Norrie Examiner in Published by Cuddly Newspnpon Limited 15 auynud Strut nutto Ontuto WARS Publithcr Kerry Lunbln WI Manage McPheroen Managing Editor TECH9A AUGUST PAGE gt mauled Fan Grounds Good Locauon Second Barrie Ice Surface Salami hodll by Amman Ind hum would mom There is still good possibility that exactly central but nlis not the major died the wholsolCnmbodto 21 mt wu numbed mm We The South vletnumeso army the propoSzd second lce Stufar noblem Arton early serves my hm be for Barrie may be located to the tar the nudciy care So rt east or west amend mm 36 grounds of B9 Road Erectors of the grit for decision Looking over Eastnzw PM 01 my um mm 13 agricultural sodezy turned the proposal in the Grove5 area there islgood park oration hunt have halved the Delu lha very heart or Sell down several weeks ago but new word mg and congldernble housrng ls lamdeem Vietnam Commuu were Vietnam pawtn volume has it that thew may reconsider lms 0n the other hand some people tend to litde but ulgulncunt lotelltgeuce reports ludlute good thing because the sate is ideal overlook the fact that great development Vmg Wig Ior many reasons Apparently the the is also proceeding in Ward qwunl em mm tonnkirl provluee next to South Deltz itixl dedson was made before all actors up on the hill overlooking the an muosandlheochlhllnh rthmmenelnurofnouth were presented to the board grounds trail American lorces lastmu Vletnnm will bemwtgrlkar lost For seven 3qu izhasbcenzpparent If the fair grounds becomes avail lxedmlgdmmmllnclmulmz gtuu that 5th that Burk Arena uhlch had an artificial table then it is apparent that when in lion1 bruidnwn or nu of Im mm ice plant 15235 25 year ago is un anelally feasible another site in the eest muted Stat losses bu only tule point it hard to no how ant to apph enough time lor the minor north end of the must be chosen for ccnlly become available the South Viewmesa army will 1325 and datas This is no reection third ice surlnce 13$ fg mixing glzlhbgleur mm gulf vi The Air grounds has ugellent space now as brand as Camodln lt It the task pron too great lm ta in mama hams for Parkmg and P3 mm 55794 by sell The losses in nod and am and the South Virtualnon army spa buses The 1nd mad bv ma gummy munluon rutrmd by lhn Com has to Ienvu Cambodll tor the cw Gamma 3331355 5912111 p053 21 bvvm bod munlsts in the Amntktln lnvu lake of deleodlug the Mekong b1 aka our 505 gt11 the 15 slot urn being quickly replaced Delta then the Camhodlnn uper the animal fall fur wk has now been with weapons and Dad cultured alltm wlll have proved tutu VT ndiu 333615 dated me month earlier than annual from the provAmerlcnn Camho exerclse 1n the destruction Sncnnarx mama for one Ln the fat man W1 mg air board Mum Db dlnn tomes small country This IS distinct mm 57 11 5mg jam in the rst place comes as Eur It looks increasingly it the possibility and It may yet cost Isa Ensign 5L 1535 Pris us mthtluy planners mndu Se leod the 197 elections ROUND AND ROUND THEY CANADAS STORY No Prolonged Slowdown FF emerging that ination Besidu bi er rate Of unem loy hxhg 425 are beginning to lake meat productiognh is down The gana Enid Canada the Bank of Montreal djan industrial production index In May hzsredfgdthztlh 51 bl De hll unarmegmhydla 222552 Peace Tower Tragedy Prince Followed UHCle nelther be deep nor prolonged below its July 1969 peak This is welcome news for many Cana In the first 103 months 1970 thle By Don BOWMAN now Seen part or cuuudn dun simmer 35 wen as for he has been relabvely steep decline in re north country whch his human ghausands whose names appear on rm tail sales in Canada Housing starts have When In OBTWCBM predecessor wore not able to also dro ed ectacularl st ce earl cm mm 80 was awroprlnlo the emphymem 11575 555 cumin 1939 in Sgnadgpwnh the ange burg By PATRICK NICHOLSON Drury In the Conledurntlon Canada has prompted many mme In mm royal vistturx were able to leg We are in for more Tau weather Bulldln lu Ottawa wnt dullv readers to wrltu to Bob 1W WM llama ot the Arctic becausu nrlt the bank says in reviewgof business Nomitruth mFlmrImnha1mrm cred to me in the Parliament Cones eudorslnz his preler mac 591YI1 aln gave the Island there to candiqu om given mu signicant 91 13 ea 7W Bulldlnglets than 500 yards once for the monarchlcnl BYE Thu llrnt worth 1860 when Canada to 1350 which will ho good growth in Canadlan exports Cana Pnr 5mm Bulk ha 01 away 11 days Inter cm at government over the Edward who litter become Klrlx the taptc of outer story gmgess 11 mm be made dlan wheat sales have recovered moder mum WEHY VI 01 What tr tho Becmt wnnpon bD presldenuul system It also Edward VII represented Queen ght against ination the downturn may and mm was the Us comm the nanomma ol Mater Iltnd LhD uhuur rotation ltrlltol brought one letter t1 me hum Vlcturla at number or tumor 9m EVEN should be neither deep ntlr prolonged grow we The damn ntrblde or Broaurd Quo tum lunctlans Includlng tho lay thIsChamplnln helped Hu Fools Day this your the plume WORLD GOVERNMENT who use me Fuhush the comaom at the runs detest lroquols near Crown The lnnatmn ght which began in Shortterm interest rates have also dE chum DI the Peace Tower woe Thant SecroturyConerul at New 10 Emmy lament huudlu at Ottawa Poll NY both Canada and the United States in cllned In Canada shuttered when young boy the Unlted Nndomrwl to chanco to see both nldu the He got In west Muslim WMGOV Simm Man late 1968 is just now beglnldng to show These factors would indicate that the mid mm Wm 31 kWh W0 coin when he saw tho Unt tlghl dammgnllggu if irult One indication of this lsthe slower economy Is now In minor recession mm mm 17 EM 0M Why are you tryingto puth NF wanton Blendln Derlarm 27 Fm Tale of increase in the Canadian cm above Illa mdudam randwnxy 23rd Aunuut30mo am dalaultu an or Edmund down nu during ntuutu nym the 3115 Langley BC from 21 countrlu are expected which may last or some Ltme yet How the dmnu mth masFirs tea trolrlJelt Part Mr m4ndawmchmwmndhm1ng ammu abomwrlorhu throat by trying to lmpoaahur Then Edward Prlnco at BC Mum hc las 10 month to an annualrate of times espec ally with ther accompany no my the pen ltIh hluhnlul room SW Md PI Wh lgRnllwnyyhrldse nm asks We FrunchCunudlnns Klng Edward lull but ade 11 28 per cent In the precedmg Slx ing problems wwor wtu nznln thD sprlnlz 10 World Alumna mm of an of my man to can PM 5L Lawren months it was at rate 74 percent It would appear that when the Infln banrd or dlva to dnath This WW Fduu CIE Ed11ll 1919 The rate however continues high in the ion battle is llally won the outlook llmaawomnnotaowuutm vlc lloh al orgunlzntlom wnrklng 03 In Wsm en her at the Queen ot Canada he opened Quebec Bridgu not thro 1d Umted States or the Canadlan economy is good icxnfnoihrgn ltlorupcspwulcutllyhtllzuyr berm nlrbldt mm as ll the also arrlvcd at Quebec on an Immlgmnt mm mm where that the United Notions rhould your 1507 and even earlier latmlmpertnl Privy Council ugllcldl rlght ol lngltoba to olls so unto Sc On 30 19 Iccnmpanled by lhoFlgld Marshal Alcxuu ltv it cvnlvq ram being largely dc Quebtsc resolution did not exist brotherTrlmo George and am opened gnu Emma augmgll duitIIXSLrl butlng society into the nutu That was whim rcprnscntatlvcs Prime ltlllllster Stunluy Bald Games Vancouver Kroc Mahatm or menu and world government 01 lhc present provlncc or wm mc two prince hnd Quebec agreed to enter Conled great time travelling across llbrnrlana diploma But AIIB Only ouch guvcrllmenl 65 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Qulte sports town is Batrte New was told her degree nrc not argue the world lodcrnllt mum Chcmwm mm Edm mm BIBLE THOUGHT Barrie Northern Advance Au 13 01 club also does well in com clltton recognized In Canada that could ndcqunluly and cm mm change his mi did 39 1905 tFire fiend at work Mltgchells nd cricket club scored recent will over 96 Iuc my Emil Ch wugwd Euulllcnooltlfutlgtnrnlg Nglrlgfsltklfnmudtdi And will hleus them thus confectlonery Wlped out and other bus CoOkswwn and Bradford Farm labor mm 11 Wk wuuunn some right to ho conildorcdl wnrd must nbdicnto ll be mnrv blur thee and curse hlm that loss places damaged on Dunlap St Wlth Emblem dtlcult to solve these days $th Hlmanl Ghoshn turl Ihlll$u3n Ms Iu WM 51 mm 11 losses more than $0009 Wurst re in lred man is no longer content th clud body crushed onlu Lhu thu Industrlnl octopus known as 50g Gmnrlcan tillurcccgC nlltunllle otthe eurthhehlm town Slnce old tannery conagtatlon lrom $10214 month and board Many rand she achieved whntthc cv tho multlnntlonul corporation Ems CIGARETTE dwur always enjoy an ed Genesis 123 Early discovery at 130 am by Constable have gone west for harvesting Barrie ldemly wanted hm mend Gregory Peck who ls nctlvtt min and bought ranch near History underscores this unus It ohn Lambe andqulck attendance by badly in need of dog bylaw Canines guadzfl SONEEalgulilljgcncc In thls coI rtILZuANSEleCiLl22er gsrzglrllglldeuryes span num gmmrelglf Hlelgsitleiicrxzsgfdwtgglhsaayglgl $22159 irannglnfazlaitasem itsluallsingg 5535 cnmbln mmuzh mo Wm mash umn to the Monurchlst Leuguu his role lnlWalk Tho 1an However Prince Charles has chnnge not ture warehouse along with Turners destrllctive to owers Bllndmllsttal1 Whm mm the how lory udlmd ulledh Clothingstore Frank Halghts jewellery George Henderson adiudlcated music ace and Barbers bODk bindery DArcy competition at Huntsvile James PONY EXPRESS Hinds of Barrle appointed judgment Keenan unable due to sudden death of puztntllsruzlvlcgelllgvclandlls clerk Osgoode Hall Seson opens at brother Gordon Employees Barrie tedious it wnrtlmc totes at the EEEgEaztms ego 9m Grand Opera House with local production Carriage Co held boat excurslon to Bi bornb or she lhnl 115584 and whfi Parade auspices 35m cht Slmcoe Bay Point taking along Allandale Brasgs mem Cmm DIE Foresters Liquorllcencc renewals Band and the local baseball nan who magmvwmy unk NOW PLAYING granled to three Barrle hotels Klng beat Sutton In exhlhltlon game Pitcher two 352 all rlewzlrI 23 Edward Amerlcanand Clarkllan Archlq Burton was In top lorm Town Standardyrehcoldcr or June 19 Town Council cunbnued to wrestle with Councll complimented On treeplanting was dallvurcd to In Ottawa proposed electrtc rallway franchlse over rogram residential stratus James 70 mllu away 40 day later on at what streets it would run whether there arlln Tottenham hippolnted principal 79 19 la lune world Dumaun In or would he connection with new CP line Central public school Barrie cum mm mm mm hahanlnnlnuw HES HEATH ma TorontoSudhury Barrie Tennis Club some ways this town Is backward WB one of strongest in Ontario led by WA refer 10 Industrial promotion Present Pro Boya former Canadlan junlor factories are doing well but we need chumplon Rccenl matches won against more to take advantage of growing On an gm amma Onllla Calllngwootl and Jacksons Point tarib MG 16 Ba told street AMARllN RANSOHOFF PnDDLIClION wt Burr Ontario Memocoton mm Telephone ADULI mumm ITHAPPENED IN CANADA negsrllonmlqtunbflhu nounn postage guaranteed medrlul x5323 Ii Dolly Sundays and mumsrm Statutory Holidays stn In excepted daman Summon rum lrllil2 MEI SPEEDWAVJMW Mo man we Moldy no mlllyBTIIrnlg Nut Ontnrlo ll00 year 00w COLLINGWOOD mull 33500 your Motor DRIVEIN THEATRE mrow all $2100 your Nntlonal Admdams Ol cell Unlvcrull Avenuo frolrthl 640 Cu Carl 51 17 wvf on on it be oltlt Cadln tIFIM rtvmesxulomonmrlsalthough miffed Auufrulru or WITHAIAIDADMSEONWSFEBZJTMSWMHELDm909 circulmlont Tgmggyzggfsgw HawEigy Tho Cunhdlrlrlndrrmux cx Fm glglvmnh use altll mesumsswmmmmxmmrraw535555 flflflluitufr or all new Gem nggnedWW MNsMcMWMlMNaKatina1 film in lo pip Ir Anne Jacks at My mm lkuli ruElIWallaIIl1 th nl own ul AfHIEEeEGeao clawing Panavlsitn and Mahmch Th Marrll Exnmlncr clulmr CHIC MADEBVAN ow copyiltht In all orlxlnut no Taiwan may clmumauwcmtw Vortlllllg and cdltorlnl muter ngascvzmm Wuwmelmmowctutmmmd lnl created by omoloyeoe My 9251an nnd reproduced In this nowr famwm MdEVIWID war40ml Vapor II FEATUREANTHONY NEWLY and SANDY DENNIS mmwmmmrmm Copyrlzht nomurutlon Nam In swear NOVEMBER lwnl Mill