up rnnm No not in lsvcr In Em Mn that is not organised and centred eel cannot svppc their inssbuetnrod pro gm llthey uttered pro yam with some help or drug users id be ail or it this change was made and the city could allord itl dont see why the city couldnt help but it would depend on circum stances other club dont ask oancial hid or their social programs is essentially what Embryo wants They should support their own clubs ms is art being respon sible cl ens ll druends on the circumstaan but right new would say no Mu ALD MACMILLAN Yes am in layer because we have donated to several other groups and dont sec why Embryo should his sin ed out dont oppose Em bryo did oppose their use of the Sunnidnio golf course building exclusively My em ployer through me has donn ed desk and chair to the group thlnk we should givo them some support but in pro portlvn to what other groups have received dont sen why we should single them out They should he like any other group Any mun like this can coma and nsk lor lunds We as the city do contribu to money to groups and us it civ ic group they Embron should rccclvn some support ALI DEL COLE It would depend great deal on cir cumstances would have to weigh inlormntloii on the spe clfie am and the complete set up have no opinion iii the moment lm lacing it with on open mind bccnusn dont wont to go to council with my mind made up one way or the pthcr have nothing ngnlnsltho group In must cusns may are good kids Id like to know what they do in other cities Before Embryo had this lnco they stated all they no cd wus ti iocnllon rind they cuuld support thum solvos ld Him to find out what it costs other eitips per glui to support groups like Au ROSE ARCHER 0n limited proruin basis tho city might be interested In contributing guuced on whnt Embryo iniscs ld Ilkn to have more Information on It lvehonrd it said the city contributed to the bond and this is the some sort or thing but dont go nlong with that have it lot at sympathy for this group demonstrated this when Aid Juck Morrison rim were tho only ones who vot ed in tnvor ol giving this group use oi the gall club park build ing The ubllc shouldnt get the idea can kids are lrcclt nds no manic is kicklnll 0y or cm to linvu K004 time INQUIBING REPORTER Should Council Contribute To Embryo DrapIn Centre ALD STEPHENS havent given it any con nideralion yet lll be thinking it over bolero council mcel again Id like in nd out here the prospective building is and what the Embryo group is prepared to put into this dont know how many mem bers th have if it is 500 they can charge $1 month each Certainly council should give it some consideration ld like in see hem Embran as sellsuan us posnble Id like in see what they on prepared to do on their own then maybe we can rnlional he little better Aw nouns sz Emphntlonlly no dont think tuipnycismoncy shnuid ho mud They should misc their own voted against tunds being allocated to the band to go overscns hecausn nit we would be setting precedent was opposed then but nuw can see that they have brought honor knowl edge and publicity to the city Weve got to draw up line somewhere There certainly isnt $5000 in the budget for this Its ilHimcd and wrong to approach the taxpayer now Many Embryo members nro hero for the summer and re turn to their homes elsewhere in the full Ultra Esme Clme THURDAY AUGUST 18 Says His WOuld Others 11 developer oi Barrieth Plan Warrun Scott told the Ontario Municipal Board in Bar rie yestzrdny that planned pipu by are Belle Ltd and Harry Bernick wouldnt get all the ground ll Barrietown were built first Testilying More the board on the oily proposal to open Bay field Street lor commercial de velopisieot hlr Scott said the other developer would not build because there is room or only one large Shopping mall on Buy Hold north oi mghwny 400 He also said the site or his plaza north at QindIes Road on the righthand side is better commercially than either the Om Belle or Bentlek sites it gtwociid be five year be fore another plant was com mmeed he told Barrietown lawyer Don Steele Mr Scott who has been ln valved directly in the develop ment of seven large strapping cenLres in such Dircc ns Toron to Ottnwn Pelorbomllgh and Rochester said Bmrietmvn Pro perties Lid believed it all times that everyone at City Hall luv cred them to be awarded peo mlssino to build no time did we believe the appucnucn was not being processed in good faith he said COURT ORDER lho olllclnl plan of the city which Is under discussion at the hearings did not allow lor com mercial development on Buyllcld Street Following Supreme Court decision in lnvnr oi devel nper Henry chick the city dc cided to mane large chunk oi land commercial nndio allow Burrietown Bemick and Chat Belle to build plans The city in now seeking 0MB approval at this move Mr Scott said ho had done retnll stiles survey in Barrie In 1968 in order to suggest the best possible use ior the hind north of Cundhs Rand He told thnlnwyer the study rcvcnled that in 1067 the total population Barrio was 24600 nnd the retail sales total was $55 million 111 1962 this population was 21800 and this total retail snles was $35 mllilnri THE LAST ONE The Inst appreciable develop ment disregarding Towers was in 1962 when the Wellington Plaza opened Mr Scott said Allied Towers Meichums Ltd is located outside the city limits on Bbyiicld Street lt would be eross the highway and within sight or the Bnrrleimvn proper Iy in reply to questions lrom Mr Steele the developer described the Wellington Plaza in very hard to ilnd You need map to get to it hc said its ii very poor locu ALD NELSON GARRETT ll havent given it too much thought yet it will be coming up in September think lot would depend on how much they nro going to put into it themselves id like to look deeper into it before comment lng lurtbor On general prin cipnl nm in over it they huvu the ability to help them selves will dcilniloly give It sumo study bolero council meets in Snptombcr tion He said there is need in Barrio for largo enclosed mull shopping centre But thorn it only room for one in the citys economic picture ho acid still believe that our on closed mull could compete sut cesslully with Towers and Mnrt because they urn apocllle retail stores and not into shoplt ping centres he said KMnrt is being constructed directly across from Towers lust outside this city limits Mr Scott estimated that tho stiles nren oi Barrio includes 80000 to 40000 pcoplo This cstimnto was based on tho mun oy spent on retail stiles campor ed to the total income at the population ESTIMATES illeros no way Barrio is spending 95 per cent oi its in Como ho snid The llgurc should be more like 65 per cent Mr Scott said those estimntes were based on other Ontario communities The question olwhcther the right hand side ol tho road was better than the hilt also come in lor discussion during Mr Examiner Plaza at Back Years Scotts testimony lie is denite in nor locating plea on the righhhand side tai mini comm out the city He criticized the Bemiek pro pertybecaiueitlsonthclelt hand side close lo Highway 400 Mr Scott also said that it is likely the department of high ways will restrict plan enl ranees oil Bnydd or the Ber nick property because it ls so close to the highway ramp HAVE TO WAIT They may only allow exits there so people will have to go onlo Glenwood Drivs to get in he said Coming oli Bnyeld northbotmd cars will have to slow down and wait to Be in He said the 01c Belle pro perty north of the Bernick site although also an the leit coming out irnrn town is better because it hits two streets or access inlt stand nl one He sold Nineties Road would be expanded nnd made into major road served by trailit lights nt Bayileld hlr Scott also criticized the Bernie property because it is located hack rum deilcld St behind row of houses not own ed by Berniclr The molar tenants of any plnzn to be located there would call the lune and require thu developer to acquire those pro perties he said Theyll hldo the stores COPE Vllll TRAFFIC hi Mooring lawyer inr chick asked Mr Scott If it were true thnt trafc leaving plaza on the right bed to tape with crossing trailie in order to return in the city Trun but the customer has coma in easily hos parked his cur iind hes bought Mr Scott replied Gettlng out is another problem but any backup that occurs will take pincn on the developers properly and not out on the street oERNICK LAWYER MeCUAlG Says Bernick Property Suited For Apartments witness or Barrictown Pro panics Lid lestliying at 0n an0 Municipal Board hearings yesterday said it site owned by rivnl developer iieury Bcrnick was better allied to highrise apartments cm to shopping mum Niall Carney town plan nnr called by Borrlctoim Inwylt er Don Steele old the hearings that the Barrictcmrt Site loraicd on the east side pl Buseld Sum north of Cundilcs iLond was the best slit in the area or shopping plarn Ho rnnkcd Chm Beiles site Md and Mr Bernicks last in desirability Tho umn north oi 01mins is generally good or development moonLolly he said But the Bernidt property is better suited for highrise because of the rminc behind it nnd Lilo homes in lrcni Mr Bernieks property Is hr onlcd back 1mm Balticid Street behind row 01 houses which ho does not own 1ilr Carney who rend the WARREN SCOTT BEST PLAZA 28 Charges Against VMen Incltide Theft Break Enter lour Simeon County men an pcnrod In Provincial Court in Barrie yesterday to nnswcr total of 2B charges ranging from joyriding to brook and enter theft and public mischioi it took Judge Foster 15 minutes to read charges against Douglas annntlno Enlcskcy 0i Barrio Gilbert Vnutor Cocil Pnul Brandon and Donald Brion Brandon The case was ndlourncd to Oct 28 when two other men in volved in some oi the incidents will npponr with them The six men together neo nearly 150 charges against them Somn nro churng jointly in porno lnstnnecs nnd scpnrntely in others Charges were laid by tho Ont nrlo Provinelul Police at Orlliin Barrie and Elmvnlc In nlsill ruwnship Police and Bnrrin City Police Assistunt ri Attorney John Alexander requested that the docket be held light tbtit dny Oct 2m because this case may take some time The charges resulted liom in cidents this summer Led Police 011 Chase In Town Barrie Man Is Fined $250 Olmbcrlnnd Street man who led polieo on chase through Barrie streets at speeds up to 65 miles per hour March 30 up pcnrod in Provincial Court at Barrie yesterday nnd was iincd $250 for dangerous driving ltcgionul Stclnholl 47 pleaded guilty Tho churn begun when police received cull to Cumberland Street home While an officer was at the home Stelnboll lclt in no automobile During tho chaso the vehicle somctlmns had no hundlights on and raped through stops streets without stopping Defence counsel Dnvltl llogbcn told tho court that tho deiciidunt was cmoliunnlly upset at the limo ol the incident and that he hnd Ilttlo recall oi the incident Assistant Crmvn Attorney John Alexander withdrew charge 01 assault causing bodily harm which bird stemmed from the in cident at ollieini plan as part cl In study described it as an nt tempt to protect the dcwmown rum shopping para even though such plans could provide mom nnd better services to the ccmmunity The dmlanVn fragmented with old building use above 1hr main oor is not extensive tht poor parking and expo is hemmed in by institutions otherwise its very good downlovm am he said and how humor mm the specta or Another town Planner Pnul Piric was culled by thhemone lawyer for Chen Belle 119 ranked the three plain silos ln order 01 suitabil it as 2m Belle Barrieluwn and Bernieks in Prrie said the limo or carrying out the cinl pLin should be 20 years but governments mcnt has shortened REGIONAL CENIIIE lie said the area north of Outwits Road could be rcglrnal shopping centre sewing trading am lie ed the Great or Hamilton shopping canre which covers 70 items In Barrio the shopping centre could be much mailer incl Sllll be regional he said His clients propeny is 15 news When asked what he thwght would lupcpn to the downtown he sold the merchants there would likely improve their prop erties to cootsn uo to attract city stoppers LAWYER MILLER WITH PLANNER NIALL CARNEY AND OFFICIAL PLAN 311312 Les Cam yesterday mooticed Loot Ontario Hydro will not move lLI Georrtsn Bay Mute horn Barrie llr Cook and SlrrwoeCaziru KP Arr Evans has 131 Work ed to pervade 11 not in more Irma Barrie state they announced Lb intended more sun mum ago llydm on mmd ks January bile Gears inn Bay and emun neg wouhl be untamed nl Wil huddle hir Cooke said the Hydro 01A ices above his chambers in city ball will have the lease renou Mr Cooke also ilydro came to the decision as suit ur the provincial govern mcnts design or the develop meme be rpmlo comma region We may at iuturc iii mum om would mt comment on me on in they pruiirrud lr Cn lo takt lhu mdit along mm Mr Evans or the uork thcy did bringing the cimgo about May Not End This Friday lllcCrac chairman of he Ontario Municipal ll hearings inlo Earrics ofcial plan and zoning bylaw said les tnrdny there is good possibility they will ham to be rtwnvcntd later Rowe city solicitor said they may reconvene as long as six munihs tram now lln said he doubted If he could ilnlsh his case before Friday Fathers Testimony ministers letter and lu Lhnrs testimony helped lip tho scales of justico in invur of ii Midland youth in Provincial Court at Burrlo yesterday Thomas Sandersoni Mochaod 16 an apprentice chef who lives In Midland wns lined $50 and given to Sept to pay nitpr he pleaded guilty to limit before Judge Foster Mnclmd had been charged Iury Recommends Cashlown Corners Stop Sign Change coroners Jury inquiring in lo the trulfle deaths of four nildlt dlcmged women nl Cnshtown Carnch Juno rccpmniundcd yesterday that the stop signs be chnngod around at illL intersce tion in make County Road in it through road Tho jury also suggested that somn typo oi flushing warning light he installed and that rum blc strips he installed approach ing the lntcrsectlon Rumble strips arc slightly rnls ed concrete medians which wnrn driver when his car crosses the Contra of the highway Distinct ccntro lines and cross ing lines were also suggested by the Jury Killnd when their car went through the stop sign southbound on County Road were Marlo Mitoholl 55 of Dmvnsvlmv und hreo companions from England The car was hit by truck go ing east on County Road The driver at tho truck Jack Hultomn 30 pl rm Barrie and his sbrycurolti son Michael escaped without injury in connection with the theft illny 10 or carton of cigarettes ut the bubluw groeotcriri on Buy ilold Street The cigarettes were pluced in knapsack woni by Muchod by lriond The incident wns spotted and reported to police The boys father was culled iu the witness stand by defence luwyur Douglas llalg of Mid land He testied that the in dent came as shock and was not in his nature He told this court he bud ncvcr had any dil llculiy with his son boloro nnd ihut the youth would be nttund ing College in Toronto this your Counsel also presented it letter from the youths clergyman in Midland Under the circumstances um might be upprvpriutc sol said agree the out Crown Attorney John Al Helps Midland Youth Judgo Foster iincd Expensive Birthday former Selkirk Manitoba resident now living in Barrie pull for her birthday celebra lion July 19 in Provintinl Cnurt at Barrie yesterday Agnes Christine llurdisly was ililLd $100 plus cast Judge Faster Vlilil sll pleaded gullly lo hnving ti blood alcohol content In excess or 025 when the vehicle she was driving was stop put on Bllyliuld Street by when ill 1215 am July 19 Before being stopped on vult icle mounted curb and rum ltti 75 cut with two whrcls uvt the curb and tut on the mud Money For Embryo Rolls In Optimists Add The Optimist Club of Barrio has pledged $500 to the Embryo group following the lead bl tho Kiwanis Club or Kompcnltlt Buy which earlier this week donntcd $1000 to Embryo Tho money is to be used to form dropin centre in the downtown nrcn oi Barrie Ern bryo ls now meeting in St Giles Church Wlllurd Klnziti president of the atlult auxlllnry of Embryo said We are very pleased they ilho Optimist Club hnvo moved so last to help us Boy Lemon president of tho Optimist Club said his club had bcqn tobowlng events connected $500 To Fund with Emhym and covering all their meetings We think lllcy are doing something worth while he said Tin Optimist tins two at its members has Rntciilfo and Jnhn Ritchie in close liaison with the Embryo group he will Embryo nccdcd $3000 to ob tain location in the downtown area but with the donations relt gocvivcd this week they need Mr Lemon said he iseonfi dan dint this rest of the money can bu rnlscd it seems ti small amount icit to raise considering who was scraped up to send the hand to Ensure he said II