1703112 iarric Examiner Publist by Canadian Newspaper Limitod 16 Bayeid Street Barrio Ontario Walls Publisher Kerry Lunblc General Manager McPhanon Managing Editor mummy AUGUST 1m PAGE ltnHHH $scapism Majox Malaise For Afuent Drop Outs Wkwmkwlor mlaisc at Canadian and NanhAmEcan fessiom society Public attention has been directed to escapisms most spectacular manifesta lion the hippie phenomenon whereby large numbers 01 young people have chosen to dro out tram satiety and its Eoblems cohotirm and drug addic Vn represent other terms of escapism But the most pro nt and socially harmful form has larg escaped atten tion and even recognition This is the mass retreat of the prosperous middle class from the conicts and tensions of society into preoccupation with and en oyment at their material possessions and family life Comtortablc homes cars boats cot tages snowmobiles and an untroubied Tile have become for many Canadians the contra thcmcs of existence Virtually ignored unless they present immediate and personal threats arc the grcat tcn stuns and unresolved problems of urban national and world society Wlth almost pathological determina tion majority oi middle class adults has shunned articipatlon in anything carrying the 51 ghtcst suggestion or hint titsocial contllct With an almost iron zicd devotion the some people have dedi cated the selves tobusincas and pro audwmxhrialAplny meat even while mindlessly repealing the cliches about commitment and in voivement History is replete with examples of the sordid consequences of similar mass es capism individuals and societies who persistently ignore or oppose change al most invariably find themselves eventual ly and usually tragically caught up in cat aclysmic forces which cannot be ignored or controlled democratic political system cannot function or survive without the real par ticipation of the middle class And ul timately the material possessions to which the middle class ls escaping de pend on continuation of the democratic system Youth activists and protestors even though they are in some cases misled and used by extremists re resent healthy inuence in Canadian ite We can only hepe that todays youth unrest is reliable indicator that ma jority 01 present young people will con tinue to shun the escapism of their ar ents will become activrst adults wil re turn to be ruled by minorities and will insist on taking hand in the formation and direction at tomorrows society DOWN MEMORY LANE IO EARS AGO IN CITY Barrie Examiner Aug 12 1980 Jake Ggudnur former world sculiing champ ton who did much ot his racing on Kemp enlelt Bay momoriaiizcd ln unveilina oi large at Orlilta Rotary chic en ar ccuo another sellout Dr Robert Dc luney su crvisor oi cooking Topping but siut slice of senior softball were Larry Campcau and Frank llawn Tor gia John Foltis AI Thurlow and lion Stewart of Logic Buskcrviiie Foaklns galPhoto RCA Ransom Neal and st ngs of Thomas Electric Don Dyk st aand Al Smith lending pilchors Lo a1 motel crators complained or poor business laming lack ot tourist attractions around Barrio Govt order ed16soldlora lrom Camp Borden placed on oucekeopln duty in Congo 11 lion Howard ltn insurance agent and 0C Barrio Armoury announced intention sock Liberal nomination federal election in imcoo North to oppose Hobcr ith QC With good pitching by do any Bowman Barrio Flyers snapped losing streak in North Simeon baseball beating star hurlcr Gord Dyrnont and Midland lndians 31 Barrio building permits continue slump only six single tnmity units In July County Council considered site on llighwy 26 near Mid hu at CPR Station for proposed muscum Attending special courses at Ontario Ftp College Grnvcnhurst will be Dan Kopst Ern Finlay llarvc Baldwin or Barrio Brigade lctor boys of promin ent Barrie lam spoke at Rotary Club onihc Brotherhood of Man Mr boys has bocnln Europopnst 10 years on iod oral govrnmcnt sorvlco in economy movc City Council cut down on road work Construction began on Barrtcs now she pin plaza in west end Among those pann of to locate thcrc uro Woolwortha second brunch lloyal Bank Power aupormurkct Esta shoes branch Stophons mens wear Plaza drugs Cow ard clothes second liquor store Jozo Wcldcr hand at Blue Mountain Pottery cncd Simeon County Craft Fair in Bar No dciiclt paymonts to bog turm crs predicted James Simpson gonornl manager Copuco Police Chief Ed Tschlrhurt warned firms be on lookout for bogus $10 hills circulating in southern Ontario President Leroy horror announced Munstleld Rubbnr would be in construction 30000 square foot ox cnaion to plant opcnod in barrio just live years ago First shipment oi tires to lndla left this week Donald Noar elected president Barrio Court Canadian Order at Foresters OTHER EDITORS VIEWS ECONOMICALLY CONSCIOUS Potorborough Examiner It in obvious that lnllntion is running rumpunt and with slmtlnr situation prevalent nbroud thorn ucomn littlo hope of contentment for tho nvorngn consumer Yet the government has set no tmmodiuto Buldulinnn tor price ntub lllty By tnillng to place tlrm hand on tho ahnuldora at industry and lubnr and dnmnndlnu Honslbln nttltudo to wagn and price demands the govern ment lcuvon tho nuanieion that it is more politically conscious than ccounm toully concerned OTTAWA REPORT Ask Check Readers qt BritishOal 52 me musicalrm mmammnmdwh with diheiezlaswnum Emilcopy dcst such between descibmzthencwpensian mrunuukedhlmu Billion rpm the cablneL Bob Andras is absolutely cor mt than in that he statzs his support or the peormlug seal syndroma which has conditioned the usual puny or nearly half actuary in other words every Liberal ATP must always vol in support of any measure prov posed by liberal govcrnmcnt whether or not such vote is in Lb best Intells his consti tucnts and in accord with his own conscicocc Thu lute Mackenzie King in troduccd and endorccd this hm mot onspedilc 1m MESS What one mm keep in mini when the increase in member pensions the by who Inn in an apolitical continued Bob Aa close lspxyeb dras dentakes to the shortness does not exist in other occupa lions The rst mmenl is gener ally but certainly not always true person who leaves sal aritd job to serve in Parliament normally drops those other op portunitics but some partners in huslnss or prolesaion do not Bob Andras made shrcwd comment about shortness oi Iona urc too But docs that instin pcnsion 01 $115 minlb nt ago AROUND THE WORLD US Proposals Brought New 81 Pullm DEANE Forzln AIIIIH Analyst The 118 proposah lor peace In the Middle East brought to thc surface not only the rill wihin tho Israeli pallamcnt but also the dimreams among Arabs Ibcse tilt and lilies cnca will abide whamvor prog rzsr is made towards getting nezouzled settlement of tho wmbilw 11 Egyptian accepunco at 115 pcacc proposals caused abuse to be heaped on President Nasser not only by the guerrilla organizations but also by other Arab governments especially those at Syria and iron The Iraqis have bccn particularly abusiva about Nasser He has 215wch that those who do the Iclist lighting make the most bellicosc noiseswhich in this case is true The lraqis havu some troops in Jordan and occasionally tire on artillery barrage at tsrael but their country does not come under attack has not lost its oil wcill and is not suticring in this war The Syrians did lose some at their territorytho Golan Heights In the 1967 warhut they have rarely ought larncl since then Guerrilla train in Syria but attack isracl through Jordan or Lebanon Egypt has lost the revenue ironi the Suez Canal and with the consequent construction at aupcrtnnkcrs she may find that the trailic does not all como back when and ii the canal eventually reopened Nasser has had to spend In high proportion of his countrys revenues on tho war with Israel He has lost his Sinai 011 Hold and his cities along the canal huvo btcn virtually destroyed Pcuw tor Nasser is more int rtant obviously than or the rents or the Syrians He knows moreover that it tarucl decides E151 anA ux1r Till ame Examiner 16 Ba iiold Street liurr Ontario Tolcphono W531 Second Ginsu Mull nonlntrution Number MM lloturn posiugo uunruntond Dolly Sunduyn and Statutory Holidays oxcoptod BuliMlptlon rntca daily by Carrier 00c Weekly yearly illnqu copicu too by mail Barrio $3120 ynurly Omnrlo limit your other mail 53500 your Motor throw all $2100 your NutIonul Advertising Olli con 475 Unlvorult Avonuo Torom on Co curt st Montreal Mnmhor at tho Cnnudlou Press and Audit liuronu oi circulations Tho Cunndlun Press is ox clualvoiy nntltiod to tho use ior ropubllciitlon oi all down dis ntchos in this pupur cred it to It or Thu Associated Prose or lloutora and also tho local now publlshod thoroln Tho nnrrla Exumlncr claima Copyright in all orlglnnl od vurlislm and editorial mulor int crcutud by Its umployons und rcpruduccd in this news pupur Copyright Registration Num bor 201315 roplstur at my Hills on another blitzkrieg it will probably bo across Ihn Suez Canal and Into Egypt But the regimes in Syria and Iraq havo their own lnturual problems Modernization and rclorrn do not work quickly enough to eliminate discontent Those regimes produced by coup are always ut the mercy at another coup MAIIL by young ulticcrr who are on dual tau and antiuracil So tho Syr inn and 1ran governments tool they might gain internal politb cal advantage by sounding more warlike than does Nasser Nay scr oi course has taken all once it would be mistake how ever to think that this bickering among Arab rulers will make mnitors better or Israel or make peace easier to oblaln 35 ii 35 it Vin tn mind and was wer can by Joan Rut In captain 1t gov an account or Ruta loru to ind abort roots to Asia by avastus the Atlantic Kins Henry and Cardinal Wolmy had pusuadod number of mer chants in London and Bristol to SaleDeposit Vault By EAL BOYLE NEW YORK 1A 1119 best suiedeposit vault Is the human mind Among the anuablcs stored in it are memories which oltcn have the power to uplIIt the spirit and somotIrne make It WISE One at tho picasnnt things about memories that you can sham them with others over and over again and never wake up on tho morrow penny poorer Your own board of memo rics is pretty extensive it you can look back and remember when Dainty Indies kept lace handkerchch tucked primly in the sleeves of their blouses It you were tho middle child in large iamily you thought clothing camn in only two sla esIoo big or you or too small for you When you visitcd the doctor no matter what nllcd you thus first thing he asked you to do was to stick out your tonguo Ind any uhhhbhl WK PROFUNIIITIES You could win reputation as local logo by uttering such prolunditlca as It aint what you want but what you cut that makes you tut or it the dog hadnt stopped to dcrutch hed have caught thu rabbit it was the repcatcd hearing at remarks such as those that led people to lien to larger cities The usual waiting line at the neighborhood movie house mulled to nothing the day the price went up to 15 cents trom Northern Ireland Tension Comes Another Testing Day by or FOX Canadian pm Stall Writer Tension is high in Northern Ireland at the approach of an other testing day or low and order in tho riotscarred aeg mcnt of Britain Dcsplto government ban on parade thousands of Protes tnnts have said they will march in Londoudcrry Aug 12 the day traditionally set aside or com memorating the citys rolch ram Ramon Catholic slcgo 259 years ago Loudoudorry has had lta shnro oi disorders rocootiy with Itoncthrowing youngaicra giv lng British troops in tho Catho llc Bouido urea rough timo Tho troops uauully respond to dangerous attacks by spreading tour Killi ln both Londondcrry and ilvllnat the deterioration of relation bctwccn tho soldiers and Catholic clvillnna continues Whon tho British troops llrst arrived in lllutor your ago as urdlana at low and order oy wcro glitch is warm wollt camp by the minority Catholics Al WAIT WIIII ARMY Now all that has changed louvln the civilians hitter and tho so dlera with ilttio liking for than Ulaturmcn who pull them with rocks bottles and gasoline bombs in recent weeks ospnclnlly tor tho nhootlnu of young Catholic tho Uiator situation takes on tho appearance or war hntwoun tho army and number oi thu Catholics ilnrdllno mombors at tho govornlnpI Unionist party are saying tut tougher mousurns Including the right in lntcrn without trial are needed to deal with what ihoy cell an urgun llcd campaign at violence by clandestine zmups such as the Irish Ropubl cun Army in seeking such measures sumo rightwin Unionists are even culling for an and to Prlmo Minister James Chlches torClnrks present government and its replucoment with new administration Ind by tough minded William Craig but Craig tired no home at loirs mlnlstor in loan may find It mnin dililcull to put together government oi his own than simply to str iurthor hostility ugulnst ChichosterClark among Prntuslunls oxaspurntcd by the SI ns 11 IIII 1chin in Bollast til summcr Sumo rightwing Uuiousts be have that It now government would have to bu eligncd with tho arena of Rev ian Pulsicy Protestant Iirebrund Thcy np pnrcntly do not auvor such do velopmcnt at least it tho ulll once has to ho anopcn onn Paisley Protestant Unionist MP at both Stormont and west mlnster continues to complain loudly about what ho considers to ho tho inadequacy oI govern mont measures in tho prcsont circumstances in the Catholic side too thorn is no shortugo oi protests about the current state 01 nt lulls in Ulster One of the complaints cumo lrom tho ropublic south at tho border whore armor agricul ture minister Ncil Bluncy unid Jho Dublinbased government should order its army to occupy those areas at Ulster with pro domlnnntly Catholic Lions Tho rcpublics Prime Minister lack Lynch on tho other him1 is advising Catholics in tho North to stay calm and is him soil reported to ho ho ing that nugotiatlnns with llritun aimed at settling tho Irish question once and tor nil nro not for all EXCLUSIVE TERRITORIES Inicrnationnl organization ollcrs life time career to mature mun willing to lic copt short training period It you moot our rcnuire mat your lncomu is un limited Applicant own car he honduble and must be willing to accept sup urvisinn linr inlormutiun Cali TEOTROI 10 cents People looked at each other wondenegand asked how far could ination so When you had to go Iomo where you went as near to it as you could by streetcar then walked the rest at the way Every young wilo spent at least part at ovary other day looking at heracll in tho mir ror and brooding over what lilary Pickford had that she didnt havebesides Douglas Fairbanks One at the things child se cretly liked about grandpa was that when he blew his nose he did it loud enough to make echoesa cat which ul wuys brought testy look irorn grandma It you inhoritod unytllng irorn in relative who had passed to his reward it was morn likely to be old iurniture than trcsh monny mi First priming press In Canada was established at Hall EX FORGOT TDBRING HOME THE ICE CREAM putupthcroonslorlho Rml voyage In the tiny ship nary Gniltord began from Ply mouth in June 1521 in company with another ship Sumo My was wanted by atom and Guillurd met icebergs chm day later was dang qua and bitterly cold so But headed south upland the Lair radar court when he did some shing and lhcn went to st Jahua when he hoped to nodes vans with Samson There were two English trad lug ships in tho harbor as well as French and Portugal sh Ing vouch The English altlpx had brouwt supplies to New loundlaod and were taking back cargoca ol sh In Rut entruso ed bis leltzr to King thry to one at lhcm and then went on exploring the coast 01 North America as tar south as the West Indies Samson never showed and nut returned to England the summer oi 1521 with little to show tor his voyage Henry VIII lost interest In North American exploration and ordcred the Mary Guiiiord Io tako part in the wine trade with Bordeaux France at was more to his taste OTHER AUG EVENTS 1538 Sir Humphrcy Gilhcrt arrived at St Johns bind to claim area lor England 1610 Henry Button discov crcd Hudson Bay imFathnr Jogues was cup tured by lroquois and became lirst white man to son Lake George NY 1347 Telegraph service was opened between Montreal and Toronto BIBLE THOUGHT Not by works righteous no which we have done but according to his mercy he luv ed In by the washing or regen ration and renewing or tha Holy Ghost TIMI 35 The only part that wu can have in our salvation is the con Tossing oi ourselves as sinners All have sinned and come short of the glory of God DONALD MASH surHsnLAND cum sasrwooo TELLY SAVALAS DON RICKLES um minim TOMORROW TT Tl PLUGwIIAY BRAIN GAP In Humour mm um or is MATINEE AT 1230 EM EVENINGS FROM EM Ki TunrRIISSELLustOMEROmFLVNM ACADEMY AWARD CARTOON TEGIIWGOLOR in 0+ MORE IllFLYING HILARITY CHILDREN 15c ANYTIME