IORONTO CF abuoimongyomzpeop symptom oi alienation in West ern In mansions arena discussing the prob as told may Following Trawler Collision om use or The bodies oi two Portuguese Ethernet whose ship sank alter azcollision early today with il trawler have been re eredandasearohiscontinu ing or ilva other missing monk bers of the 59411811 sew lhe notloo Capitao Jose Vi lnrlnho sank 90 mllu southeast of St Johns after beinsin colli sion Marthamton Falcona Bonavlsts Goldasters ioronlo broad asterGordon Sinclair centre was given an honora doktor Word hv ni tchoner okw bcrle etiredoee loiiowing 91 MS to the oath the can Dr Jomh Houiednux said it drug culture is ham liuillim of rebellionragalnst sodew which wants tornmb palate than to iiimtbpm into arrows or nm rotat tal strikes hit nine points the Nova Sootia oliices closed Bedlord Dartmouth was woman and me New Brunswick oies wero Edmonton Woodstock and St 15 The IDS ANGEIE lAPl Linda Kasahlan nearing conclu sion at bar key prosecution tes timony in tho Sharon lsla mur der trial told mesday how she received vibrationstram the universe Its sort or like whenjyou get down on your knees and pray and you wait for an answer said Mrs Kosabian Tau vibration shcrsaid told her that to be here new lestily ing is the will of God ate greeneyed Mrs Kas abisn har sandycolored hair rolling soitly to her shoulders sighed frequently dining redi rect crossmminntion She ap peared disappointed when her ma day on the stand ended mesday with more questions to come lrvlng Kannrekwthird oi our trawler out of ems Banks NW no Falcon threeyean stern trawler under the com mand Captain Ernest Straw brldge snlittred no serious dam age and her iImsncrow es coped iniury Pnul amen general month gar oi Bonavlsta Cold Storage sold the Falcon and six other ships are still seordring tor the live missing Portuguese sher EQIL Thomson adoration horlast committee while Sydlt nay Brown Toronto president annual Ontario Police mock lotion convention to Kitche er Tuesday Mnking the pro or the Ontario Police Associa sontotion is Darwin Clay tion looks on CPWirepho loll president ol the Okto to lace laklueoi me Soviet pm mot newspaper vacsdn urmedthalsraelichargeshh rieatiounndnldevcnthovs disarowed state to ve its wbaL ll the the canal alter the truce started at shim Friday night Ana lulumod sources said that only an unexpected indium dovoiwment would alter the Nixon administrations opinion that it could not prove or dis prove the Israeli chargesand that Egypt shund be given the benet ol th doubt his vie have been relayed ii Ambassador Yltxhak labia who lcit to rem to is rod and report to the cabinet amass AMBASSADOR mm met muday with As sistant State Secretary Joseph Sisco Soto was reported to Mekongiventheglstofthe md us grime rho state departInents state he lsraell charges expected to Will or deieace lawyers to crossum ine her hammered away at Mrs Kasahians use of the tum vibrations hirs Knsahlan had testied that clan lender Charles Manson was communicating with her in the courtroom throng vibra tions She said she received other as well awareness or en ansmiited she said ts like channel lend lng to the universe Have you used these vibra tions to obtain any or the anion motion you told us here in Kanarok asked said Mrs Kasabian baby Angel Oil Shortages May Raise Rates WASKlNGTON AP rocketing prices for fuel all have hit utility companies in the United States so hard that the result could be acrossthohoard unliin rate increases for con sumarsa high Nixon adminis trallon oiiicial says The crisis involves residual moi on used principally by heavy industry and utiii coma pooled and in mater amend because oi its low sulphur con tlmmmx 2323 are gnp re sidual tuel all has doubled and American luel oil prices have increased by about to per cent Nearly twothirds of the resid ual oil used in the UniltdStntes is imported mainly irorn the Middle East There are noli tattoos on such lmports Utility companies are being hit hard George Lincn director oi the ofce at emer gency proper interview Asked this meant possible rise in electricity rates said it certainw does worm pasnrcr Lincoln would not predict utility be oiieclcd but be whenand by how much rates mlgh hold out little hope that much could he done to alleviate the crisis any time soon He was interviewed nlssday briefing at adminis docision earlier this rev sion In the countrys oil import following press whldt he discussed the trntiods week to scrap proposed control program liho revision would have sub edness said in on Lincoln them US opinion endorsing the by Below undid he Israeli case it would leave the ism wldaupcninthchope mails roel now would agree to the start oi peace talks with the Arabs olllclals said they did not know that died Washmzl ens views on the alleged truce vioin on woulstuve on the 1163 that Israel would not abandon the searchior moon East peace despite lLr grave concern over its security position along the Suez mselire line POOP 0F VIOLATIONS lsraltii diplomats and they had glvxhe state department lrrchltnhie prool of Egyptian eeasdrro violations and ion that 18 oi U5 EIWIY undermined Israeli mu in gamma to ca lorce any pohticai settlement with list Arm it was almost silent as it went down the us Navy reported ms WARD Russell Briggs with us comm oi lethal nave as in her hull slab lo the bonnie the Al on Cape Kennedy Florida in the background one at the Nerire Gas Now In Bottom Of Atlantic ABOARD HARIlJJY AP meted 18M set with ill vaults dence of gas However at GE nerve gas in old rockets 621an experts say this wit and crashed at 25 miles anbeur tbogns oldubertyshiploadod in deep trench wheejhe oer God Ahout my drug taking my God realization my ESP cxpcri enccs thats about all can think oi at the momen Did you rst send tions to the univers Vibra asked Kannrek Yes did she replied Earli Paul Fitzgerald rep resenting Patricia Krenwinkel 22 elicited testimony mam Mrs Kasahian 21yearold mother of two that her son horn in March could have been lath ered by any of ve men includ ing Manson But she said she believes her hinband Robert fathered the pose operation So violent was the and impact of the MSL Briggs that Navy Capt Hamilton in charge oi scultling operations went well The Briggs msurrocted irons mothballs or the job plum ampie bottles in tended to rise to the surface at beween cighl and 10 hours after sinking broke loose during the scuttling and rose almost immediately if they had popped up as planned they might have told scientists if any at the concretthdsteel vaults cracked open under water pres sure in the early hours sp gas Water samples taken from ships down to depth of several hundred loot showed no evi Russia Warns Of Gas Danger me Reuters Soviet scientists warned today oi the consequences to mans health and even his heredity as re sult at the us ncrve gas dump ing in the Atlantic Proi Vladimir Kovanov vicepresident of the Soviet Academy of Medical Sciences said that even onebillioan of gram oi the gas could lead in the death or living organisms In an interview with the Com munist party newspaper Pravda he said all this can undoubtedly have serious consc nuences or mans health his capacity ior work and even he malty An old American Liberty ship was scuttled Tuesday 159 miles oil Grand Bahama Island with 66 tens or the deadly gas aboard lhe Pentagon in Wash Jowwz mission in meat stituted system of tarilisnn loreign petroleum products or the 11yearold quota system in abandoning the tnrill proposal the administration decided to concentrate on improving the quota system Residual meloil however is not atiecled by the importcom trols while Canadian crude oil imports are House Of Commons lis Bobbies Hunt For LONDON iAP Bomb scares doarod 89 tendon movie houses the House of common and the Eritisb Museums read ing room Tuesday night as po lice searched ior terrorists in the British capital and three other cities No bombs were loundr Bomb squads also were called to railway stations and several stream were blocked olt as searches were carried out In Birmingham 600 night shift workers at on auto plant were sent home alter bomb threat The wave at ion resulted horn bomb explosion Sunday night which seriously injured young couple and another early mcsday which damaged the Regent Street allies of the Sparr ish airline lbsrla The bombings and loise alarms wcrobclieved the work oi the outlawed lrlsh Republi can Army which lnlormcrs told police would launch wave at ington hopes the dumping wll cause only limited contamins tion and that the salt water will neutralize the gas Proiv Stepnnov an ocean ogrspher ol the Soviet Academy at Sciences saidln the same in terview that the dumping site was located in an area where the Gull Stream flowed particu larly powerllllly was hijacde to Calm early today to San Juan Puerio Rico EDT Federal Aviation piano Trans Caribbean Airlines Deny Charges Oi Cleared Bomb bombing attacks unless noon jailed in raids onhrms cadres around London last week were released SEARCH89 MOVIES The biggest scare Tuesday night was touched all by an anonymous call to Scotland Yard saying There Is bomb in cinema showing the iilm Airport The American movie was being shown in so houses all were cleared and searched Later in the nightbomh pcrts with plastic hendshlclds and an xray machine hurried to another movie tlrentre whore shopping bag was lound The bomb squad lotmd that It con tained grapes Security police raided homes in London Birmingham Leeds and Liverpool scorching or persons responsible for the can licr bombings and or crplo ating in Laos but int sources said most of the patrols ANN ARBOR Mich AP year ago to the car had minor loiuries CAPE ixE NNEDY Renters rocket it arrived Administration spokesman said The SAIGON lAPl The South today denied Puthet Lno charges that its combat troops are oper ormcd somesreperlcdagain that South lantic Ocean today mmllc up mat toured the aging ship in her Muslin place AP Wirtphoio At Best one morning Pineal minutes team do specialists boarded the derelict to prepare it lor sinking Wearing gas mass than rst chECked six caged white rabbis in the holds where the vauls were siored We have sir healthy rabbits here reported navy Lieut Schavune team leader from the naval ordnance department If they had been dead it might have indicated gas leak No hours later the bulk squad opened seven flood valves main control wheels on deck Five rabbits were taken to the Mandala The sixth was brought to the Hartley so reporters could see that it was healthy me moonm up CapL Jamestown commundercl th April snidvlucsday night space technoloy ls becoming major factor in idmlilying nod monitor ing the natural resources and the pollution oi earth The astn naut devoted most of his speech to the Empire Club to an outline of how new developmens in technology arising irorn thospace program will better equip mankind to manage earths cpvlron let Airliner Hijacked To Cuba room no Routers let airliner carrying rsipmaus on light from Newark NJ inHaVana at 539 mm Flight 401 was DOS with 147 passengers and seven crew members Troops ln Laos Vietnamese military command Vietnamese reconnaissance patrols have crossedthe border The are landed by helicopters alongthe millmile HoChi Mirth trail in the lower panhandle oi Lnos to spot targets ior American bombers Collins Convicted Oi CoEds Murder John Norman Collins turmer siudont at Eastern Michigan University was convicted today of murdering on loycunold lrcshman coed at the school more than Benlrew Man Killed In Car Crash RENFREW Ont John Bresee 30 at RR Renlrcw was killed today when his car went out al control hit tree and turned over about 12 miles south at Pembroke lwo passengers Britains Communication Satellite Up Skynetn Britains second mllilary communications satellite was launched into space here today The 515pon satellite was carried alolt by Thor Delta The satellitololns Sinnet which has been perlormlngv well since ilrcd into similar bit in November