iTese Big Tough Brules Have No Place On Highways Salety dicta certainly and so does many people dent transpo Canadas trailers to one should Hignway 400 this city spedal Motor Leagues op Barries proximit major truck routes give residents of in the Oman lo tripletrailer trucks etrailer trucks are jv entnona tortrailer units single trailer three total unit length at up to use our rtation and these big giants would reduce that ciciency Most importan age when our air cities our waters are environment is hamme sources ot noise we need roaringgi andneck every tam highway Introduction 01 the tripletrailer will achieve one end Whether assed on as low rotil to the trucker sentially then this is move based on an economic ua into considers on the average person who uses teles poszbo Tripl name implies wow in trac though we live in an htthe Istouledlnmanyot our tractor On top at all this do with instea anLr racing us neck tnllers with 96 eet imagine trying to pass windy day on esent regulations impose two trailers with and even 96foot truck on rainy twolane ghwayl limit at tractor an maximum length of 85 tact that is too long ier are all kinds of menu against trailer units an go is prep telling point concern over this issue fact that the Alberta gover milling triple highway between Ed The league truckers in Ilar allowances Regardless we feel quite simpl should not be burdeoe DOWN MEMORY LANE ctod on Great Lakes Tour from arrived in Barrie landing on that reduction wo costs er prices or as greater echnlcal argu introduction at triplev the Ontario Motor Lea to use them all One pts Immediate Ontario is the nment 15 on divrded monton and Calgary this will prompt ek sim which prom We use our high Vacationers ride sidebyside With businessmen and commercial vehicles essential and triple ld upset that balance the case with most big trailer truclu basis pro er balance trai er hrutes wou And as is overpowering hutgghudder at the thought of meeting one suddenly some dark night expects lher provinces to the technical arguments our highways tha With triple en ex Detro pentelt Boy tended by Creswlcke an 40 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Aug 18 19301hom as McCarthys Campbell Ralkes won Shanty Bay dinghy race and challenge trophy Rev Eger ton erson Young began United Church to nancier from Colonel Penchen Because at inadequate dock 41foot raiseddeck Irving Smith riallst unable to remain lies Sirncoe North an would try to correct this slt Tom Bluebird sailed by astorate arold purchased ctured were wrence secretary Lloyd Graham Iett tield Harry Sloan Iub Mack Stewart second base Bill Consta tinst base Ralph Reive shortstop George Constable right tield Gordon Browning Ritchie Toron Woole estate tacilitiea Carmina cabin cruiser owned by Montreal indust per IanllllJES available elected MP base onsta catciicr Eat Marshall Reive captain Howard Alan president Reuben Lucas treasurer Harrison bat boys Canadian Legion branch membera ot Simcoe Count gath ered In Barrie tor mammoth reun on Chicken thieves stole 700 ullota from arm of Mrs Kala rned hon houses Brigade had run to residence John Wisdom Cumberland St to put out blaze on root Barrio Country Clubs gal team un defeated thla season in county matches Arthur Smith Bill Dy rnent Jack Webb Pro Boys Hugh Calderwood Maurice Esten Dick Garrett Walls John Bays Donald Mac ilver Cameron ry Ellis Stan Riggs son newl barn mana er nounced nation after he got to Ottawa Ilbum miniature goll course on lord St next to BariI ood patronage Tannery enjoys William Hill killed in wreck noted slra ot lIanlans Point Toron cne night at John Gliheeneya on Admission 47c er quare dancing with el Opening at new pave eet cause tor big Cele with sports dancing plied by Ted Lew Martlns Rt Hon took office as Prime Minister Only three aircratt ot doz OTHER EDITORS VIEWS that are placved around highway obstruc tions These are just few ex bledygook unearthed liy Richar It the Nixon ad nothing else it could Im zens understanding and respec government by req talk in plain terms well own CNR engineer near Callander Harold RIch dance orche ton then bu to engaged Cookstown pavill eraoninc1udes Iarling caller ment on main bration In Elmvale and banquet Music on Kidds Corn Huskers an Ramblers Players are Larcn Moore George Hubbard Har Dr Randall Richardson Midnigh 13 Bennett Canada CALL SPADE SOMETHING Richmond Tim spade Is spade oes But youd never etence Departtnent uses the term elespatch as the old saying know it to read ublication which at emplacement evacuator when the simple term shov el would do just as well 01 take the Air Force of parachutes in what it calls them Theyre to personnel dcc Then theres Pot of Virginia who says ministration accomplishes prove the citi or his luring bureaucrats to and to abandon the foreign language theyve been speaking As the State Department might put his aubmonltlon Ia unexpectablc in plain slurletter English that means its good ea corn it keeps lot tock but thats not aerodynam elerators the Bureau at Public Roads which raters to impact attenua tion devices when it means oil drums IT HAPPENED 1N CANADA MNIVECI woman ca IGNORE IVM lemmas mums mm vs ALVIN6 Gout volween ll mavmertrnwwaav MumM mm MidiE HAWWM Toronto TJE 61096 Jun out lMAw WW5 MST WW5 moiADE sorrowswarm arm wwwaftvrk IIIrMWlelplf EIIABUIIWENF tilIDWML WW 01647 MW glVMTflUlWllmi 7056135 7114f WW5 56914 tes against them the fact that too highway for elli poilutcd and our red by million we venture Into it will reduce shisglgg is another matter on It does not take the uality of life of the high ways on shared brules we cant help Otcial welcome ex Ilncoe County Warden Hal Mayor Duncan McCualg Frank Jackson took otclal photo Churchill Ball Club county champ mmmm 3mm ions Those scorer Sloan Ernie Wench third le Bob Bayes Mansfield tken at Bee MAleoeAs no NT TWOYEARS SIEENE MIDsl oi NAVAL WARFARE Err Ramos famous mcu PolENTIAL 9F MANllDllts llAlll motley Ml Goldenllou l9 collsnul wig SIRIDE on 111E DOMED rev on tsolsmune BUILDING willrllm McsurwwaIIg Imammumme WPWIWDWAWWAWWA 4w MWWWMM MWlIMAi 15mm 1V5 7w imamWm AMA awnv5 32750 llMllTMAIL to 3wm By FARMEK WINSTON OTTAWA Despite slow down In the North American economy dud pollution Canadas la lace director sold here in on Intervlew with the ot Iawa bureau ol Thomson News Mr Wallace said he was lui lhol Canada would reach The Bureau tripled Its budget and in stall and encd almost 20 new branch at cu over the next few years and with the rum Wu natural drop the Iollowlng year to about ma mil lion but the trend has been up wards since then and lost year the Dominion Bureau oI Slatlr tch estimate that tourist spend lng readied mm billion MARKET GROWS Mr Wallace says there is bout each year although part ot this is accoluited or by Ination and the higher prices visitors must pay or accommodotlon menla and semisu But the United Slutca market which Is the rich est source at visitors for Can ndzl continues to grow in mun bera each year giving bulltain boost to 1hr Canadian industry The Iederal government bud4 get or visitor promotion has re malned steady the past couple at years at in million and the Bureau has been asked to hold the line at this but not to cut back lln eIIorta It has stat of about zoo regular employees amplcs of gob Representative that Canada Appears To Have Another Good Tourist Year and the blghiy publi eot normal growth Wm Wmmww 16 Ba eld Street Second Class Mail Registration Nunhcr Mann posIaZo guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier we Weekly some yearly Single copieo me By mall Barrie $3120 yearly Ontario $1800 year Otbu mail 33500 your Motor throw otl $2100 year National Advertising om ces Untveult Mom Toronto Mo Ca cart 5L Montreal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau Circulation The Canadian Press Ia ox clualvely entitled to the use Ior republication at all news dispatches in this paper cred ited to it or The Associated Press or Reuters and also the local news published therein The barrio Examiner claims Copyright in all original ud vertlslng rind editorial mater ial created by its employees and reproduced In thls news paper Copyright Registration Nun Mr will rulswr 61 and up who are employed In the busy salon on casual employment admit Ilia was soycamld 55 It malntlllil 25 olees 14 cl WW them In United Stalea cItIII to throwing In husband Ill be ald In the promotion eIIort and glad to consider it aha told her nuy aWm to answer enquiries Apnrt trnrn wouldbe Canadian hosts 193de DUI 900d enquiries received the Bureau NH WE also sends out over six rnllllon cm pieces of direct mailing mostly Mr Wallace to happy to report oiled Statea people Invlt that many thousands thank to you letter are also received has always been monstrous ing them to visit Canada millign 35233 mtg Into the Bureau brunch otllces and unlorglvnble usually on each wu and we Wm In the States to tell the atoll pcrhmwd by psychopaths in computer to turn out letters in $12 billion visitor year In 1970 ed In anode It was back in um duo the mu Bureau not its algbtl on Allan dollglycnr by centennla optimistic at the time in the light or travel and tourist Ipcnd much better knowledge at what the United states and other in ol under halt billion In this country is llko MORE SOPHISIICATED Americh are getting more Burcnu promotes the spending Bureaus director notol tended to boycott the country militant tominllt she pointed out In her letter that leis than mu me Wop world travel dollar and the sustained We mun Another American lucltcd that as long as Canada continued its policy at trading with Ilcd Gilnn and Cuba ho had no in tention of visiting this country tion problems and scores have Send your propaganda to your not been the damponlng factor lged Irlcnds he advrscd the that was at onetime Ieared but ureau Dcsplta the but cltorta ot the tutors and is lenious ol Com Bureau to get accurate mulling adas reputation as land at lists at citizens likely to pure and sporkllng water be considering holiday In Con mistakes do occur Mr Wol ado Ior more development cop lace admits One man replied Ital In the travel and tourist in that he would be delighted to dualry Sumo money Is avail take up an lnvrtntiop to visit Canada but he won atroId ho loans and the industrial naval wouldnt be permitted to do so opment Bunk but this Is not ill letter was written Irom adcquate to permit the industry Us penitentiary ado eymoon In Canada Ono lady at the world trnvu PHOTO FLASHBACK second villi any down lo another 100 people wrote back that she appreciated getting the Invitation but bad to spinster complete with cut It your Invitation includes But for all the oddball and crank letters the Bureau receives And many people drop what lino hollduy they cn Tourist travel not course onmwoy street and while the yMnltohnaaoyln Canada many Con countries The Intent Ilguros Canadian mndc visit to tho On notlonal per capita bila loon WEE ge um is Cunndlna spent $38 50 tll as United Stotel compared with call in International exposition Mon and till World the in Only All per capita oI pulp tlon spent by Amoricmu Con nda But Cnnnda came about 11 per cent at tho total Iorelgn creative sole promotion etlort or the governments trilch bur cou is believed to buncsponllblo or largo part or this Mr Wallace says that pollu hc Is very concerned about the There Is real need In Cll nhle through small business to cxpund and Imprch Its no Tho Bureau gets special Ilst commodnllnn and services as it at US newlymarried people should It Canada is to retain suggesting they spend their lion and increase its imralnt share ar 411311 WATERFRONT VIEW Barrio taken from foot of Maple Avenue about 80 ears ago View looks to east with Fishermans olnt and Ralkes Cove In distance in toreground is Boytield St dock wlth steamer waiting or crowd to lake on excursion trip down ha Big Bay Points Pen insular Paik People kely came of passenger QUEENS PARK Another Pollution Conierence Coming her at Interest ll hi mimi multcml up eiaiy down to earth to muigl this Mlnguh are wbid men tied own ights One main consideration is on environment control by vol regulation and In loci restriction ot mm and the attitude o1 gem meat towards this according tn ot um ornies Pollution can be less rdIzlxlsilllctiona which Another of tho condeadorn is tho human element of mton luy All governments Imam tlvely want to be complete or ten of their own house and It can require really extraordi nary circumstance or thnmlo give up any sovereignty however the posllbility of constructive ro silta Tllil lies in the not that the second day ol the twodny meeting Will be no open plenary SEND This gives the partunlt lorce There Is that areas will have to be piied there in to be an clleo tire and early coordinated ac tion on environment control The can chance or positive results one can see In that On tario might hid the courage to take the boil run with It and This is what should be done will Wu K0 lions done will you go alongr The power at puhllcity could be enough to pressure anec now mam have soothes inten lhitim continence by Ontario We are to national in thumbens province on um and attempt to set mm bated man control Pompey mud on Grent Lakes area it the rst coulan the mid 60 l5 not too much from it This also was sponsored Rob1115 to art by the many olved in the Km lxrce relativ weal ce held In Indication be expected meeting which by Meir ltcnded princi rrapresenlalivu the jurisdiction op man and talktest Not elopmcnl can produ wasa the leaders involved not the was essentially one concrete del be recalled out oI it There is some possibility that conlercnca will be ctivo but only pos sibility The eventual goal such coniercnce oI course concerted action concerted poslllve action by oil the jurisdictions involved Essentially this would brook atandards ld agree to Iollow inn commitments from they will establish the machinery linolly There is the comic more produ must be in SC tile queslion setting which all wou getting ll Lhnt necessary or cltcctlvc control and setting up powerlul control and policing body which would oversee the whole areo AUTONUMY PRECIOUS Aside rpm the act really Is dillicult lo get any con ference involving large nlun internal that It AROUND THE WORLD Murder Of Hostages Monstrous Act tury over his Iatlicra death proved lot toulhoi much less tolerant than the wiulmled man in act the assassinated man had been the neat ro Iormer and emancipatar among hnd given the easanta their lreedorn until ls accession thoy had been sorts tied to the land BLACKMAIL GOVERNMENT Tho terrorist Iustltics Murmur star or reformerabr saying that rclorm II simply trick oI til establishment to perpetuate lt sclI rclolrnlat and benevolent czor therclore descrvel Bin sossination more thrill tyranni cal czar according to Ilia sick inverted logic ot the terrorist But czar are not the only ones to be usanaslnatod Ambit sadors now nro hell even minor diploma cases the terrorists reason thit the government foreign diplomat honor bound to do political prisoners lI ernmcnt refuses to such blackmail tells himscll that hocnnnot be held responsiblu In good science it he kills the person he holds hostage This is perverted logic course The murder oI th logo Is coldbloodod murder and of tho worst kindmurder or third party to redress wrongs someone else has committed Thll Is very primitive stoma rpm the ancient belleI in the Greeks Invented lilcrilly was It yonen guilt By PHILIP DEANE Foreign Altair Anliy Tho murder at hostages in and the czar an psychopalli revolutionary il common historical phenomenon The psychopth terrolllt ll ro mantle ligurn and tho ndlocilvo romllntlc Is not used In pollllca or phlloTsfphy acne worllluol Wallac so roman pol cs they diam wede many In overemphasises the Individual and discount society And the The traditional U5 tourist show that out population indvmunne mphalul wth lklls mapped on at his of al mllllon some is millions 0W 50 car in July is now pretty well gone but we do not mnny un In your and lpcnt about usual quellch and reactions to to million there motI help ot mo In Montigal me our pm onal literature the POLLUTION scum calloanlol your Ipendlng by VIP Itors to Canada reached 013 bu The romantic terrorist revo Iutlonary ballcvcs In some in man demlcod myth with lmsoll as the superman or de mlgod He believes that by one single ncLhls actho can make an enormous and instant Impnct on the world He gcncn ally also believes that his vic tIrnstllosu he chooses tar as sasalnallonhavo lied and in these to protect will release very much ED Importance than they really have Honce the last century the termri young sin intellectuals calling themselves nnrodnlks the men of the people tricd to kill the Flor They did kill one but nothing much happened ex cept that the son ol the czar In BIBLE THOUGHT llll Lord said unto lilm well done than good nod Inlultnl oer vantl Ibon but been InlIthl over low lhlnga mu mnke then rule over many thlncr enter their Into the joy oi thy Lord Matthew 2521 contrary to what we sometimes think no Will bo rewarded not or our success but on the basis oi our Ioithlulness Bo thous faithful unto death and will clvo then is crown of The ancient the scope mole gout Iliad in oxplatloli oI over BoIoro tho Inven tion of tho scapegoat was killed It was ngery and It ist who nown la reminder sccnded Irom cavemen allll at the caveman stage brutlsh lV atlll la The terror days kills hostel that we are WWWTL Liwlxgxa ml mw 41 train in front or alland Trunk station distinguished Carley boatworks II In centre at is Barrier tower White building In backgroun Brewery now remodelled as apartment building 01 Dunlop East at foot of Sampson St plied by Wes Macdonald Clapperton St Photo sup