For the newest member oi the entity this sevenpiece autiit inadaptabic for either boy or girl The pullover pants and but make lovely gill tor boy while the cardi gan bonnet and booties are suitable or girl Knitted Weekly Strip For Education WNDON tAPl Curvy Sandro Frtcmnn takes all her clothes once wcek ta help urclgn visitors learn English its called educational thea tre and the motto is We llllm lo cniclinin nndlo stimu ull Sondra 24ycnrold oo trosa who called hersell Fill tor school hours strips down to her black lace am and punllcs no port of BBC cx polIman Siltl and other numbers oi the English Tcoching Theatre Co take the stage at 150 sent theatre once week to give twohour lesson in End lish to foreign visitors who pay six shillings 75 cents each The curriculum plays to packed houses To the tune oi Till Stripper Sandiii casts all one garment ailcr another while Jeremy llnlrisun in mortnr board and academic gown spells out the nnms oi each piece oi clothing on ll blilckubnrd Silc Is now taking rill hur lint Sire Is now taking all her dress She now ink lng all her stocking he in tones The audiences are lliurvcl lous any Sundru They nlttn about things to me while am stripping but its all in send tun Theres nothing smility about it 111p chow Is produced by Piors Piuwrlgllt IDIIIIQK NEIIHOIILiICIiLl It llllC ullicllllnillll iilc ico suns hiid achieved such good results the BBC piano simi iar TV series iar export TODAYS RECIPE lllESll CHERRY SAUCE in pitted sour cherries writer is sugar lit suit 11 cornstarch rs mitce lat almond iliivorlng EYELET WARDROBE with Paton occultu Bully Wool or Paton Bechch Baby Saclle Prcc instruction loai lcts ior knitting this iniants wardrobe by sending stamp Dear An Leaders epi today lo dear little boy who will newt chrli his fth birthday and tor heartbroken father who in bi tintborn Icn Forthzmtolhislileihat Iathcr will carry the burden oi guilt on his shoulders He knows he was resperuible tor the boys death They were driving to got an ice cream mac and the isthcr had the boy in his lap lie was killing Daddy drive Another car cut in and the child was crushed to dca between the steering wheel and his daddy Pleasa Ana warn other par cots Tell them nucr to allow child all on the lap ii drivcr Youngsters should be on the lap OI another adult or in spccially constructed car seat strapped in with sniciy belt For this hey it is too late but perhaps it you print my lettcr it will bcip another little boy grow to manhoodClouds Over Our Thom our Friend Heres your lei icr Thanks or writing Dclr Ann Lledrn was dis tressed by the Inner irom the woman who went to the lorlunc ed scli addrcsscd cmclnne will request ior laulct no to Nccdlmsork Dept Tile liar ric Examiner l6 BayIiclll St Barrie luulld boy cas punts Fully bariaqlindwllhyngulf leg styllnpFnstback style will belt loops 2w ved lienipockeis nandgiso back Soil sliupdt has lo top gt 100 ssortnd iANN LANDERS ADVISES Letting Son Help Drive Causes Needless Tragedy tellc and we told that he bus tncd wow not like to raise his $11 children hope she sees loo sulltrtd the Lands cl tarmac teller She looked in hcr crystal ball and came up with he was that would be widowed sitcr ninc year marriage Rom the day b6 came bride um prediction acvcr let my mind started to worry on the are oi our ninth wedding anniversary worried for 365 days thnovcr be was late or dinner imagined the worst worn as wls out at town hated to answer the telephone ior car it was bad news its hard to describe the agony auiicred or one solid year We just celebrated our and wedding annivcrsan hcn think what ihaL lousy like did 50 me get so mad cant see straight Thom ought to be laws against pcepic like that Please print this Ann It might help somehow Dorothy Dear Dorothy received dOILilS oi Iclltil with similar stories Only one person who wrolc said the iortunc tellcrs prcdictinn camc true and was probably which by icrrunc va llllllilllln THE BARBIE EXANHNER SATURDAY AUGUST IT tellcr whoa business is bad PHILANHKROPET Dear All Mn Six mam ago smtml la daze guy llho rmed vague about marry things especially his ad dress and phone number could never ruch hm it was always wrung number disco ceded or some WIGGINS FURS Regret the inconvenience of their Nmp ned in sick so decided to go by his place and sec what was wrong It was new addreS and had hard limo llndi it acer tainted vbcn limo opened the door She was curing mans robe and slippers To my surprise Ed was lying on the couch Wan he saw me he told the girl to into the other room This was his cx planailon She is daughter at friend who nccdcd Inc to slay He claims this is is com lrliluliun to humanity Bull he is philanthropist and have llle mind What do you say Surlbclll bear IVE heard it called by many names but um is the tunicsl one yet Thc philanlhrop omry interruption but wish to assure their patrons that bdrincu will bu con ducted as usual Same Phone Number 7284868 For further information feel free to cell isi could am given the girl all price oi rs room ciscwhcrc our specialty is saving you mpncv SilE PANTYIIOSE Super Ilttlngcnn clan pantyhose that stretch with nude at lashlonznrt rclnlerco xtoe Added comlnr cr xwithAhdsewnIn pus set llllllrsoliilnlciills wulnnmls sollug on Ladios long sleev ed bulky eardlgnns vfullflashinnud Erow neck styling with but ton lront Easycar hablo rangc otsoiidcoiours Insizessgna dlum and Inype Stainless stocl kettle with on pioco molded spout and handle quart capacity with automatic cut oil and reset it ihekaulc boils dry Permanently rillicth cord Black handle Shep early as quantities our limited grant sale on visa lo load unketLA not rellsIllumsutinbnund adgos chaos olth lull doiitilonrtwiirb re st deporan otour naming model top quality st bouro bomri ilujiycotto inyiiwoipreoiod Crlldi it at the sour choo rlvs iidd writer and simmer tor minutes Press mixturo through it slovc to make about to cherry juice Mix dry ingredients in sauce pan and blend in cherry Juice Cook stirring constantly until sauce thickens and becomes clear Add remaining cup oi cher ries cover and cook slowly un til cherries are tender Cool and odd nimund iiiivoring Serve on ice cream cake or pudding SOCIAL NOTES Social notes are intended to cover the general social iiie oi the city District weddingl FIIIIIOI travellers and visitors are all items or interest to readers ai tilin patio Your hst tarapplying this nous will bn greatly appreciated Please phone The tiiirrio Ex aminer TED0511 and ash or Audroy Cauloon or Nancy nod rllluoil at tho wurinali De partmuni REPLACING OR INSTALLING NEW PRESSURE SYSTEM Give Silllcoo District Cuop coil bolero you buy PHONE 726653l Ask Iul lltlllun tilimailr lnr Iltl esillmito COOPS 210 liltllltlll til Ilutritv savings on this electric kettle rlngin pay nursery print LIMIT ONE PER CUSTOMER culP FOAM PILLOW ionmlplllowsglv all my tiurai cotton cover aside gwhilo loam 5Iol you atoa comiovinh novii ViTi ll Vi suit we in youcciiolc oi lowaoM Aiily Iowan motor at ornt iiiokesoiciirsstucit up lithlsv rnnll lOWprlcn iiiid suyo Alkn Soitror ulvos Inst rollel tor upset stomach provoii cavity inducer Cho broatprico or mint iiavuur In lamlly size Croat toothpaste Monochrome Superb mm Iilm liicludus precoaslnp capture all your summer tun onliiiul OPEN MONDAY FROM 900 an 1000 pm Open Every Shopping Day to am to lo pm Sat mm to IO pm BAHRIE ONESTOP CENTRE Bnytlold Street Highway 28 and 27 food Clry