattle 1266 Choice steers 3162 with sales to 3200 mediums 2120 are 2329 good 2128 mediums Baxter Twp Ratepayers Upset With Tax Hike tag that the local people ball mplatint he always roux it helm the baud lie told the two men thnl in Jul he had spuktn nt graduallno exerciscs in do tmhlp and il note had beetrer for him he would hove taken action Gabriel him who 19 was Baxter said he plan ncdtomnkeameclaitrlptotho area to hvmizah the charga Lloyd Pittme sitting in or vacationing chairman Ros Saundert told the two that that meeting with department ol education nitlclalo had been ar ranged for Friday morning Tax inch would be one the lturts discussed Mr Mnmhnndnlso suggested to the two men that hitor mtg assessment in the unor gnnlxcd township could be the reason in the pool the department at lands and iorestr did the assesr meat Now assessmtul in the township is done by the regional Che 3W Examiner New Building Approved CITY THURSDAY sensual oice nl ramL bridge Bintr Township is not in Sinwcoe Camly but it coma the Win the Slmr toe Cmnnty Emu Calhnlilc Sep mu deol Board Mr Jacqua sold the Km was demand am when bushels is good Ln the summ because at the tourist trade but may in the winter lie also salt the small Will rum didnt stand in snnwballs chance or electing trustee In the board Suturing to take in the ear peted woodpanelled board room Mr Jacques said it wasnt hard to where some oi the money Iron the tax increase had gone As the delegation left the board room acting chairman LuPlume said Youll be hear inK from us Mr Jacques tunicd and said And youll be hearing from us NEWS AUGUST 20 1710 Bylaws complete set of bylaws to their validity The decision was made nlter trustee Gabriel Mnrchnnd que tipped the need or several at which dealt with such things as the number oi meeting per month and the the byinws election of the board cholrmn requires the of each month clded it would meet only once month lhls would now require senting John Wilson Moore or Maple Avenue control at motorvchiclc The man pleaded guilty to Development Two Barrie aldermcn today agreed with the report or Matth tormor Toronto planning commissioner in re commending the province place moratorium on tax increases caused by residential improve ew Lawson ments The report issued Tuesday cited property mnlntcnnnee as on important aspect of environ lt is to encourage mental control but said hard however people to improve their pro or ush or doing so holl thu Slrncoa County Roman Call allc Separate School Board was shelved last night until special meeting can be held to discus One at the proposed bylaws board to meet on the irst and third Wednesday Mr Mnrchand pointed to the months ol July and August when the board do amending bylaw which would have to have three readings he sold He suggested procedlt Unemployed Man Fined $125 On 08 Blood Alcohol Charge Judge Foster told Ban charge which resulted mm tie lawyer Poul Wesscnger yen chnrged with having more than 08 per cent blood alcohol content while in when they expect to be penalized Aldermen Perri and ll MocLuron both at the city development committee agree Also they agree with the recom Bound Over To Keep The Peace vm mm not have to pay line and will Separate Board Shelved ural bylaw to take care oi such small matters Sooner or later you might want to chnnge something of minor nature be said Why put things like this in bylaw The bylnwn even restrict the date on which the agenda must be mailed to board members beiore in meeting it sets Fri day the unly day or such mulling Suppose there is mall strikei Mr Mnrchand asked The person in charge at doing this mailing will have contro vened bylaw Acting chairman Lloyd Ln Plume said he would talk with chairman Ross Sounders when on he returns irom vacation in or dor to set date when an entire Egnrcimiggg 9de pm meeting could be devoted to dis Brunswick cussing the bylaws June 28 incident when polio tordey if man has lam ily he shouldnt be out drink and stopped the car alter oblt lng 58 Hr wcssmg was pl0 Judge Foster lined the man to pay He the Committeemen support Like Improvement Tax Ban pllcit costs come my maintain their forced into public housing old to the community not have to pay it he keeps pence tor three months It Judge Court Ho wns bound over Kenneth Boyle 22 or further harm his family nventiorl pendltures on campaigning at the convention The tentative convontlon as gondn includes at Friday ovcning session in which leadership candidates will see questioning irum delegates and gain Don nld MacDonald nlgllt honoring the long service oi the partys tender at 11 yours Mr MacDonald has recently indicated his intention to step luan irorn the party leadership although he will continue to be an MPP Negotiations are now under way to have the convention telelt vised vllh lho Burlla Horticultural oeloty spring guran trophy prize tor the best poster drawn 24502650 commons 1720 Second prize went to Mrs to advertise the annual show good com 2223 moat my um WM PH Mmgmc Wendy 25025 we Incs Kenneth Skinner ol Barrie con the spring garden competition DAmbrosio and min De Boer good hauVy halognn bulls some her bound was won by Douglas Stephens were other winners in this antes commons and mediums keep the peace for three months ms The annual flower shew sow gory 124950 when he appeared boron 24 exhibitors display 239 exhl Miss Shier now becomes oll Roplncement cattle loo Good Foster ln Provincial bits and live tunior members gioiam enter her pastelin com ntockcrs and coders 3341 good ycsmwny display 21 exhibits bolero any petition at the District 16 Corn stock steer calves 8140 good When asked it ho agreed to long crowd 01 several hun vcntlon of Ontario Horticultural stock holler calves 3336 cam tho order Skinner replied people Societies Central United men and medium stockers and Yeah of long as it doesnt Convener for the show was Church Holt in Barrie Oct coders including stock cows 25lt cost me any motley Mrs Bert Warnicn who was if her poster wills there it 32 ncing hound over skinner did 39 hllorlxlort DDonnla uprtgsldentSl and lcnotnlllg allay or may not hel rcsolutinsl that hvnbccn cu cmocra nry rcco vo us rue on rom mcm su mttcd orm uslc cueCentre Riding Association bars on what men to cast their policy plunkx oi any luturo said today he doesnt believe leadership bullet lor NDP government and will be any motor policy changes will meeting of members in this circulated bolero the convention bu movie at tho partys biennial area is tentatively sot lor Sop to member unions riding assoc convention In October tcmber It the membership do lotions and convention dolo willpszid iioibollichs tllfllenrl ltlcsd Illul tu olir gulgulncnllo nite is htho gust yleor lice hint ng up cwocn com on on oega on ll rcsoll on two ecu rc lyultcl Pltmun und Steven Lewis must assess the two men as ulated ill advance it tho mnln thing and that well as possible John llurnoy NDP provincial policy discussion would probnhly Riding associations and oliilr secretory has indicated that this bu clurllluulion at present policy lutad unions throughout Ontario year the NDP provincial execu rather than discussion at have subnllttcd more than 350 live hua recommended that Mutton resolutions lor approval at the leadership candidates make lull llu indicated that thrca delc convention but Slmcoa Centre disclosure el campaign cxpousos maid grog slmfwncgltre members have not submitted latntidlloELa xnailing ol$l per arr to 0rd ran on non not or ex ear followed the Moors vehicle serving it running into stop ltlon to the tour months he still 54 $125 gave hlm until September commented on drinking when the mans attols ney mentioncd the accused was unemployed and had iamin to the province should provide ex exemptlon tor improve ments or limited period and that it the owner or tenant is unable to cover the immediate the province establish loan plans based uponln slid ing interest rate geared to in If the government doesnt provide the support who will asks Ald Perri ld rather see people encouraged to buy and own homes through government loans than Aid hiaeilaren says that the reports suggestions are tsrril in ideas and should be benoli doesnt ho is liable to pay $200 Gowou street said Skinner had assaul ted him his wlto and child in in Barrie laundromat July 29 and that he feared Skinner might GABRIEL MRCHMD SPECIAL TRIP For Laiontctine School The oor space of the new building will be about 16200 square ice and cost over $50 000 to construct The new build ing will have six clnsronms with total dlpadiy about 180 students ed drawing at the proposed change which will be Submltmd to the department of education ler approval Alter provincial approval it will still be two to three months hetero actual cun Down with the old up with the now That is what the Simcoo Coun ty Roman Catollc Separate School Board decided at their meeting last night struelian begins NEW was WWW sus The new building will be set The new building takes the E05995 Emmi Pl between two older buildings on place0f building thn in lur addition now bulldan nt Nesbitts estimation min an approximate degree angle with the classrooms removed trom the street to decrease the number oi distractions the chii dmn are subjected to imum of 70 years pl Although the capacity the school will not be enlarged the ob building has the same cap acity as the proposed onel the board tools that the addition is necessary or the vreil being and educational enrichment at the students in addition to the six clnss rooms the new building will have kindergarten wale rooms change rooms or the children general purpose room library resource cou tre and an administration com pier Fraud Case Adjourned hearing into two charges utrmndundonb orattemptto dcirnud laid against Gownn street man was adjourned to Oct 14 Kenneth valb 22 appeared bolero Judge Foster yes tcrday in Provincial Court to hear the charch against him The court was told that tho charges resulted from three in cidens the Simcoc County Dis trict Cooperative during tho month of August when man passed two worthless cheques and attempth to pass in third in each case the cheques poss cd vcro lor an amount less than $50 Tots Swim Popular At The More young people an gott ing into the swim at things to day at the Barrio YMYWCA gt through the summer swim class if program Over loo youngsters between the Laiontaine school on the site at cupid one The architect engaged by the board ll Nesbltt present Two Youths Remain In Custody Pending ProSentence Report The men were charged separ ntcly alter polite apprehended man near Aliandalo liardlt wall in the Barrie Pint Aug 15 and another mun later turnlt ed himscl in to police The men pleaded guilty Pol lcc wens called to the scene of the breakin when burglar larm on the promises alerted them lro New Brunswick youth were remanded in custody or one week when alter appeared before Judge ll Foster in Provincial Court day charged with break and enter with intent to rob John David Burgess l9 and Gerard Runnels illuclntyre 21 from New Judge Sendstscapee 1day had to serve by Judge Foster ill vaincial Court at Barrio illll pleaded gullly tn cscap ing custody mm the camp On July Roy Hill 20 walk od away irom Cump ilcndrle minimum security camp at An lDll Mills and wits not found until Aug ll This morning he was sentenc ed to jail for six months in add whcrc he still hot to serve most sixmontll sentence for as sauit causing bodily harm mendations or the report that the ages ol our and seven are being introduced to the water by the aquatic directory Mrs hlansel Powell it is myintanlun to stress that the children not be airnld oi the water Mrs Powell said Tile program is in its last two weeks but new courses will be scheduled at the this tall Classes will be open to mom hers and nonmembers alike cording to tho childs ability minnows no experience lisll oating and gliding and bug inners swimming 20 feet seems un sure at what is to bvtnll him It at the toddler swim cluss he The classes are divided ae Corohnnn Corri Lha toddlers swim ructer class at the In mam Forum learn the art or boot slidin tram